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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kazuko [/i] [B][size=1]For example,I like being very tired while eating waffles with a special syrup,and mixing that with [b]Mountain Dew[/b].The end result is very delicious. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You gave me a very good new idea, since i love Mountain Dew as well too. Im trying this out once i buy some more waffles lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]How do you figure that Asuka and Shinji at the end was not good? I thought it was perfect. The way Shinji reacted to seeing her was great. It kind of gives you this fading hope that perhaps humanity can be saved. But then again, Asuka probably still hates Shinji, and as soon as she can get up... ^_~[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I actually thought for the first time Asuka respected Shinji during that sceen. Basically Asuka was [spoiler] near death and Shinji had enough courage to not care about what the consequences would be and just react. Even after what Asuka was going through and how she finally realized that what happen to her mother wasn't her faught, she was still defeated. Shinji however was going through a somewhat similar dilemma and conquered all of his fears and questions about life and i guess somewhat saved the world to start over again. [/spoiler] Asuka realized this and without hisitation just acted like she always does saying something sarcastically, but i believe she didnt think Shinji of being lower than her or wasteful. She thought they were both on the same level since they both went through such a dramatic crisis. My only question is [spoiler] if it is a combination of Rye, Misato or whatever why did the creators pic Asuka's physical form to be the one to start the new earth?? I would have thought for sure it would of been Misato since Shinji was closer to her then Asuka is. [/spoiler]
I eat everything with ketsup. You name it i had ketsup on it. People actually just hand me the bottle or container of ketsup right away when were sittin down to eat. Probably the weirdest thing i ever had it with is probably cereal, icecream, and soup. The cereal was probably the worst i ever had it with but the other 2 weren't half bad. Then i guess probably my fixation on having corn-pops with water sometimes. Yea that probably sounds pretty hard to say, but i have it sometimes. Its alright everynow and then but i still usually have it with milk.
Ha want to seriously know mine. Its actually kind of terrible since about 3 of my relatives have died from cancer but i was given the nickname anyway. My last name is Tuminaro and therefore people call me Tumor. Why they call me that is the fact that i so call "Am a cancer to everyone." My friends are only joking when they say that and i have a lot of other nicknames as well such as Tumi, Tummy, Tumster, Tuminator, and Dicky (dont ask). Tumor is the one used most often though and why it started is beyond me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]The aspect of the show I found most disappointing was how they ended the show. I liked the final two or three episodes but I thought the series justified another eight or nine episodes. Perhaps the manga clears it up though...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree that inbetween the 2 min. little aftermath ending they had was like i guess the prologue for the first episode. I thought the last episode could have been about 2 or 3 more episodes longer but i guess thats the way the creator wanted it to end. I think this might be the first time im willing to go and buy the manga completely for an anime cause i really want to know that question of why they ended it they way they did.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I guess that I really didn?t write what I meant. I guess my main problem was that they ended up putting too much emphasis on the Soldats and seemed to place the bond between Marielle and Kirika on the backburner. I felt that the creators spent too much time trying to explain what the Soldats were and how they tied into the plot and didn?t devout enough time to the main question that the story poses: ?Will Marielle kill Karika??[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I thought the whole point of the anime was to "Take a pilgrimage to the past". I thought the whole thing was supposed to be about the soldats and how it intertwined with why they are who they are. The only thing i thought the show didnt really get into a lot of depth about was Altena's character. [spoiler] I thought they would have emphasized more of what her purpose was and how she become part of the soldats. All they kept saying about her is that she was responsible for the ritual. [/spoiler]
I guess ill start off by saying this is truly my favorite anime of all time right now and thats pretty hard for me to say since i love Cowboy Bebop so much. Finally i found something that beat Cowboy Bebop for me which is Berserk. This anime completely caught me off gaurd and i wasn't suspecting a thing from this anime at all. At first all i did was hear about it not knowing what it was about at all and from knowing how terrible some history type animes are this one was completely the opposite. Characters and plot: Each character was unique in their own way. Guts and Griffith are basically the 2 main characters in which Griffith is the leader of a band of mercernarys called "The Band of the Hawk". Griffith recruits Guts (wont get into) and eventually goes into the whole story of Griffiths dream. Music: I love the opening song and for some reason i cant get the music out of my head. The music within the anime itself is kinda eeire but fits perfectly for the time and setting the anime was taken place. The ending theme is pretty good as well and just as eerie as the rest of the music. Outcome: Not going to explain about it but just say that the outcome of this anime is great. I still have on major question about the anime, which is p.m.o and maybe the manga could probably help me out with that answer. Its not exactly how i thought it would ended since in the middle of the anime it kinda represents another perspective of how i thought the last episode would conclude. Extras: This probably has the greatest extras in an anime ever. The outtakes section is mainly the only extra part in the anime, but it surly surpasses any of the other animes that i have bought so far. The outtakes are exremely funny and its great how many times the voice actors struggle with certain words. I won't get fully into the anime and explain more in depth about it until other respond to what they thought of this anime. So basically thats it for now. Oh one more thing that i almost forgot to say......it has a lot of gore with extremely little nudity and is recommended for ages 16+.
