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Everything posted by caffeinefreak5

  1. i live in canada so i dont normaly get mtv but i am lucky enough to own an american satilite dish so unlike some of my friends i get to watch it and i think its a pretty god series and i do like it quite a bit
  2. id treat em like anyone else cause they are cool and can do cool things bt i wouldnt want them to hate me cause i show them off to all my other friends
  3. the origional dragon ball series got me into it i watched those when i was like 5
  4. they are great and they are canadian :) :devil: PUNK ROCK RULZ :devil:
  5. thanx for telling me what you guys think
  6. i have a deck thats freakin huge and it has blue red and green (mainly) its pretty good
  7. at my school id probably be a :devil: punk :devil: *looks at mowhawk and chain bracelette*
  8. you should never snitch youll get a very bad reputation and all will hate you
  9. i love the ones with remote control stuf (helicopters planes etc..
  10. she should be able too but she wont oh well at least we can all have some hope
  11. action comedy adventure and a little bit of romance and you got your self a great show or movie
  12. gundam wing was the greatest (endless walts was great to watch)
  13. caffeinefreak5

    MTV Punk'd

    omg i was just watching the one were they got that guy who plays scott in austin powers they set up the game of craps:).also they got kelly osbourne and htey had this one with a tattoo artist and the one guy and his girl friend came in and the tatoo dude was hitting on the girl and the one with the lock smiths wwaaaaaa its a great show
  14. Name:shabidoo gender:male Guardian of punk rock Apperance:white spiked hair, child like body bio:found in a field personality:strong (yet you cant really tell) by looking, and slightly aggressive Weapon: beam sword (oh yeah)
  15. i love ska but hte best would probably be pennywise i guess transplants would sort of be considered ska (in my world @ least so go get some transplants music cause either ways its still good :devil: PUNK ROCK RULZ :devil:
  16. hey guess what I DONT LIKE REALITY TV SHOWS :devil: punk rock rulz :devil: i agree with mat though i dont really like reality shows its best if you but cameras without n e one know ing bout it [color=green]--EDIT-- You're not allowed to double-post (post two times in a row on the same thread), so I combined your two posts into one. Please do not do this in the future. -Endymion[/color]
  17. well static x is a metalrock band and if you never heard of them ya probably shouldnt be here :p any ways if you have heard them tell me what you think. :devil: punk rock rulz :devil:
  18. two words dodge viper (any kind will do) |-_-|
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