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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp

  1. Yea ive been getting into this anime for a while now (about 4 months) and its been an enjoyable series so far. I currently have the first 5 DVD's and soon ill probably buy the 6th one once i get the money (the whole series is 7 DVD's). So ill go by category on this one: Some of the Main Characters: Ayato Kamina - Instrumentalist of the RahXephon and loves to draw. Is confused about what is reality and can trust very few people. Struggles thourgh random times of depression and searches only for the truth of himself and the world around him. Haruka Shitou - 2nd lieutenant to the intelligence division of TERRA. She doesnt fight using any type of mechs, but mostly uses martial arts or her pistol. Has feelings for Ayato and is the one who first met Ayato from beyond Tokyo. Megumi Shitow - Little sister of Haruka and is a pilot in training for TERRA. In some aspects i think of her as Asuka from Eva. but more low toned. Quon Kisaragi - This is probably my favorite character as of right now. Shes got a unique personality, never revealing enough about herself, but enough to understand what her basic motives are. She is also an instrumentalist and likes to play the violin. She is sorta like Chloe from Noir in that she says few words, but when she does speak she has a chilling, creepy type of voice. Reika Mishima - As of now from what i have seen, is a random girl that only Ayato and Quon could see. There are so many characters in this that i could basically go on forever just listing them, but these are the ones seen mostly throughout the series. Plot/Story: Basically there are two worlds: Tokyo and i guess the easiest way to explain it is the rest of the world. Tokyo was invaded by beings called the Mu and from then on Tokyo is basically surrounded in a sphere, separated by a 12 year difference from outside Tokyo (Yea i know it kinda sounds confusing but its not when you watch the series). Ill go only a little bit into the first episode to just get a jist of the series. You first meet a young boy named Ayato he seems to be having a normal day at first and then chaos breaks loose in the city of Tokyo which is being under attack. His only hope is to escape from where he is right now and when doing so he stumbles upon RahXephon. Without getting to much into it ill just leave it off by saying Ayato breaks out of the city of Tokyo and into the "real world". Wow this does sound confusing when i read it but its really not when you watch the anime. Music: I did a little backround on this and found out that the singer is Ichiko Hashimoto. I never usually care who the singer is most of the time, but this music kicks. Theres usually 21 new songs in each DVD and all of them are extremely well done. Flows perfectly along with the series. All in all i have to say this resembles Evangelion a lot, even though there are more characters in RahXephon. Each character so far seems to be fulfilled with enough information about themselves and until i see the rest of the series i can only say its a must have. So i want to know what people might think of the series and if they might want to get it or not. Plus if you do have it what you though about it. Thx
  2. :laugh: HAHA, i love this question i could just answer it in like three words and say "It gets worse", but ill elaborate a little. FYI im almost 20. Just to let you know the next paragraph will probably have a lot of random stuff in it, but it fits the situation perfectly. Trust me i was so happy and thrilled when i finally turned 18. Few more months and im finally out of the house and into a dorm in college. Finally get to do whatever i want (did that basically anyway) and have no consequences whatsoever. Unfortunantly i was completely wrong. Anyone who says that work in college is a hell of a lot easier than in HS is a complete idiot. Plus when i do go back home im like the third parent since i have to drive my brother around everywhere, but that just stopped happening last month. Then theres the expenses you go through when your at college and realize.......damn i have no money. I made about 8 grand over the summer and im running out of it. Then theres the constant voice in your heading pounding into brain saying "guess what right after college you have nothing else to really do but most likely work the rest of your life to you retire". Theres relationships that last like 2 days and ones that last 2 years and the outcome is the same answer, "Your a nice person but i want to meet other people". All i know is i wish i was still 12....best time of my life.
  3. Ummmmm is this topic serious........i dont see whats so bad if a teacher curses. I mean come on your parents curse at home most likely, do you go around saying that to everyone??? Anyway though most teachers sometimes cant catch themselves before they curse since some talk like that all the time outside of school. Im probably going to become a teacher once i finally graduate from this stressful college and i probably will accidently curse once in a while in my class. Its basically a common thing now to say the F' word or any curse word for that matter, and if a curse word "accidentally" slips out of my mouth, what is going to happen.....am i going to be fired and banned from teaching forever :eek: . Am i going to be on Fox news and be put on trial :eek: . No of course not, why anyone would make such a huge deal about this is beyond me and i have to totally agree with Mitch on this one.....live with it and to add a little more to that, "live with it, it happens".
