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New 40 hour work program in America?!?!?!?
pbfrontmanvdp replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in General Discussion
Well thats true i forgot to mention they were only going to make it possible for jobs that are able to do that. For example a school teacher wouldnt have this type of option. Sry about that my bad. -
Of course i would fight for my family...espically my mom since she said she would die for me. Ill always stand up to her since i think shes the nicest person in the world. I would also do it for the rest of my family as well. Not all the time but most of the time i would do it for my friends and my fraternity as well. It just depends if its over a stupid reason...or they started something for no reason then i probably wont help just try to break it up. I think fighting for a useless cause or just to get back at someone if they said something you didnt like is pretty lame. To [U]start[/U] a fight it would have to be a drastic situation such as someone making fun of a lost family member/friend or about a certain medical handicap/disease. Those are basically the only two times i find starting a fight acceptable.
I heard on the news and by some of the talk shows on the radio that businesses might be changing from instead of 5, 8 hour days ---- to 4, 10 hour days. I mean i think its a great idea...just working monday - thursday and having a THREE DAY WEEKEND all the time. Like right now i work on a job site as an electrician helper just during the summer until i go back to college, and i was discussing the topic with a bunch of them and they thought it would be a great idea. Just think about it...i think most people who work 4 days a week instead of 5 days a week would be less tired, leading to less accidents and possibly more enthusiasm towards their job. Just want to know what everyone thinks about this and which one you would prefer.
My second favorite band. I love this band so much they talk about whats going on in the world and then turn it into a song its amazing. If you really like this group alot i suggest getting the their 3rd cd as well its called "Steal This Album". Has my favorite song on their called Highway Song, its really good cause it has a little bit of a new type of rythum in some of the songs...plus half the songs on this cd were supposed to be in the 1st and 2nd cd. Well thats about it bye. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B][/b] Did you mean to say "crappy" and not "creepy".... because it's the most horrid voice I've ever heard in music. Absolutely disgusting. He has no talent. He doesn't sing, he talks loudly and he talks like crap too. How can you honestly say he has any singing ability? No offense, but you must be tone deaf if you do. [/B][/QUOTE] How can you say that!!! Yes a lot of his songs are when hes yelling, but just listen to Forest, Ariels, Highway Song, Toxicity, etc. He really has a good voice, but he sings mostly by yelling since its a metal/rock type of band. I would be pretty disappointed if he didnt do that i mean thats the point of why i listen to music like this it gets me pumped up for sports. But listen to the couple of songs i listed...he doesnt yell in these ones at all and his voice is good. [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Kindly do not double-post; use the EDIT option. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]And by the way, Anime is not God's gift to earth. I've seen PLENTY of anime series that are stupid and pointles. So quit worshipping it.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Lol true and funny i would probably say the same thing to most of the people that have an answer like that too. Spiderman was amazing i mean it was even better than most anime...along with the original X-men (the one on now is terrible though). Anyway though like i said in my other reply to this thread, is it true that in anime can be produced in other countries such as America just as long as its Japanese related. Im going to look this up throughly over the weekend, but like i said before...other anime sites ive looked on say that this is the case. Well i kinda want an answer so i dont know.
Car Crashes/Interesting Driving Experience
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Syk3's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I honestly only donated the cars to get rid of them...I didn't know of any other place that woul tow away those cars for free...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well first of all you have to be a member or whatever, but if you want you should try to get a AAA card. There amazing and its not that expensive (if you want to know how much the card is PM me i dont know what the exact number is at the moment), but they were tow you basically anywhere, anytime, for free. I love it but what you did was somewhat even better, but now since your on ur fifth car i would recommend possibly this time just towing and and selling the parts that are in good use if you ever get in an accident again. -Marc- -
Im pretty sure something in another country can be considered anime just look at France and Italy they have made a few animes (from what ive seen on other sites), the only catch is if you (or anyone) would want to make an anime series in another country it would have to be Japanese related. What i mean by this is it would have to have the same type of backround and type of...hmmm cant think of the word...ok i guess ill use skills as Japanese anime. This may not be true, but from what ive heard and seen and certainly sounds true. Plz im not in the mood to look this up throughly since i have absolutely no time at all to do that, so if im wrong just explain why.
