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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. I don't like Yu-gi-oh, but I've seen two episodes. This doesn't go far enough to make me actually want to watch the show, but it was friggin hilarious!
  2. The closest things to this that ever happened to me was a friend I really hated yelled at me for "Flirting" with her boyfriend. so I'm happy and we're not friends, and one of my guy friends got a crush on me and became really CREEPY. All I can say is try to find some new friends.
  3. [QUOTE]There is a difference between being a person who is truly alone by a failure of luck and some one who is just a brat that no one wants to talk to. One of which needs to look at themselves and take the steps to fix their problem not sit down and cut. Now who this statement is aimed I will leave, but to that person snap out of it.[/QUOTE] I am a brat :p But I know a lot of cutters who are just angry at themselves. I'm angry at myself, too. never do anything right, and people end up looking at me like I'm a complete idiot. I guess I am an idiot. I don't see your point. No one wants to talk to me, that's why I'm so alone.
  4. Another person that needs a hug is Vash! And to Sailor Moon. A gun. A really big gun. Because I know who she'll use it on. *ChibiUsa runs away in terror*
  5. Well, think about how it feels to be a self injurer (i doubt I spelled that right) and be afraid. Afraid you'll always be alone, surrounded in people who don't notice you. Then you do something to relieve the pain, and now you have another fear: talking. All you can think is how much easier it would be just to not talk. So you try to make people notice you subconciencly, because it would be so much simpler if they figured it out. Did anything I just said make any sense?
  6. I can't pick a least favorite... some of them annoy me a bit, but I love them all! If I could meet Miaka, I'd go eat with her somewhere. And if I payed, I'd be broke. If I met Toya from Ceres, I'd give him a big hug, drrol, hug, then drag him around for a while. If I met ChibiUsa, I would play around with her like a kid. For a while, before I chuck her into a river.
  7. No, what everyone wears in Reign is called a codpiece. Yes, reign is the anime for people who like codpieces and unlifelike muscles. I wouldn't want to room with Lain from serial expierements lain. She'd fill the whole apartment with wires and computers and water. Plus, I'm afraid of her turning into that little alien dude.
  8. I keep upgrading my pets, but never actually battle with them. O.o I just don't like battling all that much.
  9. Is it that badd to want attention? No one can go about their lives alone, everybody needs someone who will actually care.
  10. Toya from Ceres!!! Out of all the anime guys I have a crush on, he is the coolest. Deadly, cold, tall, and bronze hair. Everything about him is not adorable, but really sexy. Darien is adorable, though. My boyfriend looks like tuxedo maske. :)
  11. I'm pretty sure its not hentai, but it probably has some nudity. As was stated before, I think its for older women. It deals with problems like still being single and things like that. Ah, oompa loompas always scared me.
  12. One, when I cut, it doesn't affect my grades. Two, drugs are a lot worse. They destroy your mind and body faster than a few slits on my ankle will. Oh, and a mental institution is just for rehab, not punishment. You wouldn't punish a person for being depresses, that just makes no sense.
  13. Toya (Ceres)- a great big hug! :) Sailor Mars- A sword. In the stomach. Sorry, but near the beginning of the series, you really annoy me. Amon (Witch Hunter Robin)- A hug cuz he's hot and a big joke book. I wanna see what he looks like when he smiles. Mamorou (Sailor Moon)- A great big hug. I'm sorry, I'm a real sucker for the tall guys with dark hair. Though, I guess Toya's is because his hair is a cool color.... And moody guys are cool. Zoisite (Sailor Moon)- Breast implants. In the english version you were a girl, but I hated your laugh. In the Japenese version you were a guy, but still had a stupid laugh. You can go back to being a girl now. And besides, if Malachite stops liking you, maybe I can turn him straight and have him to myself. Though he breaks the dark hair idea... Malachite- A great big hug Umino (Sailor Moon)- Contact lenses. Why do your glasses have swirly things? Nuriko (FY)- Some cosmetics. You can never have enough cosmetics! Hotohori (FY)- a REALLY big hug. You aren't meant for Miaka, but I'll always be waiting for you! In the long run, every tall guy with cool hair, I fall inlove with. They also have to act tough, even though in real life my guy isn't all that tough... But he's tall.
