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Everything posted by Flashlight

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SadClown [/i] [B]If your at all a fan of anime then you wont promote this live action movie thing. Westernizing anything is litteraly rape and just goes to show that despite this idea of cultural diversity and equality that America is famous for, we are a very shallow minded society. Everything has to be dumbed down so we can understand it. The same goes for dubbed anime. Its no longer anime, its just crap. Like dephiling someones work of art. So my opinion of the dub is this; dont bother, go get the subbed (unless its DVD then you should have both...but should only watch the dub). [/B][/QUOTE] ...? So, your against dubs and live action versions of anime (Which, though not too common, does happen quite a bit) because they seem to american? Well, isn't that a biased point of view. And, not much live action movies based on anime make it over here. I know of very, very few. So, if they're dumbed down (Which I don't think they are, but, then again, I don't watch much anime live action films), it's not the fault of the west. They are usually made in japan, and rarely (If ever) on this side of the pacific (Unless I'm very sorely mistaken, in which case I will apoligize) And Dubs can be perfectly fine and even sometimes better than the sub in the race occurance (Or, almost always better than the sub, depending on the indavidual). I hope you don't think anime is the [I]only[/I] thing they watch in Japan, as soaps and many other shows are very common and probably as popular or more popular than anime. I think that the live action Evangelion should be interesting. I'm not saying it will turn out good or bad, because I honestly can't tell with the information I have, but it should be interesting.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]As for a redubbing, I hope anyone BUT Tiffany Grant does Asuka's voice. I've never watched the dub (thank goodness) but I absolutely LOATHE her voice anywhere I hear it. *Shudders violently*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Really? I rather enjoyed Tiffany Grant as Asuka. Infact, I think all of the characters in the Eva dub were well cast, it's one of the few dubs I actually enjoy. Oh well, to each his own I guess. Did the first DVD really come out 2 weeks ago? I thought it wasn't due until next month! ... I need money now :(
  3. I've seen articles in some anime mags about the live action version, and I've seen many articles all over the place about this Eva Renewal or Restarted or whatever it's called. I don't really care too much for it. After watching End of Eva, I've finally come and placed the whole NGE series in a corner of my mind, happy with my resolutions on it, and now they're coming up with this just to start the vicious cycle all over again. The Eva series should have ended with the series, then they made a movie. That was fine, and it was pretty clear on of the big reasons Anno did this was to piss people off (The Kanji near the end of the movie is supposedly bits and pieces of death threats he recieved because people where dissatisfied with how the series ended). So, the movies was ok with me (Even though Death and Rebirth seemed like one long trailer for End of Eva, I was still ok with it). Now, here comes this little project, clearly intended for cashing in on Eva's popularity. Despite what some new articles say, we've seen Anno Hideaki's "vision", Evangelion was done, and now the greedy corparations just want to milk this cow for what it's worth. I now this happens all the time, and usually I'm ok with it, but since it's Evangelion this time, this is really pushing my buttons. I really think they should have just left Evangelion alone. The sad thing is, even after ranting on about how I'm against them recreating the end portion of Evangelion, I'll still most likely be one of the first to buy it when it comes out (It's supposed to be split into 2 DVD's or something). :flaming:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]My mother was born and raised in Korea. Although she didn't watch anime, she and her friends used to doodle anime-style characters in their notebooks at school (just as I do now, interestingly enough). I'm not sure how much this helps, but a lot of the people that they drew were [i]supposed[/i] to appear Caucasian. When anime first came into its own, it was heavily influenced by Western animation (for example, the old Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White). It makes sense, therefore, that some anime characters don't look "Japanese." [/B][/QUOTE] I remember reading something like that in a book a while ago. Also, another reason why anime eyes (Particulaly in girls) are so big is so they can be more expressive. When I began learning to draw anime, a lot of tutorial said the most of the expression comes from the eyes, and so the bigger they are, they easier it is for the artists to convey emotions through them. Girls tend to be most expressive, so their eyes are drawn largest. Males eyes are smaller, as males don't express themselves as often (Concerning facial expressions). In children eyes are almost always big, regardless of gender, as children always show every emotion they are feeling (Well, not always, but most of the time). This is another reason why chibi or SD characters have big eyes, they convey all sorts of emotions through their eyes. For example, when they cry they usually look like a fountain spurting water. Bad guys have the smallest eyes, as they are supposed to be you typical cold, emotionless, evil doers. These guidlines can all be played around with by the artists, so nothing I said above will go for every anime, artists are bound to do something which could throw me theory out the window, but in general this is how it goes. :)
