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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp

  1. Finally got to see the whole series yesterday at around 3 A.M. and....it was great until the last episode. The last episode didn't really seem long enough to conclude it with only that amount of information. The whole relationship with Kamui and Kotori [spoiler] wasn't really brought up in the final episode. [/spoiler] What really p.m.o was the decision of which characters were kept alive and which were not. The last battle was really boring and i didn't like the concept of how everyone would kill someone by stabbing the person in the heart. Was very repetitive, and the whole idea with the devine swords seemed like a useless instrument. If they just changed the finale episode and expanded on the concept a little, I probably would have thought this was a great series. However, since it ended in such a bad way i wasn't really thrilled about the outcome. Every episode besides the last one were great though especially episode 13 i just loved the art work. The one relationship i did like was between Sorata (my favorite character in the series) and Arashi. They were confused about each others emotions throughout the whole series, but it was resolved in a good way.
  2. Yea the antagonists name was skullmaster...i just wish they kept it on air for one more season. Plus like someone said early it would be great if they could show a re-run again. I started searching on E-Bay and the toys aren't worth as much as i would have hoped they would have been. If they're still in their boxes the come to about $4, out of the box its about $2. The special ones like Skull Mountain and Dragon Island are around $6 out of box and probably $10 in box. The only one i didnt have as for the toys was the Dragon Mountain cause my parents just couldn't find that one. It was a really hot toy for its time and i can imagine it being worth even more if the ever brought the T.V. series back just one more time.
  3. Ill only go as far as getting my ear pierced. Ive have like an independent type symbol as the earing itself. As for all the other piercings i think its a waste of time. Probably the worst of all is my friend got his you know what pierced and now i think everyone in my formal HS who is a guy is doing it now. Why....i just dont know but there's no way in hell i would do it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B]At one time 800. All together i have over 5000 dollars of anime the cost to buy it is not a limit. Unlimited anime is always best. [/B][/QUOTE] How old are you cause i would like to know where your getting all this money from lol. I mean i thought spending $1800 was a lot, but 5 grand....thats just crazy!!!!! How many DVD's/VHS's do you own???
  5. Lets see....i have 72 anime DVD's as of right now ranging from $20 to $32 so ill say about $1800 ive spent on DVD's so far. Damn thats a lot now that i think about it lol. They should really keep it a standard like at $24 for every anime no matter where you go. Its ridiculous trying to find cheap prices.
  6. What i just dont understand is why all 3 of you are arguing about this still. If its because of someones religion that doesn't allow for gay marriages, then tuff luck. Everyone is allow to live their own life they way they want to. Plus not everyone follows the same religion, so that example of why it shouldn't be allowed or why someone may oppose it is useless. I'm sorry Boba but it doesn't outright affect you...having religious beliefs is alright for "YOU", but for other people it has no justification whatsoever. This law isn't forcing you to become gay and to have a gay marriage so why argue that you think this law is worthless. Transtic i can see why your getting p.o., but just let it go man. Stuff like this happens everyday with people not understanding why certain things happen in the world. Why is the KKK still in existence along with the Neo-Nazis. Most individuals live their lives as what the majority of the population does and when there are changes there are conflicts. Are both of these organizations morally wrong, many people believe they are. Are they allowed in our government, of course they are. Its a freedom of expression, along with gay marriages, so once again i dont know why our government exactly made a law against in the first place. With that in mind what Boba and the other person Lynx are saying is fine. Just let them say what they want and ignore it since your not going to be able to change their minds about the issue.
