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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. But what's the right way for someone who doesn't have an easy time talking? I'll tell myself I'll tell, but once it comes the time to tell, I'll say something else.
  2. You can't be the biggest chicken, I am! I gave him a note containing my feelings about what he did, with minimal swearing. (In other words, only about three bad words per sentence :)) I should of given it to him at some point when I didn't have to see him later that day. I have jazz band tonight.... and tomorrow, and the day after that. Band sure is a commitment. Oh well, if things go wrong, the next two away things are optional. I don't like the bus rides anymore.
  3. Call a hotline or email [email]jo@samaritans.org[/email] who actually listen. They don't know you but they actually care and reply. I just got a reply and they understood. It feels better just to talk to them. Whoever it was leveled with me about everything that's going on and asked me if I'd like to talk. Didn't preach, just actually listened!
  4. Let's not continue the argument on wether or not it's illegal, as was mentioned, different countries have different laws. I know cutting is right, but who really does all the right things? I do this because I'm afraid to talk, and I want to take the coward's way of getting attention. Does that bother you? It's hard for them to notice me, my parents have seven kids other than me to worry about, and a granddaughter. Teachers aren't there to help with these kinds of things, really. Its hard to find someone with real time for you.
  5. I love that show! Especially Excel's odd ramblings... I was so tired I started to do something like that in geometry class. "Perpindicular is a funny, funny word, that needs to.... DIE!! lalalalalahaha!" People stared to stare... :) I like Hyatt best! Next to LORD ILLAPAZO!!! (probably spelled wrong)
  6. [QUOTE]Anyway, as I said, I struggled with depression. Severe depression. Yet I never killed myself. Some of you guys are listing reason for your depression that are really very silly reasons to be feeling like you do.[/QUOTE] Depression occurs when stress outweighs coping mechanisms. And don't say God is the universal coping mechanism, because that is [I]not[/I] true for all people. I know that people who believe him feel he can make your life complete, but for others, blind faith does not work. I know that people say you shouldn't kill yourself because you won't feel anything afer you're dead, but maybe that's what I want. No more struggling! I would give up all my happiness for that...
  7. I don't fit any of the stereotypes. I kinda just wear comfortable clothes that make me feel good about myself. Though I favor a baggy pair of black pants, I'm neither goth or punk, because I'll also wear my red sweater. I'll wear what I want. I don't care what people end up labelling me as. Besides, it's so much more fun to be able to drift from different people.
  8. As I've mentioned before, I would get mad if my siblings started to try to make romance decisions for my life. I would just tell them to get their own :) All joking aside, I agree with Remembrence on trusting your instincts. There are a lot of bad men/boys out there who are only looking to get in a girls pants. I'm considering putting electric fencing on all my jeans :)
  9. I'd nod and agree with him appearantly whole heartidly then speed dial the police.
  10. I don't really see how drinking your problems away will work... alcohol is a depressant. I wish I had a gun... Would make things easier. But there are times I don't want to die. I just wish I had the confidence to tell my mom and dad what's wrong with me. I want help, I really do... sometimes.
  11. I think it's just making fun of all the new reality TV shows. But the first one gave me nightmares. I've become a bit more tolerant. I just got the third one. Poor Yoshima...
  12. Maybe you should let your sister decide on her own love life? You can't just keep making her decisions. She'll find the right person when she wants to. You shouldn't try to hurry her.
  13. I don't really see the point of living. We walk each day to hurt or be hurt, no one really seeing eachother for who they really are. Everyone on this Earth is suffering, immensly and each in different ways. Yet we all cling to life. I don't understand, why are we here? I just can't seem to end my own life, though I've tried. I wish it would all just leave me alone. This all might just be my science project due tomorrow, barely started talking, though. And my stupid headache! I can't stand this anymore, hiding from that guy in band, finding out that despite what I thought, I'm not going out with Zach, a bunch of people being mad at me for unknow reasons. I'm just plain tired!
  14. Writ e what you know. Don't go off on some tangent that ends up making no sense, unless it's suppossed to make no sense. Write your favorite kind of story, wether it be comical or dramatic. That's the best advice I can give you. Good luck!
  15. Excel Saga cracked me up around every corner! Manga normally makes me laugh more than anime... I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just beacause I read more manga than I watch anime. *Tear*
  16. You know, some people don't have to sit around and play moniter. Sorry, its a pet peeve. Anyway, I think everyone in the Battle Royale manga (I know, I'm sorry, but I ran out of anime people) Some nice, calming music. Not that anyone would listen to it, they'd be runnig for their lives and have no access to a cd player, but its the thought that counts.
