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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp

  1. I have to agree that Samurai Champloo's OP was extremely good as well. I mean to use the genre of rap/R&B into that type of anime is pretty ingenius. [font=Verdana][size=2]Probably my favorite OP is the one from either RahXephon (I mean every song from RahXephon is amazing but i like how the upbeat to that OP is) or from His & Her Circumstances. I pretty much just enjoyed the dialogue in the OP of H&H.[/size][/font]
  2. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']Although I haven't seen the 2nd half of SEED, I hear some characters die in SEED.[/quote] True there are [spoiler] several characters who die but what I meant was like most people believe Kira and Lucas aren't going to be in Destiny but in the cast of characters both of them are shown.[/spoiler]
  3. As much as i like Gundam Wing, i have to say that Gundam Seed is just a little better in my opinion. I usually always like story line better than character development and Gundam Seed just seemed to have a better story line while G Wing focused more on character development. Sub wise the characters in Seed seemed to have better emotions and the tone of there voices were better picked then in Wing. However, for the dub i couldn't stand the characters in G Seed there voices were annoying as hell....especially Frye's voice. I actually liked the dub more than the sub versioninf G Wing and i think a lot of members would't disagree with me on that one. I also like 08th MS Team (if it was longer i would have been a lot better), but besides these 3 I couldnt stand any of the other Gundam series...especially whatever the one was with the little kid as the main character (sorry i get confused with which Gundam series is which on occasion). Hopefully Gundam Seed Destiny will also be a great series since I heard [spoiler] every character from Seed is in Destiny including Kira and Lucas [/spoiler].
  4. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]I dislike Wolf's Rain for the following collection reasons: 1. Although the plot had lots of potential, the series doesn't go anywhere. No progress is made towards any goals any goals and the characters hardly develop at all. This is particulary unforgiving in a 26 episode series with a pretty straightforward plot, since the 26-ep trend pretty much started because longer series didn't seem make much plot progress until around the very end.[/QUOTE] Ummm even though i didn't think Wolf's Rain was the "best" anime out there it was still pretty good. Plus from what your tellin me you still havent even seen all the episodes since theres 30 in total. Even thought there are around 4 filler episodes in a row, they anime is still pretty good plot wise and with the final episode being shown today maybe it will end in a great way.
  5. I've heard (i havent seen this anime yet but probably am going to buy it soon) that this is one of the best animes out there. I've also read up on just the first episode and it seems like an enjoyable anime. Plus if a lot of the english voice cast from RahXephon is also in Gasaraki just like Dagger said, then this makes me want to purchase it even more. With that in mind though, what type of anime does this sort of relate too? I know its a mech-type of anime but is it similar to any of the other mech-type of animes out there?
  6. Fable is probably one of the WORSE RPG"s I've ever played. First of all i beat the game in only 12 hours...thats probably including watching the cinema scenes and all. When i finally beat the game I was like, "Are you serious thats it." I'm not sure why they made the game so short, but I was highly disappointed in it. I think i'll just stick with FF games for the PS2 since they at least have over 40 hours of game play along with a better story line....since Fable's story line was completely off track most of the time and highly predictable.
  7. [size=3][font=Arial][u]Unanswered [/u]~Marc Tuminaro~[/font][/size] [font=Arial][size=3]Twenty years have past and even now I ask[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]What is the point of being here?[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]I?ve done it all with this duration of life[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Yet others say I have so much to see[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]And so much to live for?[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]The challenge just isn?t here anymore[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]The simple life is ill forgotten[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]New ideas seem less extravagant [/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Happy faces shadowed with sadness[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Promises made but never followed[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Tears made from half faced people[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Those that swear they never lie[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Then one day they do[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Do they do it for acceptance or for themselves?[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Ever contemplating about the feelings of others[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Yet that leaves me with just one last question[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Friends, family, nobody seems to know the answer[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Religions ponder day in and out[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Philosophers always questioning [/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]What is the point of being here?[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=3]Some things are just better left unanswered[/size][/font]
  8. Probably a good anime type game would be a RPG/Quest based off of Berserk. I mean the story line was extremely good, and the manga was even better. What would be neat is since there are so many characters that are involved in the anime it would be interesting to see how game developers would institute what appearal (sp?) each character would have. Basically i wouldn't mind it being a sort of rip off from a Final Fantasy type game. As long as they make it have a good replay value and enough side quests and stuff like that....i believe it would make for an interesting game.