  7. The way i see it is, let people live their own lives. Laws in our state governments shouldn't have control over what US citizens can always do and not do when it comes to situations like this. If it's not affecting society then by all means its fine by me. Im still not sure why they had/have a law like this in states around the country. My family, girlfriend, even most of my close friends just don't really let this bother them since if the two couples of the same sex are happy with each other, then thats all that really matters. Trust me, theres been really stupid constitutional state laws out there in the past and this one doesn't even come close to it for whoever thinks this is a bad law. *LoL side note hear.....sadclown, i dont know how to comment on the guts thing other than.....i just dont know what to say. Funny i like it.*
  8. Trust me Dagger, X the series is amazing might even be better than RahXephon. The whole character design is above par and the story is fascinating with the different types of character masteries and the different clans everyone comes from. Theres a couple filler episodes within the series, but not the type of filler episodes that are useless and pointless. What i mean is the filler episodes kinda go off track and talk about another minor character other than the 5 so called main characters in the series. With that in mind it builds up more info on other characters to get a better idea where they are coming from. I cant say i have a favorite character yet in the series so far, but after i buy the 3 remaining series i should have one. Right now its probably going to be Sorata Arisugawa since hes pretty funny and is always trying to put the moves on Arashi Kishu (which usually seems to never work as of right now). Can't wait to get the other DVD's.
  9. I got this idea from looking at the Zelda thread and i was wondering if any has ever heard of, seen, or bought the toys relating to Mighty Max. The show was really great. It had such old school drawings, but the story line and character development for a show back then were amazing. It was also one of the first cartoons back then to actually have a season finale. Not only did i like the cartoon, but the action figures were just as good. I swear me and my brother had every single one that was made. I still have the pocket toys in my attic somewhere, but none of them are in their boxes. I wonder how much they would sell for now.
  10. Unlike a lot of people in here, i couldn't stand the cartoon. Like the story line was horrible, it wasn't what i was suspecting it to be like. The drawings were pretty good for that time and it had a lot of comedy in it, but i was a hardcore on the games and i just didn't really like it. I think it only lasted a season cause it was doing so bad in the ratings (it was either a season or 2 seasons i cant remember). Plus i was to hooked on TMNT like pretty much every kid my age was. That and Mighty Max which i think ill make a thread about cause that show was great.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Just to remind everybody: [b]Witch Hunter Robin[/b] will premier at midnight on Monday, February 16. [/B][/QUOTE] Damn you beat me too it Dagger.... Anyway though i highly recommend everyone to start watching this anime, even though it has a slow start it gets amazing later on. And if you think its good from the start (like i did) then its a must see.
  12. My first job was lifeguarding at a private pool club (which i also was a member at) from being 14 years old to 17. Didn't really get paid that much: started at $6.00 and hour then got a 25 cent raise each year i stayed. Great thing about it was i knew everyone there since like i said i was a member there for 18 years and all my friends went there. Plus i knew the snack and meal bar owners and they would give me free food all the time. I never really had to save someone in a serious situation, but i did have to save little children a couple times from getting injured. One case which could have been fatal is a small child around the age of 2 was about to dive head first in the shallow end of a pool only 2 feet down, but before he/she could do that i grabbed the child back. Parents thanked me for like the entire day when they saw me do that. Lifeguarding is a great job for teenagers and plus you learn how to do life saving techniques which is lifetime benefit.
  13. Many things could be considered anime if you really think about it. By difinition anime relates to it being developed by Japan, but there is some other countries that could produce "anime" like Dagger gave as an example. Like i really wish America would become more fond of anime. Just kind of gets irritating when i have to wait for new series that have already been aired in Japan to come to America months later.
  14. Really wasn't a good anime compared to Kikaider (only other android type anime ive really seen). It had only one episode that caught my interest a little bit and that was the one which showed both the positive and negative 0010's dueling 009. Besides that the only other thing that was pretty neat about it was the ending theme showing the old school manga drawings. Overall the anime was pretty boring.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B] So, here are my questions. First, has anyone else had my problem (learning all of Bebop's major spoilers before watching it in full)? Second, since I'd like to get back into the show, how would you recommend going about that? ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Haha actually yea Dagger i did the same thing and loved the series. I saw the last episode first (not knowing it was the last episode till i saw it) and im actually happy i did see the last episode first cause it motivated me to want to see the other episodes that led up to that episode. As for CB, the best episode is either Ballad of Fallen Angels or Sympathy for the Devil. I can't say anymore about them since this is like my 4th time writing a post on CB, but all im gonna say is the art and character design in Ballad makes it #1 and the brilliance of having a child as one of the best villians (in Sympathy) in there made it a classic as well. Plus the age change the child went through at the end of it words could not describe.
