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Everything posted by Flashlight

  1. Hmm... It was Dark Link I believe. Question: What kind of Company was Nintendo originally? (I'm not sure if the question very clear or not, so please ask if you don't understand the question :))
  2. I choose, um... The characters! Sorry, but I really can't say whether I prefer villains or heroes. Heroes are what make the story, and often I find it earier to connect with them. But villains on the other hand, when you find a connection with them it's always something extraordinary. In the long run, between heroes and villains, it really depends on the character. :)
  3. What is life to me? Well, it is, quite simply, life. It has it's ups and downs. There seems to be so much going wrong in my life right now, but really, it's not that bad. There's so much good, but people tend to ignore the good and focus more on the bad. Just open your eyes and see all the good around you. Sometimes you may have to look hard, but it's there. Remember, after all that bad stuff was released from pandora's box, there was also a little light inside called hope. :)
  4. I wrote this last night. It doesn't quite string together like I'd hoped. I don't usually write poems, but I entered a poetry contest (My friend is going to be checking tickets at the door and didn't want to go alone, so I was forced to join) and I needed to write something for it. I don't like the title much either, and it feels like I'm just re-iterating the same thing a billion times over. Anywho, please give my your thoughts and whatever advice you have on how it can be improved. I really appreciate it! :D ----- Goodbye No longer does the warmth of your body Keep me at bay No longer do your serene eyes Extinguish my pain Your lovely lips And perfect hips Voice of spring And Energy of summer You?re a perfect picture Always by my side Though only through richer But joyless you leave me In the end Because? None of it?s real. You lie to my face To you I?m a disgrace You don?t accept me Why haven?t you left me? You stay for the cash You?re like a bad rash The more I itch The more I scratch The more I regret Ever being with you I feel nothing inside I feel nothing on the out You don?t like me So you tried to change me But I am who I am I?ll never be anything more Or anything less Even through my signals Through my screams Through all that we?ve ever been through In all these years You still cannot see Me. I?ll never fit in Like you do I was born an outcast And I?ll die an outcast Oh so unlike you. You?ve always been the popular one The pretty one The one who always had it good. Or so at seemed You had everyone fooled At a time I believed you were everything But now I see your nothing You are no goddess You are not some sublime creature Put on this earth Without mistake You had me fooled. I thought you were the one That you were divine And that your love was mine I hoped that you were not only after My bank account At first it was like that That you didn?t care About how much money I had Back when there was nothing I think that was the only You stayed For me But now that time is gone And I am left In misery Nothing is left for me Nothing at all I?ll leave with all that I have That?s all that you want It?ll be departure before sunset And death before dawn Just know that I really did love, All the way to the end And I?ll never love again Goodbye.
  5. I really liked it. Interesting style, not seen very often, and it really works. :D There are some sentances here and there which could be improved upon, but as a whole I love it. Very good! :D
  6. I'm 100% in agreement with what Star I Am Not said. Spelling and Grammer are really really important. I reccomend you type this up on a program with a spell checker (Microsoft Word works best for me). Also, take your time. Get into detail. And, read it over and over again to make sure you get it just right. Sometimes it will be perfect on the first try, and other times you may have to re-write a sentance a dozen times before it's acceptible. But, it seems like you have some good ideas, and that's the best start! :D
  7. I enjoyed FLCL very much. I absolutely loved the symbolism strewn about :D The greatest anime ever award has to go to Grave of the Fireflies in my opinion, but FLCL is still a top-notch anime. And the dub ain't half bad! :D
  8. This is my most recent piece of writing (written about a month back) and I just wanted some critique on it, so I'm posting it here. Please tell me what you think, not only of the story but of my writing skills, and how you think I can improve. I really appreciate it! :D (Please forgive me if the layout is messed up, I copy and pasted from Microsoft Word and it didn't cope exactly as I'd hoped) :D -------------------------------- Darkness. An all-encompassing darkness, with the exception of a single light shining dimly on the sole performer. Seated by the piano, he deftly stared at the keys, preparing his mind for the performance. But were was the audience? The auditorium was empty, save for her. Her. Yes, she was the audience. The pianist began his performance. His hands skillfully touching the keys, a dark tone rising with each press. The Moonlight Sonata. The Morbid Melody, as she called it. She looked at the musician, attempting to study him. He was not dressed like a pianist. Dark blue jeans, white shirt, and a black jacket, not leather but something similar. The Morbid Melody continued to play, though she barely gave notice to it. Her eyes moved up, past his torso, and onto his finely crafted face. Her eyes moved further upwards, towards his, and she found herself staring at darkness. His eyes were covered under the veil of shadow. Her body tensed slightly at the sight of this, and he hinted a smile. ?Who is he? Who am I?? She asked. She was the spectator. Only there to witness the events unfolding before her very eyes. Suddenly the pianist struck a high chord, gaining her attention again. She was now fixated on him. His fingers delicately stroking the keys, his never failing posture, and his shrouded eyes. The music became a bit louder. Two slits opened on