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Everything posted by Flashlight
Black trench coat, black gloves, black boots, black-tinted sunglasses and a bright pink hat. Totally inconspicuous. I walked through the clear, revolving doors, taking a quick glance at my watch (6:00). Men and woman in nice tailored suits, all of them holding briefcases and talking on cell phones, surrounded me. I reached into my coat for a banana to hold to my ear. Oh, what odds I went through to blend in! Maybe it was just me, but I seemed to be getting a lot of looks as I approached the desk. Calmly leaned my hand on the oak, winking at the receptionist. She blushed and said, ?Hi.? ?What?s up baby?? I responded. ?Nothing, just working?? Her face went redder as she tried to hide it by looking down. Suddenly I grabbed her hand, holding it close to my lips and lowering my voice, taking a peek at her nametag, ?Jen, Jen Jen Jen! You are truly the most beautiful receptionist I have ever seen! And smart too, for who else could get through the tough schooling for this job?? ??I?m just a temp?? ??And how could we survive without the temp! Oh, the agonies of the temp! Tell me, Jen, how can I reach the third floor?? ?Umm? There?s the elevator.? ?Ah, the elevator, of course!? ?But it?s not working.? ?Oh, lady luck has cast an evil eye on me!? ?But then there?s the stairs!? ?I blessing! The stairs, why how simple!? ?But, the third floor is located above the thirteenth.? ?Of course. Where else would it be?? She gave me a puzzling look, ?Don?t you think it would be above the second and below the fourth?? I released her hand, ?Preposterous! What a terrible place to put the third floor. That?s just crazy! Good day.? ?Good da--?? ?I said good day.? ?Wasn?t that joke used on the Simpson?s last nigh?? ?Bye!? And in a flash and four hours, I was gone, up high standing on the fourteenth floor. ?Hmm?I seem to have gone a floor too high?? I thought. No problem though, for I always carried a spare drill in my hat! But, alas, there was no socket to plug it in! This floor was bare, a simple white tiled, white walled, and clear windowed room. The only thing that stood out was a strange socket like device on the wall. Oh how unlucky I was! Or was I? For, I always carried a spare double ?A? battery with me! And with a simple flick of my wrist and a turn of the knob I was well on my way to the third floor. The tile crumbled along with my feet. After hours of strenuous work, and the complete loss of my legs, I was finally there! Everyone had gathered around, gawking at the bird poop which had found it?s way onto my shoulder. I gathered myself up and dragged my stubs to her desk. ?Christine Mayfield? it read. Finally! Glowing, absolutely glowing, with joy I raised my self up onto the desk, look across, my smile widening, longing to see her eyes, her hair, and her round skull again. Closer, closer I leaned, opening my squeezed eyes, to discover the empty chair. The empty chair! Who, what, when, how, where was she! Then I saw her, crossing the street below, heading to a restaurant. The restaurant! The evil restaurant, the very reason I had to find her, to warn her of the bad cheese! Maneuvering onto the chair I pushed and flew out the window, the sweet, soft concrete awaiting me below. I made quite a clatter, but somehow I managed to escape death with only the loss of my left arm and my right ear. No, the ear was in my hand. Quickly reinserting it, I rolled myself into the restaurant. ?Leon!? She gasped. She was about to say something else, but? ?There?s no time for that! I must warn you, do not eat here! They have bad cheese! Bad cheese!? ?Leon?? ?Fear the bad cheese! It can cause hemorrhoids and vitamin C and arachnophobia and all sorts of other evil things!? ?Leon?? ?Cheese!? ?This is the gap. They don?t serve cheese here.? ??Well then why did I find cheese by the ventilation duct. No one leaves cheese by a vent unless they want someone to eat it!? ?Leon, honey, I think you?ve lost a bit too much blood.? ?Well then, let?s just end this story before I die.? ?I think that would be wise.? ?Well, end it then.? She stepped back, ?Um, how?? ?I dunno. Kiss me!? ?But, you're all bloody. Blood?? She stepped back again, ?I think I?m going to be sick?? ?Fine, I?ll kiss you!? ?No!? ?We can?t end this without a kiss!? ?Fine!? She knelt down, puckered her lips, and vomited. The End. ----------------------- Heh Heh Heh... I'm not very good at comedy. I guess I need a lot of practice. Please share what you felt worked and what didn't. And what jokes you think were used a bit too much (Though, I have a slight idea bout that one). And, most of all, enjoy!