I go to Rowan University, in DKE frat, and have a 3.35 GPA. I love college except for the one course i had fall 2003 semester which was Quantitative Analysis, which iby far the worse class ever. Plus the professor was a know-it-all so that didnt help. All i know is i never thought cases and cases of bottled water could be so good.
I thought this anime was great. I mean i see why most people here think its boring, but i like these types of animes that arent all focused on action. This had a great story line and the action was really good later on in the series. You gotta buy the 3rd DVD on to realize that Chloe makes this whole entire series great. Shes probably my favorite female anime character as of right now. Just the whole idea of her using throwin knives as her main weapon is a first to me. Plus the last DVD was extremely good. The ending was pretty obvious but the 5 min aftermath was kinda a shocker to me. I enjoyed this anime.
I just saw the 7th one finally and i thought it was perfect. It almost all of my questions and left only one major question in my head. Ill get to that later though. This series was probably one of the best ive seen so far. The one thing i was right about was that [spoiler] Quon and Ayato were somewhat related in a way. Both were parts of each other...one of the same kind that i got from it. What was kinda weird is that the aftermath pictured a different style of what Ayoto looked like compared to his previous image. Whether that is because of him being older or whatever is beyond me. [/spoiler] And i too cant wait for the movie. This has been so much like Eva so far and i cant wait to see if the movies help answer some of the remaining questions i still have. Im pretty sure it will and this has been quite and enjoyable series.
WoW class rings ehh. Yea i purchased one right before i graduated from HS (why i waited so long dont ask) and i barely even wear it now. It was so expensive, around like $275. I think its great and all and i purchased the white gold one with the black details on the ring itself for swimming, my name, year graduated, etc. I also got garnet i think as the birthstone since black and red were my HS's colors. Yea the ring is pretty cool and all but its HUGE nothing i will be wearing out anytime soon. Actually its been about a year and a half since ive even left it from its original spot....wherever that is.
Just picked this up the other day and its a rather new anime thats been released. Supposedly its supposed to be one of the top 10 hits (not this year but next year since they wont have all the DVD's out till 2004), and its been an enjoyable series so far. Its produced by the same creators of Cowboy Bebop and has the mood of a Hellsing anime (without the hardcore gore and stuff). Chrisben Freeman (voice actor of Arucard) is also in it as well who i think is one of my favorite dub voice actors. Whats unique about this is its not all about just "useless" action this time like DBZ, anime types like that. Instead its more focused on the plot and story line with enough action to keep you interested in seeing it. Just wanna know if anyone has seen this anime and if they enjoy it or not.
Finally picked up the 6th DVD (about 2 weeks ago), and this series just keeps gettin better and better. Major plot developement in this one and it helps answer a lot of the questions about the relationships in which all the characters are in. Not only that, but several new questions arise that keeps everyone in suspense. I will admitt that it gets a little confusing here (sorta like Eva), but i guess once i see the 7th one which i will be buying for Christmas (along with finally buying the Death and Rebirth DVD from Eva) i'll watch the whole thing again and maybe help answer some questions other have been asking (mor or less). Anyway this DVD has been the best one ive seen so far in the series. Even though i loved Eva i have to say this one is a little bit better since the story takes a completely different path...in a good way.
True, even though i think Steve Blum has a great voice for any character, he is used way to much. He has the starring role in at least 18 animes and guest starts in just as many. My RM and I think its funny when we are watching a new anime that we just bought or whatever and we try to guess if any of the voice actors are Steve Blum.....most of the time it is. Same thing goes along for a lot of the other dub voices actors in anime, but why would companies choose different voice actors??? The ones you see most often as a voice dub actors should be in as many as they possibly can since they usually can fit any type of character role. Sure they overuse them, but why ruin a good successful way of selling anime the easiest in the U.S..