  9. I'm sorry but i'll have to say Reign (the one about Alexander the Great) was a pretty bad anime. The art was pretty good and the facial expressions were alright, but the plot was terrible. I'm sorry but there is not way in hell you can make a historical figure of that genre into an exciting anime. I actual saw most of the episodes to try and figure out where they were going with the story, but I couldn't find it after the 5th episode or so. Besides that the voice acting (only saw it in dub) was extremely horrific and but me to sleep every now and then. Besides that I havent really seen any of bad animes. Another anime that seemed to be below average is Saiyuki. Everything was pretty good about it except for the plot in that one as well. I never got to finish watching this series as well, but i just didnt hit me as an anime to keep watching. On a side note: Deathbug is your icon "The Cheete" from the website found on homestarrunner.com. I just wanted to know cause its bothering me like crazy to figure out who that is.
  10. Dagger i got a question for you. Like I never heard of this anime called Bleach before, so i decided to look it up. However, I could find very little information towards it (I guess since the manga is only available or something like that) and from what I found, it seems like a YYH type series. Anyway though I was wondering if you would just like give a quick overview of what you know about the anime. It seems very interesting from what I could find out. -Marc-
  11. Ok i'll put it in this perspective. The T.V. series was basically focused on Ayato the most; going into detail about him trying to find out who Mishima was and why his mother Maya had blue blood and all. It also focused on trying to figure out why Ayato was chosen as the instrumentalist and why the purpose of an instrumentalist is needed to "tune the world". [font=Verdana][size=2]As for the movie, it focused more on Mishima Reika and Haruka Stow....yes i know (Syk3 this isnt a spoiler for you, you can read this since you've seen the series) [spoiler] both of them are the same person but its a lot more complicated then that and it explains the existence of both of them [/spoiler]. It goes more into the feelings of how Haruka has always loved Ayato and would rather suffer with him then live in the/a world without him. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Not only that but it goes into a lot more about Bahbem which answered my previous question before in the post i made above. Another little thing it goes into is the relationship between Quon and Itsuki. The last thing i want to point out without having to add any spoilers is that the movie also portrays why Maya brought up Ayato in Tokyo Jupiter, i want to explain more but that would ruin the movie. I hope this helps by whoever decides to watch this movie and has seen the previous series to focus on these key points.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]LoL almost forgot to add something. You said it was a pretty expensive and if the booklet and all was worth it. Even though i have to say of course it was expensive the booklet (which i finally got to read most of it) explains everything that happens in the series. It helps out so much that the 54 page booklet was just as good as the series. It has character interviews, a chapter by chapter [font=Arial][size=3]synopsis/explaination (of what basically went on in the movie which helped out a lot), some more artwork done by the 3 main artists, interviews of even the singer who did the opening and closing themes, also has a director interview of how he thought of the turnout of RahXephon and what he intended it to mean (in a way), and also some other little tid-bits. This booklet really helped out a lot.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
  12. Alright everyone heres what I have to say about the movie and the box set itself. The boxset itself (the covering around the box) has probably one of the most stunning pictures i've ever seen. It shows Ayato kneeling looking down at himself with rubble and part of a Mu building crumbling down towards him in a way. Also on the other side it has Tokyo Jupiter in the backround with another picture shot of i believe to be the syncronized version of the RahXephon....its really nice with the red atmosphere being the sharpest part for that picture. And on the side it shows Ayato and Mishima holding hands. Inside of it is a bonus feature with a 54 page booklet with extra stuff that i haven't hand the chance to read yet and will probably add that in once i have the time to look through that whole thing. I just basically glanced at it and