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Everything posted by wiccansamurai
Well, as far as I can tell you're probably regreting. You're wondering what you two could have been. Most likely nothing. She decided she doesn't like you, its time to move on. A week or two isn't that long. (I'd like to ask how you don't know wether ot was a week or two weeks. That's short enough to be able to remember.) [QUOTE] I think I was too nice to her and not controlling enough.[/QUOTE] Not.... controlling enough? Please tell me this is just a bad way of wording "I didn't take the initiative." and you're not gonna start controlling any girl. We like our freedom. O_o You shouldn't be too hung up about her. Maybe she is a slut, maybe she's not. We can't tell you, we don't know her. In the end, as she said, you two weren't working out. That's my two cents. [QUOTE] Ehmm....wow, a lotta people seem to like malice mizer all of a sudden...[/QUOTE] Mmmmm... Malice Mizer.... *drool*
You left out some information. How long were you dating? How do you feel about her now? Was it not working out? Did you ever take the initiative and, say, hold her hand?
Did they really just do/say/write that?
wiccansamurai replied to foreverinfinity's topic in General Discussion
I had a HUGE moment like that today. I couldn't beleive my friend did this. We were walking back to school, which was kinda a hike. Missa sees her Ex in his van. He honks but doesn't stop to give us a ride. We see him again, him driving down a prett fast street. "He's gonna give us a damn ride!" And she ran into the road. Ever seen a 106 pound girl play chicken with a speeding giant van? Scared the hell outta me. Matt just kept driving, until he realised Missa was bent on winning the game. And he started to break, only about 15 feet away from her. Scary as all hell. He still hit her, though she took a step back. I was so scared when I realised Matt thought she'd jump out of the way. -
[QUOTE]Don't you think you're selling us a bit short? We're the only being on the planet with Broca's area, meaning we're the only beings endowed with the ability to form [i]original[/i] speech (so this doesn't include parrots, since they only mimick speech). On top of that, consider this: did it hurt when you got shots as a baby? "Of course it did you moron, that's why I cried!!" I see. What did it feel like? Animals pretty much live their lives like that.[/QUOTE] Ok, yeah, we have intelligence too. Thanks for reminding me. But, how do you know that's how animals live? Do you really think they can't remember pain from the past just because they can't tell us they do? Still, one of the major things that set us apart from animals is morals. They're plenty of smart animals. Chickens aren't one of them, but that's like saying, though this is an extreme, we should have a prejudice for people with mental disabilities. Sure, they won't end up being food, but some of the basic concepts are there. They just shouldn't do that to animals, even if for the mere fact its going to start a controversy.
[quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]There's a difference between people and animals. If you disagree, you're a PETA person and you scare me. It's not like raping a woman who's on Death Row; it's more like raping a chicken. If you don't see a difference, then there's no point arguing with you, because you're a crazy PETA person (runs away screaming)[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] The only difference between humans and animals is we have "morals." If we do stuff like this, does this not take our morals down and bring us closer to animals? Your logic is flawed.
Then you probably should give Christina an American last name. Yuki really might throw the readers off. Feel free to disregard my advice, it just confused and I had to sit and wonder possible reasons for her name. Changing her name may help the flow of the story a bit more.
I like the concept. I just wanna poke at one thing. Almost all the names are Japanese. But then you threw "Christina" in there and that got confusing.
Here's some art I've done recently. The first one I like. The guys lineart may be a little odd at points, but I'll probably go back and see if I can fix that later. The girls head might of came out squished, because I tried to make it look like her head was tilted up. The second one is a photo manipulation. I don't usually do photo manipulation, but I thought this was an interesting one. The third I did last night. I don't know why, but I'm in a guitarist mood. I found this to be fun and energetic, and I'm actually working on another like it. I think his feet might be off a bit... I'd appreciate crit lots. ^_^
I hope they make me sexy! I just bought a big thing of double stuff for spar time at school. Yumyum. :tasty: Sure, it may make me fat, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. Chubby can be sexy too! If it weren't boys would leave me alone more. :( *Hugs here oreos*
Dang, I remember when everyone was a power ranger one year. That was funny. I liked my costume last year. I was... Sailor Mercury! Made the costume myself. I'm being Nuriko from Fushigi Yugi this year, hopefully. Big, pretty kimono.... Never done anything really interesting for Halloween. Hopefully this year will be crazy.
Bandies aren't nerds, they're geeks. Yes, I beleive it is vrey unconstitutional. Which is why I love banned books week. Too bad its over all ready. My English class should start reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" soon. I hope. What books on the lists has everyone else read? I read a few.
It doesn't happen much, I'm pretty sure. I found a website with a few of the books that were banned in the past. [url]http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/banned-books.html[/url] I hope this helps a little. If you find any that are currently banned from stores, I would like to know. Most of the information on my first page was received through an E-mail from a friend. If anything, it may not mean large book store chains, but small localized book stores.