Writing Poem by pbfrontmanvdp....comments???
pbfrontmanvdp replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in Creative Works
Yep thanks i was kinda depressed about something that day, actually i think thats the first time ive ever been depresssed. Anyway though thanks and ill probably write another one soon once i get the chance too. -
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
pbfrontmanvdp replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
I totally agree with Transtic on this issue. If you ever look at most of wars having America involved in them theres always a Republican in office. I dont really want to get into that, but I have to say the only reason why G.W.B. become president was because Al Gore was the most boring spokesman on the face of this planet. Whether or not there was a discrepancy in the vote counting (what i mean by that is if it was truly that hard to figure out where to mark the circle as for which president you wanted, all i have to say is go Florida or should i say go Bush's brother), i still wouldnt have wanted Al Gore as president the same ammount as G.W.B. I also have to agree with maladjusted as Clinton being a great president, if not one of the best. Our country was at its best with money circulation and supply and demand being at its strongest. Its kind of funny that once G.W.B came into office that the stock market kind of collapsed a bit, probably because all of the high payed companies knew a complete idiot was going into office and took advantage of it. Im sorry but if i want a someone to represent our country i at least want them to know "some" of the names and pronunciations of the other leaders from countries. And if its not bad enough we have good old G.W.B.'s wife being a fair lady and all making up the ridiculous law called "The no child left behind law" for public schools. Now why the hell would she even want to begin thinking of making a law like this when Bush insists on vouchers as one of his key goals. First of all if a HS student wants to drop out of college, thats on their own discretion and Bush's wife shouldnt have to make a ludicrous law like that just to make herself known. I cant stand that whole entire family and i sure as hell dont understand how Bush senior could force his own child to do what he could not do.....in which we still havent succeeded on doing and probably never will (im pretty sure most of you know what i mean). All i know is that the democratics better have someone without such a monotone type of voice represent our country this year since it seems being a complete idiot doesnt matter. As long as your rich, have an *** as a father, and stumble across every word, then even "you" might become president for all i know. So ill leave by stating this quote from the man: "We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations; their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal cufflink." --G.W. Bush, Fritsche Middle School, Milwaukee, March 30, 2000 G.W. Bush -
Probably in Cowboy Bebop when Ed was saying the dialogue at the end of the episode of "Toys in the Attic". Ed was saying how [spoiler] everyone died and that it was the last episode of Cowyboy Bebop and a new anime was going to start staring Ed as the main character. [/spoiler] I thought that was halarious since i would have suspected [spoiler]Ed of dieing as well since she eat the stuff in the refridgarator as well. [/spoiler]
To tell you the truth i cant really see how there can be a ton of anime extras in a DVD. If you think about a regular DVD is animated and more bloopers or whatever are bound to happen that usually makes it into the extras. With an anime DVD there is little possibility of that even happening and if it does its only with the voice actors. I dont really know what you want to suspect out of an anime DVD to have as extras wise, but they seem perfect to me.
Most anime is not meant for kids to begin with. I actually think "cartoons" and "anime" as two completely different entities. Anime is probably 75% more for adults (or at least PG14) while cartoons such as scooby doo (blah i dont know how to spell it i hate the show) is mostly for younger audiances. Im almost going to turn 20 and my parents have never complained about me watching anime and ive been watching it since i was about 8. Of course my parents always make fun of me for watching it since i was into DBZ for the longest time, but i finally got out of the mainstream type anime and finally my parents kinda started getting into it. Why parents would "bash" anime is beyond me and if they do then it is their own opinion and they are allowed to otherwise. I wouldnt really let it bother you since its whether you like it or not that matters.