Sonic, boy that brings back some good old memories. My favorite Sonic game is probably Sonic 2. First game to feature Tails, and the first game I got for my Genesis (Not to mention my first Sonic game ever). Sure, Sonic 3 was probably better (Except for the emerald minigame) and Sonic and Knuckles was a blast as well, but Sonic 2 just has that huge nostalgic factor, and that's what makes it my favorite. The Sonic advance games are pretty good, I still like 2D Sonic over 3D Sonic. My favorite 3D Sonic game is Sonic Adventure 2, I really enjoyed the Sonic and Shadow levels (Though, everything else proved to be a headache). I wish the roll hadn't lost all it's use though, it used to be one of my favorite moves (Though, the only other move really was the jump). Sonic Heroes was a bit of a dissapointment to me though. Guess I was expecting too much. There are so many Sonic spinoff games too, Sonic Battle, Dr.Robotniks Mean Bean Machine, and (My personal spinoff favorite) Sonic Spinball. Fun Fun Fun. :) My favorite character? I can't decide.
So, this is just a group of guys, from no specific game developing organization, who gained some capitol and are making this game? I dunno... The screens look fairly nice, but really, Chrono's muscles are wayyy too big. But still, not half bad otherwise. :)
The hail sent strong sharp pains through my body as the thunderstorm roared overhead. What was I doing out here? I really wasn?t sure. I was cold and wet, and shivering all over. But why? I couldn?t remember. The wind was picking up, blowing against me of course. My body had gone numb, I could no longer feel my fingers gripping the flashlight, I could not see more the a few feet in front of me, and all that I could hear was the howling winds calling my name. Reaching out to me, to take me. [I]Christine?Christine?[/I] They said. No, not my name. Christine...Christine! I quickened my step, as did the wind, and exploded into the wood, fighting off tree and hail alike, losing my torch along the way. I came to a muddy bank and slid down. Thrust into darkness and ran ever faster, led not by sight or mind, but by the will of my heart, going quickening in pace as I grew nearer to her. I blasted into a overgrown tree root, tripped and fell, but back to my feet in an instant. [I]Please, can?t we just give ourselves up?[/I] [I]They?ll understand.[/I] It was all coming back to me. [I]The lies, the secrecy, I just can?t take it anymore! What do you expect me to do? They could never understand! Give it a chance! They love us! Only if we abide to their expectations! Only if we live how they want us to live![/I] My fault. [I]Then why don?t we just come out and tell them this is how we want it! I?I can?t do that. I can?t live like this Leon. What does that mean. Just as I said. Christine, wait![/I] It?s all my fault. ?Christine!? Exiting the bush, I saw her, silhouetted in the pale moonlight, looking over her shoulder. She was standing by the edge, the rushing waterfall to her right. It suddenly clicked in my mind that the rain had stopped, and the night sky quickly cleared. ?Christine?? I called out again, quieter this time. So quiet I doubt she even heard me. As I drew closer, I saw the tears in her crystal blue eyes, the quivering of her delicate hands, and her beautiful dark hair fallen loose from it?s usual ponytail. I went to hold her, comfort her, but she stepped back, teetering over the edge, indicating she didn?t want me to draw near. She choked back the tears for an moment, and ever so slightly her lips moved, in a breath delivering her message. Her voice was inaudible, but I knew what she said, and I knew what it meant. It was the strangest thing. In that one moment, that one instant, time seemed to slow, just for us. The image of a glowing white dove fluttered past, and she took her final step back, plunging down the cliff wall on her way to the murky depths. I lunged forward, taking her hand in mine, and reaching gallantly for a hold with the other. I couldn?t find one. Everything went dark, and I was thrust into an eerie darkness. Nowhere to go, nothing to see, and no voice I could call my own, I was lost. I was alone. As I lay there, trying to figure out where I was, what was going on, I found my mind wandering, always returning to that same image, one of a small boy helping a little girl plant her flower garden, asking if they were going to grow roses. I always loved Red Roses. In the far off darkness, I could distinguish a small light. It was very dim, and fading fast, but it was real, and I had hope. And Love. Love enough to propel my forward, striving to reach it before it was gone. When I entered the light, something immediately overcame me. A mild surprise and an immediate warmth. Heaven? I found myself in her arms, listening to her soft lullaby as she calmed my thrashing body. I was calm now, but she continued to sing. Heaven. -------- Well? Please, share your thoughts, and tell me anything (even the slightest, insignificant thing) you didn't like about it. Always trying to improve! :) -------- How's that Shinji?
