i live in canada so i dont normaly get mtv but i am lucky enough to own an american satilite dish so unlike some of my friends i get to watch it and i think its a pretty god series and i do like it quite a bit
id treat em like anyone else cause they are cool and can do cool things bt i wouldnt want them to hate me cause i show them off to all my other friends
omg i was just watching the one were they got that guy who plays scott in austin powers they set up the game of craps:).also they got kelly osbourne and htey had this one with a tattoo artist and the one guy and his girl friend came in and the tatoo dude was hitting on the girl and the one with the lock smiths wwaaaaaa its a great show
Guardian of punk rock
Apperance:white spiked hair, child like body
bio:found in a field
personality:strong (yet you cant really tell) by looking, and slightly aggressive
Weapon: beam sword (oh yeah)