LoL actually i just started getting into this anime and i thought the character design was perfect. The art in it is just like any other type of anime, but the story line is one of its kind. The love/hate plot of Kagome and Inuyasha is pretty funny, how they both keep on insisting they hate each other when they really dont. Im up to episode 26 so hopefully i can catch a few more episodes so i can type more of a description on the anime. Then again its one of the few animes still being run in Japan thats also being aired in America which kinda amazes me. Wow America is really slow at gettin anime over here.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] I was surprised by the similarites the two series hold- the big mech and the pilot chosen to... pilot it, heh. Then there's the strange symbols and things... although most of the characters are fairly different- RahXephon's more clean and probably for a slightly younger audience. Not that I mind, though ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] I dont want to ruin the series for yea but i just thought i would add this in....it gets a lot more violent way later on in the series. The 6 one has already come out in America and i think the 7th one comes out within the next two weeks so im eager to pick them both up eventually. And yes there are a lot of similarities of RahXephon compared to Eva. I just like RahXephon a lot more since it doesnt get into the whole [spoiler] religious spectrum like Evangelion did which kinda freaked me out in the whole End of Evangelion movie....i thought the whole thing was great but a little freaky compared to the other movie and the actually series itself. [/spoiler]
[SIZE=3][I]When will it end[/I] [/SIZE] Today is just another ordinary day When will this pain finally go away? Isnt it just hypocritical Possibly even cynical Im talking about our society How frightened I am by everyone's dishonesty Truces are made and then they are broken Is this just God flipping a random token? Is our fate sadly based on chance? What I see on the news that i dare not glance The bloodshed and torment I cant bare the misery Why do we always have to repeat history? Its a disgrace how society handles these situations How many more lives must be taken? Until we realize this is not why we were created To be full of possession and of hatred Im not only saying this for my sake For if I have children is this their fate? Will they have to suffer this constant battle? To achieve peace which shouldn't be a hassle I don't want to keep this in the back of my mind Knowing there is no hope for mankind For with these eyes to have seen such sin Only hoping my string comes to an early end ~Tuminaro~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]The Ayato-Quon relationship is definitely the biggest question on my mind, even bigger than that of Reika. Reika has got to just have some sort of [spoiler]more-than-human significance ... I mean, she died, and she can appear whenever the heck she wants, and she can help Ayato out of the ... thing he was falling into one time when he was piloting RahXephon. Hyper space, or something. Certain death, basically, she can help him out of certain death :p.[/spoiler] Oh, back to Quon. She is so odd. You find out in episode 10 (I think?) that she [spoiler]also is an Orin, like Ayato, another term I'd like to know the meaning of. If she's an Orin, how come she doesn't have a mech of her own?[/spoiler] Keep in mind she's also the creepy doctor's daughter, so that probably has some significance at some opint. [spoiler]I don't think she and Ayato are siblings myself ... but definitely connected in some way.[/spoiler] Haha, I'm just waiting for someone who's seen the complete series to come along and blast our poor theories apart. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh but you gotta keep watching the series. The second and third question will be answered....but still for the 1st one i still have no clue what the answer could be. One more quick thing though, for the second one ull be a little p.o. when you find out more about Quon. I sure was
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]I'd have to disagree with your theory, pbIcan'tspellyourname. First of all, Reika is the same age as Ayato. Obviously this could be some weird ... time ... thing, but I don't think it is. Secondly, [spoiler]Reika probably isn't of this world. In one of the episodes before Ayato leaves Tokyo Jupiter, he talks about Reika to his two classmates, the ones he was with when he was in the subway when it crashed. They're both like, "Who are you talking about?" and then seconds later she appears and they both act as if they know her. She apparently modified their memory. Later in the same episode her reflection also doesn't appear when she's talking to Ayato by the pool.[/spoiler] ... Come to think of it, neither of those things really rule out the option of what you suggested, since Ayato seems [spoiler]a little unearthly himself, what with the RahXephon piloting and all[/spoiler]. So, I take it back. Interesting theory! :) [/B][/QUOTE] LoL dont even worry about my name lol.......so many people ask me what it means and im beginning to forgot myself what it means now. Anyway like theres so many possibilities. [spoiler] Like Tokyo and the "real earth" are off by around 12 years so like its possible she could be Ayato's real mother. Another is that like you said its only an image as of right now, so any type of possibility can happen. Its really confusing when she steps in i just want to know who she is by now lol. Im gonna just have to go with the time thing...something about it just seems to fit in with her identity. [/spoiler] One thing i just want to know is what the relationship between Ayato and Quon are. [spoiler] Is it possible they could be siblings??? [/spoiler]
Yea ive been wondering about the significance of Mishima Reika as well. I like your theory cause it would make a really good major plot development. The only other possibility i can see it being is (only read if you've really seen up to the 5th DVD) [spoiler] Ayato's actually real mother.....i dont really want to get to into it since it kinda ruins a lot of things but its a possibility [/spoiler].