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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. Its a common misconception than scripts have no description. While still mostly described through dialogue, setting, actions, characters, etc. are still described in a specific format. Well, I hope I can see more of this fanfic soon, even though I'm not particularaly fond of Yu-Gi-Oh. I read your last one, too. That was a work of genius. :)
  2. I love it. Bandit Joeykuba, you don't know how much I love you right now. Almost all the fanfictions here are all. Person 1: blahahaha blah Person 2: blahaha blah And no descriptive writing at all. Yours isn't just dialogue, its written well! And its funny! Thank you. That being said, ummm.... I like pie. O.o (Couldn't think of anything else to say.)
  3. Meh, I want to be a manga artist, but my mom says no. So I'll go to Columbia or the Art institute in Chicago, probably do something with animation. It was my mom's ideas to go to these, but I'm still not mentioning animation for now.
  4. I like that. Is there more? It didn't seem to really end, you know? But that was pretty good.
  5. [QUOTE]You're on! If I'm not too busy, I'll stay up all night and follow you to every thread. Excitement![/QUOTE] Now I feel wubbed... Oh, its so late, no one's on anymore... No mods at all. That really scares me. I may go to the skating rink thing because I told my cousin I might, but its gotten so immature to go there. New year's gonna end up like any other night that I spend on the net until 3-4 am.... *sigh*
  6. Ooops, sorry, I didn't see the bottom of your post *blush* Meh, half the time I'm not offended by the whole idiot thing. Well, there are limits, but its practically impossible to change people's minds, so what's the point?
  7. I've never been kissed.... But its my own fault for not wanting to make out with random guys, :D. (Some of you know what I'm talking about) Well, anyway, I think I once almost got kissed by this guy I liked. We were at the mall. Our first date. (We aren't going out anymore. Don't ask why, because I'm not really sure how or when we broke up) When he was leaving, he gave me a hug. I think he may have gone to kiss me, but I accidentally moved. Damn me!!! *Bangs head against wall countless times*
  8. It didn't really make sense to me. Is the meaning of it (keep in mind, I've only seen Inu Yasha l;ike twice) that Inu Yasha only finds Kagome physically beautiful? That's what I got out of it. Mitch, when are you going to explain the Edit button to him? :D EDIT: Forgot to mention, for some of the other critiques, those weren't very constructive. [I]Why[/I] did you like this poem?
  9. I have a bad, ominous felling that I'm going to be the only loser here when the new year starts.... Oh well, I could always try posting on every thread before anyone gets back :D
  10. wristcutter, really hope you're joking... I wasn't offended. That was more of an opinion thing, anyway. We go through all of our life asking questions. Its the way humans are. Some of these questons will never be answered. But it doesn't matter, most of the ones we really want answers for, all we have to do is search hard enough, and we'll find it.
  11. I like it. I wish me and my twin were still that close... On to my critique! The hands, IMO, are pretty good. You should work on your line art, though. The guy's neck seems too thin. I like their outfits!
  12. I wasn't saying anything about the actual story, I'm not reading a bunch of double posts. Don't call me a moron. You should of just put it up here in segments. And as far as I could tell, it was all dialogue. Boring. Your signature explains that, I guess, though.
  13. There's always the edit button. Its better than one thread I saw. There wasn't just double posting, there was.... umm how do you say it... twelve-auple posting? Probably not how you say it.
  14. This is my recent realistic drawing. Tell me what you think. I know, there are major problems with ice's eye lashes. I like them, though. And I couldn't get fire's chest quite right. Anyone have further comments or critique?
  15. No double posting! That was more than double! That was scary...
  16. I thought it was pretty good, but the ryhming scheme was boring. And, please, capitalize your "i"'s. Its also highly concrete, and didn't evoke any emotion in me at all. With how emotional I am, I'm surprised at the amount of poems that do nothing to me. And leave Mitch alone, he does his job great.
  17. [QUOTE]no offence, but ITS A POEM you idiot! Its about my gramma and i just wrote it like mitch did,[/QUOTE] What ever you say. Mitch seems to put a lot into his writing. Don't flame it. I don't even see what aspect of it you were flaming. [QUOTE]What did it look like to you? [/QUOTE] How you tempt me! Okay, it looked like unintelligent crap that didn't belong anywhere near Mitch's writing. [QUOTE]Why the heck would a samurai be wiccan anyway, thats your first problem![/QUOTE] As long as names are obviously an issue, (for some unknown reason) yours is mispelled. I'm a wiccan. I do a little practice sword fighting. What [I]is[/I] your point? [QUOTE]PS: I really wish you WOULD just fade away... For good![/QUOTE] How unoriginal! Mitch, please stop me before I get really angry. EDIT: Thanks, Sem.
  18. I loved it, Mitch. You were saying a lot more than what you were saying right out, if you know what I mean. I can't see much wrong with these. I think my favorite was VII. Sixy, just what are you trying to say?
  19. ER... I'll probably be here, with the rest of the forumers with no lives. I'll be drinking some non-alcoholic wine stuff. Maybe watching the second season of Sailor Moon. Most of my friends are going to some church thing, but this guy from band is going, so I'd, erm, rather not.
  20. [QUOTE]for what its worth, Sometimes i get tired of all this imagery and bullcrap. Sometimes i just need to read a cute little AABB poem, to lift my spirit. Its beautiful, and if i were you i would never ever change it![/QUOTE] Sorry if I was expecting someone to be more original than that, since Nevi is obviously very creative. With some [I]constructive[/I] criticism, she (he?) can get very good. AABB form can invoke a sense of concrete, inertness that just wasn't meant in this poem, as far as I can tell.
  21. [QUOTE]He is stupid, He expects way to much out of people.[/QUOTE] Who [I]are[/I] you talking about? [QUOTE]I'm lost, but then again, I'm always lost. Tell if I'm not the only one!!![/QUOTE] You aren't the only one.... I like humor and all, but this is for critiquing. And it needs some kind of form. I'm so tired of fan fictions that are all dialogue. It makes it bland and so boring, its painful to read. [QUOTE]and another thing I CAN DOUBLE POST IF I WANNA! So shove off! [/QUOTE] Well, yeah, if you want to be banned. [QUOTE]It's not 'ICK'!!!!.....by the way, this is only my mild anger, if u want a full blast of it, u can jus' keep dissin' my work!!![/QUOTE] Don't tempt me. Ick is an opinion.
  22. Yeah, Lady Knight just wasn't one of the better ones... Did anyone else notice she didn't even mention, think, or do anything about her family? Its like her mom and dad and brothers all disappeared in the last book. I'm waiting for Shatterglass and Trickster's Choice to come out in paperback, but Shatterglass hasn't yet.... :( I liked Daine and Numairs relationship, despite the OBVIOUS age difference. Sixxy, don't post your thread here. This is a disscussion for Tammy's books. If you've read the books, tell us what you think of them. Just a pet peeve, sorry. Don't get mad at me. Wait, I guess its too late. I think you pretty much hate me. I, for one, love Mitch! :p
  23. Those rules are like the dress code at my school: No one, NO ONE, gets picked up for breaking it. Too many people break the rules all the time. Although, I did get a really good discussion from my English teacher about PDA.... Good times.
  24. It's pretty good, but it seems boring. AABB format will do that. And it kind of lacks imagery. Make the reader see what you are describing, hear, smell, feel, taste it. Try different literary devices, too.
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