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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Seriously? X-TV is a pretty lavish production; it has some of the highest quality, most beautiful artwork I've ever seen, and its animation certainly isn't anything to sneeze at. The lovely shading, the detailed character designs, the shiny digital-ness of it all... *sputters into silence* ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Yep i probably havent posted in months, but I've had so much work and stuff during college I never got around to posting stuff. Anyway though I have to agree with Dagger and say the quality of art in this anime was amazing. If you look at the detail involved in certain sceneries, especially in episode 12, there is no doubt about it being above average. I haven't seen the movie for this yet and many say it is terrible, yet i don't know if they say the same for the quality of art in it as well.
[quote name='aznwired86][color=deepskyblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Has any one seen RahXephon, the series is good. But just one thing i dont get is that what happens in the end. [spoiler]What did Kamina Ayato really do? In the last episode, after the scene where he "recreated" the world, who is in his painting?[/spoiler][/font'][/color][/quote] Alright ill answer the questions since i finally figured it out after watching it a second time. Ayato of course [spoiler] was supposed to be sorta like Adam and Quon is supposed to be Eve. Baba was a.k.a. god at that point towards then end and was waiting to see what would happen with his creations. Ayato finally accepted Quon and created a new world...what you saw basically at the end of the last episode. During this though Ayato also had to realize that Haruka was his true love before and after Tokyo Jupitar appeared. During the paino sequence in the middle of the last episode he finally realizes that he has loved her for a long time and just had to remember.[/spoiler] Dagger IXI i wanted to know if you knew about this as well (the whole deal behind Mishima) cause it took me a while to realize it the first time and the second time i finally realized there was that little extra something at the end of the credits which proved this to be true. As for Mishima...."The girl in the painting", she is [spoiler] Haruka. At the very end past the credits it proves that Mishima is Haruka, just a younger version of her. Just watch that episode again all the way through and it should be able to help you understand.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Allow me to reiterate the fact that this show freaking [i]rocks[/i]. Episode 12, "Precious Illusions," delivered the promised plot twist in a dramatic and completely unexpected fashion. I would never have seen it coming, and although the turn of events initially strained my credulity, I later remembered that I was watching a show about a fifteen-year-old fighting witches with fire.... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Haha i knew dagger would have enjoyed this episode. However it gets even better on episode 14 so be prepared to see something even maybe a little bit more twisted. Once that episode is over ill post my comments about the series so far and then probably another one at the end of the series. And the relationship between Amon and Robin is still pretty damn confusing for me. I just dont know what to suspect from those two yet.
Ok, here everyone can smile and laugh now. Heres the stupid proof everyone so dreadfully needs. This is the website: [url="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&ncid=716&e=3&u=/ap/20040305/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/economy"]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&ncid=716&e=3&u=/ap/20040305/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/economy[/url] If thats not good enough, i don't know what is.
[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]Idiot? So that?s how Drix got to be a moderator? Bush has done much more than helping the US recover from September 11th. He?s freed Iraq from an evil dictator and removed a threat to the entire Middle East. Bush has, through his tax cuts, revived a floundering economy. He?s also reformed our education system, which I can say has been a very good thing. It?s forced schools to shape up and give students quality education. If you want proof of these things, I can link you to relevant news stories?[/color][/QUOTE]Please being a moderator doesn't mean your friggen god so why you even said that is beyond me. Plus I have already stated my issues about the "No child left behind act" in the other thread and I will only say that it's probably the worst act that has ever been approved. If you want to see what i had to say about that then ill give you the thread to it [url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=35982"]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=35982[/url].