#1 thing I see that ruins perfectly good stories is bad spelling and grammer. You should really type this up on a program like microsoft word first and make use of the spell check and grammer check, and then go through it yourself since the spell check may miss a few things. No one is not spelled noone. [quote]They just think that i am an worthless scum like my lord who has kicked me out of the sacred clan that rare people know about, and if they do they dissapear[/quote] Take more time to make your sentances look a bit better. This one is terrible. You should have panned it out more, turned it into three or four sentances and give us more detail rather than just rushing through this. Also, you must read it over and make sure it makes sense to you. 'rare people know about'? What makes these people so rare? I think your may have meant rarely, and that makes a lot more sense, but even then it would sound better 'peple rarely know about'. That order of words also has a great impact on how the story sounds. Right now, this just seems like an idea, hastily typed up before it was lost. Not something that should be posted for criticism just yet. You should take time to make it much longer and turn it into a full story. And, as for finding a japanese name for your character, just type in "Japanese Names" in the google search engine and choose from whatever sounds good to you. Develop this character and his/her background more, make a fuller story about him/her, then post the results. I look forward to it. :)
It's good--no--it's really good. But, it just doesn't sound like a poem. More a long the lines of a speech. Not exactly a speech, but that's the best word I can think of to describe it right now. It reminded me somehow of a vampire, or another mythological creature like that who lives in the night. The only line that I didn't really like was: 'All you will crave for is death' I think it just needs to be restructured. Or not. Maybe it's just me and my wierd little mind. :) Anywho, I really enjoyed it. As I said, it didn't sound exactly like a poem, I just didn't feel an rythm to it, but it's really unique because it's excellent without. Good job! :D
Shiguru, you're definately not the only one who didn't like it. While the animation was again supurb, just like the first four OVA's, however, it was really just a waste in every other department. The first OVA was just a recap episode, which didn't really recap the series properly at all. The second was basically a quick sum up of the rest of the manga. I have to admit the ending was quite nice, the atmosphere and everything just fit in that scene. Unfortunately everything leading up to that did not. The structure was broken and it was actually a bit unnerving for me to see Yahiko and Koaru drawn in a more realistic style (Though I got used to it). Of course, with good animation the fight scenes looked spectacular, but I didn't see enough reasoning for them. Sure, there was a clear reason, but I just wish it could have been fleshed out more. I also wish some people (Especially Enishi) could have been given more time to develop as a character. Actually, the more I think about it, I wish they would have just skipped most of the manga and simply given us an ending. Though, then people would be complaining they skipped most of the manga. In the voice acting department, the Seiyuu's did a fairly good job. I can't really complain. I never heard the dub track, so I can't comment on that either. All in all, the only thing that I really liked about the Reflection OVA's was that they (finally) provided some closure to the series. Everything was really too rushed. Also, this is a good a time as any to mention I hate the Samurai X title. The original titles were Rurouni Kenshin rather than Samurai X, ADV just decided to change the name (Thankfully they provided reversable covers). I like the subtitles (Trust and Betrayal, Reflections) it's just the name (And the fact Kenshin isn't a samurai) that irks me. The movie was the first of Kenshin I ever saw, and on the of first anime titles I ever bought, so it carries some nostalgic feelings with it, but in truth the movie wasn't all that. The beginnng and the ending were the real highlights of the film, but the middle dragged and there were a lot of reused cells. I wish they had kept the japanese name for this one especially, which I believe is translated as: Requim For The Ishin Patriots. Anything with Requim in the title has to sound good :D I loved J. Shannon Weaver as Kenshin though, and it's one of the rare times I prefer his voice to the original Seiyuu's. Unfortunately, the dub voice actors