  5. Almost everything Studio Ghibli (The makers of Princess Monoke). Grave of the Fireflies is their best work, in my opinion. Just look through what they offer and I'm sure you'll find something that interests you (And don't put it off cause' it's old, it will still be good). If your looking for a Sci-Fi movie, Ghost in the Shell comes to mind. I got bored of it within the first five minutes (And that's pretty rare for me), but most people seem to enjoy, so check it out if you wish. As for Romance, I can't really think of any stand alone movies at the moment. Ah! My Goddess is really good, but it's better if you've seen the 5 OVA's first. There are tons, tons, of movies out there. You just gotta look harder. Try searching for anime review sites on google :)
  6. I personally loved te plots in all the FF games I've played (Cept' Tactics Advance, but that doesn't count here). I've noticed that they are very similar in many aspects, they're all about saving the world with a bit of a love story thrown in, following the same ol' pattern of story telling. I guess I'm just a sucker for that kind of stuff. I've emersed myself in the story of each and everyone that I've played and I just love it. I loved Tidus and Squall as hero's. I'm a guy who loves gameplay, but, in an RPG, the story is what I look forward to. FFX has the best battle system in the series so far (In my opinion), but it's the story that keeps me going forward. I love FFX's story. I quickly got bored of the gameplay in FFVI, but the story pushed me to complete the game. And it doesn't matter to me that it all seems the same, because when you really allow yourself to get into the story, you forget that you've already been here. It feels like it's all new :)
  7. I have it, it came with my PS2. It's a fun game, but there was a lot of stuff I didn't really enjoy. I never finished, I just didn't want to. It's fun, and I liked what I played of the first, but the second one just didn't do it for me I guess. I can't really say what exactly it was that I didn't like about it, just not my type of game I guess. I'm not online by the way, so maybe that's another reason I didn't enjoy it as much as you.
  8. Of those 4, I chosee Gundam Wing, simply because it was one of the first anime that got me into, well, anime. :) I saw an episode of Gasaraki a while back, but I can't really remember it. Evangelion is technically a mech anime, but by the end I didn't really feel that that was the best genre to put it in. I haven't seen Martian Successor Nadesico, but I have heard from numurous resources that it's supposed to be an parody of many mech anime (Including Evangelion). RahXephon, while I've only seen a few episodes of it, is quite good so far. :) One thing about your choices, why specify only Gundam Wing rather than the whole Gundam Universe in general. I think Gundam as a whole would represent somethings that helps define Mech anime. :)
  9. I've read the first 2 manga and seen the first 4 episodes. Personally I love it so far. I like the whole promise thing too (Oh, and you didn't have to blank that out, it told to you in the very first page/episode, so i don't it's a huge plot spoiler :p). Even though it seemed like the whole 1 guy to a billion girls type thing, I quickly fell in love with the characters and the plot is moving much quicker than I expected, always keeping me interested. :) I think the dub for the show is one of the worst I have ever heard, but I really enjoy the sub track. :)
  10. CB is a good anime, no, a great anime in my opinion. But I certainly wouldn't say it's the best. It does a whole lot of things right. They seiyuu cast is amazing (Except, I disliked Ed's a few times), but it's one of the few anime where I prefer to listen to the dub track. The animation is fluid and the directors really did a great job with the story. Even though it's very episodic, just about every episodes not concerned with the main plot gives great chracter character development. The characters themselves are very lovable and easy to relate to (For me anyways). And Kanno Yoko is a musical genius! I loved just about every bit of music in the show :) Also, the movie was quite good as well. CB does a lot of things right and is among some of the best anime titles I've seen, but there are to many diverse anime out there to lable one the best (In my personal opinion). I reccomend that most anime fans look into this great title as well :D