it had some really good action shots in there as well. And now for the movie itself. I have to say i was pretty disappointed in the first 3/4 of the movie since it was [spoiler] basically a recap of the series itself with little tid-bits of new information everynow and then.....towards the end of the first 3/4 though it seemed to add a little more new information that wasn't previously i the series[/spoiler]. However the last 30-35 minutes or so of the whole movie confused me to death. It literally left me with some many questions that i can't even explain half of them cause im still trying to figure out where to start. It was fine how it pretty much ended the first time, but the movie just added more problems and questions. Was it worth the $42 i spent on the whole box set.....I'd have to say yes since it [spoiler] shows the true meaning of what the tuning of the world was and the outcome relied on how Ayato [b]and Haruka[/b] wanted to supposedly keep their memories and live a fake life.....sry thats the best explaination i can think of [/spoiler]. If anyone can tell me what the [spoiler] sequence where it should Haruka and Ayato with lol Haruka and Ayato in the classroom i would really appreciate it cause im at a total lose there [/spoiler]. Thats all I have for now it was an interesting way of the movie adding in extra events.
  13. [font=Verdana][size=2]Just to tell you guys i actually got the box set today with the movie (meaning that in some places the movie is already out). Just wanted to tell everyone this in case they wanted to know. The place i got it from was Saturday Matinee.[/size][/font]
  14. I got two that definently deserve a second season. [b]Berserk[/b] - This was a great anime having around 25 episodes and has the last episode as the first one. Even the ending to the anime doesn't tie up with what happens to everyone after the huge aftermath of the demons (yea i explained that pretty bad but I'm tired). I know the manga goes in far more detail about what happens after the 25 episode of the anime. However, i only like reading manga so much and I'd rather see an anime that portrays it as another perspective. [b]Hellsing[/b] - This anime was only 13 episodes long and was so far off compared to the manga that it was almost funny. I stilled loved it nonetheless, but they could have expand far more into this one.....at least another 13-26 more episodes to tie in the backround of each character a little more along with what happens to the foundation of Hellsing. Of course they left it off with the most important part in the air [spoiler] who was the creator of the F.R.E.A.K. chips [/spoiler]. I dont think anyone will have any questions of why this anime should have a sequal.
  15. Wow everything Dagger said was all correct...i didn't even know about the last question. Anyway though i just wanted to add in some info about the 4th question. [spoiler] The reason why TERRA was able to make tokyo-jupiter-like-fields was exactly what Dagger said, because of the information and technology that was given to them by the foundation. The reason of this is because the head of the Babhem foundation was of course Ernst Babhem who, like Dagger said, is thousands of years old and has records of the prexisting race called the Mu. Why Terra wasn't given the information prior to when they decided to use the tokyo fields later on....well the only reason i have is because Babhem needed Terra to first rely on the RahXephon to gather information on his creation. I'm not saying that this is the correct answer to your question but just a pretty safe guess. [/spoiler] My only question is, [spoiler] why did Ernst Babhem choose Helena Babhem as a host to change bodies with? Did Ernst B. know that he was going to get shot and this was his plan all along to use Helena as a host like he possibly did in the past to other relatives? Plus why did Helena allow Babhem to take over her body since it didn't really give a reason for why she accepted him? This really confused me a lot and is still the one question i have left unanswered in the series. [/spoiler]
  16. I've been following this series the whole time as well and the only thing that kind of bothers me a little bit is how most of the cases seem to be solved with Conan using the paralyze watch gun dart (I'm just guessing at the name of the tool) on the other detective (forgot his name I'm sorry) to much. I mean the conclusions to how most of the cases are solved are great, but how Conan gets them across to everyone else is kind of getting redundant. Hopefully the next few episodes will show Conan sloving and proving the cases to everyone else in a different way.
