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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. If you're caught with any kind of weapon, you get expelled. A kid at my school had gone on a camping trip over a weekend. Having no chance to unpack his truck, he had some sharp camping tools (forgot what exactly) the school found them, he explained. He got expelled. Zero tolerance. Oh, and some of the teachers reinforce nonexistant rules! One of my friends got hauled (literall pulled) off from an assembly for not standing during the school song. The teacher grabbed her wrists and pulled her out of the auditorium. She's not the best teacher. My other friend has her, and during PT confrences, here was the conversation I heard about coming from the guidance councillor (sp?) "He's getting a D in World Cultures... Oh, forget it, he has Andraki. It doesn't matter, then." LOL!
  2. The really stupid thing about how I feel, is that I want to know his story. I know he's probably just a stupid pervert, but I want to hear his side. But he's not going to tell me. I just want to understand why he did this....
  3. It doesn't really matter if it's real or not. I don't know, this might just be lack of sleep talking, but in the end, does it really matter? They can believe this and wether or not it is true, if they believe it, doesn't that kind of make it true? *shakes from sleep deprivation*
  4. This is where religon screws everything up. People argue over it, people start wars over it. I don't see what the big deal is, like in the movie Dogma, it's better to have an idea of faith than an actual religon, because when you set rules on how to worship, things in religon start to get screwed up. But don't listen to me, I have gotten no sleep this week and I'm just typing whatever comes to mind.
  5. I've met a couple people who thought it was odd that I was wiccan, but few really cared. anyway, the whole "good christian" thing was the point Chibi was trying to make. they can't really be good christians if they do that, but they think they are perfect. *shakes from sleep deprivaton* sorry, I'm making no sense right now.
  6. I like to try, but the fact is I have very little ESP. Except between me and my twin, and the occasional glimps of a classroom full of aura's (it was like a rainbow of colors and emotions!) I have no luck of having ESP. Some of my friends can create energy balls (BTW, this has nothing to do with DBZ, GaurdianStorm is wiccan) but I have yet to be successful making one.
  7. Heehee... Ok, here I go: Name: Maki Higuya Age: 17 Gender: Female Grade: swordswoman ( :) ) Can do minor summons. Bio: She's new in school and a mystery. She shows no emotion usually, and keeps to herself. There is a fire in her eye, though.... Appearance: Wears dark clothing and has long black hair. She's well-endowed and many of the guys notice her. She's short and has flawless, but a bit plae skin. Weapon: Knows how to use daggers, swords, throwing weapons. Prefers blades. Techniques: can summon a few beasts.
  8. "Thanks!" Maki jams the jerky into her mouth. "I fwaz ealy hungly!" She said through a full mouth. Swallowed, she transalted, "I was really hungry!" She laughed and looked to Loki. "Cheer up, I'm sure your mom loved you!" She giggled and started jump up and down. "Come on, let's go have some fun!"
  9. If anyone gets in trouble for soemthing at my school, it'll never be the dress code, Hahahah (inside joke, sorry) Seriously, I think some girls could come to school wearing nothing and not get in trouble, lol. But my school is okay, no locker searches so far. I'm a freshman, so I'm not really sure if they have any at all. I know we're not allowed to carry bookbags and need passes to be in the hallway during class. But no one has ever followed those rules, lol. In fact, they only consider it a bookbag if they are sure you are carrying books in it, and I had a teacher sign my pass book so I could something from my locker, but i never put the date or time in, so I have a key to the whole school, lol.
  10. Maki looks around, after smiling sympathetically at Loki. "Rebels, huh? Hence your appearance at the SeeD camp, right. This could make an interesting adventure." She puased and looked at the buildings. "Is there any food? Sorry, but I've been on a stake out all night."
  11. I'm not rebellous. My mom doesn't exactly like wicca, but I never mention it and neither does she. My whole family has always loved nature, and I feel closer to it practicing Wicca. I hope it's not just a trend for me, because I'll be sad if I "grow out of it" BTW, anyone interested in chatting with other pagans, pm me, I know a great chat full of them and they're all really nice. But thats off topic. I go off on tangents a lot.
