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Everything posted by wiccansamurai
I think there's a guy in Hellsing with a trenchcoat, and Vash is kinda wearing one, but who else? I don't remember that many. I'm not sure if a piece of clothing can be cliche.
[quote name='Zero Tolerance']I have read the entire series, and I absolutey loved it. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I can't wait until the 16th volume comes out. Cause I want to see how Rei & Kira are doing after a year of being married.[/quote] If that's what you're waiting for, don't even bother with Gaiden. It was a VERY short prequal about how Tatsuya and Rei became friends, and then some short stories. grrrrr.
Well, the two of my niece, Robin, were for art class. Our assignment was to draw a portrait with crayons. Why? Because some big art guy did a portrait with crayons and Mrs. S wants us to copy as many styles as we can.
I used to have a sailor pluto one and a... umm, I forget what the other one was, but it fell off my purse somewhere in Tennessee. *sobs* I now have Nuriko and Tamahome keychains, and I want to collect the rest of the Suzaku. It'd be cool. I don't keep them on my purse cuz I don't want to lose them. I'm currently keyless, so it's pretty dumb to have a actual keychain thing going on. I wanna say the other one was Sailor chibimoon, but that one was my sisters... It was Kuri Neko! And Millie... Hey, I had a lot of keychains that got left behind in Tennessee! I hope someone found them good homes....
[quote name='Sol-Blade]I never went to any of my homecoming dances, I waited for the big one...the...wait for it...[I]Prom[/I']. That one was definitely one you should not miss out on, all the other dances at my school (Sadie Hawkins, Spring Dance, Winter Festival, Cultral Dance Party...etc) seemed pointless for me. Well wait, let me rephrase that: Paying $50 something for each dance seemed pointless to me. Granted, Prom was costly (About oh...I dunno...$500+?), I loved every minute of that night. That was the night I knew (Yeah here comes the long, boring story nobody wants to hear) that this girl I have been dating since my Freshman year really loved me :D! She actually changed her college choice so that she could come with me to my school of choice. I felt bad at first, I mean seriously...she wanted to go to a University, the exact name escapes me at the moment. I felt bad, and tried to convince her other wise. So she told me the truth, she didn't get in to her school. I was actually more relived than sad. Oh well...:rolleyes:[/quote] Your school is very expensive. I didn't go to homecoming last year, but the other dance (It was a Sadie Hawkins thing) was only like 10 dollars, and causual dress. Your school also has more dances. -_- we only have three, and only 30 of the 1500 students went to the one I went to last year.
I just needed to know. I wanted to start a submission for the next rising stars of manga comp early (I may never finish it as I have never finished my other two attempts, but whatever) so I went to the site, looked up the mechanical guidelines, and found my mom's crap computer can't access the thing that shows the mechanical guidelines. So if someone could just tell me what they are, I'll be happy. As soon as someone answers my question, I don't mind if this thread gets locked or anything, because that's all I need right now.
Well, I was rereading my Mars manga (for the 22nd time) when I came across a part I liked a lot, and I thought it would make a good banner. And I think it did. The colors are a bit blocky in a way, but I think it turned out good. I don't have a recent version of photoshop on my computer for various reasons, so it was a bit diffucult to use version 2.0 for the first time. I think the avatar could have been better, I probably should have used a picture from inside the manga instead of the cover to match the banner better. I might remake it later. Anyone else have comments?
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Well, at my school, the homecoming theme of this year appears to be Pirates of the Caribbean. Weee! And so, naturally, I was asked to be their Jack Sparrow in our homecoming parade and whatnot. Fun :^D I have to whoop out my ole costume I wore last year for a school dance and once again wear them! [/QUOTE] That's our theme for band. At the homecoming game, my section leader is going to buy pirate bandanas for all the saxes and we're gonna wear them out to the field. The entire drumline dresses as pirates, and in a part of our song (Pirtes of the Carribean part 2) we all say "Arrr!" during the drumbreak. It's great, and being weird at homecoming is fun.