  4. Has to be Ein from Cowboy Bebop. This dog is great, not only is it cute but its basically a genius (or a really good data dog if you want to put it that way). Anyway though, it seems like it's a rather swift, cunning creature that seems to be best friends with Ed. When both of them are together, it couldn't be any funnier since they always seem to turn a perfect situation into a unique dilemma. Unfortunantly you only get to see Ein's full potential as a data dog in Brain Scratch, but i dont want to give anything else away for people who havent seen the series yet. All in all, im now putting a dog in my "to buy list" when i live on my own and im naming it Ein. Damn im weird.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by craig8429 [/i] [B] Downs to the series - the dubbing so so bad you'll want to hunt the people acting british down and spear them with sporks, -The series is really short right when it gets good it ends. - not really any good features on the dvd :-/ [/B][/QUOTE] Are you seriously how can you say the dubbing was bad...unless your Japanese yourself, every dub is usually good. Anyway though this dub was perfect i saw both the sub and dub and the sub sucked for the voice of Arucard. How you can say that is beyond me...I mean their supposed to have British accents since it takes place in Britian. Oh well could just be me.
  6. pbfrontmanvdp


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]I'm really interested in seeing Noir. However, I'm not entirely sure if I want to invest in it yet. But I also heard that despite a very promising start, the series really slows down, and has a number of filler and "bad guy of the day" episodes. So perhaps I'll wait before buying it. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Its the complete opposite.....in the beginning its kind of a little slow, since it gives a huge backround on every character and has a lot of flashbacks as well. Later on in the series its extremely fast and everything ties in together with the flashbacks playing the most important role in the series. I would really consider spending money on purchasing this series.
  7. Even though i love my life.....i sometimes dream/wish i could start my life over again and change some of the choices i made and didnt make over the past years. Like some of the friends i had in the past i wish i never met since they were terrible and did stuff that i didnt think was funny at all. I dont really want to get into it cause it involves like animals and stuff so ill leave it out since it is really crazy what they did and im glad i stopped being friends with them. Also i wish i got into all-year-round swimming at an earlier age since, they perdicted that if i started at an early age i would have made it to the olympics. Unfortunantly i started at the age of 8 and was taught how to do most of the strokes [U]wrong[/U] and therefore i was never able to learn how to do them the correct way (trust me even my horrible way of doing the freestyle isn't that bad, its just that i dont enter the water right with my hands and my kicking sucks, besides that i did have a time of 54secs. in the 100 freestyle(meters) which is good but not good enough). Last thing that i dream about is having a house on the beach with my wife(when i eventually get married), since i love the beach. I cant stand being away from the beach that much and im usually always there during the summer (about 2 out of the three months). Oh well maybe this will come true eventually.
  8. First of all yes buy this series its a must have. It currently tied for my number 1 favorite anime ever along with Cowboy Bebop, but this one needs to have the second series be produced already and i know the creators are going to do that. Anyway yea this series rocks, the gore, action, fight scenes, and Arucard (Alucard) everything was perfect. And i have to go with Cyke on this one in suggesting to buy the box set since, well probably like him i just bought it once it came out and wasnt given an offer like that.
  9. pbfrontmanvdp


    YES, finally someone else brought up another Noir thread besides me lol. Anyway yea this is my third favorite anime series as of right now. I finally got the 7th and final DVD about 4 days ago, and it proved to be even better than i imagined it would be. The description of each character is great, the creators of this series did a magnificant job is describing the backround of each character. The artistic drawings where excellent....down to every last facial expression and scenery. There is basically no blood found in this anime except for about 2 scenes. The story was great, about as good as Cowboy Bebop and in some aspects maybe even better. There are a lot of flashbacks that are key to the whole story of this anime and all the threads and loose ends come together at the end of this series. The first DVD may seem a little boring to some but its just basically a setup of the two main characters, trust me it gets so much better from DVD2 onward. And one last thing, the fighting scenes were unreal, espically the ones with Chloe.
  10. Yea elf decks are pretty good like i love the elvish piper card....its cheap as hell if your using a rainbow deck (least thats what my friends call it if you use the gold boarder type cards that require all different types of mana to play them). Anyway though how long have you been playin for cause like i would possibly get back into the game, but its kinda hard since i sold all my good cards for $500 already. Basically i have nothing left cept for one Royal Assassin that my bro stole from me that i now took back and have in my possession. Little freak always takes my stuff.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]Yeah... no best card. But I think the most useful card up to date is "counter spell". You can basically destroy any spell for a measly two mana. Of course, I can't do it against some cards like Urza's Rage and such, but misdirection can always throw it back against my dear opponent o_O My deck is overloaded with counter spells, healing, creature control spells, misdirection spells, etc. but I need a good creature that does not cost as much as that damned Kraken. Any ideas? [/B][/QUOTE] Depends on what you mean. A creature that kills other creatures or....a creature that does life damage???? Plus yea mine was basically a blue/black deck as well. All filled with counter spells and spells that made my creatures impossible to kill like (i forgot the cards name but it prevents any damage to the creature, plus it is also a card that cannot be countered by counter spells). With that i had royal assassins, sand squids, and avatar of woes(4 of each)...plus a combination of other types of creatures/spells. I loved my deck since i usually could never beat someone really fast and it would take a majority of each player's deck to win.....constantly always having to play each others cards right. If i had a choice now i would go with a blue/red deck. My bro still has his "only" red deck, but it's crazy to beat since every card is a spell except for like 5. Each spell does like 3 or 4 damage and some of them are land destroy type cards in which he usually beats someone in like 3 or 4 turns. Basically i stopped playing for 2 reasons: No one i played with played anymore and it was expensive as hell to keep buying the packs. Still its a great game. LoL almost forgot i had Kraken too its a pretty good card but sucks for what it does (if your refering to Tidel Kraken that is thats a 6/6 unblockable card)....anyway tell me what your looking for.