  11. Well, there are really a lot of characters that I have come to love, from so many different books. Hard to choose, but the name that comes up at the moment is Lestat De Lioncourt, from the Vampire Chronicles from Anne Rice. Why do I like Lestat? That's a hard question. Lestat is so, so out there I guess. He's a vampire, he doesn't consider himself a good vampire or anything, infact he's pretty evil. He does things sometimes that are so despicible that you may just want to throw up, but you can't ever really hate Lestat. He's just too... Too himself I guess. I think the biggest thing that contributes to my affection for him is Anne Rice's amazing writing skills, describing the world as we have never seen it before through the eyes of a Vampire. There's so much more to say about him, and so much unsaid about the other Vampires whom I have also come to love, but I think it's better if everyone just read the books if they are interested. The first one is titled "Interview from a Vampire". :D
  12. The problem could have been caused in how the cartriges where stored. The room tempreture and other things could have an effect on the cartridge (Or am I thinking CDs?). Or there are many other things that could have affected the cartridge and caused it to wipe the data. Your friend (and you, and me, and everybody else) should read the instructions manual of the gameboy or the game, it gives instructions on proper cartridge storage and handling I believe. I'm sorry I'm not being very clear, I personally haven't touched my GBA in months (School :(). As for recovering the saved data, well It's most likely gone for good. :(
  13. My favorite soundtrack for a Nintendo game would have to be OoT. Of all games in general, this is one of my favorites. So many great tunes, the ocarina melody's I still find myself humming to this day. Koji Kondo is a wonderful composer :) Of course there are many other classic tunes I love, but in general the OoT music just seems to stick out. :)
  14. I liked it. There where few problems I could see. Biggest thing is that I didn't like use of of the word "Understand" twice in a row. Just didn't sound nice to me. But, for the most part, I liked it. You don't need to rhyme to make a good poem, just a good use of words can make it extraordinary. :)
  15. As you have all said, this dual screen gimmick sounds like a good idea, and I really hope it works, but I'm sitting here wondering, "If it's not a successor to the GBA, then what the heck is it?" If it's not the GBA's successor, that means it will most likely be competing with the GBA on the market, and that doesn't make much sense (Unless Nintendo is trying to phaze out the GBA, but that still doesn't make much sense). I'm also concerned about the size of the N DS, 2 3" screens + the space needed for controls ect seems a little big to me (How many centimetres is that?). But, besides this and a few other little worries, the N DS seems pretty cool to me, and I'm really looking forward to it! Oh, and if anyone cares, gamespot also has 2 articles on this. :)
  16. Here's my latest poem, please tell me what you think (And be brutal, it's the best way for me to improve! :)) ---- All Alone Now Sometimes I scream Just to drown out the pain Sometimes I cry out Into the bleeding rain A cold shiver Runs down my spine I turn around And see you for the very last time I?m all alone now? Nobody at my side? All alone now? Just waiting for the tide? What will it bring That could possibly help me Am I just living A fools dream Nothing is waiting for me I?ve left it all behind All of my memories Are all lost in time I?m all alone My life?s passed me by All alone Just waiting to die
  17. In my broadcasting class, I'm currently working on an animation (Hand drawn). My teacher expects it'll take from this year (grade 10) till' grade 12 to finish (15 minutes long is what I'm aiming at). I wanted to add voice acting, so I have to right up a script to make sure the animation will be right. And here it is! Please give me any input you have on it. The writing isn't the best, I've left some actions and stuff out as well, but I'm aiming to make it a comedy, so please tell me if the dialogue works. Now, without further adue, my script: ------------- ~Kyo?s maniacal laugh can be heard in the darkness~ ~Christine is asleep when Kyo walks into her room and attempts to take her from her bed, only to be hit with a bat~ ~Amy wakes up on a ship~ Amy: Uuuugh? Where am I? Kyo: Welcome, Amy, to the SS Kyo?s Wicked Cool Ship Thing! Amy: Nice name. Very original. ?Why am I here? Leon: Yawn Oww, my back. I feel like I was sleeping on a boat. Kyo: Ship Leon: Boat, ship, whatever. When?s breakfast. Kyo: Food! I knew I forgot something. Amy: Idiot. Why are me and Leon here anyways? Kyo: I was feeling scared about traveling alone. Leon: Did you try to kidnap Christine too? Kyo: Yes. Amy: Well, where is she then? Kyo: Inside. ~Christine emerges from inside the ship~ Amy: Why did she get to sleep inside and we had to sleep out here!?! Kyo: After she hit a couple of times with the bat, I thought it would be easier to just take the whole bed. Chris: Boy, I slept like a baby last night? Hey, um, where are we? Leon: The Ocean I think. Chris: Oh, hi Leon. Leon: Hi Christine. Um? Nice day isn?t it? Chris: Yeah, it is. Nice