Anime Favorite death scenes and why???
pbfrontmanvdp replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in Otaku Central
Just saw Princess Mononoke and the death scenes in that were really good. Heres the one/ones i liked. [spoiler] It was really sad when Moro the Wolf died i mean she was a great character (mostly the dialouge of what she said) and when she rescued her daughter for the sake of Ashitaka. [/spoiler] [spoiler] Not sure of the name but the Warhog God that died was really sad as well. I mean he was blind but had the courage of anyone ive seen in a while. Even though he let the demon get to him he still tried to find hope even though he knew he was doomed.[/spoiler] -
Car Crashes/Interesting Driving Experience
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Syk3's topic in General Discussion
Man i hate how they have speed limits. Im sorry i like to drive fast so i can get more sleep till i have to go to work. So i was doing 82 in a 40 and it wasnt like i was going to be late or anything like that and of course a cop was around when i was doing this. He pulled me over, gave me a ticket and so now i have to be more careful when im driving. Now since i have to be more careful and cautious when im driving wouldnt this lead to being more accident prone. Im constantly have to moniter my speed so i dont go over and using the cruise control sucks. I just hate speed limits i wish they never had them lol. Of course to most people this probably sound like BS and you probably think im crazy but i just dont like them im sry. -
Man i thought DBZ was the best anime series as well...until i just started buying DVD's of all sorts of other anime aourn 3 years ago and...well...DBZ kinda has gotten old and woren out. Just isnt the same anymore i mean there are so many other animated series that are so much better than this one. Also it amazes me how they produced 500+ episodes and then just throw whatever they could gather up to make DBGT. I mean im sorry but i dont think they really took any time at all to produce it. Lol the Movie 14 TV Special was better than all of DBGT combined because it at least had a plot. The only thing that was cool in DBGT was the Super 17 mini saga. And like the others said before about there being a so called DBZ X or whatever...i mean come on what else could they think of...Super Sayian 10...i mean thats what it would all come down to is just adding more insane useless lvls to the number of a super sayian. I think most will agree with what i said so thats about it. DBZ was good while it lasted but like always...all things must come to an end one way or another.
This anime movie was really good, kinda goes along the bases of Akira in a way. The character development of each character was really good and the fighting scenes were excellent as well. Some of it didnt make sense though [spoiler] How ordinary people were able to kill some of the gods in the movie so easily, i mean that kinda didnt make sense, and how the wolf god was some how able to attack/bite the one girls arm when its head was off but oh well still a really good movie [/spoiler]. The ending gave a good moral and insite of what is going to eventually happen to us in the future [spoiler] how we destroy mother nature and eventually mother nature will destroy us if we keep abusing it [/spoiler]. Just want to know what people thought of the movie if they liked it or not and why.
Not that i care but there has to be a thread of this that has been made already...anyway though mine has to be probably Spike and Vicious (episode 5) or Spike and Vincent(2nd meeting). Both were amazing and showed the feelings of each character towards one another. Another part of me wants to include Yusuke and the 4th saint beast (cant believe i forgot his name i just saw the episode for like the 4th time but i dont want to look it up right now) because of the quotes Yusake says during that fight.
The perfect villian has to have the lack of respect of a normal human being. Knows how to always get what they want and when to get it. Kill for the pleasure of seeing other in pain and to take that pain to make him even stronger and more powerful. Also has to get to know the victim, what there mark is like and what they do on a daily routine. Become actual friends with them and then later on backstab them and kill them just for the he11 of it. Later on the villian should show no remorse and never keep what they had just done in the back of there mind and realize what they are doing is just a game...and no matter what he/she has to win.