  12. I've not yet grown out of it, and I know plenty of adult wiccans who started in their teens. Christanity never did it for me. And I don't use wicca to brag around school, though most people know (I told my friends and my friends told everyone else) It's not like I cover everything in pentacles or anything. I pray to goddess and light incense. I don't even do many rituals yet, unless a pet is deathly ill. I'm good at healing rituals. Why would I worry? Praying to somethng I actually believe in makes me happy. And as I've said before I'm not "goth".
  13. Eeep, I love Silver Ravenwolf! She's my favorite author, but that's off topic. I wish stuff in tv shows was true too. I don't fit any stereotypes (or so I tell myself) I'll be wearing black tomorrow, but have a bright red sweater on today. Above all, I'm an artist and I like varying colors. I may be a teenage girl, but among the other wiccans at my school, I'm the one (as far as I know) who follows the rules best, and the others are either more "preppy" or fit no stereotype. I'm just ranting.
  14. This one is another thing for my class. (BTW, I just like the name Maki and any last name that sounds like Haguya or higuya) Man, life sucks, I thought as I kicked some pebbles out of my path. I stuck a rogue strand of hair behind my ear. My wavy black locks had been smooth this morning. Now the wind whipped it across flawless face. Nothing is going right. This world is a mess, and I just want out. This isn?t where I?m supposed to be, of that I?m certain. As I walked through the abandoned, run down street on my way home from school, I adjusted my book bag strap. I was walking alongside an old building, a grocery store that had been closed for ages. The owners had moved to the other side of Japan, and it had never been bought. Now the paint was chipping and a large yellow neon sign, its message lost forever, had crashed and shattered onto the parking lot. It was shattered just like my life, into a million sharp, painful pieces. Stumbling with brass buttons, I took off my school uniform blazer, throwing the stiff, dark blue jacket into my backpack. My foot hit some piece of large junk on the ground, causing me to falter. Swearing, I looked to see what had tripped me. Light that had somehow missed the cherry blossom?s branches hit the object, making it glitter and shine in the sunlight. Leaning over with a grace that I had mastered, balancing my bag and managing to keep my skirt from flying up, I picked up the object. It was a cube, no longer than the length of my thumb, but like my exotic eyes, it was a shade of deep lilac, shimmering in a peaceful way. Each of the six, smooth sides held a different rune, their meanings, their words unknown to me. The symbols looked as if they were held inside the cube, coming up as blue shapes. I resumed to walk, but in a sluggish pace so I could examine the cube more. I was so engrossed in my treasure, I didn?t even realize it when they surrounded me. Hearing a sharp crack of a branch snapping somewhere behind me, I jumped into the air in surprise and fear. Twirling to see what was going on behind me, my heart sunk. Maybe this wasn?t settled. I guess I had been wrong about being able to walk home from that place in peace. More of them appeared ahead of me and I found myself surrounded in them. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Looking for a way out, a route that would take me away from here, I found myself empty handed and hopeless. Yasuyuki?s friends, acting in his track-induced absence, backed me swiftly into the white washed brick wall. Tatsuya, second in charge of the group of hot shot seniors who had decided they ran the small town, stepped up to the sidewalk in front of where I was standing. His choppy brown hair that girls moaned about in the ladies bathroom ran into his face effortlessly. Like me, he and the rest of them were all clad in their dark blue school uniform. Towering above my short figure, only Yasuyuki had ever been taller than him. The green eyes, which resembled deadly, stinging acid to me, had romanced many naïve girls, most of them younger than him by a few years. Despite his popularity with many girls, Tatsuya was always second in line. He has never outdone Yasuyuki, and Yasuyuki had never, ever been told no by a girl, not under any circumstances would a high school girl give up the chance to be with him. His azure eyes, bright and clear, dark hair the color of rich wood, and highly defined muscular body had been pluses to all of his past ?relationships? and none of them had seen past his good looks to see what a monster he had become. So of course, no one had ever said no to Yasuyuki. Until he asked me to go with him. That?s when all of this mess had started to unfold. After I had refused his halfhearted request, he got angry, like a bull being teased by a young child. Threatening me with everything he could think of and beating me until I was bloody everyday, I slowly got worn down. Not being able to take it anymore, I gave in to what he had wanted, feeling like I had sold my soul to the devil himself. Yasuyuki had paraded me like a trophy, just like any of his others, and I continued to war with my emotions. There wouldn?t be much longer until he got tired and dumped me. The challenge, though, of getting me had been to much for him to waste. He held on to me, never dropped, but never once showed he cared for me. Finally, yesterday, I couldn?t go through it one more day. I faced him, stared him straight in the eye and bravely told him it was over. I thought that was the end of it, he had dropped it and I wouldn?t have anything to worry about. On the other hand, this didn?t look like he had dropped anything, except his own heart. ?Maki Haguya,? Tatsuya