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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. My boyfriend is eighteen and I'm fifteen, and it works out ok because he's pretty immature. :laugh: (Seriously, he is) It does really depend on maturity.
  2. I'm like Hatsumi, fro the manga "Hot Gimmick." I can't stand up for myself, I have no common sense, and I tend to get cornered by weird, creepy boys. Of course, none of those boys are as pretty as the ones in the manga... That, and I'm really shy like she is, and I don't have many close friends. (She doesn't seem to have any, anyway.) But I don't have as many family... oddities as she does.
  3. This is a simple acrylic I did. I think the computer made it darker than it was, but I'm not sure how or when that happened. ^_^;; Does anyone have any crit for it? I may post more here later. I'm not sure.
  4. I love shoujo. Give me any shoujo, and I'll be happy. Fushigi Yugi Ceres Alice 19th Snow Drop Fruits Basket Mars Peach Girl Marmalade Boy Hot Gimmick Girl Got Game Hana Kimi Kill me Kiss me And several others I can't remember at three in the morning I have the biggest shoujo collection out of anyone I know...
  5. I think I got the talk mostly from school and my aunt. My mom left everything to my aunt to explain. And she would. With joy. In front of several of my brothers. Talking about periods, oh fun. When I got my first period, I asked my mom how many more hours it would last. What a shock I got. I tried to put in a tampon once... my mom made me cuz we were swimming. I put it in wrong (don't ask) and I haven't tried since. (I had a friend who once put it in the wrong opening... O_o) PMS sucks. It really does. Please, make it end.
  6. I just bought it, seeing as how it just came out. I was really looking forward to reading it. I was hoping it would be a sequal, maybe the girl in the ad would be Kira and Rei's kid or something. I don't know, but I didn't like the short prequal followed by two other short stories. It was a big let down for me. The prequal itself was ok, but I liked Kira and Rei's story so much, I would have preferred more about them than what was thyere. Did any other Mars' fans buy it? What did you think about it?
  7. I wrote these a while ago, and this is the most recent draft. Please tell me what you think about them. My Fey I wish I could feel your touch upon my skin. But that's just where my sweet illusion would begin. How easily I'd feel your love if you would just console me how easily would lies dissolve as you unfold me. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me. Maybe its all something you can't feel? Is love for me so lacking in appeal? So feed me lies. I want it anyway. filled with sweet light of my relentless fey. She won't leave, she won't see how her presence deepens that desire in me. Deepens my desire, deepens my mirage. how painful she is, her lustful barrage Have me, hold me, feel me, own me watch, my lovely one can you see her? that fey inside me, she begins to stir. She's swallowing me whole. Entering every crevice of my damned soul, my lusting accomplice. Hold me now, don't leave me here feeling so alive You don't have to be sincere, let me pretend I hold your smile, let me imagine that you love me for a while Draw me close kiss me, dear I'll ignore the lies, just keep me near make me feel as if you care Please don't think that its unfair. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me, fool me
  8. Manga is a good subject for me. I have spent about a thousand dollars in a little over a year so far. The titles I recomend are: Ranma 1/2 Fushigi Yugi Ceres Alice 19th Mars (definetly!) Peach Girl Girl Got Game Hana Kimi Kill You, Kiss You (Or was it kill me, kiss me? Any way, its got about the same plot thing going on as Hana Kimi and Girl Got Game) Trigun Confiential Confessions Sailor Moon Gravitation (yummy!) Hot Gimmick (My current favorite. Its kinda like a teenage soap opera in a way, lol) Battle Royale (Blood, guts, and, erm, panty shots?) Demon Diary Well, of course all this is just stuff that appeals to me, a 15 year old girl. Except Battle Royale. That's much more popular with my guy friends. If I remember something I'm forgetting, I'll be sure to tell you.