I;m hoping to go to homecoming. I just have too many details to work out. My mom has this thing against me getting in the car w/ other teens (Totally understandable, but it gets in the way of some stuff) So I'd have to get a ride there and a ride back. But all my friends are planning to go to the pizza place afterwards (Our school is cheap and only serves like water and cookies at homecing, no chips or any real food) So I'd have to have my mom drop me off, pick me up, drop me off at cimenos, pick me up again. She wouldn't be very happy. I was hoping to make my own dress for homecoming, but I haven't had the time at all with band. I'll probably go dress shopping soon with me sister, which is funfun. I think I'm going with my boyfriend, lol. Its depending. My friend said they allow people up to 21 (Adam's 18, graduated last year) to come as dates to homecoming. If he can't/won't (Hes not very socail
I'd vote for Bush. Kerry changes his mind so much, what's the point of voting for him? He might just change his stand on everything after he's elected. Bush is ok. I don't agree with him on the gay marriage or anything like that, but I think he's doing ok. And to whoever mentioned about the prison humiliation thing, you can't blame a president for everything people (Army, whatever) from the US did. I doubt he was behind it. I don't like either of them a lot, but at least with Bush you know what you're getting and it's not that bad right now. I know that people in the army are dying, but their in the army. I feel really sorry for them, and I'll pray to them, but their job is to fight for their country. And I agree with Sem and Bio. Not that I'm old enough to vote anyway. Funny pics BigSpike. :laugh:
What a coincidence, I just started rereading Mars for the 24th time today. I love the drama, though it can get a bit unreal at times. I like Kira the best. Her character was just so in depth, and even when [spoiler]the story wasn't about her past [/spoiler](too lazy to deal with spoiler tags) she was still the way she was supposed to be due to it. Rei was great too, just because he was so messed up and stuff. Masoa was one really scary character, and I liked him and hated him at the same time. I didn't like Mars: A Horse with No Name. It was just plain bad. About 20 pages about Tatsuya and Rei, and then a few side stories. Yawn. [b][color=darkblue][size=1]Try to be unlazy with them in the future, please. ^^; -Lady Katana[/size][/color][/b]
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
wiccansamurai replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
I finally remembered who I married. (Chibi, anyone can forget a twin, no one but me could forget a husband XD) His username was Mage of Asgard, but he hasn't been on since December... So, if Chibi is my mother, that means I'm related to everyone she is? Or not? Hmmm... -
Me and my botfriend say lotsa stupid things to eachother. We'll be on the phone, and I'll start answering my own questions, without asking the questions first. Adam: Well I gotta eat dinner first. Me: Ok. Me: Yeah. Me: I don't know. Adam: What? Me: Nothing *blush* And I swear everytime I call him he's eating dinner. No matter what time. I'd say he eats a lot but he's really friggin skinny so...
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
wiccansamurai replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I'll adopt you, but let me warn you first: It'll probably be a single parent household I can't find my good twin so I think I may soon suffer from scitzophrenia After a few days you'll think you may have been better off with the wolves That's all the warnings I have. Oh, does anyone want to be my estranged husband? It'll be fun.! :laugh: [/color][/QUOTE] Mommy! *hugs Chibi* ^_^ -
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
wiccansamurai replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
Will someone adopt me? I want a screwed up family too! I promise to eat my carrots. -
[quote name='Gentle][SIZE=1]There was one book [B]Cold Fire[/B] by Tamora Pierce that I fell in love with last year. About a 14-year-old girl who tutors two 12-year-old twins when she discovers there magic hidden inside them while at the same time, trying to catch a criminal who was been setting fire to random places through the town she's staying in. It was one I had gotten at the library so I looked for the other's like it since it was part of a series called [I]The Circle Opens[/I'] I think. There weren't any more which upset me so I got a little mad and caused a silent scene to anyone who was looking past me at that time.[/SIZE][/quote] I don't remember if I read that one. Is that Daja's book in the Circle Open's series or is it a different book? I remember reading all of the Circle books (And all of pierce's books that are out) But I don't remember twin boys, though it was a while ago that I read the Circle books...
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
wiccansamurai replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
I lost my husband... I think he quit OB, or only posts in the rp forum, I dunno. I haven't talked to him in a while. :o -
Now I feel bad for the Russian hurdler! That other girl (Names really escape me, I'm sorry) fell over at the FIRST hurdle, and knocked over the russian. Maybe she wasn't a favorite (The girl who fell over was) but she didn't even get a chance. Interesting thing me and my cousin noticed: The Male diver for Canada, alexander something wasn't it? Anyway, before all of his good scores he patted his butt. Before his really bad dive, he never patted his butt, and before his silver winning dive, he patted his butt twice. :p Had to point this out.