for everyone else didn't recieve the same feelings from me. The original 4 OVAs (Trust and Betrayal) are among the best anime I have ever seen, from the musical score (Done by one of my favourite composers, Iwasaki Taku) to the story telling techniques to the animation (I thought the real and animated styles integrated well for the most part), it was all very well done. There's not much I really can say, the only big con I can think of is the Seiyuu for Iizuka was just really bland and unemotional. The dub cast wasn't bad (Though the translation of the script could have been better. I realize they have to change sentances and such because english and japanese don't come out at the same length, but it could have been done better in some cases). Most of the Seiyuu's did an excellent job. Trust and Betrayal are really something. Even though at first it seemed like a gore fest to me, it was marvalous to see how it unravelled into a love story. Truly something.
Where did you here this whole planet Gaia theory? It's a pretty big stretch, as satan665 said. FFX and FFX-2 are the only FF games that are directly related. Also, FFVII and Advent Children are directly related. That's it. Their are similarities, but each is it'a own unique story, and most are in seperate worlds/universes. (Also, I don't believe there were chocobos in the first game)
I would list what I like about the OVA series as well, but you guys have already said a lot about that, so I'm going to mention what I didn't like. One thing is that I wish we could have gotten more of [spoiler] Beatoven (I think it was Beatoven... I should turn it on again, it's been awhile) [/spoiler] I was so cool that he was actually there, but he got so little screen time and zilch in development. [spoiler] I also wish we could have seen Drakes daugher (Well, I assume it's his daughter he's talking about) [/spoiler] And... That's all I can think of. Well, the only big thing. So, back to the pros: Iwasaki Taku. Ab-so-lut-e-ly fricken amazing. The sound track was wonderful, so beautiful, I have to give praise to her. Amazing. :D The character and background designs are eye poppingly fantastic. And it's all done so stylishly too, which was something I wasn't expected with a main character like Yomiko. I like begin wrong sometimes :D In short, this OVA series gets a lot of praise from me. It's truly something to be cherished. :D *Also, I may just not have been looking into it deep enough, but I didn't catch the idea that Yomiko and Nancy might have that intimate of a relationship. That's just me I guess. :)
I enjoyed it, for the most part. The concept appealed to me. :) I found that (Especially in the first paragraph) you repeated words a bit too often. Sometimes this, sometimes that, homeroom here, homeroom in the next sentance. You need to change it up to keep us interested (Use a thesaurus, Word has one built in if your using that to type it up) Or you had a word too many, like at the end of the first paragraph. You didn't have to say cigarette, if you had just left it at second we still would understand what your talking about because you've already explained it. [quote] content with her nicotine hit, still craving more [/quote] This contridicts itself. Also, she must be smoking an awful awful lot and for a while if her health's that bad in high school. Mostly it's the first paragraph that fails to capture me. Other than that, it's all very good. There are no screaming grammer mistakes, and that's always a plus, and as I said before, the concept appealed to me. Smoking is a tough issue to handle. I thought you could have fleshed it out a bit more and make us feel more for this girl, but I still enjoyerd it. :)
I'm surprised I didn't see Megumi Hiyashibara on your list. She's definately on my top list (And the top lists of about a gazillion other people). I especially love her as female Ranma (Ranma 1/2) and Lina Inverse (Slayers). The dub cast for Slayers was great. My favorite VA is probably Crispin Freeman (Zelgadis from Slayers, Arucard of Hellsing, Joker from Read or Die, and many, many more!). He's just creates this great atmosphere for each character he plays, and Eric Stuart is simply hilarious. The little sound effects he makes, not many others can do it like that. Most VA's try, but just fail miserably (Which is one of the reasons I prefer subbed most of the time, Seiyuu's usually have a bit higher voices, or can make their voices go higher, just making them funnier). My favorite Seiyuu list includes Inoue Kikuko (Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess, Kasumi of Ranma 1/2). She's not very versatile, or doesn't seem so as she does similar characters a lot of the time, but I just really like her voice. Something about it, just nice :D There's many more Seiyuu I'd like to mention, but I'm tired and I can't remember their names.