said, crossing his arms. ?How glad we are to see you.? Kouta, a short stocky red head with a temper the size and ferocity of a hurricane, pushed me roughly against the coarse wall at my back. I stared up at the boys thoughtfully. How can they do this, live like this? In Yauyuki?s shadow, they were practically nothing, tasteless sidekicks with no color or meaning to them. Living like that, in constant inferiority, would drive me crazy. How can they follow his every command as if he was their savior, yet getting nothing but second hand dates and a false popularity? Besides Yasuyuki and Tatsuya, no one had anything good to say about the group. I eyed Tatsuya stubbornly. ?Get over it, I dumped him! He wouldn?t have even cared about what happened if I had told him yes the first time, because for him, it?s always use and move on, right? I?ve been used, just move on!? Tatsuya?s eyes filled with hate and spite, making me recoil. ?I?m just not as mysterious as you guys think I am! The only words to describe his ghastly smile were wily malice and cunning cruelty, and that reminded me of Yasuyuki. I have to change the target of my attack, I realized. ?And I wouldn?t have seemed so mysterious if you guys hadn?t changed! Yasuyuki, you, and me? We used to be tight, have childhood memories and all that crap together, what happened to you? It?s been a long time, but still?? There was no change in his expression, no show of emotion at all! All those adventures we?d had together, and none of that touched him at all? His heart must have died when he lost the laughter he once had. Nothing had ever come up on Yasuyuki?s face when I mentioned anything that we had gone through, either. Nothing mattered to them anymore now that they were teens except for picking up girls and popularity. That behavior, that way of thinking, it disgusts me. How empty-headed can they become? He leaned in, his hand propped on the section of brick next to my face. Bending close to me, close enough for him to my baited breath and for me to feel his against my clammy cheek. Lips curling, he whispered dramatically. ?You, of all people, Maki, should know what happens when you make us mad.? He ran his hand through my hair, stopped and pulled back. Gritting my teeth and clenching my hands, I prepared myself like a condemned man waiting for the executioner?s blade. Something was pressed into my palm. Realizing I still held the violet cube, I calmed. All of my senses faded and I felt peace. Getting closer to where I was supposed to be, I knew. My head was still being held back, but I was unaware of my body and the world connected to it. All I could feel was calm and peace. A smooth breeze ran across my relaxed face. A field of sapphire grass and crystal flowers stood before me, the sky looming ahead was violet, with rose clouds hanging in the air like cotton candy. Unruffled, I stood in the blue plains. I am relaxed. I am calm. This is where I am supposed to be, where I was supposed to be all those years. Out of the blue, I felt a lurch in my chest then a sharp pain in my head. An excruciating pounding in my stomach followed all of that. My head and stomach complaints were due to Tatsuya and the gang. He punched me in the stomach again and I doubled over, out of breath and with tears running down my face. Why can?t I go back? That was the first time I felt like I belonged. ?There?s no way out this time.? Tatsuya said into my ear. I knew he was right. I can?t give up because there?s no farther down I can go from here. Hiroma, the blonde star of the baseball team, held my right arm. Kouta went for my other. Expecting all of my courage to leave me, for my body to give up like it has down like it had done before, I received a surprise. Fire went through my veins. Glaring at them, I said something to the gang in a language that not even I really knew, a language that came from my soul. Somehow I knew what I had said was what was written on the cube. It came alive in my hand, changing substance, changing shape. Before Kouta had a chance to wrap his hand around my arm, I held out my palm to let the cube grow. As I watched it change, my face remained blank, I was calm. The guys? eyes widened in horror and uncertainty. Finally, the cube, which was no longer a cube, stopped. The long staff was taller than I was and it looked like it was made out of amethyst. On one end there was a silver glaive fastened on that looked like an over grown can opener; it gleamed in the afternoon light. To the other side, there was a gold, old-fashioned skeleton key. Kouta was the first to run. Tatsuya looked once at my face, then the blade, his mouth dropped, then backed away from me. He twirled, falling over his own feet and stumbled away, the remains of his followers behind him. Their figures disappeared into the distance and I felt both free and possessed. Not really understanding what I was doing, I turned towards the wall. Running my finger along the old white bricks, I walked along the side of the decrepit building. There was a missing brick and somehow I knew. It was like there was energy emanating from the hole. The energy warmed my fingertips and tickled my nose. Maybe, just maybe?. Then I lifted the gold key and I pushed it into the hole. The key wouldn?t go in, so I pushed harder. There was a click, and the sweet aroma of blooming flowers hit my senses. Knowing filled me. I?m close to getting home. Slowly, I turned and a song rose to my lips. Letting it out, I heard a soft winding chant, sweet in the still, stagnant air. The song seemed to fit with the portal that had opened on the wall. Climbing into the world of blue grass, my heart sung with my voice. I was going somewhere I really belonged. This is my home. I never once looked back.