[quote name='Drix D'Zanth']Off to a legitimate start. You can ? despise Bush, but is that what the topic is about? [/quote] I dont know whether to laugh or cry with half the crap your saying. First off I only stated the first 2 paragraph to describe the feelings I have towards bush. The next paragraph explains how i feel about the "new ad" bush has. I mean come on, do you want like a friggen sign pointing to exactly what is what. And your saying i need spell check. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth']And it starts. What does the war on Iraq have anything to do with Bush?s advertising policy? As far as I can tell.. he?s not mentioned it in an advertisement yet. Every single democratic candidate has taken a nice block to mention the war in Iraq from their opinion.[/quote] Once again your an idiot. What I stated there was my own opinion of how i felt bush did during his time in office. I never said it was related to his ad. Plus I know this part was off topic, I just wanted to tell everyone that the only good thing he has done in office was his reaction to 9/11 and as of right now thats the only thing his putting his campaign towards. Also, if you can't realize by now that the only reason we went to war with Iraq was because Bush senior persuaded Bush jr. too, then you need to open your mind a little more. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]Within the same paragraph? not 3 sentences later, he flies off topic. "Damn those damnable commercials!" Now, I know you feel strongly about this.. but stay on topic, and use spell-check. [/QUOTE] How the hell is this off topic. Once again the only good thing Bush has done while serving his first term in office was....9/11. Call me a bush basher if you want, I am and I really dont care what you think. Until you can prove that Bush has been a good president besides the point of the 9/11 crisis, then ill sitck with what I'm saying about the ad. And about the spell check. What i spelt 2 words wrong, how about you grow up and realize some people make mistakes. We're all not perfect...oh wait nevermind you are. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth'] Cause we all know Kerry doesn?t bash him![/quote] Dont make assumptions about what I am saying until I state it. Its a friggen presidental campaign, of course both sides will bash each other. I just want to clearly know the facts of what both parties are going to do if they get elected into office. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth'] See what I mean? If you want to start a bush-bashing thread? go for it. As for this thread, stay on topic and avoid the Bush bashing. [/quote] Hers's an idea! Why don't you stop whining and quit complaing about "Bush Bashers". Your either a conservative, a moderate, or a liberal when it comes down to it. If you couldn't tell by now I am a liberal and I will bash Bush. Without his father, he probably wouldn't have been elected to run for president.
Well first off ill say that i pretty much despise Bush for most of what he has done in office for his first term. However, i have to give the man .........credit that he did a great job with handling 9/11 and the speeches he gave during that time were probably the best he has ever given. After that though, i kinda got pissed off when i found out we were going to war with Iraq to "stop biological weapons" being mass-produced in Saddam's palaces. I knew before hand that he was going to do this since his father (probably demanding George W. Bush) couldn't finish it and what best but to get his son to do the job for him. Anyway though, i dont want to completely bash him so ill move on to the topic of the ad. I have to agree with ChibiHW and say its pretty low to base most of his campaign in the direction of 9/11 and upgrading security around the nation. Of course this is the biggest tradgedy to happen in America, but you can only do so much to stop terrorism. The economy is in such **** right now and i dont exactly see it going up and staying steady until he is out of office. Most people who have occupations in Unions are being unemployed including my dad who has been working for the same company for 33 years now. He had only about 6 years left (before this crisis) to retire, but now he has no clue. Bush even stated for this year (i was listening to Bloomburg news...i think thats the name of it...on the radio one day and heard this) that there was going to be an increase in the amount of jobs availble for the year 2004, but the exact opposite happen. I'm not sure of what exactly happen, but millions of citizens who have been working in the same companies for decades are losing their jobs and therefore losing their pension. I also dont want him to base his ad's on bashing just Kerry as well. That would pretty much get him no where. The only reason i would want to vote for him again, is if he gives solutions of trying to decrease the amount of unemployment in America right now. That should be the biggest issue on both sides of the spectrum, and as of right now i only see Kerry trying to solve the problem.
Probably Chloe from Noir. I believe no other girl is like this one. Shes smart and cunning, but freaky and mysterious. She has a kinda dark purplelish hair color which kinda resembles Spikes in Cowboy Bebop with the purple on black look for her hair (even though i know Spikes is green on black). She also has in my opinion the best weapon of all...throwing knives. I always think that to be able to master the techniques of throwing knives is an incredible feat to accomplish. So yea...Chloe all the way. One more thing i almost forgot....she has the freakest voice ive heard so far from a female anime character. Wish i knew a girl in person that had a voice like that.
Yea it just seems im getting very lazy and not really posting on this site as much, but I just wanted to add something in real quick. Like everyone else has been hearing, it does pick up a lot in the 3rd DVD (starting on the 11th episode). It basically has a really good plot twist and until the remaining episodes come out I can't really say anything else. I just wanted to state this since the same thing kind of happen with Noir in that many found it to be very boring with useless action, but once Chloe stepped in it was a pretty good anime. So if anyone didn't like the series so far it gets really interesting later on in the series.
Please give me help! I've been dumped.