  9. Thanks. Sure, anytime, I guess. Here's the next draft of the poem. I've changed some minor things since then. My Fey I wish I could feel your touch upon my skin. But that's just where my sweet illusion would begin. How easy I could feel your love if you would just console me how simply lies would dissolve as you unfold me. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me! Maybe its all something you can't feel? Is love for me so lacking in appeal? So feed me on lies! I want it anyway! filled with sweet light of my relentless fey. She won't leave, she won't see how her presence deepens that desire in me. Deepens my desire, deepens my mirage. how painful she is, her lustful barrage Have me, hold me, feel me, own me! watch, my lovely one can you see her? that fey inside me, she begins to stir. She's swallowing me whole! Entering every crevice of my damned soul, my lusting accomplice. Hold me now, don't leave me here feeling so alive Don't have to be sincere, let me pretend I have your smile, let me imagine love for a little while. Draw me close kiss me, dear I'll ignore the lies, just hold me near make me feel as if you care Please don't worry that its unfair. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me, fool me! I've been thinking that if I get this good enough, I'll give it to my friend so her band can make music to it, but I'm not sure if that'll ever happen.
  10. [QUOTE]We've just recently found a really, really good substitute for tones: marker.[/QUOTE] Wait, how would that work when its in black and white? Not trying to second guess you, I'm just curious. I'll have to go through my Planet Ladder mangas and see if I notice it.... I had a bit of trouble decided on a plot. So I decided to do something I've never seen before. The social life of a high school marching band. The main character, Lana, is just a plain girl who has trouble expressing her emotions. The thing with band is, everyone thinks we are a bunch of sorta good-natured geeks, so I want to show the "bad" side of band that comes with late nights riding home from football pep band. I'm not telling any more than that. ^_~ [QUOTE]It would be kinda awesome if you just illustrated the song[/QUOTE] One of my first ideas was gonna be like a music video thing. ^_^
  11. I loved this series a lot! It was so great. The last volume made me cry, but then again, what doesn't make me cry? I loved Miwako, especially in her serious moments. She was just so damn cute! Isabella took longer to grow on me, but she was awesome too. I never did like Hiro much. But George looked huggable. (Hey Oshi, just try a big variety of nice fabrics. He's gotta be interested in one of them, right? I want a hug too!)
  12. This is something I'm kinda still working on. It'd be great to get some critique. I think this is PG-13 a little. :huh: Tell me what you think. (I hope its not to angsty or anything.) My Fey of Illusion I wish I could feel your touch upon my skin. But that's just where sweet illusion would begin. How easy I could feel your love if you would just console me how simply lies would dissolve as you unfold me. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me! Maybe its all something you can't feel? Is love for me so lacking in appeal? Feed me on lies then! I'm dead with you anyway! filled with sweet light of my relentless fey. She won't leave, she won't see how her presence deepens that desire in me. Deepens my desire, deepens my mirage. how painful she is that lustful fey's barrage Have me, hold me, feel me, own me! watch, my lovely one can you see her? that fey inside me, she begins to stir. She's swallowing me whole! Entering every crevice of my damned soul, my lusting accomplice. Hold me now, don't leave me here feeling so alive Don't have to be sincere, let me pretend I have your smile, let me imagine love for a little while. Have me, hold me, feel me, own me, fool me!
  13. While my family was away on vacation, my mom's best friend was watching our farm. Around that time, we had had a bit of a problem with a racoon eating our animals food. Being the person she is, Sue catches the over sized rodent. She gets advice from a friend how to put it out of its misery humanly. (Sue is the same woman, who in an attempt to get rid of a possum, shot off three of its legs and finally gave up trying to kill it O_o) So she put the racoon in a cage. The cage went behind the car, with a blanket over it and the exhaust pipe. Sue turned on the car and left it like that. What her friend had failed to tell her was that you're supposed to put it on nuetral and step on the gas to get more fumes. Sue, seeing the racoon not moving, figured it died. She began to load it on the back of a truck to put into a burn pile. Not even half way there, the racoon wakes up. Sue promptly gets out of the car and starts beating, tried to run it over, even. This not working all that well, she managed to get it to the pond and started to drown it. As soon as the bubbles stopped coming up and the racoon was unconcious, Sue threw it in the truck, floored it to the burn pile and set it on fire. So much for a humane death.
  14. This is the colored pencil version of something I'm going to CG later. I think her torso mighy be too long. Other than that, any crit?