Fly High It?s finally happened. I?ve lost. My mind has burst like a bubble, my thoughts fluttering past in a mad rush, then all of a sudden everything stops. Emptiness. Funny thing though, I am still perfectly aware of my surroundings. I lie on my back, the moist grass giving me a nice refresher from the summer heat. The stars shine brightly overhead, and the moon, she has never been fuller. Beautiful. When I wave my hand in the moon?s glow, I am still conscious. If I wanted to move, I could easily do so. But I don?t. I have given into happiness, into bliss. I have given myself into insanity. How do I know this? Because no matter how hard I try not to, all I can see, all I can feel, is her. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever found someone who can carry you into that supreme happiness, make you forget about all your troubles, not matter how frightening or how mundane they can be? I see he long dark hair, stirring with the wind, her beautiful lips, numbed to a succulent blue, and her usual bright shining eyes, now drained of colour. Her perfect body, once comforting me in the rain, now devoid of warmth, even her hand, which clutches mine still. Someone is yelling in the distance, and dozens of tiny lights illuminate the horizon. They are coming closer, quickly. There speech, I remember it. I remember once I also spoke in that manner. My ?words? where different, but I still spoke like them. Like everyone, until I met her, when their ?words? could no longer suffice. Someone yanks me up, clutching my hair and clawing at my skull, yet I refuse to let go of her hand. I can feel the cold steel barrel on the back of my head. I think they are speaking to me, but all sound has suddenly become inaudible. Again they hit me, my face slammed into the earth. I smile. Again the barrel is put to my head. Still, I smile. Last words? I Love Yo? End. --------------- Sooooo? Tell me what ya' think! EDIT: This better? Oh, and thanks for input. I really really appreciate it :D
Ah, I see now. That makes sense :) As for Twisted Depth, it's a good poem, no doubt about that, but the first line really really bugs me. It's ok to just jump right in, that's pretty common actually, but that 'even' just doesn't sound right in this case. It just seems that we're already in the middle of something, and that line isn't touched (Directly) again though, so it's just really akward. But the true life is miserable I didn't like the 'the' here. Again, it just feels akward. Messes with the flow. Other than the inclusion of those 2 extra words, it really is another great poem. :D Can't wait till' the next one! :D
Writing This is my little thread of random poetry...[PG-13]
Flashlight replied to ninetails390's topic in Creative Works
"Your time is soon, The future's in your hands" Future, I didn't even consider that. Really, really good. All in all, nice revision. Sounds great :) -
I personally hate the movie. The series on the other hand was great. No, not great, Amazingly Spectacular! The movie just pissed me off, mostly because it felt really condensed and it was just way too different from the series (But, then again, I believe that movie was based off the Shonen version of the Manga and the series was based of the Shoujo version, so that argument is pretty much unfounded). I did have a really good ending though, but the art was just awful as well (But, then, the dub track was really good). All in all, the movie was ok. The show will forever remain on my top ten list (Not the butchered TV version though :flaming: ). I love the soundtrack, anyone now who did it (I can't remember at the moment... I [I]think[/I] it was Kanno Yoko). :D
Unless I'm marathoning it, I usually watch the opening and ending themes (Unless they are really horrid). I love it when it's actually a song (And that's the only time I listen to it seperately), and not just an instramental. Not that instramentals are bad, oh no, I love em infact, just they don't make great OP songs. Maybe for an ED, but not opening. An OP has to get you hyped to watch the show, hook you before the real action starts. May favorite OP and ED themes are, by far, anything on Slayers. Slayers has some of the most wonderful OSTs, and I absolutely love that most of the animation in them is not taken from the series in clips, but drawn just for this. I think Breeze or the Slayers Next one (Ugh, the name escapes me at the moment) would be my favorite. :)