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Black Kat's topic in General Discussion
LoL just like a typical student in HS. Your only 14 you still have many years left in middle school/high school. This stuff happens...i actually cant stand going out with anyone. I end up losing money on it (even though i spilt everything with whomever im going out with) and its better to just be single and mess around. However, what Mitch said was to damn funny. How he could tie in the song from Independence Day and the use of a shotgun...is beyond me. Childish yes...but it was still a little funny. -
[quote name='Dagger IX1'] 1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched? [/quote] HaHa sad to say Dagger, but like most kids around my age I started up on watching DragonBall Z. At that time i thought it was the greatest thing on earth. I was always drawing the characters in class...man i was bored back then. [quote name='Dagger IX1'] 2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy? [/quote] Yep i feel strongly about that statement Dagger. Over time i matured and found more of the genre of "adult" type anime catching my attention. Animes like RahXephon, Cowboy Bebop, Noir, With Hunter Robin just to name a few are all adult type animes. I am very picky about which titles i purchase when searching for a new anime. I tend to go towards more of the shooting animes with a nice plot and get away from Mech type anime. This isn't always the case since I loved the RahXephon series, but this one was unique in that it focused more on the plot and character designs instead of the Mechs which i thought was great. [quote name='Dagger IX1'] 3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now? [/quote] Yea I'm pretty sure i would have felt the same way about the current shows im watching, if i watched them back then. However, i can tell you right now that i would have never watched DBZ if i got into the other types of anime at first. I'm sorry but that series is just way to predictable knowing that the "good" will always beat the "evil" (or that Goku will just beat any random person).
LoL sorry guys I was a little late on gettin the information on the English songs but here's the website [url="http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/4souls_of_the_shikon/mp3s.html"]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/4souls_of_the_shikon/mp3s.html[/url]. The sound legit since its the same vocalist who did the Japanese version, but its more Americanized with a little bit of hit hop and stuff like that. I don't think there bad...but the Japanese ones are a lot better. Sometimes the websites bandwidth makes it hard to upload the MP3 page, but eventually you should be able to get them. I guess just tell me how you think they are.
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] On a side note, none of Inuyasha's OPs or EDs have been dubbed. So you won't be hearing Change the World in English anytime soon. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] LoL I usually agree with you on everything Dagger, but there is one song by Inuyasha that has been converted into English. My roommate has the actual song, so when i wake up tomorrow ill be sure to ask him which song it is and come back to give you the info on this. Trust me though i do know one song was converted.
Anime Downloading anime [an actual discussion]
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][font=Georgia][size=2][color=blue]pbfrontmanvdp, for a small sacrifice (your mailbox, thrown into the fires of massive[/color][color=blue] spam), anime DVD prices online can get pretty cheap... Hey, you give a little, you get a little (most of the spam gets caught by filters anyway)...[/color][/size][/font] [/QUOTE]True, but i can't stand buying anything off of the internet. From past experiences, my parents have gotten ripped off by someone finding out my mom's credit card #. I sucked cause we almost lost about 2 grand from some low life that doesn't have anything else to do but steal from others. You are right though, anime online usually can get down to like $13 to $15, which isn't that bad. -
Favorite deck of mine when i used to play consisted of 2 avatars of woe, 4 royal assassins, 4 sand squids (for the royal assassins), tidal krakin, 3 misdirections, lots of counter spells, and a few 2/2,1/1 unblockable creature cards. I loved this deck and i had a smaller one kind of the same for tournament use. Works everytime for me.
Anime Downloading anime [an actual discussion]
pbfrontmanvdp replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Dagger IX1']1. Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong? [/quote] Im kinda 50/50 on that subject. Of course its wrong since your receiving copyrighted material that you didnt pay for. Plus the fact that most of the time you usually get the fansubs from places that got them illegally as well. The reasons i think its alright is because most of the time, anime is way over priced. Most stores sell series of anime that just came out for $24 (or $19 for a separate movie from a series an ex. being Cowboy Bebop the movie) while anime that has been on DVD and released for a while is around $29. Thats kinda pricey since some of the DVD's well have only 3 episodes on it compared to others that have 5. So in a way i d/l anime to like balance it out a little, lol come on honestly is it such a crime to get my moneys worth in a different form??? [quote name='Dagger IX1']2. Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows? [/quote] HaHa i like this question Dagger. Actually the only reason i dont buy more anime like once a week is strictly because of the cost of the DVD's. If they just lowered the amount to like a fixed rate at like $22 then that would be fine. These companies are making a killer profit anyway so i wish they would lower the prices. [quote name='Dagger IX1']3. Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series? [/quote] Yes most of the fansubs ive been finding lately have spanish dialogue. I find it rather unique but it doesn't really matter to me...just as long as the subtitles are legible. -
[QUOTE=Darius_Stomu]I've only got one anime on my list... BERSERK I love that anime! I've only seen the first season on DVD and I want more!! :drool: :drool: :drool:[/QUOTE] Yea the series overall was excellent, but the last 2 episodes kind of disappointed me. It seemed like it should have been at least 4 or 5 more episodes long. Besides all of that the battle scenes where pretty good especially the one you'll see later on in the series that guts has....you'll know what i mean when you see it. The art was kinda sketchy, but it really didn't bother me since i think it went well with the time and placement the anime was supposed to take place in (mid-evil times). The character analysis was pretty good except for like a few of the characters they only breifly mentioned about the past and relationships with the other characters. Last thing is the plot which was perfect except for the end that i thought could have been expanded a little more. Probably the manga resolves that issue.
