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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. I got a lot of good stuff. A new computer, because this one's around 5 years old and it dies frequently. A printer that hooks up to my camera, so i don't have to keep borrowing my mom's. A cell phone! After all my mom's lectures about how teens don't need cell phones (I agree, but I still wanted one) she bought me a verizon picture phone! Pocky. Sailor Moon SuperS box set. Fushigi Yugi dvds. 3 cds, Avril Lavigne and Sarah Mclaughlin. Socks! I'm so excited! I love socks. *huggles the toe socks* Undies! Another thing I love to get! Sketchbooks. A lot of them! And some other random stuff. I lve Christmas around my house, so many gifts and food and family. ^_^ :love:
  2. I took an IQ test. Wanna know what I realized? How much I hate iQ tests. I got a 130, though, which is ok.
  3. I'm thinking about the guy I like. I'm trying to figure out if me and him or going out or not. Its all a long, odd story, and now I'm all confused. I'm thinking about the chores I was supposed to do. Must clean my room and the fridge... Instead, I took a nap all day. I'm thinking about finals next week. Eeek! I'm thinking about how I'm going to spend this weekend. Boyfriend (or whatever th hell he is) time, friend time, or studying for the dreaded things I must spend all next week doing. >_< I'm thinking a mixture of all three sounds good. Or just the first two. ;)
  4. Ranger, Siren, stay on topic! :) Well, here's the stupid thing my friend, Sam, did today. Well, she's not actually my friend, seeing as how I've never liked her but she kept talking to me. Today, she was sitting on the ground and giving me crap about wearing a skirt and "Dressing like a whore." My boyfriend was around and wanted to yell at her, but wouldn't because she's a girl. Tonight, because of circumstances beyond his control, he ended up at the chorus concert. He's wandering aorund the hallways, because he really does not like the chorus concert thing. Sam was too, though she wasn't just wandering, she was coming back from almost getting caught (And in the end she did get caught) having sex with my best friend's boyfriend, even though she has a fiance. (A high schooler with a fiance? :rolleyes:) She goes up to Nathan and starts telling him how I dress like a whore. Because I wore a yellow paid skirt with thigh high socks, and it wasn't THAT bad. He was trying to be nice, and tell her that I don't dress that bad. She puts her arm around him and he nearly decked her right there. Telling my boyfriend that I "dress like a slut" isn't something that's a good idea! So, that was an idiotic thing to say. ^_^ Hell, he slammed a guy in a locker for saying somethign along that line. But she got repayed. When a janitor explained to Bre that he was locking the prop room because he saw two people matching Sam and Phil's physical descriptions having sex in there, she immediately slapped Sam so hard, she started to bleed. Before Nathan didn't like Bre, found her annoying. Now he says she's awesome for doing what he wished he could have done.
  5. I usually wear whatever. The outfit I've chosen for tomorrow is my favorite. A black collared shirt from god knows where, a yellow plaid skirt from hot topic, and thigh high lack socks from hot topic. Super cute. I love clothes, but the stuff in the stores always seems so boring. My dream is to start to make my own clothes. I already have some awesome and cute designs. *Starry eyes* Maybe I'll be a fashion designer one day...
  6. [QUOTE=Xander Harris]That's one of the sickest things I've ever heard. Doesn't your mom know about what he did? Why don't you tell her? You know, we have laws against that kind of **** in this country. I say grow your hair out, and if those *******s at school harass you again, you press charges. There is no reason why anyone should have to put up with **** like that. And get therapy, if you need help to get through the pain resulting from this. No one has to deal with this kind of stuff alone. Call one of the sexual abuse hotlines. Blech. Y'know, back in the day there was a death penalty for sexual harassment and rape. It's stories like this that make me think it should still be around...[/QUOTE] Heh, I could never tell my mom any of this. It would either break her heart or she wouldn't believe me. She's been sick lately, and her back probably will never stop bothering her. It just doesn't seem like a good idea to dump this on her. I'm actually thinking about going to my school's social worker about it. She helps all my friends with their problems. Siren's kinda right. You can't just hide from it forever.