his back, glowing slightly. From them branched out further darkness. They came, slowly, extending from either side of him. The chords were struck higher, louder. He wore a devilish grin as the Morbid Melody continued to play. She felt the cold steel of a knife penetrate her skin. She clutched her gut, the pain quickly growing, yet she found no wound. The knife twisted and pulled away, the pain was unbearable. Hot tears swelled in her eyes, cold blood covered her hands, yet she found no wound. And the Morbid Melody continued to play. She screamed in pain, but no sound came. Again she screamed. Again and again. She felt the scream rise up through her neck, from the very depths of her soul, and dying once it reached her perfect lips. She collapsed to the floor, clutching her gut. The tears came gushing out, and suddenly she was unable to breath. Gasping for air, she somehow managed to lift herself from the aisle and look up at the pianist. His wings had now encompassed half the room. His devilish grin, his masked eyes, it was all driving her insane! Suddenly his sleeves ripped apart, and directly below his shoulders two new openings appeared. From them a black substance seeped out over his arms. It poured like a thick blood. The pace of the music quickened. The room was spinning, and she fell to the floor once more. She was choking; something was clogging her throat. The salty taste of blood touched her tongue as she coughed it out. Laying in the aisle, she felt the icy cold grip of death overcoming her. But why? Exhausted, she stopped struggling and gave in. Her head rolled to the side, her eyes on the pianist once again. His fingers were no longer on the keys; rather, he was motionless, facing her, mocking her with his grin. Yet, even motionless, he still played. The Morbid Melody went on. He raised his head, revealing his eyes to the light. His wings had now taking the room, as the dread blood had taken his body. Surrounded by darkness, using all the strength she could muster, she looked into his eyes for the first time. When she saw what awaited her the deep pools of his iris?s, she screamed. She screamed as loud as one could possibly scream, all the fear and darkness inside her let loose. She screamed until she could scream no more. She opened her eyes and bolted upright in her bed, clutching at her heart. Breathing heavily and covered with sweat, she saw the dawn outside her window.
  9. Check your local chapters. They're classified as childrens/early teens books as they were published by schoolastic (The author couldn't get anyone else, they were some of his first work). I own all the books (Original covers too. Though the first one is in a bit of a bad shape...). I love the books and I think Chris Wooding has some great ideas. He isn't the best writer in the world, but his own little world he's created makes up for it. :D
  10. Earlier this week I purchased the Grave of the Fireflies DVD. There goes my X-Mas present. I would definately have to say the movie is the best movie I have ever seen. Ever. But, I'll probably only watch it maybe once more in my lifetime (It's Very Depressing). Now me and me brother consider this one of the best purchases we've ever made, but my friends disagree, saying it's a waste of money if I'm never going to watch it again (Then again, they haven't seen it yet). Now, that doesn't really change my mind about the purchase much, but I'm wondering what other people think. So, do you guys (and gals) think this was a good buy, or do you agree with my friends in that it was a waste of [my parents] money (Please give your opinion even if you haven't seen it)? And, have you ever bought an anime and felt the same way about it as I do with GotFF? :D
  11. While surfing the net, I came across a Evangelion website. After buying collection 7 from my local electronics botique, I thought "Wow, this is pretty cool". Then I rented Akira and didn't want to see another Anime for 4 months. After buying collection 8 of Eva and Rourouni Kenshin: Requim for the Ishin Patriots (Samurai X: The Motion Picture) I bought the Slayers Box-set and I was hooked. A year and-a-half later I love Anime and Slayers Next is my Favorite series. I love Anime.
  12. EoE, Asuka. She was my favorite character throughout the series (Even though her personality is almost exactly opposite of mine) and when she's finally happy and comes to terms with her mother death, BAM! She dies. I was in tears.
  13. Thanks for the help. I guess I'll wait and see if someone makes a "comment" about the name before I put on the jacket. Thanks.
  14. I'm going to my first con a week from tommarow (Otafest, Calgary), and I'm going to Cosplay as Heero Yui from Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz. Since Otafest isn't really big, I decided to print the words "Heero Yui" on the back of my green shirt. I don't really know if that was a good idea or not, but the name is already printed. Should I look for a new shirt, or is that O.K.? I have a Jacket I can wear over the shirt (Looks really close to the one he wore in GW:EW), but I have to find it first. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  15. Hey, thanks for the help. I'm still not quite sure what to do, but these are some really good ideas you've given me, and I think I can pull some off. Thanks again.
  16. I didn't quite know were to ask this, but this seems like the most appropriate place. In about 26 days I will be attending my first convention (Otafest, Calgary) and I was hoping to participate in the cosplay event. But, I don't know who I should go as. I was going to go as Kenshin, but I'm not very good at sewing and couldn't think of a good skit a I could do alone. I need a costume that would be easy to get/make (I can sew a little) and that would be recodnized, so nothing like one of the G-Wing boys (People wouldn't think I was cosplaying if I went a Heero Yui, they'd think I was insane for dressing like that if it got cold). I'm a male, tall, a little on the skinny side, and I can do a lot with my hair. Any help, no matter how little, would be greatly appreciated.
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