  15. Maybe it gave those pre-teen goth girls something to really believe in? I think that's a stereotype. I'm a teenager and I dress in a lot of black sometimes. Not really a goth, though.
  16. Maki handed the coins back to the thief. "I don't really mind stolen money, but I'm fine, I'm being paid tonight. Just finished a big job. If its all the same to you, I would like to get out of here soon. Before anyone comes to look for the missing SeeD soldiers." Without waiting for an answer, she began to walk out of the forest.
  17. Maki stood from her position over a dead body and wiped the splattered blood off her face. "I'm fine. Told you this wasn't the place for glittery magic or loud flirting. That's the kind of stuff that gets you killed." She grinned and laughed. "That sure was a good rumble, though!" She leaned over and pulled a dagger out of a body and used her pants to clean of the blood.
  18. Please, no arguing. Wiccans believe to believe in an evil spirit is to give it power. There are different rules for spirits than evil gang lords :D That's our belief, and I respect yours. Wicca is not primitive, though nature based. I don't see how it is, in any way. But its your belief. Just no more arguing, please?
  19. Maki flung out of a tree overhead, to land on a SeeD soldier's back. Cutting his spine in two, she whipped around savagely to slay the next man to get in her way. Her dagger momentarally (sp?) caught in a man's writhing body, she pulled out another. A soldier attempted to attack her back but her fist flew back, catching him in the stomach and stunning him. She turned to finish the job.
  20. "Name's Maki Higuya. Might as well tag along, everyone else is." Looking up thoughtfully, she resumed. "We should get out of here, if that's okay with you?" Maki looked to the silent leader, Ayuta.
  21. Maki smiled brightly, but there was a hint of profession in her voice. "Do you think you should keep flirting until after you're out of enemy territory? All the fog and glittery show off magic is not good for hiding." Looking straight in his eyes, "There will be plenty of time to flirt later, I assure you." EDIT: hey Loki, do you think we're the only ones without lives off the internet?
  22. If more gays were allowed to marry, wouldn't that increase the number of kids being adopted? I mean, as long as they can't actually have children, they're probably going to adopt if they want a family, but if they're not married, they may feel its not right to bring a child into their home. So, in what way, is same sex marriage a bad thing?
  23. Maki smiled and jumped to a branch. Leaping and grabbing onto other branches, she got ahead of the group and dropped in front of them. "Boo." She said quietly, but lightheartidly, her feet soundless as they hit the leaves. Her finger landed squarely on the mage's forehead and she turned and walked to the front of the group as if she had been with them the whole time.
  24. I chose the wiccan faith, though there are some whose parents were part of it. Once you get the general idea down, I believe its up to you how much you want to read into it. Don't complicate wicca by putting a rule on everything, its a pretty free going religon as long as you are a good person and do good things. The major rule, the wiccan rede, is "An if it harm none, Do as thy will" so no thingsa like love spells, because that is playing with someone's will, no revenge spells, for obvious reasons. There are things you can't do.
  25. I don't think Charmed is a good example of Wcca. They're good witches and all, but I can't throw fireballs at demons. And wiccans don't believe in demons.
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