  7. Heh, I guess I'll share the worst thing that's ever happened to me. When I was ten, I had a crush on a 13 year old. He was a family friend, still is, actually. Now, remember, I was ten. And all I remember are three of the incidents. There were more, but I can't remember them, no matter how hard I try. One time he kissed. The other time, he came into my room and undressed me. The third time, he took off my (EDIT: MY shirt, not his. Damn typos.) shirt, and his mouth was everywhere. I don't remember how it led to that, or where we were, what happened before or after. I just remember my confusion and sadness and anger. I had [I]looked up[/I] to this boy, he had been around since I was little. And none of that meant a thing I was ten, and had nothing a teen or grown girl had, and I didn't even understand anything about what he was doing. I told him to stop, and he just told me it was ok. That what he was doing was nothing bad. Stuff like this, the stuff I can't remember, went on for two years. When I was twelve, he stopped. I began to hate guys, well, I was more afraid of them than anything. I cut off all my hair and made sure a guy wouldn't look at me that way again. I spent three years hiding like that. Over eating, never caring about the way I looked. I'm a bit better now. Freshman year in high school I let my hair grow out and I've been taking better care of my body. But practically as soon as I did that, two of my guy friends started to sexually harrass me. I went back to my old ways for a little while, bu I was really lonely like that. Even today, I can't stand to be in my room without my door being locked, and I can't stand silence. I seriously have to blast my stereo all night, being able to hear the creaks in the night just freaks me out for some reason. I still get really scared around guys, even my boyfriend, though I hide it best I can. So, that's my story. I hate seeing him around my house, but he works here, and my mom treats him like a son.
  8. [QUOTE=Lore] Really? I think it's somewhat admirable that he apologized. Of course, I am rather removed from the situation. But it sounds like he felt bad and wanted to make amends. And not that "the only reason he'd hit on" you was because he was angry--if someone's flirting with you, chances are they genuinely like you, regardless of what actually inspired them to act on the feeling. takin' care of business, Sara[/size][/QUOTE] Heh, I'm actually going out with Nathan now. And, its just that it sounded incredibly dumb when you overthink stuff like I do. And, really, Nathan flirts with a lot of girls, thouhg for a while it had mostly been me. :love: I'm in a great mood. Me and him just started going out today.
  9. [QUOTE=MaineOtakuNo2]I only have one tip, and it's short, but very helpful. Out of all the guys I know, all of them want the girl to make the first move. No one wants to screw up, but a guy can screw himself up mentally if he asks at the wrong time. I don't want to include sexual relations in this but I guess I should with so many young people getting laid nowadays. It sucks being a guy in a relationship, you all need to realise that. A guy is usually expected to make the moves, and if he goes too fast it can ruin the moment/day/month/year/life/relationship. So lady's, make the first, and every other move, show the guys when your ready, cause no guy wants to be a failure. P.S. I'm a 15 year old guy, all my friends are around that age too.[/QUOTE] Well, tha same goes for girls. The thing I figure is, you need one of each. One person who'll start stuff and the other who doesn't. Or both who start stuff, but it may end up going really fast. The first boyfriend I had, he wasn't the type to start anything, and I sure as hell am not. Nothing ever happened. It lsated a long time, but went antogonizingly SLOW. We never, in 7 months, even kissed. Now then, skip to now, and my current boyfriend made the first move, the second move, and he'll continue making moves and that's fine with me. Its all how personalities click.
  10. I received a bird when I was about twelve. I loved my birds, and my parents had gotten it despite the fact they hate them. It was so cute, a cockatiel. It was grey with bright red cheeks and a yellow moehawk thingy. My dog ate it Christmas night. Once, a little after easter, someone snuck into our barn. They had, appearantly, gotten a cute little duckling for easter. Unfortunately, ducklings can't stay cute and yellow forever, so they left it in our barn in a small cage with goat food in there. We named it after the first two words out of my mother's mouth when she walked into the barn. "What The" the duck was shortly after eaten by a coyote. We aren't very good with birds.
