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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp
I'm tellin yea i searched for hours and couldn't find a good pic of Kanzaki. Also, compared to the anime in the manga (and with most cases with mangas) shes so much more of an interesting character. It goes a lot deeper into Kanzaki's past and also the relationship between Kanzaki and her mother. It also give into more detail between the [spoiler] love realationship both Kanzaki and Onizuka have for one another which i think is a lot better than the relationship between Onizuka and Fuyutsuki [/spoiler]. I just hope Kanzaki makes it further into this.
Im never really got into that whole thing about anime characters being good looking, but if you ever saw the anime she is really attractive. Those are only screenshots to begin with so i wouldn't really go by those for her looks. There aren't many fan pics out there of her which i always found rather odd, but trust me she is better looking then most anime girls.
If Urumi loses to Su this is like a disgrace to anime lol. Kanzaki has been my favorite anime character out of at least 60 series I have seen. She has everything and more you can ask for in a character. If more people just watched GTO though would easily know what i was talking about and i at least hope she moves on past this stage.
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50, erm, 45 Anime Series!!!
pbfrontmanvdp replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
Look everyone Eva has already stated why the list is the way it is. People in this message board have voted for this a while back and now he finally showed everyone the list that you might have voted for. I'm not going to get mad at all about where anything is (GTO didn't even get into the top 10 but that is perfectly fine with me since the members of this message board voted for other types of animes more often). I give Eva a lot of credit making a list this huge and spending the time counting up everyone's votes. This isn't the end all, be all list, its just a list tallyed by people of this forum and i think its great that we finally got one. -
Easily Haruka Shitow. I can't stand any of the characters from Tenchi Muyo and Haruka can pretty much go up against anyone in terms of personality. She's also pretty good looking for someone in her 30's and is very capable of solving any problem. She doesn't know the meaning of quitting and is very committed to the person she loves [spoiler] she waited 12 years just to see Ayato again for the first time [/spoiler]. Hopefully others will vote for her not by how they both look on the outside but how they are as a character on the inside.
This one was pretty tough since they both have mysterious pasts, but i find Faye's being a more exciting one. Personality wise i just find Rye being to boring of a person. She rarely talks in the anime and when she does none of what she says is really necessary. Shes more of a [spoiler] puppet being controlled by Shinji's father [/spoiler] and has fixed emotions based off this assumption. Faye is at least more enjoyable and...well theres basically nothing else i can say about her compared to Rye. My vote goes to Fye.
Anime Only one anime the rest of your life! CHOOSE!
pbfrontmanvdp replied to geekinthecloset's topic in Otaku Central
Easily Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO). It's by far probably the most spectacular anime I have watched out of the 50 or so anime series I have seen so far. It has everything you can ask for from comedy to romance (in some weird cases). Every character you can almost always relate to and since a movie is coming out soon (being released in July I believe) and makes me think a GTO 2 could possibly be in the mist. [b]Also Dagger [/b]where did you get Revolutionary Girl Utena from. I've been looking all over in Best Buy, Sam Goody, and other known places that sell anime and couldn't find it anywhere. I was just wondering if you bought it off of Amazon or got it from a store or not since you've been mentioning the series a lot and it does sound interesting. -
I'm pretty surprised no one has written a review about Gantz so far. Anyway though, this anime is so far becoming one of my favorite animes. Its unique since the first episode focuses more on the actions and voices on other peoples minds compared to the focus being on the main character(s). The atmosphere is similar to modern teenagers (how we cope with someone being in trouble and how in some cases when people are in need of help not everyone is up to doing the task). Eventually it gets into the game aspect of the anime [spoiler] where random people who die are stuck in limbo (or at least thats what i get from it so far) and have to (I think) beat a game system that the orginal creators could not [/spoiler]. As of right now I've seen up to episode 8 and I can't wait for the next DVD to come out in May. This anime is also very violent (up there with Elfen Lied) and has segments of nudity so if your not a fan of that i wouldn't recommend seeing it. Other than that its been pretty good. Until the whole series is complete (which wont be for a while) I won't write a full review but this is what I have thought of it up till now. Almost forgot the opening song is amazing in this I can't get it out of my head sometimes.