Wow. Men's high bar was.... amazing tonight. [spoiler]The best man didn't even win a medal. The crowd went mad for like 10 minutes, which couldn't be good for Paul Hamm. I can't beleive Paul Hamm did as good as he did with all the pressure tonight. I was thinking it'd be like the other individuals (FYI, for those who don't know, there was a judging error in all-around, and Paul Hamm almost lost his gold medal to the South Korean. He then did very poorly on the individuals) and he'd choke, but he got a silver. Hamm is my new hero, being this is my first time actually watching the olympics and he was just amazing. Anyway, about the really good gymnast, I don't remembre his name, but he did this great routine, and then scored lower than everyone else. They had to have an official come out and have the Canadian and Malaysian (sp?) judges change their scores, and that still didn't change anything. And then, several people fell over and such, and the one guy to actually stick to his release, fell earlier and practically didn't count anyway.[/spoiler] Can you tell I like men's gymnastics? I think the thing I liked most about the Olympics so far is how close it brought me and my dad because we always watch them together. But now that gymnastics are over (I think?) I've got nothing left to look forward to. Paul Hamm is really my new idol.
My grandparents are all nice to me. But the ones on my dad's side HATE my mom. It all started when my mom and dad started dating in high school. When my mom got pregnant, and they decided to get married, my grandparents were CONVINCED my mom was trapping my dad in a marriage because of the pregnancy. But when my mom miscarried, they still got married. (FYI, they are very much in love and have 8 kids) My grandparents still dislike my mom, and favor my cousins over any of the eight of us. My grandparents on my mom's side are hilarious. You could look at a calender and know when my grandma is drunk. Every other day, for years now. My grandpa is just plain weird. I would say he's senile, but my mom says he wasn't any different when she was a kid. He was abusive back then, but now a days, is sure that he was a great father. Once, he tried to convince me if you mix all the primary colors together in paint, you get white. He tells my grandma he quit smoking yet we saw him at his sign holding job for some construction work lighting up one of his self-rolled cigerettes. Another thing about this sign holding job: You know the guys/women, they hold the stop/slow signs? He has caused around 3 accidents :laugh: And it's impossible to talk to him. Most of us try to avoid it. If he starts a conversation with you (usually about how horses can talk but they don't want to) you always have some sibling standing right behind him laughing because you got caught by him. Its a wonder my mom's parents aren't dead yet. They're constantly drunk and they smoke and they're 80 something. All in all, we hardly see any of my grandparents, so its all good.
I'm reading [U]Pirates![/U] by Celia Rees. Its a teen book (Hey, I'm 15, I read teen books) about, you guessed it, pirates. The heroine, a merchants daughter, was to be married to a cruel man, but she ran away with a slave girl and became a pirate, a unthought of profession for a girl, especially for a high class merchants daughter. The whole year that she's on the ship, Nancy is being hunted by the man she was supposed to marry. Add that to the odd circumstances she and her childhood sweetheart see eachother, and its got a really cool plot. And action, romance, all the good stuff. I also just finished [U]Guitar Girl[/U], I can't remember who that's by. It the story of a girl who starts a band with a few of her friends, and suddenly, before they know, they're a BIG thing. Even with all the fame, her life is falling to pieces as the record company destrys her, her love life, and her best friend.
I'm having a Jessica Simpson moment
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I'm not sure if this is a Jessica Simpson moment or not, but today I took a nap in my bed. When I woke up, I was on the couch. O_o I know no one carried me there, which means I got up at some point, walked out of my room, and collapsed on the couch, using a stuffed animal as a pillow. -
Every time my boyfriend and I are at my house, its really bad. My mom won't let me go anywhere alone with him until my 16th birthday, because he's 3 years older than me. And when he's at my house, we are restricted to the tv room. Sure its a nice room, with a big screen tv and all, but Adam is [I]convinced[/I] my mom has rigged hidden cameras in there. Needless to say, he feels pretty uncomfortable. He's really shy. ^_^
You really shouldn't make two topics for the same thing. Anyway, I don't see how it reminds you of Cowboy Bebop. And from what you said in the other thread, something about it being funny, you seem to have some expectations of these for comedy. There is no comedy. Through all the exagerated violence and gore, the pointless nudity, it is an actually good manga. Just not very funny or cowboy bebop like. Maybe you could explain why its like Cowboy Bebop?
Thanks for the comments. ^__^ The first pic I'm posting now is a charcoal drawing of my niece. The teeth look bad because the charcoal. Other than that, she's pretty darn cute. ^__^ The second one is the design of an outfit I'm going to make. I figure a nice, stretchable black material would be suitable. The white lines will be lace ribbons. And the outfit is two piece, though it's hard to tell. I don't have a sketch of the back, but I know how it should look. Pretty much all patterns and designs (The ruffles, the lace) extend all the way around. The back stats right under the shoulder blades. Yeah, I know its a bad sketch. But its a rough draft, what can I say. ^__^;;