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About Night_Shade

  • Birthday 04/07/1986

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    i'm just a figment of your imagination. i do not exsist

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  1. why do guys have to be suck lying backstabbing no good cheating jerks?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] Legally, third cousins can marry in the US. I believe. Incestuous relationships happen all the time, they used to be even more frequent. Anyone who's any relation to any royal family of Europe from 1900 and before probably has incestuous blood in them. It was a way of keeping the royal blood pure, not some sick fantasy that is "wrong." [/B][/QUOTE] this is true. legally 3rd cousins can get married and do whatever else they want with each other. and you are also correct about the royal family in europe. in my opinion, you can't help who you love. you're not supposed to. also... the heart wants what the heart wants. but yeah anyways.... thanks everyone for your input. i didn't realize what such a good topic this was.
  3. do you all think that it's ok for 3rd cousins to go out with each other?
  4. As I stand here by these gates Looking in instead of looking out Tears of blood run down my face And I hold back the scream of anguish Lightning assaults the ground around Rain hammers down upon my back As I stand here with my arms spread And my face tilted downward towards Hell I stare longingly into the night As I stand here by these gates Looking in instead of looking out Tears of blood run down my face ~Night Shade~ what do you all think of this poem? honestly?
  5. *nods* i know this... and i have told him that... he just doesn't want to believe it.
  6. i have this friend... he used to go with this girl that we both know. they broke up about 3 or so months ago and he's just finding out that not only did she lead him on for like 4 or so months but also that she never loved him and that she's still in love with the girl that she went out with a year or so ago. do any of you have any suggestions? :bawl:
  7. in my opinion... age doesn't matter. as long as the people love each other, age shouldn't matter. though it is wrong for say a 24 year old female were to go out with a 15 year old female.
  8. i'm sorry, love... give my regards to your brother and his girlfriend. *bows slightly*
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