  17. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Volume 2, "Spectacle," is quite aptly named. The episodes on this disc walk an incredibly fine line between glorifying bloodlust and presenting it as an uncontrollable, hideous aspect of human nature. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] HaHa, well said Dagger. That's exactly the same feeling I had towards the title of this volume. It took me a while to get the DVD since I was working everyday for the last month, but i finally got a chance to pick it up today. Like the last DVD, there is hardly any dialouge throught this volume as well. Some people may not find that good, or may find it boring. However, this series so far has backed this up with its stunning art and imagery. That along with the luscious sceens of Ichise trying to cope with the new apparatuses givin to him (dont want to give to much away) and the rival gangs being [spoiler] set up against each other by an unknown person (only to them but we know who he is) [/spoiler] this anime is one hell of a must see. Just can't wait for the next volume to come out along with gungrave which i have already seen and comes out some time in August.
  18. I dont know whether that is a good idea or a bad idea on their part. I say the way it ended was fine. It didn't leave any questions at all, which is pretty hard for an anime series to usually end. Also, most of the time when an anime series ends and then more episodes are added later on they dont usually turn out as good as the original series. I'm not saying that this is going to be and out right p.o.s. on the producers part, but as much as I also want to see more episodes of this series....it should instead just stay the way it is.
  19. Yea since they're about 20-something episodes ahead with the DVD's, I'm just gonna stick with those since my friend has every single one that is currently available. Once in a while its alright to watch the toonami ones but they leave so much out, which leads me to my question. Why did they take out/edit so much of the more recent episodes of YYH? I know theres a lot of mature situations (even though I personally don't believe they are), but they seem to be going over board on this series. Cowboy Bebop didn't have anywhere near as much editing as YYH, along with a close rival (even though i hate to say this) DBZ. Is there anyone who could possibly explain why they butchered the recent episodes so much..to me its just not the same.
  20. I think it's safe to say that I'm going to vote for Kerry this year. To tell you the truth...I would have voted for any Democratic this year, possibly even Al Sharpton (sarcasim just in case some people couldn't see that). Anyway though the next few paragraphs will have citations from this website just in case anyone wants to read it [url="http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/nclb.teachers.admins.htm"]http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/nclb.teachers.admins.htm[/url] . The main reason why I am not voting for Bush is quite simple, the NCLB. Right now I'm majoring in Chemistry/Secondary Education and since im becoming a future teacher this affects me. Like Crimson Spider stated, the NCLB states that school districts must hire and regulate "highly qualified" teachers: [size=2][font=Verdana][i]"[b]Middle school and high school teachers[/b] must meet the new "[b]highly qualified[/b]" standard in the [b]subjects they teach[/b]. Teachers in higher grades are responsible for gains made by their students. These teachers will be responsible for educating students who transfer into their schools without the level of instruction they should have had." ~Suzanne Heath~[/i][/font][/size] [i][font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font][/i] My question has always been, how do you know if a teacher is considered "highly qualified" by simple taking a test in your subject area. Just because a teacher may know everything in a given subject, that doesn't necessarily mean they know how to teach the subject. Some teachers teach simply from books or constantly give notes on transparencies. What the NCLB act extremely lacks is testing for the techniques teachers use in a classroom setting. To some this may not sound important, but what I have been following greatly is Gardner's theory on multiple intelligences. In other words, teachers should have numerious ways to teach students in order to satisfy every child's aspects of learning. A straightfoward test that Bush has proposed will not solve anything, but instead hinder the education students should be receiving. [font=Verdana][size=2][i]"The No Child Left Behind Act affects virtually every person employed in the public school system. All schools in districts that accept Title 1 federal funds must make detailed annual reports on the progress of all children. Each school must also report the progress of four subgroups: [b]minority children, children with disabilities, children with limited English proficiency, and children from low-income families[/b]." ~Suzanne Heath[/i][i]~[/i][/size][/font] [i][font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font][/i] [font=Verdana][size=2] Later on it also states that teachers must also be able to do this right away for LEP students. I find this hard to believe since most standardized tests in America are based on our culture and might be a little prejudice towards LEP students who aren't given proper eductional instructions before hand. Anyway, it seems hard to believe how one can compare a child with a disability to an average every day student based on a standardized test. For example, if someone that has a severe case of ADHD and does horribly on a standardized test that shouldn't have been given to him/her in the first place based on the disability at hand, the school shouldn't be held responsible for it. Like Crimson said, if a school district fails under the NCLB they must follow a step-by-step plan until the school district has the required improvements. What the step-by-step plans are, I'm not exactly sure of.