  16. Great comedy type anime. Like Asuka said, i couldnt stop watching the opening because it was just to damn funny. Probably Hyatt is my fav. character since she has such a quite but unnatural type voice and just says something random out of nowhere. Plus the whole concept of the anime is pretty cool. In the beginning the plot seems like it would be like the members of ACROSS would destroy the world eventually. What happens is [spoiler] Excel has to stop Ilapalazzo from destroying the world which was a pretty cool twist but kinda perdictable. [/spoiler] Can't forget about Menchi.....yummy Menchi that should have been eaten at the end of the series. Great dog though since it always would try to figure out some complex way of escaping from the house and failing time after time. My favorite episode is probably either episode 4 or I think the other one is 14 the one when the two androids in it....forgot the # of it.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][i] Ok, so there's also the hype of Evangelion vs. RahXephon. I've only seen so much of RahXephon, and I really didn't think much of it. It never got me interested at all in the first episode. I even got wary of it when I saw the 'waterdrop' scene that Evangelion used so much. Needless to say, I'm a stubborn Eva fan, and I always will be. But I'm not going to flame RahXephon to death, the animation and art was awesome, and I respect pretty much every anime [unless it's REALLY bad.]. Maybe it's just not my kind of show. I have yet to see a comparison by someone who has actually seen and evaluated both series, so I'm just waiting around for it to come. Maybe I'll somehow get my hands on RahXephon, sit down, and actually watch the series, but my mind is full of Evangelion right now with the re-makes and director's cut and everything. [/B][/QUOTE] Eva and RahXephon are almost exactly the same. I just liked RahXephon more since it made a hell of a lot more sense than Evangelion. Im not bashing Eva. since until I saw RahXephon it was the best mech type anime I watched. Plus Eva. left me with a couple more question left unanswered even with the additional movies added on to it....which then left me with ever more questions. I only have one question left unanswered so far in RahXephon (since the movie wasnt brought to America yet). Also Rah. has more character/character relationships in it which made it more interesting than Eva. Anyway though back to the comparisions of Eva. and Rah. - Eva. had angels in it that were the "opposing forces" while Rah. had D's (exp. D1 D2) which were considered the opposing forces. Rest are spoilers if you havent seen both animes [spoiler]- The main character Shinji (probably spelt it wrong but im not gonna look it up) was a shy character who had to overcome his "fears" of being left alone as a child and not being accepted into the world. The main character Ayato in Rah. also had to confront his "fears" of not knowing what the point of his life was and why he is what he is.....an instrumentalist. - Eva. at the end showed the world being destroyed (basically man itself not the world all together) and the creation of a new world for mankind to start over again. Rah. had the world destroyed as well (same as Eva., basically man itself not the world all together) and you get the idea that mankind was able to start over again. [/spoiler] I know theres other similarities besides the ones ive listed so far, but i just can't think of them now.
  18. Me....well i dont really know why this company would want to do this Eva. Theres a lot of "anime" that should be remade that was put on DVD/TV, but i dont see that really happening. I dont know what type of profit they will get from this but i cant see it being that much since people arent just gonna start running out to by the same anime just with better picture and sound quality. The way Eva is right now is fine for me...its usually never good to touch something that was already great to begin with. You usually never see things that were tweaked or updated DVD/TV wise is being better. Usually they turn out worse. As for the game...when did the first one come out???
  19. The only 2 Gundam series i ever liked was Wing and 08th MS team. The other ones just never seemed to catch my attention. If the 08th MS Team series was just a little bit longer and more in depth on the last episode than i would have probably picked that series over Wing. As of right now i pick RahXephon over any other mech type series. I cant explain everything about it until the movie comes out, but once that does it probably will be the best mech anime in existence as of now. Ive seen only Eva and the Gundam series so far, but i hear Full Metal Panic was a good series as well so i might get that one. Just wanna read a little more about that series just to make sure i want to buy it.