breeze. Amy: Look at those two lovebirds. It?s so cute, isn?t it? Kyo: I just realized I have no idea how to steer this thing. Amy: (Looking at Leon and Christine) Yeah? Kyo: And where did this big red button come from? Amy: Uh-Huh. Kyo: Maybe I should push it. Amy: I totally agree. Kyo: Ok then. ~Kyo pushes the button. For a moment nothing happens, then his hair light on fire~ Amy: What?s that smell? Kyo: I dunno. Maybe a seagull caught fire somewhere? Chris: Hey, Kyo, your hair?s on fire. Kyo: Oh thanks Christine. At first I wasn?t sure if red suited me or not, but it looks like it worked out. Leon: No, Kyo, your hair is seriously on fire. Kyo: I see. ? Amy: Perhaps we should put it out. Kyo: Put what out? Leon: The fire. Kyo: Fire! Where?!? Amy: On your head. Kyo: My heads on fire? Aahhhhhhh! ~Kyo runs around the ship screaming~ Chris: Hey, what?s that on the horizon? Leon: Looks like another ship. Shrike: Prepare to be boarded. ~Shrike and his ninjas board the ship~ Shrike: Do you realize your hair is on fire? Kyo: Yeah. It?s all Amy?s fault. Stupid red button. Anyways, could you help me out? Shrike: I?m the bad guy. I don?t help good guys. Kyo: Please? Shrike: No. Kyo: Pretty Please. The flames are burning me. Shrike: Fine. ~Shire dumps a bucket of water on Kyo?s head! Chris: Why isn?t Kyo?s hair gone? Leon: His head is flame retardant. Chris: Oh. Shrike: Can we please get on with the fighting now? Amy: Sure. Kyo: But you won?t win. I have evil monkey locked away inside this ship, ready to attack you at any moment. Amy: Kyo, no releasing the evil monkeys. Kyo: But why? Amy: Because the artist doesn?t have the skill to draw monkeys. Kyo: Oh, I see. Well, let?s get it on then! ~Shrike and the Ninjas proceed to fight the gang~ ~Leon pulls out a sword~ Kyo: Where the heck did that sword come from? Leon: I keep it in my pants. Amy: Ohhh, so that?s what it was. Sorry for slapping you that time Leon. Leon: Erm, yeah. ~Fighting Continues until only Leon and Shrike are left, locked in deadly battle. In space~ Chris: So, you guys have any idea how they got up there. Kyo/Amy: Nope. Chris: Hmm? I hope he?ll be ok. Amy: (Playing chess with Kyo) I doubt it. Shrike is a lot stronger than him. Kyo: Yep. Chris: But, Leon?s a good guy, and good guys always win! Amy: Yeah, that?s usually the case, but there?s one thing you forgot to factor in. Chris: And that is? Amy: The artist is a lunatic. Chris: Well, I?ll take matters into my own hands then. Kyo: You go girl! ~Shrike and Leon continue their fight in space~ Shrike: You?ll never beat me Leon! Leon: How do you know my name, Shrike? Shrike: How do you know my name? Leon: I have no idea. ~More fighting~ Shrike: Your pretty good, but you?ll never beat me. Leon: Wanna bet on that? Shrike: I don?t think the odds are in your favor, brother! Leon: We?re not brothers! Shrike: Actually we are. Leon: How? Shrike: I would explain, but we?re running short on time. Stupid lazy artist. Leon: Don?t make fun of the artist! He voices me! Shrike: So? Leon: He voices you too. Shrike: So, he was basically just making fun of himself right now? Leon: Um, I guess. Shrike: ? Leon: ? Shrike: Any who, we?re brothers and that?s that. Leon: Ok then. ~The fighting never ends!~ ~Shrike looks like he?s beating Leon~ Shrike: It?s over Keon. Leon: Leon. Shrike: Sorry, typo in the script. Leon: I see. Shrike: It?s over Leon. Leon: (Smiling) Well then, goodbye. ~Shrike raises a sword above his head~ Leon: ?Don?t miss me? too much? Christine? ~Christine smashes a baseball bat into Shrikes skull~ Chris: Looks like I won?t have to! Leon: Christine! Chris: Leon! ~They embrace and float away~ ~Credits roll~ End. ---------- Please forgive me if the format looks weird, I copy and pasted from microsoft word and some forums don't allow big spaces in their posts. :)
  18. Slayers is my absolute favorite anime of all time. And Gourry Gabriev is my favorite anime character of all time :) I wish the anime could be a bit better in the series, but that doesn't really bother me too much in the long run, as the comedy more than makes up for it. The characters the best part, each so different and quirky in there own way. And each is very memorable, what Slayers fan wouldn't think of Xellos when you heard the line "Sore wa himitsu desu!" or "That's a secret!" The movies weren't as good as the series, in my opinion, because none of them (With the exepction of Premium) featured the entire TV cast. But, Naga was still ok. Can't forget that laugh. Slayers was also one of the few anime in which I thought the dub was absolutely spectacular, but I still prefer Megumi Hiyashibara over Lisa Ortiz as Lina. I love Slayers :love:
  19. Umm, I'd just like to add that though you can encounter the same VA's a lot in different series, the same goes for japanese too. It's just less noticable because you can't really understand the language, so it's hard to tell if you've heard a voice or not before (Or how to differentiate between the voices, they can all sound the same!). I really like it when I watch a dub and recognize one of the voice actors, it helps bring me into the show because I'm already familiar with it in some sense. But, I suppose it could get annoying if the VA's don't change their voices much and it sounds exactly like all the other characters they've done. :)