  14. The WaldenBooks at my mall has its own little sectoin for manga. I love it, because its not all that "little"! Its so great, I'd sit there for hours if I could. I does look a lot like Momo, because of the tan and blonde hair. I heard it was good, too, but I'm not going to read it.
  15. [QUOTE]Oh and you're pathetic come back was not amusing at all. You also used poor grammar towards the end of your useless comment.[/QUOTE] What comeback? And what does grammer matter? AS, long, as, I. dont strarT writing? like this" I don't think it really matters all that much. And I don't even know what was wrong with it, though. Anyway, I think I'm done with the argument wether or not its illegal, it could go on forever without an end. I think cutting is a bad habit. I'm bad at getting out of bad habits. I agree with lea, though. They wouldn't press charges on you, send you to jail, or give you a fine.
  16. It's an older woman's comic. I guess it deals with the side of sex which isn't all "True love, first time" and all that. That's about all I know about it.
  17. Masoa or Sae.... God, you give me nightmeres. I always hated Nakago. But that wouldn't give me nightmares, I'd dream of killing him. Another person who scares me, as long as we're on manga, is any of the people "Playing the game" in battle royale. I seriously had nightmares for three nights after reading the first volume of that. I have a lot of nightmares...
  18. I know what you mean, I've long since stopped role playng there. The only good rps I could get were with people who liked these one books I read, and theygot repetetive after a while...
  19. [QUOTE]wiccansamurai: People joke about suicide because they've tried it, and it makes it easier to deal with that fact if they take a lighter view on it. Yes, there's a rather sick undertone to it, a grim kind of acceptance. But that's better than not talking about it at all.[/QUOTE] I tried to kill myslef before. And the kind of joking they do scares me and offends me. All of a sudden, Amanda will just go "Breanne, will you let me die?" and stuff like that. I don't think she should say things like this. I'm not sure if maybe this a plea of help, though. Maybe she really is going to try something. [QUOTE]Well, you could send someone into an institution for comminting suicide, but I think that'd be extremely pointless since they're already dead and stuff.[/QUOTE] I know what you meant, but as I already said, I have attempted suicide and I still can be put into a mental instition. Though I guess I would have to be extreme "Go, die, me!" or something like that to actually be sent to one. I was just saying, its not illegal. Anyway I decided to tell one of my friends that I cut today. She does it too. I don't know, it might have been a stupid thing to do. She's really nice, though a bit wild. Angry.
  20. I'd wanna room with Toya from Ceres.... he's hot, he's cool, and, yes, I would LOVE to see him naked. Also, Excel from Excel Saga. After a day or two of sleepless nights from her singing, I might kill her, but she'd come back to amuse me. People I would not like to room with are ChibiUsa. God, she really annoyed me. Hyatt from Excel Saga, who wants to clean up blood all the time? Robin from witch hunter robin. The silence would KILL me. Any pokemon character can just go away, no fluffy things inside my home!
  21. It's not illegal. Things that send you to a mental institution are not necassarily illegal, just grounds to make people realize you may need help. Suicide isn't illegal, schitzophrenia isn't illegal, but they can all land you in the "funny farm".
  22. Ok, I'm going to try this again. I hope it works. EDIT: Yahhh!!!!!! it does work. *skips around in happy little circles, then trips over her picture* Owww, it doesn't like skipping.
  23. I know what you mean, I've tried to quit several times. But what does it matter, I don't cut all that deep or that much and I feel better when I do. I haven't really told any of my friends... I don't know why not, JJ used to do it and some of them have tried to kill themselves. But the suicidal ones always joke aorund about it, and I don't find it funny. I just found out JJ did it, and I'm not sure I should tell her. Like most people, she doesn't really like me.
  24. It is, and that was its charm for a little while, but it went down hill when it was all changed. I liked the lack of swearing in the chats, though everyone figured out how to get around that.
  25. It's not showing up on my computer, either. Does anyone see it?
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