  12. LoL i used to love this game i played it for years starting when they had legends come out for the first time....man was that a long time ago. Anyway i love how some people said there was a "best card", since there isnt. You cant say any of the old cards are since in most tournaments you cant use them since there to out of date. And with the new cards, theres always some way to counter any type of card no matter what....except for Uraza's Rage and you can even somewhat counter that card as well by Misdirection. This game is the best type of stragedy type game ever created, theres so many types of different setups that you can use. Anyway though i wish they would make a new type of Royal Assasin(sp?) since that is still my favorite type of card of all time.
  13. I have no clue why they stopped at the cell games and then start over at the tournament, but im gonna have to go with shibatku and say they will probably make a box set for it. If they do make a box set ull probably be saving a lot of money that way anyway....just have to save up for the huge amount that it will cost anyway. Plus if Funani. didnt create them yet they probably will eventually since, well, they are done with DBZ anyway and the only DVD's left are the remaining movies and GT. Probably once they are done with these they will finish the Cell games DVD's.
  14. Sry but i think the ending to Trigun...well...sucked. Like they hyped it all up and i thought the last fighting sceen would have been a great on to watch, finally get to see Knives in action against Vash. The only problem was how they kept using the photosynthesis gun's over and over again, constantly canceling each other out. The only part i did like in that battle were the bullet switching acts. There was very little dialogue up to the final battle and i thought the Legato battle was a hell of a lot better. That was actually one of the episodes that made this a pretty good anime, since Vash was going by the words of Rem the whole time and finally had to committ "SIN". Plus the whole diversion of Legato manipulating the townspeople minds to attack Milly & Merryl, and kind of force Vash to kill him even more was brillant. To bad they couldnt end it there, but i guess Vash had to see Knives one last time.....hopefully it was better in the manga which i havent seen.
  15. LoL im in college which = no curfew hahahaha. Nah really when i was like around 14 i could stay up or do whatever tell whenever. My parents thought i was mature enough to handle things on my own and pick my own reasonable times to go to sleep. Basically it makes sense....as long as i told my parents where i was going and what i was doing they didnt care. On the other hand if i didnt call them in advanced they would get pissed off and take my celly away for a while.
  16. Movie special 14 (or TV special 14) im gonna put this in a spoiler so i dont ruin it for others [spoiler] Do you think Goku Jr. really saw Goku Sr. at the end of the movie or was that just an illusion.... I think it probably was really Goku (although for some reason Goku wont friggen age at all) since it was the first time Goku Jr. actually went on a journey to find the dragonballs (or ball) for the first time. What do you thin? [/spoiler]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ARTommy [/i] [B]Do you pump paintball guns or do you just shoot cause I'm lost when it comes to the guns? [/B][/QUOTE] Depends......some are pump, some are semi-auto, and some are full-auto. Mine has 7 different options in which half the options wont make sense to many people anyway, BUT if your just trying it for the first time go semi not pump. Pump is terrible and usually most of the pump guns are so unaccurate. The standard gun that most field companies use are the standard custom tippman 98 anyway so if i were you i would just rent that gun and try it out. It kinda sucks but its a great beginner gun nonetheless. Hope you enjoy it and possibly get into the sport its really fun.
  18. Wow good point Raiha i forgot about that. Tommy if you do kinda see like the paintballs arent breaking at all when they hit you and when they hit the ground there kinda in a funny contracted type of shape then the kid probably froze them. Like tell the ref that cause its REALLY DANGEROUS not jokin around. Some kid did that at the field i played at and it cracked open the lenses on the mask....basically i dont know what happen to the kid who froze them other than he was banned from the field.