  17. I don't base wether I like a person or not on what stereotype they fit, I hate everyone! That said, I think its just a general term that people think of to label everyone with. People can't seem to go on without labels.
  18. I plan to employ bodygaurds (a.k.a., my brothers or friends) at tomorrow nights football game the band has to go to. I wish they would just lose and get this over with, I'm tired of spending every Friday night at school. Oh well. He sent his girlfriend a note saying he never did any of this to me, blah, blah, blah, but no one believes him. He did creepy stuff to a lot of girls, and when I told his ex about what happened, all she said was "You're lucky, I had to spend all of U of I with him." and shuddered. Update: *drools in confusion* His now-ex-girlfriend s depressed because he's made at her for breaking up with him, I don't understand why this makes her sad, and I don't have any body gaurds for tonight. I guess it doesn't matter, he hates me now and doesn't talk to me! :) update2: *drools* can I go crazy now? So anyway, I get to band... And there I was! (sorry, couldnt resist the inside joke.... youd have to be in my band to understand) So I'm putting my uniform on over my normal clothes and Sean was talking to all my friends. He looks at me and asks "Are you mad at me?" And I just look at him in disbelief. "Yeah." Was all I said and turned away. I don't even want to talk to him, but I know i should. And all these different emotions keep washing over me. My anger at him, how much fun we had joking around, my fear on the bus, us playing michigan state walking back to the bus all the time. I miss him but I don't want anything to do with him, either. Not that anyone is even reading this anymore! :)
  19. Maybe she's just the kind of girl who'd rather get to know a future relationship. The guy is basing everything off of looks, probably. I wouldn't like it if a guy I don't know gave me his number. But, I'm not all that good to listen to for relationship advice right now, I'm kind of in a rut.
  20. My favorite romance, which is also my favorite altogether, is Mars. I just got 15 and it made me cry, but I loved it so much Other manga I like: Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Paradise Kiss, Confidential Confessions (Did all the stories make anyone else cry?) Escaflowne, Battle Royale, Real bout High School, Planet Ladder, and Death at Death's Door. Actually, I love all manga! :)
  21. Most of you guys are lucky (Except the ones getting beat up by their siblings O.o) I have five brothers and two sisters. Its hard to get noticed. My mom seriously thought I was on drugs (Which I wasn't, but in a way, I was cuz I had ODed to try to kill myself. But she was thinking more of pot, when that was aspirin and cold medicine. just a bit off-topic) anyway, she dropped it after a day and she never mentioned it since.
  22. I know it's probably not a good thing for me to do, but I don't cut myself deep. I don't lose enough blood to become anemic (Spelling?) or anything. I doesn't even hurt. It hurt the first time I did it. I thought I would of stopped after that, but the second time I tried, it didn't hurt anymore.
  23. I think most of my favorite couples were already mentioned, but here's my list Kira& Rei (Mars Sailor Uranus and Neptune Aya& Yuhi (only because toya is MINE!) Hotohori and Nuriko, even though they never really got together because it wouldn't have worked out for obvious reasons. Ryoko and that unibrow guy (forgot his name) but I never was able to finish that manga. (Real Bout High School) Yukari and Goerge (Parakiss) Sailor Venus and Mars: Did anyone else notice the thing they had going on in the Sailor Moon StarS manga? Maybe it was just my imagination Zoisite and Malachite, though I wish I had Malachite to myself! :) He looks cuddly... in a hug him and freeze to death kinda way. Usagi and Mamorou, though Tuxedo Mask is another guy I'd want to myself Vash and Hitomi (Escaflowne) Robin and Ammon (Witch Hunter Robin) I hope they have something going on later in the series.
  24. Go IceWolfEyes! Anyway, cutting becomes a coping mechanism after a while. You can stop when everything is going right, but then something goes wrong, and you feel a surge of an emotion you want to get rid of. So you get rid of it. Afterwards you feel better. I'm not saying its a good thing to do, just what I can't help but to do. I draw a lot but always end up doing it all the same. EDIT: oh, and I don't know why we're all arguing about wether its illegal or not. It's a stupid fight that will never end. Let's stick to the original questions.
  25. If I met the cast of Reign, I'd give them all pants and burn their codpieces. :) I'd go shopping Nuriko. Me and him could scope out all the best dresses for the dance. :)
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