  20. I have to mostly agree with Dagger. Movies just dont cut it with a storyline, most of them are just action. I loved the CB movie and it had an interesting concept to it, but the series was just so much better. The only thing i could see as being better than the original is probably the Rurouni Kenshin OVA's. They totally surprised me when i saw that and compared to the TV series, it surpassed it. Hopefully the RahXephon movie will be a great addition to the series and clear the one question still left answered for me.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero [/i] [B]Ah Gungrave! I was going to start downloading this anime but I read somewhere it's already been licensed in the U.S -_o... Why it may look familiar to some people is that the character designs are done by Yasuhiro Nightow the same man who did the character designs in Trigun. I also believe that Yosuke Kuroda did the scripts for both Trigun and Gungrave as well =O. Really while I haven't seen the series and do own the game, the series really seems like a cross between a hellsing and trigun more than a Cowboy Bebop. Well then again =o... It's actually a kind of triple cross between the three series ^_^. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually your exactly right its more like Trigun and Hellsing. More like hellsing i think though.
  22. Dagger you and i pretty much enjoy the same types of anime so i would like to recommend the anime "X" to you if you haven't seen it yet. I currently have up to the 4th DVD and its amazing, the story line is great and the character development is perfect. The 1st DVD comes with a short backround on every main character in the series...(sorta like RahZephon, but they only have a character bio for the first DVD). This isn't a mech type anime but i still love it so far. From what ive heard it only gets better so if you haven't seen this anime yet, i strongly recommend it. As for ones that haven't been released outside Japan yet, i would have to say Gungrave as a choice. I have only seen a couple of the episodes and its sorta like Cowboy Bebop, and it should be coming out pretty soon to America. Looks like a keeper as well.
  23. [color=indigo][size=1] So she's trying to help school kids. sounds a lot better than Hillary Clinton trying to make the US a socialist medical state. [/color][/size] Yea i hated Hiliary as well and thought it was a pointless act, but this isnt helping kids out at all for this no child act. Look at what happen to the whole entire school district of Radaghast's town. Im not sure how many students were in his school district, but if you apply this type of law to Camden then they're screwed. Trust me i've had field experience there for 2 weeks just to see what it was like there and a lot of the students just do not care. The teacher i was observing was doing a hell of a job. A child "wanting" to learn and a child not caring at all are 2 different things. You cant tell me you have never met students that just didnt care about their grades or what they do in school. Some students just go to school purposely to chat. If a student doesn't do their HW, doesn't do well on tests, doesn't stay after for extra help, just doesn't do anything at all to succeed in getting an education and the teacher has tried their best to help the student why should the teacher be responible for this? Its not bad teaching, you cant help every single student out. I do want to help every student out. Most of the examples i was saying were of what i have experienced from what other teachers have done with students. [color=indigo][size=1] That has been the Bad Teacher's Mantra for far too long. "I can't make them learn; they just don't want to." Sure, there are kids that don't, but this law is trying to help those students who have be pigeonholed into "Bad neighborhoods."[/color][/size] Like i said take Camden for an example. You cant just take this law and apply it to a terrible neighborhood right there and then. The government has to put money into changing the environment of the neighborhood itself before changing the school district. If a child views bad situations at home in his/her neighborhood, then thats what the child will bring to the school as well. Either that or they should do each simultaneously: change the environment of the school and neighborhood. [color=indigo][size=1] Students in those neighborhoods are usually written off by teachers as being "hopeless causes" because of their circumstances, which is a bunch of crap. eVery child has the same ability to learn, and most of them aren't hostile to the idea. [/color][/size] If your still referring the law to the majority of "Bad neighborhoods," then the Camden class i visited had a lot of students that seemed to just not care. Of course every child has the ability to learn, but if the child doesnt have the desire to, even with countless times of teachers pushing towards ways to helping them, then it's the fault of the environment in which the student lives in. [color=indigo][size=1] You're looking at the problem from the wrong side. As it stands now, teachers suffer no penalty for their students' grades. So, in low-income high-crime areas, the areas this law is supposed to help, teachers don't have to show any interest at all in the subject. Because of the incredibly powerful lobbying ability of teachers' unions, it's almost impossible to fire bad teachers, and very hard to hire new ones. Don't kid yourself; in bad areas, there are morew teachers who have written off the