  11. Adahn, I hope you're not arguing in favor of pedophilia. I'm not saying you are, but if you are, you're going to get an earful from me. Any who.... I don't understand friends who think you shouldn't go out with a guy just because they don't like them. I mean, if they had a good reason other than the fact that they don't get along, then maybe I'd listen. A lot of my friends don't like my current boyfriend. I can understand why, he tends to rub people the wrong way at first. But I don't see why they care as long as I'm happy. Just trying to keep it on topic. ^_^
  12. For "Shh" the thing I see about the lips, you made the upper lip go out too far. Its too wide. I hope that's the problem, because it'd be easy to fix if it is. The red of the lips kept going where there's actually only shadow. I really like "Do you know me" too. It seems very quiet, where as "Shh" seemed loud, even in its silence. I may be one of the few here, but I think you should expand on the brightness of "Shh." Don't over do it, but it makes it very interesting. I actually think, it was colorful in the photoshop version, but it didn't quite strike me as right yet. The colored pencil one didn't really either. I don't know. Also, I'd like to say you're lucky to have the art teacher you do. My art teacher has all of our art pieces planned, down to the subject and theme and everything. We're not even allowed to use photos of anything. She gets angry when you do. ^_^;; You're very lucky you get to draw what you want and stuff. EDIT: I didn't want to make another post just to reply to Syk because I would feel like I'm getting off subject. Anyway, our Portfolio classes at my school do the same thing the sophomore and freshman classes do, though. All the same projects, even if that's not what the junior and senior portfolio classes are for.
  13. Oh, I've got a good idea! Bring some chocolate or candy or whatever to school. Use it to start a conversation about favorite sweets. And share if she happens to have the same likes. I'm horrible at relationships. Ummm, here's something. I'm not saying this is true in all cases. If a girl who once went out with the guy you are or are about to date tells you something like "He's gonna cheat on you!" or "He's just gonna use you for sex!" keep that in mind. If several friends go up to you and tell you that kinda stuff, be very careful. I wish I had listened to my friends about John. And Rachel should have listened to me about Sean, cuz he was cheating on her. Roses are nice, but it depends on the girl.
  14. I have to agree with Baron. We wouldn't have known you're age jus by knowing the age difference, and Baron was just wondering if there was a reason for the girl to be shocked. I never understood the whole "Never ask a lady abou her age" thing anyway. If it bothers you so much, just do what my aunt did and be 29 for 14 years. My friend did a dumb thing with his girlfriend. My other friend suggested he try to get a more emotional bond than pyhsical with this girlfriend. So when the girlfriend did something that made him unhappy, he poured out is feelings about it and about her. For four hours. After a month of going out, saying how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. And so on. :rolleyes:
  15. Oooooh, I got a whopper. So, I found out that me (now ex)boyfriend cheated on me. I was distressed and sad. I called him and asked him to explain, seeing as there were three witnesses because two of my friends walked in on them. "I don't know. I might have done it I don't remember. Maybe I have multiple personality disorder, and my other personality did it?" Yes. He said that. Me and my friends have been making fun of alternate personalities since.
  16. I felt REALLY rejected yesterday when my friend came up to me and said she walked in on my boyfriend and her sister having sex. :( I've never felt so betrayed and jealous and rejected. And I still haven't broken up with him, not just yet. And its giving me a headache. Even though I like him, and he said he liked me, he went and slept with some friend of his. I feel like... its no fair.
  17. Well, my friend Nathan tried to put his arm around me when I was watching anime with him. I have a boyfriend, though he didn't know that, so I told him that. Today he said "I'm sorry for trying to start stuff Friday. Its just I was pissed at Melanie." Melanie is his ex. This was extremely stupid. There's only two possible reasons for him saying this I can think of. The first is that he really was pissed off at his ex, and wanted to get back at her by hitting on me in the privacy of my living room. This would have not made her jealous, as she already told me I could have him if I want. The only other reason is that maybe he DOES like me and needed a macho excuse after getting turned down. That was dumb because if he does like me, he just told me the only reason he'd hit on me is to piss off an ex. That and my friend Kyle said he was going out with Vanessa because she's "Basically Nathan without the penis." O_o (Excuse my language.)