By far my favorite anime movie ive seen...if not my favorite movie ever. I mean i love the series of Cowboy Bebop and when i heard about the movie i had to at least watch the subbed version first. I thought the scenery was as usual... amazing. Every thing seemed to fit in perfectly and im glad they didnt decide to put this into the series and just make a movie instead (i think this take place inbetween either episodes 22 and 23 or 23 and 24 not sure). The dialogue is always what got my attention in the series and in the movie it was even better. The quotes Vincent and Spike would say to each other is the best and the statement at the end of the movie left me with so many questions which said something like [spoiler] Are you living in a dream world [/spoiler]. And the fighting scenes are great the best ive seen by far if not ive only seen it better in Noir so far, but they were great. I think you must get this movie everyone will enjoy it regaurdless if u havent watched the series yet.
Probably when i was around 8 i would always watch DBZ before church scbool (i hated that stuff) and i did also watch Sailor Moon but i couldnt stand it i mean it was basically the same ending everytime which kinda got me mad and you would have to watch like 35 episodes till sailor moon would use a new attack. The art was good but i just didnt like the story line of that one. Oh well.
Man has to be Noir and Cowboy Bebop. Both have brillant songs that would pretty much catch anyones attention and the one with the clock for Noir is great with the techno in it (even though i hate most techno this one was great for it). Anyone though as for video games i would have to say is Zeno Saga.
Id have to say its both a mother/child and they were in a mutual romantic relationship because Vash looked up to her as a sort of mother figure, but in the last part of episode 17 i think they both did have a romantic relationship with each other. I think Rem just didnt show it as much as Vash did even though Rem did have another lover at one time i think she did have a thing for Vash. If not that then they were really close friends and would [spoiler] basically die for one another. [/spoiler]
Anime What everyone thinks of Noir???
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Hikaru Kaiba's topic in Otaku Central
Ive seen like the first 6 subbed visions and bought the first 3 english DVD's and i think this is a great anime series. It goes along with the same allegories and plot as the Cowboy Bebop series and the Akira movie (gets into extremely deep meanings and leaves questions unanswered for the viewers to try to figure out), as well as some fantastic fighting scenes. I also like how well this series has done so far with the in depth of each character [spoiler] except for the intoccable or however u spell it i wish i knew what she was doing the whole time when she was banished to Sicily [/spoiler] and it seems that with the remaining DVD's i havent seen yet it will just get better...i hear. So everyone tell me what you thought of this series if you have seen it and if not tell me if you may want to see it in a why/why not response. One more thing i was also curious why CN hasnt showin this anime series yet. I think its more related then Trigun towards Cowboy Bepop and i think they dont have to do that much censoring at all so i just wonder why they havent showen it yet. Either that or maybe someone knows if they will be showing it but just give me a PM if anyone knows this answer thanks. Tori like the first two DVD's are great, like once i bought the first one i just knew i wanted to buy the whole series, but out of the DVD's so far the 3rd one is the best. I dont want to give away anything at all so i dont think this is a spoiler at all, but the 3rd DVD introduces a new character which just thickens the plot even more and leaves you with even more unanswered questions. Anyway though i like this series a lot so far i would watch it ull probably like it. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Wait... They want better medical insurance, so how is that [i]bad[/i]? That's just how these things work, and unless I hear that they have great insurance and are just greedy, I bet they're in the right. I think you guys can survive without soda for a couple months (which is probably the max this would take if they actually go into a full on strike, which I doubt). [/B][/QUOTE] LoL i dont know man. By what some people were saying in the "addiction to soda" thread i dont know how long they could last without it for. I mean some people drink like cases a day it seems by what people were saying in that thread so i think some will be disappointed. Me though i seriously dont care i think soda isnt the most nutricious thing for you so a few months without it sounds like a good thing to happen for the addicts out there.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]And Clay would be perfect for an American Idol. He has lots of talent and he's not the best looking of the bunch. And he winks alot. ^_^; He's a nice guy. I really hope he wins.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well i want to start off by stating what the word idol means in this case: Idol - an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept If so then an American idol is someone who acts like the average American citizen and has the same qualities of an average american. Also others that idol someone or say "your my idol" means they ador him/her for their qualities. But for this case as an American idol it goes more by the first statement. Im sry but i dont think his style would make a good American Idol i mean yes he's talented and is better looking than Ruben, but i just dont think he has the attitudes that most Americans have like Ruben does. Ruben is very nice and is a great role model for children and like most American's probably has a pretty pissed off side if you aggravate enough. Plus like a lot of Americans out there Ruben doesnt have the greatest physical appearance and i think someone of his qualities would be perfect for an American idol. Clay does work with specialized children which i think is great since i have worked at many hospitals for specialized children myself (its a really good thing to do i recommend it to people since it shows these children that someone really cares about them), but Clay doesnt seem like he would get pissed off over anything and is probably better looking then most Americans. If i want someone to be an American Idol i want them to be pretty much your average everyday type of person and i just feel that Ruben is more of that type of person. I know Clay will go places in the music industy and with his talent he can also do singing to some songs in movies as well, but i just dont think he is the American idol. Of course Tori i think you have really good points of why you think Clay should be the next American Idol, but i personally think Ruben is a little better. Plus i heard they both want to make a movie together like Kelly and the other guy that were the final two last season did, and i think for something like that they are the perfect ones out of the whole 2nd season to make a movie. Well anyway im done for today bye.