[QUOTE=Sere Tuscumbia][font=Times New Roman] (Although I still think that Harry sounds so much like a woman . . . )[/font] [font=Times New Roman]--Sere[/font][/QUOTE] HaHa now that i think about it he does sound like a women. Why they picked whoever that voice actor is for Harry is beyond me. John Burgmier (VA of Kurama in YYH) should have been the dub voice actor for Harry. He at least sounds more like a guy and would have been better suited for the VA of Harry.
I loved my 19th birthday. I got a new car, (that i bought myself but still) joined a fraternity, and completed my first year of college with a 3.45 GPA so i thought it was great. As for forgetting my birthday i hope that will never happen to me. It almost happen to me once but i remembered about a week before so i had enough time to plan out what i wanted to do that day. The reason i almost forgot was because i didnt even know what month we were on or the exact day (# i mean i still knew it was like either Monday-Sunday). Ahhh how the days of the year just aren't important when your in college. Except for like spring break and summer vacation :cool: .
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] I'm a little bit disappointed with WHR's dub. While it features a whole array of popular and talented VAs, here they all sound rather stiff. It could have something to do with the show's translated script; the dialogue is saddled with slow moments and awkward pauses. Hopefully everyone will eventually become more comfortable with their roles. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I thought the VA's in the dub were just fine in WHR. I espically like Chirs Freeman's voice as Amon the most since hes my favorite VA. I just think he can play any character that has a dark role. Anyway i have a pretty good question. Why are they playing WHR on AS first before they come out on DVD? I think its a pretty good idea since it will probably bring up the amount of sales on people purchasing the DVD's. With that in mind, why haven't companies decided to do this before for the more recent anime series???
Out of all the series that i own so far i have never purchased a box set. I just never seem to want to spend a lot of money all at once, knowing that it saves a me a lot more money that way. I also don't wait to buy every DVD in the series and then finally watch each episode one buy one. Sometimes i can go months until i see another episode of a particular type of series. Its actually happening to me right now with Witch Hunter Robin since they are being released over a month period inbetween. Guess ill watch it on AS first.
[QUOTE=Arkadyz][color=deepskyblue][font=times new roman] .I do hope they will go with unknowns...It should really help me to slip into the fantasy realm of eva if I dont recongnize most of the actors on screen...[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Well if they are going to make a live action version of Eva., they might as well have unknown actors. Like you said it does get really boring hearing the same voice actors over and over again so hopefully they will do that. What i just don't understand is why they want to make a new live action version anyway since they have already expanded so much with Eva. Ive been researching it but couldn't find the answer to it yet.
Since i didn't see a thread about this on the first 2 pages, and the fact on Monday it started on AS I decided to start a new one. As of right now on AS their curruently on episode #3 (make that 4 if you count today) and DVD wise volume 3. The first DVD may seem a little boring at first but if you loved the first episode, you'll love the rest of it. It basically is about this team called the STNJ that at first are composed of humans hunting the witches, but later on the "rookie" named Robin steps in for the new position. Shes a craft user that has a speciality in fire spells and the ability to notice information of other craft users. The second and third DVD pick up tremendously and things start to get interesting. The third DVD is espically unique since it has a plot twist that is boggeling my mind like crazy. The art work is great so far, I love Robin's hair style. Wish my gf had that type of hair...nah j/k but i do like it. The colors are usually dark in mind, but it fits in perfectly with the setting. I can't wait for the next 3 DVD's to come out, so all i want to know is how others think of this anime so far.
As of right now: Witch Hunter Robin - Yes i do know this series is going to be run on Adult Swim starting the 17th i believe. Nonetheless i have already purchased the first 2 DVD's and it got very interesting for the last couple of episodes. The character design isn't extremely good, but you get the picture of how 85% of the team is like. The powers/abilities that the team is made up of is pretty unique as well. The art in it is excellent. Whoever thought of the hiar style of Robin's hair was interesting. Plus it will give me the chance to see if i want to purchase the remaining DVD's or not. I dont have a clue as to what direction their going towards as the main plot yet. However, i think the 3rd DVD will help distinguish what it is. Other than this anime, i really dont have an interest of buying another series for awhile. I need to get some more money...like badly.