[quote name='Dagger']I think it would be interesting to compare Elfen Lied with Gantz, except that I never managed to get past the first episode of the latter series (and the version I did watch had been mercilessly censored). ~Dagger~[/quote] You really can't compare both Gantz and Elfen Lied together....or at least I think there two separate series all together. Elfen Lied deals with [spoiler] a mutated human trying to become the dominate species on the planet Earth. Of course theres a lot of blood and nudity in this...but i wouldn't try to compare in that sense to Gantz. That would be like comparing Kill Bill to Freddy Krueger. [/spoiler] However, Gantz is basically [spoiler] a game of a selected chosen group of people after they "somewhat" die. They have to to missions based on the game system Gantz and beat what the creators couldn't. Yes this is bloody and has nudity like Elfen Lied, but once again I believe thats irrelevant. [/spoiler] Anyway, I heard somewhere that the so called 14th episode of Elfen Lied is only being distributed on the DVD's come starting this May. I don't even know for sure if there is a 14th episode since i haven't found them on and fan subs, but if anyone knows if this is true or not I would love to know.
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50 Anime Series: Voting Thread
pbfrontmanvdp replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Dagger']Which character are you referring to? [/quote]The characters name is [spoiler] [b]Kazuho Yoshii [/spoiler] [/b]as the one guy you meet in the very beginning of the anime who [spoiler] descended from the surface world and went to the underworld. Also is the one who started the "spectacle" on the surface world. Just a little more about him that will make it clear again who he is (cause i kind of forgot at one point) hes the one who asks about his past from Ran and never gets it told. Thats why I liked him so much cause he was so mystifying and enigmatic. It kind of sucks though how he dies in episode 10. I think he possibly comes back in a later episode during the whole upbringing of the new texhnolyze robots that take over the underground world. [/spoiler] I think you may agree with me so tell me what you think :p . -
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50 Anime Series: Voting Thread
pbfrontmanvdp replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
As of right now 1. Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) - By far my favorite anime ever. Out of the 50 to 60 some odd series that I have watched so far this by far exceeds a lot of other animes. Had one of the best story arcs I could think of and ever character was great when expressing their feelings. It has everything you want in an anime: comedy, romance, thriller,suspenseful, twists, character dev., and just a great story. I thought this series was so good i went out and bought every manga on the series i could find (only 2 more volumes to go). Of course the dub is much better than the sub (can't stand half of the Japanese voice actors in this one) and all the plot twists of Onizuka being in a former biker gang and now a teacher trying not to get fired from a corrupted class is great. Plus it has the best anime character that has come around, which is Urumi Kanzaki. Makes me wonder why some people don't have this in there top 10. 2. RahXephon - Probably a close second to GTO. This used to be one of my favorite animes for such a long time since this also had a great story...for a mech anime. The artistic paintings/drawings in this anime are beautiful and the anime just has a special movement throughout the series. Plus I can't think of even one character you could hate in this anime. The main character isn't constantly crying like in other mech series (Gundam Seed Destiny which will come up later on in my voting and Evangelion which i completely dislike...i thought every character was either fake or nonexistant except for Asuka Laundry...hate me if you want but you know its true.) Great show and most of you seem to know that anyway. 3. Gantz - Quickly turning out to be one of my favorite series. The first episode is so funny and i even got a couple people to get into anime with this series. I only have up to the 3rd volume since thats all thats out right now. Even though it has only 2 episodes per jacket...I keep wanting to buy them. This is sort of a mixture of Battle Royale and Blue Gender. The dub on this one isn't the best but the sub is extremely good. 4. Texhnolyze - Funny thing about this anime is i always have to look up the spelling of the title on the DVD cover. Is probably the best thriller anime i have seen. One of my favorite characters in the anime dies out of no where and I totally didn't see it happening (thought he would die about 3/4 through). This, like RahXephon, has brillant artistic imagery in it as well. 5. Elfen Lied - All i have to say for this series is one word....crazy. I don't think there has been a crazier opening episode to a series then Elfen Lied. My roommate says it was basically violence for the sake of violence with all the limbs and heads being sliced off, but the series shows how the human race is as the dominate predator on the planet so far (and what could happen if another predator tried to taking over the human race) . With only 13 episodes (14 really but i havent seen this episode since i couldnt find it on a fan-sub, but it should be released in the DVD's coming out in May) I just wish it could have been a little longer. 6. Naruto - Is similar to Hunter X Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho. Only thing is I thought it was the better of the three (just a little slightly better than Hunter X Hunter). Has so far a great story to it for the 120 some odd episodes I have seen so far. Some what gets a little off track here and there but it still is a great series. 7. Cowboy Bebop - I have always truly loved this show and if it wasn't for it being so mainstream now i probably would have given it a higher rating. There is really nothing for me to say about this anime that all of you already know. This is where it gets tricky 8. Saishuuheike Kanojo - Many of you may have never heard of this series. Is sort of the same as Elfen lied in story content and length. I was a little confused here and there but it really is a great series to show what true love will do to a couple. 9. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - I really like the story in this series. Even though i hated Kira I thought all of the other characters were interesting. 10. Berserk - For the series coming short I thought it was amazing nonetheless. Takes place in the midevil times with old school artistic imagery. If anyone else feels like commenting about my choices that would be great. -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament: Qualifiers *56K warning*