  20. It's pretty good. Well written, but, it's a little much. Timelines are usually very formal, and they only give some detail on the main events in history. They don't usually go into detail about ships and such. Things like that should be left to be told in the story itself. Also, you need to be much more formal, and don't go into as much detail (This should be very basic, the details should be left to the actual story. Take the first sentance for example, it could be trimmed down to: "By this time, genetic alterations to the human gene pool are common, and full human cloning is possible." Go into the specifics of cloning in the story, rather than trying to fit them in here. I feel a timeline should be very basic and only give an overview of the events in your worlds history, give your readers an idea of your world, so they are not utterly confused. This might be just me though. And, the way you did it could still work. Anything that doesn't work or ignores the rules can easily be one of the best pieces of literiture out there, as long as the wroter makes it work. So, you can take my advice and change it, or you can make it work with your story. Whatever you do, I'm eager to see the actual story! :)
  21. Hey, wow, I thought this thread had died. Anywho thanks for the critcism. :) Even though I wasn't satisfied with it I still entered the contest (And won). :)
  22. Here's my latest poem. Please give as much criticism as you can offer. Be brutal, I'm always looking to improve! :) --------------- Is It Right? Standing alone under the Moonlight I wonder if what I?ve done is right Wondering now what you think of me How you?re going to react to me When you see what I?ve done Seeing the I did not run My bloodied hands Reach up And touch your face Wiping away a tear What I did was right You always told me to put up a fight Here I am In the rain Screaming away the pain I was always the quiet one The shy one Just having my fun To everyone I was perfect They would find Me in the perfect state of mind But you saw What they did not see You shattered my mask And suddenly I was naked To you Imperfect to you Finally real to you! Now I wonder what your going to think of my How you?re going to react to me And, when my life floods the floor, Are you going to help? Others tried to break my mask Get through the wall And see it all But they went about it All the wrong way Now I don?t even know if I?m here to stay! Once they saw That they could not break through They started Picking on me Trying in inflict pain upon me And making my life a living hell And so I took my stand Like you told me too I fought back And now I wish That everything Could be perfect again Now I?m in a rut As I hold my gut And my life floods the floor Who knew that it would end like this? That life was fragile like this? Everything?s going dark My hands are numb And I only wish you would come Into my arms again I can feel your warmth Your touch against my skin And I can feel your tears And a vision of all your fears Here we are Living a nightmare Life is so unfair Then again, Isn?t it supposed to be? Nothing matters now I never committed a crime But I hold you tight For the very last time.
  23. When is comes to anime, I like to think I'm very open minded. There is so much that can factor into a good anime. Good animation, voice acting, plot, characters, music. There are to many distinct anime to get any more specific than that. Heck, even those criteria may be too specific. I mean, I'm a huge action fan, so that easily factors in, but I'm also a huge romance fan, and those shows/movies/ova's ect usually have very little action, if any at all. I like my anime (And anything else that I watch/read/play) to be epic, something huge, but sometimes it's better if an anime is more centered and the things that happen in our heroes lives barely affect the world, or even a small city, at all. I think what I'm trying to say is, a good anime is one that succeeds at what it's trying to do. If it's a comedy and it leaves you with a grin on your face afterwords, or if it's a drama and it makes you cry, that is what makes a good anime. To me anyway. And you asked for an example, right? Well, Grave of the Fireflies is an anime that fits perfectly into my definition of a good anime.
  24. What do you mean by under represented? Do you mean he should have gotten more screen time, or that his character should have been developed more, or what? :)
  25. Well, I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. This book will tell of the past life of the main character? Anywho, here's my idea: How about this book is a collection of letters to someone. It's still a lot like writing a journal, but the mere fact that they are letters and not journal entries makes it more original (I assume that's why your against the journal entries thing, because it'll feel cheap and re-used). I know there are many people who prefer not to unveil their work until it's finished, but if you could post what you have so far it would easier help us help you. :)
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