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Everything posted by wiccansamurai
Thanks. I have to use photo reference to practice figures a bit more.... Actually, I would post my newer thing, but my scanner has decided not to work. For the background, I kind of swirled the two shades of blues, used extrude cone-shaped, and then did a rough brush filter. At least that's what I think I did.... To tired to remember.
I really have to ask. Why do you keep posting these? If the last one was locked, why not this one? Why not spend this time spent reading the FAQ? But maybe this is just my can of Dr. Pepper talking. It does weird things to my mind.
I'm sorry, but life/ strife ryhme is way overdone. It was okay other than that. Actually, it could do with more imagery and more feeling. Maybe I'm just brain numb at 2:30 am, but I didn't feel a thing reading this.
Writing What happens when your a highly dangerous inuyasha lover!
wiccansamurai replied to Harpy's topic in Creative Works
Ick. Problem one, never, never, never double post. NEVER! Problem two, you could of put more work into this. I mean, even if it was supposed to be vulgar and "humorous", there should have been more than dialogue. -
Well, the story made me want to cry. Put that emotion in your poem. When I read the poem, I felt nothing. I'm not saying it needs to be hugely wrong, but it does seem unfinished. I hope to see the finished part. I'm very sorry for your loss, and I feel your pain. My uncle was murdered over drugs, so I know how it feels for someone to die over such stupid things like drugs (alcohol is a drug).
I like Tammy. I haven't read Trickster's Choice yet, but I will. I like the main characters. Its so hard to find a good book with female heros. My favorite has to be either Daine of Allanna. On one side, Daine's ability to talk to animals was really cool. On the other side, Allanna was like a normal girl, as far as love stories go. But she also was extraordinary in fighting and stuff. And it was interesting to watch her fool everyone into thinking she was a guy. (Keep the newbie's in line, Mitch! ;) )
I'm confused..... Why is your art in the literature forum? And don't tell me just because I viewed something means I have a duty to reply. Sometimes I'm pretty nuetral on the stuff.
Well, here's my, er, latest. Actually it's an old one I fixed. Its from paradise kiss.
English, please? And don't you think you should just go see who needs a banner in the request forum? I'm pretty sure that's what's normally done.
Well, my brother got some new PS2 games, so I'm not allowed to borrow his ps2.... So what the hell am I gonna do with these games that my older bro got me? Today I got some clothes (All the pants I got were 2-4 sizes too large. Mom! I'm not getting that fat!) Three how to draw manga books. My dad bought one, my mom two of them. I had to explain to my dad its ok to have more than one because they each have different stuff in them. A really, really, really, really, really soft fleece blanket. I mean, I've had soft fleece before, but goddamn! A black and purple coat from hot topic. Three pairs of shoes?! I'm normally good with one pair for a good six months.... Plenty of sketchbooks. That makes me so happy! 2nd season of Sailor moon! (Score!) Socks! (Score! #2) Ummm.... A pony figurine? I'm afraid to ask my mom if this was actually meant for my little sister. Well, if I really want to, I could sell it to her.... And one of my older brother got: Lots of hints! Kitchen knifes, pots, pans, some random appliances. He's 24.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shroom [/i] [B]No there isn't. That's a thread about what you want. While I admit the threads are very similar we had seperate threads last year as well. [/B][/QUOTE] I beg to differ. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35291[/url] *sly look* You just don't look hard enough. It's only a few posts down right now.
There's actually already a thread for this..... And if anyone wants to see the crapload of great stuff I got (No sarcasm!) they can look there. Bah, but for the sake of this not being spam, I'll umm.... No, forget it. Well, happy holidays!
Well, it's only Christmas eve here, but i got some small gifts from my friends. From Zach, I got a burned cd. God do I love him, he provides me with music. From Krysten, a candy cane. And from Bree some.... fries.... O___o I drew pictures for most of my friends, got Bree a comic, and an assortment of anime action figures/ video games/ comics for my siblings. I have eight of them, so I ain't listing theml. (Well, eight siblings at last count :) ) EDIT: Well, here's what I've gotten from my eight (or nine? Well, if you count my cousin living with us....) Phear teh cute ones T-shirt ((Megatokyo))(I'm almost crying with anticipation to wear this to school I'm such a nerd :) ) Pastels An anime called Someday's Dreamers (Anyone heard of it? It looks good) Kingdom Hearts FF X (I know the last two are a bit late, as those were kinda last years hot gifts, but my brother ((fortunatly)) got fed up with me asking to borrow these. So I got brand spankin new ones. Now all I need is a PS2... O-o) Socks. (Bite me, I like toe socks. They're a bit out of style, so I now wear them.) Volume 1 Ceres dvds 2 edward (cowbay bebop) dolls. Can't wait till I can drive so I can stick one in the front window! Trigun kitty keychain. Gottsa love me keychains ;) Some scented candles. I like scented candles! lol A really pretty tarot deck. Its a wonder since my family doesn't even really know I'm wiccan. Though I don't care for the fact the tarot deck has "The devil" and "The hierophant" (sp?) in it. Oh well. And, by far, the most insulting gift (lol) was scented soap. Well, I'm just kidding. It's just my sister got a soap making kit, so....