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Well heres mine. Urumi Kanzaki has and will always be my favorite female anime character. Shes one of the reasons why i followed up the anime by reading the manga and i wish i could find a girl like her in real life. Very attractive and intelligent and is perfect in everything (except for a few pyschological impairments dealing with her self-esteem and mother). Is by far the most amusing anime character to come around. Another reason i like her so much is she reminds me of myself and how i acted in middle school and HS or just whenever. Everyone should at least mention her once . [img]http://clho.net/anime/gto/urumi.jpg[/img] Always thought Haruka Shitow was one of the best looking, all around characters in anime. She doesn't have any type of super abilities like a lot of anime characters do have, but instead make it up by being a born nature leader. I like her both as a teenager and as an adult. Shes the closest to a real life character just because she always has her ups-and-downs throught the series she is in. [img]http://nixproject.ultrahoster.com/wallpapers/rxp05_1024x768.jpg[/img] Next character would have to be Caska from Berserk. Shes whitty, charming (if you get to know her), and extremely strong and attractive. She follows up on her words to the end and is very hard to break even once you do know her. [img]http://www.elbakin.net/fantasy/cinema/imgberserk/caska2.jpg[/img] -
[font=Verdana][size=2]I have to agree this year for anime did rock. Elfen Lied is easy one of my top 5 animes of all time (still need to see the 14th episode people are claiming came out) along with Bleech which was also an amazing series so far. Another would have to be Get Backers which got recently licensed and has an interesting plot that should get better when more DVD's come out. As for the shows being shown on TV, they are usually all mainstream anime and repeats of shows that have been shown numerous times on television. It seems that the companies don't seem to want to get away as much from the old stuff and instead stick with whats given them great ratings in the past. I feel I have no problem with this since everything in the world is about making the best marketing choices for a company, so why not what sticks best with them. Therefore, basically as of now I have only watched anime on TV during Saturdays and stick with getting the bulke of my anime from either d/l or buying DVD's.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]One thing i am waiting to see is the one anime series called Gnatz which caught my eye right away when i heard it was being licensed.[/size][/font]
Hmmm, I have to disagree. If anything this is probably better then GS by a lot. I like the cast of characters a little better now then in the past and at least not everyone is crying in every episode like it was in GS. Shinn has actual taken over as my favorite character for the most part (or a close second with Athrun). Anyway though i only got to see half of episode 20 since the person i downloaded it from only got half the episode. Even if it was a recap, GS had like a total of 4 of them and its taken 20 episodes to have any recap at all in GS Destiney.
I thought this series was alright. The artwork and video were really well done, but the story itself wasn't really the best. I didn't like many of the characters in Lain, espically Lain since she would always question herself left and right. However, if they expanded on the concept and made it a longer anime I probably eventually would have enjoyed it more. To fit something like this in only 12 episodes (and the movie) wasn't really enough. I also couldn't understand where she was getting all the equipment from for her computer after a while. I know the [spoiler] knights were supplying her with some equipment but most of the equipment she had to get some way or another. And i seriously doubt that her father was buying most of it for her [/spoiler]. It didn't confuse me that much compared to other series I have seen, but I did have just this one question I found confusing. I seriously doubt it was a continuity error.
Well even though its totally not relevent to the topic, which part of New Jersey did you visit? I live right next to Great Adventure (Ocean County in Jackson) so where you next to that place at all?
Probably the thing I hate the most in any type of anime is when they use the same screen shot for a fight scene and loop it. Not only does that piss me off but it bores me to death. I mean if there going to make an anime and put a lot of hard work into it, why not just go that extra mile and change around the style a little bit. Another thing i dislike is how the main character in any anime thats a kid and goes to school usually wears a different uniform from the rest of the students. We already know who they are just by being shown the most, but instead some creators persist on giving them a totally unique clothing style. Last thing that i hate is how most of the pilots on mech. shows cry constantly whenever something tragic happens. Of course its during some war event usually with someone being killed, but come on they always seem to do it when they only [u]know[/u] the person and for the other people the they kill they show little if any remorse for them. Well as for now thats about it.