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]There are other issues I'm concerned of with the NCLB, but since this isn't really a thread for this topic I only limited it down to these two main points for why I will not be voting for Bush this year. If you read further on in the site it states the benefits of what the NCLB has done, but I don't consider them to be extremely important factors in improving a childs education.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]As for the war, I have little comments towards what should happen in Iraq. There's so much the public doesn't know that goes on inside Iraq that I can't really make a safe arguement on what to do in this situation. What I'm more concerned with is our own economy and I feel that by staying in Iraq and trying to solve the problems there is just a waste of time. The only thing that is going to happen is what happen in Vietnam, we're just eventually going to withdraw from the country one way or another. There are to many citizens in Iraq that don't want to accept the help from America and all I really see happening on the news are more and more reports of another American soldier[/size][/font] being killed. I'm swayed more by whatever candidate just takes our troops out of the country by now and instead focuses on the problem at hand...our economy. Many people don't really realize how badly unemployment is currently. Just in my dads local alone there are 215 people currently unemployed and thats just in a township. He was telling me theres around 4,000 that are possibly unemployed in the state of New Jersey for electricians. My dad has worked hard his whole life and was planning on retiring within the next 5 years, but he doesn't see that happening now. All in all, I feel that Kerry is the better candidate to be elected this year. I'm not sure if he's the best man for the job, but i do know that Bush isn't. Only time will tell and I guess I'm going to have to wait.
  21. [QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]I never understood cutting. I cannot figure why anyone, in their right mind, would actually cut themselves. Now I believe everyone has the potential to be smart, but with stuff like cutting, thats just f-ing stupid. I don't care how messed up in the head you are, you should be able to relate "cutting" to "pain" and "pain" to "bad." which is obviously never good, therefor WHY DO IT? It doens't accomplish anything. I've had chronic depression since I was 13, I know what it's like to be depressed, but I went to a therapist, I never cut myself. You know what you need to do. You need to take her to a therapist, or have her mom do it (whatever) and make sure she friggin stays there. If she can't do that, you should yell at her for being a stupid moron, and then if she still doesn't get it, abandon all hope and HER. Maybe she'll understand how dumb she was then.[/QUOTE] Transtic I probably would have agreed with you a couple months ago about cutting being stupid, but compared to my brother I kind of understand why people might do it. My brother has ADD and like cutting (trust me on this) its possibly a chemical imbalance. I'm not going to say this is for [u]all[/u] people that so call "cut" themselves, since some do it just to get attention (and I've known a couple of people to do that as well). However, sometimes you just gotta understand that some people do things because they just can't control themselves. My brother constantly gets in trouble and whenever he goes to the psychologist or talks to me in person, he says he doesn't want to do those certain things but he just can't control himself. In ways I feel really sorry for him and other times i don't. We've tried medication and all, but most of them have really bad side effects and the ones that don't have any side effects haven't done the job. There are numerious ways which could help your friend out...people in this thread have already stated them. However, the only real way that she could stop herself is to realize what she is doing is a waste of time. She should think about how many people [u]would[/u] care if she took her life and how many she would be hurting if she were to do it. The only thing i know is that your friend is doing it just for both attention and possibly something hidden wrong inside her. If she cuts just for the sake of cutting then i would just stay the hell away from her. If anyone just does it for the sure pleasure of cutting, then I wouldn't know what to do as well. However, if she comes back with having regret and tries to stop cutting several times then thats a hint that she needs more than just therapy to get her through this. I'm not saying I know the answer, but if her parents truly cared for her they shouldn't just "stop" trying to help her but rather work with her to stop her from doing it. In short....as a friend constantly help her realize whats she is doing is not worth it, that there are alternatives to cutting. I can't really say anything else. Hope this helps.