entire student body than there are who are willing to put in more time and effort to help their students learn. [/color][/size] I do believe tenure is a terrible thing, i dont think that should even be allowed since it is a fact some teachers slack off and take the profession for granted. These types of teachers should be fired, but the teachers union just doesn't want to change its ways on tenure yet. [color=indigo][size=1] What kind of crap is that? Teachers don't "fail" students; students fail. That is one of the greatest fallicies in education. [/color][/size] Ha this is the funniest thing ive ever heard. It has happened before that teachers haven't necessarily failed a student, but they have given a student a lower grade just for not liking them. Is this wrong, of course it is. Can the parents of the child fight it, of course they can. If the parents and child can prove the teacher did in fact give a false grade based on other circumstances other than the criteria needed to get the grade they deserved then the teacher will be forced to change the grade. I know this is true though since it happen to me once. My parents had to go up to the school along with other follow parents to complain why no one was getting higher than a C in his class. From what i remember (this happened in middle school) and since the teacher wasn't following the criteria of the course and not referring to the book, he had to change the grades. [color=indigo][size=1] Those teachers should be fired. They couyldn't do their jobs are are passing unprepared students in a misguided attempt at charity. The decision was not up to the teacher; there should be no "decision". Students should be taught on the same scale; ohers shouldn't be given leeway because they tried but didn't make it. You're only hurting the students by doing that. [/color][/size] So what you are saying is the teachers should just fail the students??? What should be given is an overview of a teacher by a representative of the B.O.E. more often. None of this once a semester crap that has been going on for decades now, but a more substantial evaluation needs to be implemented. [color=indigo][size=1] No, like Semjaza said, Radaghast was under an incredibly great misconception; if you graduate, you've graduated, period. If you pass a course, you've passed. Even if the school closes, you still have the records in the county showing what you did and didn't do. If you've passed, you're done. Radaghast also overestimates the bar that has been set. The point of the law was to get students to pass high school at the barest possible standard. Passing an American high school, (doing the bare minnimum), is about the easiest thing you'll ever do. If you can't, even with additional aid, you might as well get out of the gene pool, because you're going nowhere fast, unless you have some other means of supporting yourself. I highly doubt this law will cause Radaghasts' school to close any time soon. and if it does, no offense intended, the school might have needed to be closed. [/color][/size] Yea i read that part wrong i changed it in my other post. [color=indigo][size=1] Come on, admit it; you pulled that statistic out of your arse.:smirk: [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course i was i didnt quote it from someone. It was supposed to be sarcastic.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]If you graduate before this minimum thing happens, your diploma isn't suddenly void. When you graduate, the school will most likely still be accredited. It isn't repealed for the entire history of the school. It's not retroactive.[/B][/QUOTE] Hmm i kinda interpreted it wrong. I thought he meant that the current students that were in the school aren't going to be credited with a degree since it shut down (like it was a fact that it changed cause of the law). From what i know they will be credited. It might affect him since i dont know where he would be able to go. He'll have to be bused to another school, but that cost a lot of money and is a waste of time(for the government). I also dont think he would want to go to a private school since thats a lot of money as well(for his family). Such a hassle of a policy.
  25. Haha i love Mrs. Bush. I swear she is by far the stupidest person ever. This is just a way of her trying to get recognition, every first lady does it. Reason i hate this law is a teacher doesnt ALWAYS have control over a child wanting to learn or not. I know of course that the teacher is considered the parent when the child first enters the class or in any case on school grounds. That doesnt necessarily mean a child will be willing to learn a given subject. If the teacher tries his/her hardest to teach the student the subject by devoting their time to them, then the school shouldn't be at fault. Of course there are some students who do show a strong effort to learn the subject and if this is the case anyway, the teacher usually doesnt fail them. I probably wouldn't exactly pass them, but from experiences in the past as a highschool ive seen teachers that have given D's to students just because they tried extremely hard to get to know the course. Of course this isn't a good thing since the student didn't learn anything, but i guess that decision was up to the teacher. And like what Radaghast said early. This doesn't make matters simpler since his whole entire education might be at jeopardy. Even this plan may work in some cases, it has 75% more drawbacks.
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