Well, this is a picture I drew for my friend. I didn't do to much with the background because I'm not concentrating on backgrounds yet. I think there may be something off about the shading on her face, and I screwed up on her hands, especially the right one. Anyone else have any comments or critiques?
Thanks for your input. I will revise this one when the FRIGGIN EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!! Sorry, I'm so stressed... I thought this seemed too.... broad. I guess I need to expand. As it was, I was dwelling on this for a few weeks, changing words around and the such. I'll have to ellaborate on the bird and everything. Again, thanks. I've been to the Megatokyo forums, so hard crituques don't bother me, lol.
Yeah, I guess I figured out, that despite what I thought at first, this just wasn't finished so here's the last stanza, with the last part that I wrote to finish it. Doorways clear are simple Concealing nothing, in an open book. Inviting all to take an uncaring look. Thinking they?re good example, but empty rooms conjoined have whitewashed walls of stale, bitter silk The kind that deceive and bilk, And have endlessly purloined. A smiling blackbird, soars through thin clouds. The ones she fell into, their inquisition, always asking "Who?" but the truth, It always shrouds.
"But all those who trust Christ will live forever in the joys of Heaven." How the Hell am I going to trust a guy, who if crossed will throw me into a pit of fire? Sorry, I find this funny. Especially the flag thing. That flag design is VERY legal. *Note sarcasm* and they can't even spell pokemon? And about how they said if they changed the flag, it would be a hate crime to burn it? That's not true, it would still stand as expressing an opinion. Just like they're expressing theirs and I'm expressing mine. People like this disgust me. Not all Christians are this bad, just, like any religon, the fundamentalists can be completely ignorant. Well, that's my 2 cents.
Okay, my last poetry thread was full of complete crap. So here's my first decent poem since someone smacked me in the head and [I]made[/I] me realise it was crap. Purple Paint Purple paint is smear?d on a window Clear doorways lead to untold Falling to cinders are soft leaves of sparkling gold, A bird loses flight, and falls to the snow. Of all the days she stepped blindly, she chose this one to leap. Now purple paint that is so intermittent, is so cheap. But it hides it all so kindly, Her intentions wrapped in it Her windows so dark She daren?t leave a single, insolent mark On one she intended to hit Doorways clear are simple Concealing nothing, in an open book. Inviting all to take an uncaring look. Thinking they?re good example, but empty rooms conjoined have whitewashed walls of stale, bitter silk The kind that deceive and bilk, And have endlessly purloined. Tell me what you think, wether you liked it or not.
That one didn't seem to have much rythm. Freedom of speech is encroached upon Privacy is no more Women are minorties That stanza, especially. And sometimes it ryhmed, sometimes it didn't. Make up your mind because it kind of deteriates (sp?) the poem.
I will not let this contest die! So here's another submission.
I envy everyone with their interesting nicknames.... Olga... phef, who wants to be called Olga? Oh well.... I wish I had a cool nickname like everyone else. Oh well...
If anyone tried to break my bracelets, they're getting their privates broken, haha. Nice story Mitch... Kinda reminds me of a guy at school I know. What if you broke your own? Would you have to take the circumstances (couldn't find the right word) "into your own hands"? O.o Maybe I just think about stupid situations like this too much...
"So where are we going now, Ayuta?" Maki asked cheerfully, stretching her back and smiling warmly. Suddenly she looked around. There were a lot of people here, and that made her smile even more. "Geez, it was actually kinda easy to get in, I think. I don't remembre exactly. Wow! My memory's bad!" She giggled and before Ayuta could say anything, she began to skip ahead. "It's really nice in here! Why is that?" She began to ask a lot of stupid questions. "What's in that building? Where are they going? What's all that wood for?" She gave Ayuta no time to answer before she began another questoin. (OCC: Heeheee, my friend is going to show her boyfriend a picture that he won't like, so I may get beat up tonight, lol. Oh well! It's not like he'd actually dare to do anything just because of that little picture. He knows I have an older brother. But, still, if I don't return, remember me as the girl who was killed by a perv because of photoshop. I blame it all on photoshop.)
Yeah, I wear them too. My mom saw this on the news, and completely blew up at me about me having sex. I couldn't figure it out for a while what my bracelets and sex had anything to do with eachother. And I certainly had never had sex. Then she explained it to me angrily and I told her that that was the first I've ever heard of them having "secret meaning"
And now I show how easy it is to make fun of Sean, my school's local jerk. Lo and behold, look at how I can change Toya's (Ceres) good looks into a zitty teen. EDIT: Oh, I'm so dead. I gave a print out of this picture to his girlfriend, and she's going to show it to him. He's going to kill.... Oh well. *Shrug*