  18. Hey, I'm a lot like you Juuthena. I procrastinate, I bite the inside of my cheek, and I tend to scratch my nail polish off too. I use to bite my nails, but I don't anymore. Another bad habit, I guess, is anytime I'm in trouble, I just close my eyes and hope it goes away. Probably not good to do. And when I get nervous I have to twist a napkin or pinch my hands or something. At one point I had a lot of bad habits, but not so much anymore. ^_^
  19. When my friend Rachel said her boyfriend is a perfectly nice guy, who would never hurt anyone. One month after he pratically molested me. Also, my mom keeps saying stuff to family like "At least he's not like the last guy she went out with. He was (I'm 16) 18 and had a pnoytail." She fails to mention to family that my current boyfriend is also 18 and has a moehawk. :rolleyes: (well, actually, I think I may have put her under the impression he's 17. :angel: ) And my last boyfriend, if my mom had given him a chance, she would have really like. Oh, and then the guy who friggin molested (Not to be confused with the guy that pratically molested me that was mentioned earlier) said I shouldn't date John. Like he has the right to say that.
  20. Well, I made two new avatar and banner sets, and I've been drawing a lot recently. Here's the stuff I have. I would love CnC. The first one is Mitsuko from Battle Royale. Its pretty simple. I thought it really needed just a simple border. I wanted to keep it simple, really dark, and creepy. My Kaleido Star banner is much brighter and light hearted. I tried to give this one a very good background, to the best of my ability. The last is something I drew. I used a guy I know as photo reference, so I think it came out really good. I have more art, but I'll wait to post that.
  21. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']This is stupid. I doubt anyone here would actually shoot to kill someone else. Certainly not a bunch of depressed teenagers, who probably couldn't hold a damn gun.[/size][/quote] You're probably right. Even if I had the gun and wanted to, I don't think I'd actually be able to do it. He's horrible but... what would killing him do to make me feel better?
  22. I want some anime dvds, and time with my boyfriend. :love: Really, I've lost most of my expectations when it comes to my mom gift shopping for me. The only way I get something that's not one of those things no one really wants that much is if I tell her exactly what I want, and that takes away most of the fun of Christmas if you already know what you're getting. Worst present ever? Two years, I got it. I saw this huge gift for me and I was really exited, even if the tag read both me and my little sisters name. I opened it. It was a bed for the cats. The friggin cat wasn't even mine, one was my sisters the other was the family cat. On the other hand I've gotten a lot of cool presents too. But, seriously, a cat bed? Jeez.
  23. I only hate two people. One, maybe I'd just shoot in the leg. The other I'd wanna fill him with holes. (I know, that seems so out of character for me, huh?) I would make my post longer and explain why I'd kill one and not the other, but I'm too lazy. And its kinda personal.
  24. I made one too. I hope you like it. I used the picture and it turned out pretty cool.
  25. True love? Fate? Don't make me laugh. If there's truly only one person out there for everyone, what makes every hormone-controlled teen so sure that that one person goes to their schoo or that they can find them before they even graduatel? True love is something you build, not something predetermined. Now, I'm not against love. I know it exists, I use my parents as an example. A poor girl and an boy from a well off family meet, date, and fall in love. My dad's whole family was against it. But they've been married for over twenty five years, have had eight kids, and never had a major fight or break up. Now, I'm sure they could have ended up with numerous other people, had they lived somewhere else, and still have been perfectly happy. Just because they're in love and are perfect for eachother, doesn't mean it was fate. True love is a fairy tale teens tell to convince themselves that dreamy eyed boy or that golden haired girl will look their way because its "destiny." I'm sorry, I probably seem like a cold hearted b**** right now. But that's just how the last few years have made me.
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