Writing This is my little thread of random poetry...[PG-13]
Flashlight replied to ninetails390's topic in Creative Works
In regards to Unconditional Friendship, it's much better now :) Dark Void was enjoyable to read. I didn't like the lines "Your time is soon, Time is in your hands." Other than the fact that you used 'time' twice, the lines in general just didn't sound good. On their own, the lines are great, but toghether they just don't match. And in the last two lines, I think you should either take out 'but' or 'no'. There is no need for both of them, in fact in hinders a great ending. Having just one of them is fine (Either one). Not much else to say right now, other than the fact I really did enjoy it. It's longer than your other two, and usually I don't like it when a poet starts writing longer poems (They tend to be very repetitive nearing the middle), but it seems my fears were unfounding. Good job! :) -
I got the image of an unexpected divorce whilst reading this one. Well, maybe not unexpected, but divorce is what I picked up. So I'll commnet according to that. I like your first one better, but this is still good. No, this is still really good. I loved the symbolism, especially refering to the divorcer (Is that even a word? I need more sleep :sleep: ) as a Demon. Very nice, captivating. You repeated the first bit again near the end, very nice touch ;) I personally couldn't really connect with it (I guess I'm a bit too young), but I could still see that it was a good poem. Hard to comment on for me... I can't wait to see what you whip up next! :D
Too fast. Much to fast. You kind of zipped through it, only stopping to give a small description here and there. So what if Sean's parents died? You gave neither time or reason of why we should care. Also, there are too many extra little bits you threw in there. When writing a story, you must become part of that story. If your trying to bring the reader into this fantasy realm, mentioning Adolf Hitler only reminds us that this isn't real. Try not to repeat words. Some were like this, some were like that, it gets a bit tedious. Why was the majority ruled by the feelings of the minority? Most humans and demons were on good terms, I thought. Then you say this number grows and soon they become the majority. How? Why? What caused the numbers to rise? In the usual case, the minority's feelings are supressed by the majority. Was it this Griffin guy? And, if I have this right, Sean lives in a neutral town then, if he loves humans as well. You should make that more apperent. If you want to tell a rather large tale of this type, you really have to take your time and flesh out the details properly. It sounds like you have something really good going, and you must now it all in your head, but, if you really want to bring the reader in, you have to let them know everything (Everything) that's in your head as well. If you care about Sean, you have to make us care. If you think the background is worth telling, then tell it loud and clear. Don't just quickly get it out of the way. I hope your not making this a prologue with the excuse that the writing will be better afterwords, when the real thing starts, because you'll probably have lost the reader by then. You have to let us know that you story is worth reading from the first sentance, from the first few words. (That's one of the reasons I think beginnings are the hardest part). I hope you rewrite this, because it really does seem interesting. :)
Writing This is my little thread of random poetry...[PG-13]
Flashlight replied to ninetails390's topic in Creative Works
The first poem, purpose, is intriguing, but it seems like your trying to hard to rhyme. Albeit, the rhymes were rather clever, but just didn't sound all too nice. And, 'fly' was repeated too quickly, making it sound akward. The second poem I enjyoed much more. It has a nice flow, and doesn't rely on words rhyming. It just ended really abrubtly. That last line was just...ugh. Fix that last line into something that carries better, and 'Unconditional Friendship' will be and excellent peom. Keep writing! You can go far! :) -
