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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. its not magic, really. its the power our goddess grants us. its just prayer.
  2. i dont do spells unless it is really important. my kitty was near dying. her mother had died when she had just barely shed her embilica cord, and she was refusing the bottle i was trying to give to her (BTW, i wasnt a newbie at bottle feeding kittens, this was my fourth) so i did a healing spell. spells, Dues, are, in actuality, praying. think back a few hundred years. even christianms lit incense and did other things when praying, so its not all that different from christianity. In fact, i believe in gods as being sumthing likie a really big diamond. theyt are all facets of this diamond. there is no "right" or "wrong" way, every1 has a chance to co-exist.
  3. Molly needs help but she aint gettin none tried to end her life swallowed a bottle of motrin She screamed at her mom she screamed at her friends but not out loud so this is how it ends She looked and looked she looked for another way But she couldnt find it so she planned for thye day She was lost she didnt know All she knew was that she couldnt let it show Molly need help but she aint findin none So she knows wat to do She gets that bottle of motrin Shes full of peace that has left her and a light that has losts its luster Shes drowning cant ne1 see? Can't anyone help this girl called molly? As the darkness engulfs her She screams out But theres nothing left no one to hear her shout Molly needs help but she aint gettin none So she has to do it She has to swallow that bottle of motrin this one is longer, but its also crap
  4. I died befor eoyu noticed my life was already gone There's nothing you can do You can't come along Sure i know you love yeah i think you cared I'm sorry to leave you Please honor these moments we've shared
  5. I closed my eyes and let it fade away i wont have to feel pain another day peace filled my open wounds I let sleep seep into my tears I listened to lies that soothed all my fears I know its short, but bear with me!
  6. wat kind of spells do u think cross the line? like love spells? i think they go way to far, unless its a true lovce spell. but healing spells r fine as long as you hav permission. wats ur opinion?
  7. sum1 at school is annoyin me, sayin im a evil witch... stoopid kids.
  8. i LUV miyazaki!!! and all ive seen of him is princess monoke and spirited away! hes brilliant!
  9. The words that never touched her at least not to their eyes. The love she never felt Lost in a world full of lies. Trapped in shades of gray and white She cries alone Far from unfeeling light. The world swallows her color, Her soul is envoloped in hate. her eyes are clouded in pain, She gives in to her final fate. :(
  10. i totally agrre with Phantom!!! it is confusing with all the different lines!
  11. i dont think they were pregnant. but DEFINANTLY in luv!!! it was so sad when he was killed. :(
  12. :drunk: I'm sure in a few days i'll agree with you, but as long as its the freshest anime on my mind, its the best! :p u cannot say Princess Monoke was bad!!!! all the blood, all the gore, and the romance!!!!!! :D
  13. duh it was confusing! if u dont get it, dont try! its a lot deeper then most anime, and its my fav!!! so dont u dare insult it!!! ^.^ its really confusing. it wasnt cheesy!!! it was all symbolic! u wouldnt understand.
  14. I just got it on dvd and it was really good. I liked the romance in it! And all the graphics were really kewl!!! Miyazaki is a genious!
  15. im outta place wherever i go... im used to it. stop staring at me!!!!!
  16. watever.... oija still reminds me of a wedgie... O.o
  17. I used to play with the oija board, but that was when i was a kid thing... i was so immature... my friend has a scary story bout that, the forgot to say good bye and the spirit tried to stab her sister... O.o i dont like oija boards ne more. Wat do u think makes a wiccan a wiccan? (BTW, genkai, i dont mind christians at all, the ones i REALLY mind are ppl who claim to be wiccan and try casting hexes and curses on their enemies... theyre crazy)
  18. yup. its not very organized cuz of the witch trials splitting up most of the old members of the religon, but most of the essentials remain for most. Summerland u stay in until u r reincarnated, there is a god and a goddess in most, sumtimes only the goddess, and sumtimes ppl take a little of all religons and miss them together. i hope i was of sum help! :)
  19. yeah... its a religon... not very organized, but earth-based and comfy-cozy!
  20. the clothes are pretty good, kinda "kingdom Hearts" style. the hair needs more detail. but i really luv it!
  21. my twin bro tried to choke me on his imblica cord thingy. O.o
  22. Who was your first kiss? My brothers best friend How old were you? 11 How was it? horrible What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) in the forest, in the afternoon, horrible What was your Worst/Best Kiss? thgis one... thanks for digging up bad memories.. btw, i was 11 but he was a eight grader...
  23. if so, how long hav u been and wat kind of things do u believe? (reincarnation, summerland, moon goddess, sun god, etc.)
  24. :nervous: keep in mind i did this with mechanical pencil. i know it isnt original, but i havent had much time to post my own charaters up there, though i do i have one i could, but i have no time with this track schedule. if u wanna see any more of my stuff, check me out at neopets as mtgatheringstore. i couldnt put my piccy on this comp (my bros) and its only on my aunts but go here to find it... [url]http://starcraftstuff.0catch.com/Anime/Ryoko.html[/url]
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