  22. Yea, I've been on summer break for about 4 weeks now. Anyway though i probably have the best vacation coming up in August with about 7 other friends that i go to college with. We all planned to go to Cancun for 7 nights all exclusive with the 2nd best rated hotel (name I'm still not exactly sure of). Anyway one of the kids I'm going with has an aunt thats a travel agent, so she hooked us up and gave us all a discount as well. Anyway though thats probably the only thing I'm looking foward towards this summer...should be the best time of my life.
  23. Something i found similar to Cowboy Bebop is Noir. It has great music and the art in it is astonishing as well. It kind of follows the same premises as Bebop as in bounty heads (instead in Noir its basically whatever their client gives them and they don't strive to much in the series for how much money they get for each assassination). Noir is pretty much 2 females that are hired assassins that later on see the deeper meaning in their line or work. The main plot is them finding out what the 'Soldats' are about and to figure out how it relates to them. [font=Verdana][size=2]On a side note the anime does seem to start out a little slow for some viewers, but it is a perfect series nonetheless if you watch it all the way through. So there you have it, I would recommend maybe watching this anime.[/size][/font]
  24. Yea I heard about this anime from my friend and he told me it was from also the creaters of hellsing, so I basically gave it a shot. I have to say, like Dagger, that the art is perfect in this anime. Since it has the same style as the X TV series, that was pretty much suspected to be the case. The whole first episode is one of a kind, i haven't found an anime that didnt have dialogue for the first 3/4 of an episode (espically the very 1st one). Took me a while to figure out the names of each character, but i got the jist of it after a while. I have to also say that the main plot that it seems to be turning to is also very interesting. Until i get to about the third DVD this is pretty much all i can say about it, but as for now the first DVD is highly recommended.
  25. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Gundam SEED is starting to drag a bit... but since these beginning episodes are mostly exposition, I suppose that's to be expected. I'm definitely looking forward to Saturday night; it looks as though the main conflict will start to get underway as Athrun faces [spoiler]accusations of treachery.[/spoiler] Speaking of which, I feel [i]really[/i] bad for him. Athrun's position is much crappier than Kira's (at least in the sense that he's the one who feels a duty to attack, whereas Kira merely has to defend his comrades and stay alive). I love the Zechs/Char clone's English VA. His voice is smooth and very pleasant, and his accent sounds impeccable, regardless of its authenticity or lack thereof. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE]Dagger i just finally finished watching all 50 episodes (whoever said theres 52 i couldnt find anything past 50 and it said on episode 50 in the beginning it was the last episode for that series), and it was extremely good. Probably the best Gundam series ive seen, even better then 08th MS Team. Anyway though it picks up a lot with not concentrating on non-stop fighting, but instead gets into something deeper once you get past episode 30ish....you'll see what i mean if you decide to finish seeing it. It had a lot of great plot twists, one i wasnt suspecting at all [spoiler] Cagalli Yula Athha and Kira Yamato being siblings i didn't see comgin at all, I thought they were going to have a relationship to begin with but i finally realized later on it was going to be Kira and Lacus Clyne [/spoiler]. Anyway you'll probably really like this Dagger its got a unique taste compared to the other Gundam series, and you pretty much like every single character in an obscure kind of way. However, i would pretty much say not to watch it dubbed i found the sub to be a lot better.
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