  15. If its my female friends, I'm fine with them. Its the guys I'm careful with now. I allowed a guy friend too much into my personal bubble and he took advantage of it and got wandering hands while I was sleeping. :mad: Ever since then, I've been extra careful around guys. And another guy, just this weekend, was getting too close for comfort. He said he was afraid of heights while we were on a ski lift thingy, and used my thigh as a handrail. And, yes, there was a proper handrail. And then he got on the bus and patted my thigh. (My brother got up and yelled at him. :love: ) And then the next day he went on a bunch of high roller coasters and I tried to figure out what happened to his fear of heights. And every time I said I was dizzy after getting off a ride, he'd put his hand on my back, no matter how many times I pulled away when he did that. Maybe I just have bad luck with having guy friends in band....
  16. I used photoshop 5. I like the hair too. Took a hell of a long time to do. :drunk: The dress came out better than I feared it would. And the changes I made with her facial expression improves it a bit. The only thing I don' like are the arms. They look too flat. And, I don't know, I think th neck might still be too long...
  17. Here's the computer colored version of this. I think it came out better than the colored pencil version, and I really like it much better this way. I left out a lot of it, because I thought it was better this way. I shortened her neck and rotated her face, so that's fixed, more or less. Any comments? :p
  18. I just finished this. I used photo reference, though she doesn't look like I wanted her to. She doesn't seem to look Japanese to me, even though I used photos of Japanese women. And I do not like her left arm and hand. I've never been good with hands. Also, I think I may have screwed up a bit on the size of her head. Or it may just be the hair. @_@ I'm doing a cg version of this too, but I thought it'd be better to do it in colored pencil first. I'd like to hear any comment on it before I continue to do to much of it on the computer.
  19. Well, my friends tell me I can't friggin be in there conversation in PE. All because it was about my friends boyfriend, who I hate (for good reason) and then called me an idiot because them excluding me bothered me. :confused: Then my other friend says I should forgive the guy I hate. :confused: After all, it was my fault he got it in his head he could grope me. [I]I[/I] fell asleep next to him, I gave him the idea he could. So, should be friends with him again. Bull. Then, at home, I'm standing by my mom. She called me fat. My mom called me fat. :(
  20. This is about the third draft of this poem. Purple paint, smear'd on a window clear doorway leads to untold. Falling to cinders, soft leaves of gold the girl loses flight, and falls to the snow. Of all the days she crawled blindly she chose this one to leap Now purple paint, hat is so intermittent, is so cheap. But it hides it all so kindly. her blood wrapped in it. her window so dark. she daren't leave a single mark on those she wished to hit Doorways clear, are simple. concealing nothingin open books, inviting all to take an uncaring look. Thinking they're good examples, but empty rooms conjoined have white washed walls of bitter silk that deceive and bilk and have endlessly purloined. smiling, she soars through thin clouds. the ones she fell into, their inquisition, asking "who?" but truth it shrouds. Anyway, if you could write your opinions soon, I'd be very grateful. I need to turn this in for something. (School literary mag.)
  21. If I lived anywhere near BTK, I'd move. I don't care, I'd be way too scared. I heard on the news that he made a reappearance because in the local newspaper, they had an article about the anniversary of one of his killings. (Either the first or the last one, I forget.) Ugh, I can't take this scary talk.
  22. I hate guys who think that just because a girl is nice to them they are therefore allowed into their pants. guys who cheat on their girlfriends guys who slap me on the arse. guys who are abusive guys who are possesive 95% of guys. People who think alternative life styles are wrong. Friends who force their friends to do things. Not like I hate it when I don't get my way, but when I'm actually afraid of doing something and its a choice between being forced to go through with it or getting friends in big trouble. People who think I'm an idiot just because I'm an airhead. Even though, acedemically, I'm better.
  23. Thanks. I've been thinking of rewriting this. I'm not sure about making it more abstract. I don't want to completely butcher it story or anything, but I also don't want it as obvious.
  24. I might be interested in helping. Either pm me with the details on the p[lot and charactres and such or post hree. If you need examples of my art, feel free to ask. I should have plenty of time to work on it, if I like the project enough. ^___^
  25. No, those are eyebrows, not eyes. Other than that and her cheekbones, she's faceless. ^_^ I just realized how much I screwed up that arm...
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