Well like i said i only heard bits and peices of it so i wasnt exactly sure what the topic on the news was fully about. I did hear that if the strike did go on way that the soda's of the company going on strike would not be manufactured until they settle an agreement. It kinda sucks for those who like those types of soda's from the ones i listed above. Plus since theres a thread about how people are addicted to soda, and most perfer to drink coke cola, i thought it would kinda suck for them if their favorite soda wasnt being manufactured for a while if a strike happens.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]You make it sound like Ruben and Kimberly hetereosexuality is somehow preventing them from winning the competition. Odd. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Man im seriously getting pissed from how people do not know how to read peoples replys correctly. Where in there did i say Ruban and Kimberly's [U]hetereosexuality[/U] will [U]prevent[/U] them from winning. I was saying that Clay possibly being gay would prevent him from becoming an Amercian idol. LoL how does that then mean Ruben and Kim's heterosexuality (not meaning that Clay is gay) would prevent them from winning. I mean what to i have to do draw funny arrows pointing to the things i say. I mean this has already happen to me twice and from, whom let me see, both were moderators. I seriously give up man i dont know what to do. I spend like an hour on this thing tops each day and it pisses me off to see that people dont know how to fully read a thread a couples of times to know what people are talking about.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Tell me, oh intelligent smart person, what the F*CK does being gay have to do with how well you sing?[/B][/QUOTE] True being gay or not doesnt have an affect on being a good singer or not, but i think it does for an [U]American Idol[/U]. I mean im not exacly sure if he's gay or not and from the assumption of a lot of people that ive talked too or heard about the subject, i just dont think it would look good to have him as an American Idol. Sry i know some people would not agree with me, but i would just rather have Ruben or Kimberly win because i think they would make a better American idol. And even if Clay does or doesnt win, its not going to matter cause hes going to go places no matter what because of his talent.
This is almost as insane as the guy stating he wanted to ban oreo cookies. I just heard this on the news (after watching Malcolm in the Middle that show is too funny) and ive been trying to look up info on this topic but just couldnt find it (plus im to tired to spend 30 mins trying to look for it since i have to get up at work at 4:30 in the morning). Anyway though i heard that some company, i think the Ginger Ale Company or something like that, is going to go on strike cause of its current medical insurance. If this last to long they say the company might go bankrupt (correct me if im wrong i didnt hear the whole thing) and soda's such as coke, ginger ale, dr. pepper, and sunkist will not be produced anymore. Even though the only one i like from those is sunkist i still think this is outrageous for a soda company to go on strike. Sure their going on strike for a good reason, but still i would hate to see sunkist not be made anymore. Im really tired and what im saying might not be totally true or make a lot of sense but it is pretty much what i heard from the Fox 5 news and tommorow ill look this up a little more and try to get all the facts straight. Comment on this i like how people commented on the oreo one.
After seeing the season finally, i think its getting better. The 2nd episode was halarious i mean [spoiler]the part with Moe tellin the story to Magie about the godfather series is halarious and then it all coming down to the Italian and American mafia in a stand off and the lone Mexican individual was to funny [/spoiler] (only put it in since not everyone saw it probably) i still think its as good if not better.