I agree with not having anything erotic around a high school. People wish to ban Harry Potter because they think kids will begin to beleive in wand waving and magic, or walk into walls to catch a train. I think there's a problem with your 11 year old if he runs into a brick wall looking for a train. And it has very little to do with the book. Tom Sawyer and such are being banned for the the use of language that is condsidered offensive. I think banning any book from public (Excluding some books from schools.) is wrong. I actually know a kid whose parents have banned him from Lord of the Rings. He read it so much his grades fell. lol
This week is nearly to an end, but i thought I'd post this anyway. This week is banned books week. There is a list of around 4,000 books somne people wish to ban. The ones that are really being pushed, however, are books like "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings", "Farenheit 451", ironically a book about book banning. "Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Also, erotic books and books dealing with homosexuals. This includes some health education books. Books with the main characters being caucasion but the setting during the slavery periods of America are being banned by a group of African Americans. Even "Where's Waldo" is being banned! The banning starts in school libraries, goes t public libraries, moves to book stores. It's a horrible thing, as some of the literature are classics and are even required reading for some schools. This is the week for going against the destruction of good literature. How do you feel about the banning of American literature? I, myself, find it outrageous.
*Too lazy to start a new thread so brings the old one back to life.* I've been working on a few new sketches of the character I drew before. I like this one a lot. It was just a sketch to get her face, so I didn't worry about making a scene or anything. The sweater ended up being to baggy, but I still wanted it to have an off the shoulder style. The eyes were a new style for me, and I liked them a lot. Any comments?
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
wiccansamurai replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
You'r school doesn't have CCD? Or anything like that? Mine does... I guess ur school rules probably differ, but I don't see what's wrong with reaing the bible. Hell, I could read the bible at school, and what would it matter? Its not religous to ME. Its just a book, its not going to hurt anyone. -
Well, good, then. I hope you'll keep what I said in mind. Have fun rewriting it. That's one of my favorite parts of poetry, rewriting. But I'm just odd. Anyway, post up your next draft once you're done.
[quote name='kenshinsbabe']Not to embarrass any REAL wiccans, but you guys are just wannabes. I know plenty of real wiccans and I can tell just by reading your posts that you are not wiccans. Give up the sharade now and stop giving people like me a bad name![/quote] *cough* So what are these REAL wiccans, then? Because about all I said was it was an earth loving religon, and if you disagree with that, I don't know what YOU'VE been taught, but that's what I've been taught. And no one here but me claims to be wiccan. So you were obviously referring to me.
No, its not evil. Its an earth loving religon. Many wiccans worship different things, so the best idea is browse around books. I always loved Silver Ravenwolf and Scott Cunningham. There are also very many good websites to find that have some good information.
This was really dull. Rhythm needs work, and the topic was really juvenile. Why do you feel this? Make the reader feel it as well! Put an image, a sound, a scent, anything in the readers mind. Otherwise, it's just not a succesful piece. It has no structure, no meaning, no emotion. Put some work into it and revise it. Oh, and spell check is your friend.
You can't do that in California
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Anyone who said these people should get a small sentence: Think of someone close to you. If this person were to die, god forbid, would you want to find out from the police someone defiled their body? Gosh, after they mentioned the four year old, I mean that's just terrible. I'd hate to be her parents, they mucst be VERY angry. And sad. That's my two cents, anyway. -
A poem I wrote about my current boyfriend. Ummm yea. Anyway, I think there's room for improvement on it. Any C+C would be appreciated. I don't need time Honey, why do you sound so sweet when I'm talking to you... on the telephone? I'm hangin' up this thing right now, can't take this anymore. Need to be alone. So what if I cared about you? That was before today. Nothing is the same. Yeah right, I don't need you no more. I'm done with all of that. Everything has changed! Gotta go, can't stay, tired of the way you play, I don't need time. just need to get away I'm gonna 'cuz you're no fun, gotta come undone! You always talk so nice to me, how funny is the truth, how little that you care. Rough time, I used to look for you, Wanna know what I found? You were never there. Gotta go, can't stay, tired of the way you play, I don't need time. just need to get away I'm gonna 'cuz you're no fun, gotta come undone! I'm not sayin' you weren't tryin but you weren't tryin hard enough. I'm not sayin' that I hate you but I hate the things you do. Do you remember laughing over little brothers and our homework? Laughter that we shared? All that time we spent together forced me to realize: I don't really care. Gotta go, can't stay, tired of the way you play, I don't need time. just need to get away I'm gonna 'cuz you're no fun, gotta come undone!
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
wiccansamurai replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
That's just so cool! Now I'm gonna randomly pick out people and see how we're related. *runs off and giggles* I think you did a great job on this and it looks like you worked real hard.