Even though its past Christmas, I suggest for next year to get the Love Hina Christmas movie. It has comedy and romance along with the whole idea of what to get for that certain someone during the holiday. I thought it was a pretty good Christmas anime, plus out of the whole Love Hina series and movies this was the best out of all of them I thought.
I'll have to agree with Dagger and say that I have re-watched the RahXephon series the most so far. I have watched the series straight through a good 7 or 8 times so far; mainly at first to understand it more, but later on because I loved it so much. So far no other series has had this great of characterization in an anime and along with the art its just perfect to see over and over again. Probably a close second would have to be GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) not only because it is funny, but that I am pursuing an education career as a teacher. Half the stuff that happens in this anime is funny as hell, but would never happen in real life, or at least I haven't heard of it happening. Anyway though this show is just halarious and I wish they could have made even more episodes but oh well. Even my roommates at college who hate anime love this series as well for some odd reason. Great series to watch over and over again. Oh almost forgot the first part of the question. As for re-watching animes in general, I usually watch every anime I have twice in both sub and dub no matter what (even if its the worse anime I've ever seen) just because I usually always miss something here and there. After 2 times though it has to be something I really enjoyed to watch over again or possibly because im bored at like 4 in the morning with nothing else better to do.
Anime Gundam Seed Vs. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Who Would Win?
pbfrontmanvdp replied to KiraStrike29's topic in Otaku Central
First off....as much as I love Gundam, Rah, and Eva, the Gundams wouldn't be able to defeat either the Eva's or Ayato's Xephon. Probably the easiest reason is that the Gundam's don't have a mind of its own (which i will explain in the next sentence) and both the Eva's and Xephon have inorganic parts to it. Also, the pilots are in sync in both the Eva's and Xephon's; thus the pilots can bring out their full potential in them. One thing that i think would be a good question is what if the Eva's were to fight the Dolems and the Xephons (meaning Ayato's and Quon's) were to fight the Angels. I wonder what the outcome of that would be and how would have an easier time defeating the other sides enemies. I don't know its just a r[font=Times New Roman]hetorical question.[/font] -
From what I can remember the flashback episodes end around 9 or 10 (can't remember but these episodes are key anyway). As for Envy you [spoiler] don't see his original form until the beginning of the last flashback episode (so probably around 11 or 12) [/spoiler]. Kind of sucks for me though since I've seen the first 27 or so episodes and the person I d/l it from is missing episodes 27-39. So for now I'm going to just sit back and wait for the episodes on AS to catch up....which might be a year.
[font=Verdana][size=2]Compare with all the other animes I have seen, i could only say that this was a decent type of anime. I just couldnt get hooked on this one for some reason. I thought the whole concept of 2 individuals who were somewhat friends in there formal self and then have other identities that are rivals was a pretty interesting idea. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]However, I didn't like the story line that much at all and it seemed to be missing a lot of important facts at the end [spoiler] Especially the part of Hiwatari's fathers past; why he acted the way he did and his key role in the anime [/spoiler]. Also I felt it was lacking in action since compared to "X TV Series" and other animes of the sort, DNAngel just didnt seem to have a lot of good fight scenes throught the series.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]With everything else in mind, I've seen lousier anime series then this and while I didn't like some of the scenes here and there at had its good moments as well.[/size][/font]
Anime Series with the Best/Worst Characterization
pbfrontmanvdp replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
I'd probably have to say GTO had one of the best casts of characterization. Sure it jumped around a bit, but everyone had at least a good portion built on them here and there. To bad it of course gets cut off towards the end of the season, but thats just the way some animes are. Only a few of the extremely minor characters did the producer not focus a lot of attention towards. Probably second would have to be RahXephon. I mean I've put so much emphases in the past about how could this anime is overall that its starting to get annoying. Anyway though I loved how the series was based on Ayato and his percepective, while the movie was based on Haruka's percepective. Plus for such a vast amount of characters in a 26 episode series, there was a ton of character development for pratically the whole cast. Plus even for the ones who didn't receive a ton of focus probably didn't need it such as Quon (she was meant to be a quiet character except towards the end). As for a bad cast of characters, I haven't really purchased any animes that had one. Of course I've seen probably a couple of animes such as DBZ and Reign (that Alexander p.o.s. anime that was seen way back on AS) that i considered to be boring or outright wrong to produce in the first place.