  19. Its the best sport ever. Ive been playing it for about 9 years now (on an amateur team for 5 years) and its been my favorite sport out of all the others ive played so far. The first time you go, you will go through a lot of money (around like $100 if you plan on playing a whole day which is sorta a lot of money) but its really worth it. As for it hurting, the only place that you will experience any pain is if you get hit on your hand or if your a guy in the......yea it happen to my friend once he was in pretty much a lot of pain. As for it being hard it depends. Every type of managed field (if your going to one i dont know if your just gonna play in your backyard in the woods or something or on a real field) is different. Some of the rules are that if it hits you anywhere even on your gun your out, but in others its only like your body and head that count as being out. Then theres scenario, elimanation, and speedball type courses/games. If you have the chance do speedball its the coolest thing ever. All in all its well worth it. If your thinking of buying a gun ill tell you which one you should get for the price your looking towards. Hope this helps.
  20. Well i guess im pretty late on this topic but i currently go to Rowan University which is in NJ. Its a pretty good college, the parties kick *** here. Academically the school is up to par compared to any other school. Its mainly a teacher/engineer type of school so it suits me well since i want to be a highschool principal. We basically win a lot of D3 championships in sports and besides all of the other things i have listed, the only downside is the food. I hate the food here at Rowan, it sucks. Its always the same crap constantly with no room of improvement being found. Wow they gave us a Columbo yogurt stand what a difference that will make. Ahh oh well Rowan U. is still a great college.
  21. RTQ was probably the worst anime series ever. I saw the first 5 episodes and my assumptions before even whatching the series was right.........you just cant make a movie out of a Alexander the Great. The battles were just to boring to watch and the dialogue was terrible. Each time someone spoke i couldnt wait to they got back to the fighting.........then again once they started fighting i couldnt wait till they got back to the dialogue, basically i was screwed either way. Anyway there was one aspect i did kinda like in the series which was the look on Alexander's face when he got serious. Overall 1 out of 10.
  22. LoL i live in NJ and i didnt even have my night classes today at my University. I dont care i seriously didnt want to have classes today and i might not even have any on Friday as well. Anyway this isnt even that bad of a Hurrican i basically have been tracking this hurricane on the weather channel for about a week now. As for N.C. there friggen lucky that it wasnt a categorie 5 when it hit landfall. I do feel sry for the beach erosion that is happening everywhere on the east coast (espically N.C.). Well as long as it goes at a steady 18 mph like it has been so far, it wont be as bad as they predicted.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]It sounds so interesting to me. The only thing that bothers me is how mainstream it's become. But I shouldn't let that keep me from seeing a great series. And I'm a sucker for any kind of thing dealing even the tiniest amount of romance, so I know that I would enjoy that aspect at least. Actually, I did watch one episode (Number 5?) and I thought it was gorgeous. The cathedral in the rain took my breath away.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Man i havent posted here in a while.....but anyway yes the art and imagery is like that in every episode. Like H.C. said earlier you have to defiantly watch this series. If you liked Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop has a really good plot about everyones past and how each character eventually solves it. There are only a couple filler episodes that were kinda boring (will i only thought 2 were), but besides from that it was basically perfect. I would recommend trying to TAPE the episodes on AS since they are currently showing episode 3 tonight and then try to catch the remaining others when they rerun them. Alright well thats it.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGodlyME [/i] [B]I'm not bashin' the show...I LOVE the show...I HATE the dub...and what's with the close-minded stuff...I am the furthest from having a closed mind as is possible(almost to the point of insanity). If anyone can't realize things because they choose not to (and is thereby closed mind)It's you. You can't realize that america does things to that which the general public sees that some other places wouldn't..when people in the union of the United States(or Canada, N/S America) do something with something, no matter what it is, it has been americanized. Censoring is the first thing that comes to mind, and not just the vulgar stuff and nudity either. I'm talkin' about getting rid of some of the character development AND the original personality of the character, (the original voice actor put the words to mouths a lot differently than the english one in most instances) which is itself a small part of the voice actor/actress who is the original character voice. And with the dub stuff...yeah, I know I said I didn't like dubs; but some are actually pretty good(but the majority isn't), it's not that i have a problem with language or something, it's just that I like to see what was originally there before I let someone else tell me what's there. [/B][/QUOTE] Im sry but i have to disagree with you. Sure its from Japan and we so called "Americanize" it here in America, but i didnt get half the jokes that were they even sayin in the subbed version. I know it was supposed to be "strictly" a spoof on the Japanese anime, but since im not completely fimilar with the customs and events that entire go on in Japan that this was coming from, i felt it was better that it was more based on the American culture(for the dub). Without trying to criticize you cause everyone has there own opinion, i thought the voice actors for the subbed verison sucked...I couldnt stand Excels voice. I guess im just more of a dubbed person type.....of course i always watch both anyway, but most of the time i enjoy the dubbed verison a hell of a lot better then the subbed.
  25. Yes its between Brain Scratch and Hard Luck Women (episodes 23 and 24). Kinda makes sense that it fits into that section anyway, since [spoiler] Faye and Ed sorta go their own separate ways during episode 24. [/spoiler]
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