I took a look into this a while a little less than a year ago, so I can't really remember the names to much, but the episodes I saw (The first 6 or 7 I think) register clearly in my mind. I personally love the two teachers (The mad drunk and the "good girl"). What I really like about the show is that it takes the most mundane of activites and displays them in an absolutely hilarious fashion! And the characters! Most are fairly stereo-typical roles, but twisted in a way that I just have to burst into a histarical fit of laughter when I watch the show :laugh: :bellylol: Azumanga is truly one of te funniest anime, no, one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Period. :D
Trigun. Plain and simple. If someones grown up watching North American cartoons all their life (Which by no means are bad, I personally love some of them, just as much as I love anime shows), they're probably not going to take cartoons seriously. So, give them a comedy. Everyones loves comedy's, and that's what the first half of Trigun is all about. The comedy hooks them in, and by the time the second half of the series shows up (With a dramatic change from comedy to drama), they've already been hooked into it and a well prepared for the more "mature" elements in the second half, which is (From what I've found) what most people like about anime. Thus, they can see with a clear vision what is so special about anime. As I said, comedy appeals to almost everyone, and Trigun plays off that to hook you in. I would definately show someone new to anime Trigun first. Then open them up to some of the more mainstream anime like Cowboy Bebop. (And on a final note, Studio Ghibli is a good and all, and many would enjoy their films [I certainly do] but many, many, people would still just think it's cartoons for kids, like Disney [Nothing against Disney, I love their stuff too]. So, it may not always work in changing views). :)
To me, it doesn't quite read as a poem (Though that's definately not a bad thing). It seems more like a... A speech, I guess, would be the best way to describe it. I really liked it, gets the brain juices flowing. Pride is misunderstood As something which is negative? I liked this line in particular. The insertion of that question mark rather than a period, it makes the line soo much better. It poses a question instead of an opinion, really drawing me in further. It tells people who you are And identifies people I think that "And" could have been changed to an "It", or, heck, even removed altogether. Maybe that's just me though. The last line, since it's all caps, really jumps out at you, but I felt it was out of place. This peom (Or speech as I prefer to think of it) has a really, really nice flow, but that last line breaks the flow. I understand it was probably all capitols to make an impact, but I feel it could have still made a great impact if it was like the other lines (Though, I would keep it on it's own like you have there). Overall, minus one little thing about the last line, I really really liked it. You just brought a little life into my computer app class :)
Stress! Kills me to... I liked the poem, very good ideas, but it didn't quite flow right. Don't worry about making it rhyme, just as long as it sounds ok. Avoid using words twice (ticking, ticks). I liked the line, "It's a ticking time bomb". Sounded nice. I think the poem had just one too many lines. It really would have sounded better if you had just cut that last line, though I can see you where just trying to relay the idea from the beggining again. Overall, very nice, very fun. Keep at it! :)
If I made my own anime, the two lead protagonists would probably be named Leon and Christine. Naturally, they'll fall in love at some point. First episode will be the set up, you know, they're childhood friends, and such and such. From there, the story will direct itself. I hate having a structured plotline or specific genre I want to fit it into before hand. Whether it's an anime, a story, whatever, I like to give the characters the reigns. They control the direction of the story, so whatever happens happens (Whoever's actually willing to produce this will probably go ape on me for taking such a big risk). This also makes the characters feel more [I]alive[/I]. Maybe I'm being a bit overly vague here, but, meh. That's just the way I prefer to work :)