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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. sry, i can be harsh when defending lain.... havent seen boogie. BTW, i MEAN to type like this. it takes to long to type out things like "you" and "favorite" for us slow typers. i do this cuz its easier, and its not like this is homework... so learn to deal with it! ill type how i want! and i do understand lain, i dont just watch sumthing once thru and think i completely understand it. i watched the whole seris about five or six times. it was nice not to get the whole brainless dragonball Z, brawn over everything anime.
  2. a lot of them hav happy endings. despite wolfoods death, trigun has a kinda happy ending... so does sailor moon, though many like fushigi yugi and serial expierements lain, dont... i think its more of a matter of who made it and stuff... i like the romantic endings, where a lot of ppl r happy, but i also like the sad endings.... im kinda useless when it come to opinions...
  3. i was thinkin of buyin the manga... i prefer manga over most anime, cuz its less expensive, and since the next Mars comic aint translated yet, then i hafta start spendingmy parents money on something else Oo
  4. yeah, it was long... i hate typing long stuff.... as i said, its crap....
  5. sum of u didnt understand. sure office work is ok, if u care about it or just want lots of money, but since i have neither of those reasons, i REALLY dont wanna do office work. they did give out a medal for art, and i thought id get it. as for the mispelling,1, i like spelling stoopid that way, and if u ever seen ne of my other posts i call nething stoopid, its spelled like that. 2, it was like really early in the morning when i ty-ped this, and it WAS a typo, stoopid... jk. (lol) office work *shudder*
  6. >.< lol.... that serves him right... his girlfriend said she hopes i die a horrible death... why, i hav no idea.
  7. i didnt really dress up... i luv that movie, but i think thats what made me not ever wanna work in an office... sitting in a cubicle, going over endless, meaningless numbers.... cubicle *shudders* i dont get it, i get good grades for 3 years in a row and get a piece of paper, joe gets good grades in 1 class, this year, and gets a big, heavy medal....
  8. im in a bad mood, so i cant be very enthusiastic... anyway... this is my lil cleric lady... i dont hav it as a file on this computer, so, heres the url.... [url]http://starcraftstuff.0catch.com/Anime/scan0004.jpg[/url]
  9. i got a piece of paper... for maintening high honor roll for three years, while joe, for getting a good grade in spanish, got a frickin medal!!! i didnt even get the art award... man, im horrible at everything i do... the only thing ive ever been good at is art, and i guess im just average at that... im doomed to work in an office the rest of my life....:( :flaming:
  10. yea, i probably did. i hav a nasty habit of forgetting about pms!
  11. ^_^ discussing intelligent topics like religon is fun.
  12. thankies! (i like that first 10 Oo)
  13. i was an 11 year old girl and he touched me (not too much...) with no reason... he said many times he didnt luv me... of course, maybe i am crazy and all this just happened in my head? thats wat he said, ne way.
  14. back when i was in fifth grade i had the biggest crush on an eight grader (btw, this is pratically the story of my life, lol, cuz i dont hav much of one :() we were pretty good friends, and since he was my bros best bud, he literally lived at my house on the weekends. we were in my back yard (i live on a farm) and he kissed. me. i luved him soooooo much. Once in my room, he took of my clothes as a joke, kinda.... other things happened, never on the level of rape or anything near that, but i was still just a kid.... i guess its nothing, but i keep thinkin back to it lately.... :(
  15. [QUOTE]*thinks about requesting a ban on all religion based topics...*[/QUOTE] but then we wouldn't be able to post our opinions! ne way, wiccans NEVER say that wicca is the one right way, so you are wrong in that way. so there is hope for, me, i guess. man, and all i asked for was sum wiccans opinions about spell casting and stuff Oo:freak:
  16. the song "Bring me to life" always reminded me of Kira and rei from the Mars manga, cuz they are both hurting so much, and they hafta save eachother from problems that are emotional, and kira kinda died inside after she was raped by her stepfather, while rei "Woke" her "up inside":p
  17. ive watched or read all but one of the series, pm me and make me your buddy if ud like to know, i dont hav the time right now! ^.^
  18. wow.... i never realized that.... i agree that millie does seem a lot like rem... maybe!
  19. if miyazaki makes more, i hav gotta see it! i thought it was just the bath house that made noface weird... watever.
  20. and i always thought robin hood was a nice, non controversial kids tale Oo
  21. ^.^ every1 is gonna make fun of poetry, cuz its so stoopid, ah well... ^.^
  22. You shine like day you are the stars in my eyes you protect me from hurt, and even all the lies around you i feel no pain thankl you mom im sorry i drive you insane
  23. I hafta comment on the yugi-oh. I personally HATE yugioh, with a deep passion of loathing (why r the eyes ALWAYS bigger than the head?) but you make yugi-oh kewl looking.
  24. i dont think it matters wat religon is right, and which is wrong. if there is a god, goddess, or multiple deities, im sure they wont care wether or not u followed them, as long as your intentions were pure. that was sappy. ah well.
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