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Everything posted by wiccansamurai
This is something I made when I was in a bad mood. It came out more detailed thanI had wanted though, but I think its all right. I think the lines could have been bolder in some places.
My favorite piece of slang my friends use is when anyone mentions how guys are useless, someone yells out "coat hanger!" but thats a long story, inside joke. One I probably shouldn't tell here. O_o [QUOTE]It's funny: I cannot think of any country-wide slang when it comes to Canada. [/QUOTE] Eh? Or is that regional thing?
Social clashes--online vs offline
wiccansamurai replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
Offline I'm a pyscho. I run around hyperly, trying to get people to like me. Some do, for a while at least. Most find something they don't like about me and we bicker endlessly about it. I'm a freak, bordering on geek. Online I feel this huge worry that no one knows me, lol. But I hope to think that most everyone here has at least talked to me once on the boards, and hey, this may be stretching it, but even liked me. On the net, I'm just who ever I want to be at the time. :wigout: -
Writing Two new pomes from and old lass.
wiccansamurai replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Creative Works
I'm tired, but I'll take a stab at this. For starters, spell check. Please. You didn't even spell poems right. -_- The first poem? I didn't like it. It has no rythm, no meter. And worst of all, no emotion. The second poem is better. You tried harder. But there are times when it still has the same problems. Plus many of the ryhmes are way too predictable. The ones I saw were things like free/me, pain/rain, etc. Eh, maybe I can be more helpful when I'm awake. :sleep: -
Please give me help! I've been dumped.
wiccansamurai replied to Black Kat's topic in General Discussion
Don't go near him again. Or forget he ever existed. Pretend he's no one you ever knew before. Find someone new. Find a new hobby. Spend time doing something other than pining. Realise it wasn't meant to be. Realise you're 14 and no matter how friggin in "love" you are at that age, its most likely not going to last long at all. -
Well, our school had its annual coffeee night last night. It centered around poetry readings. I almost got into finals, in which case I would have had to read another poem. So I wrote this one in about five minutes, during which several people got higher scores, kicking me out of finals, lol. But I do kind of like this poem. [U]Drop Dead[/U] There's not much I hate. the word is too strong But I'll make an exeption, 'Cuz I know you were wrong. Did it excite you? to see me sleep did it make you horny? did I look so cheap? I sat there, my eyes shut tight. If I shut them tighter, Would it make things go right? But you were still there as was I. You didn't disappear like a dreaming lie. The way you pretend, to love all my friends... Have you explained to them? Why you did what you so easily did? even if you have it can't be explained by what you have said. So I'll say this: [B]Drop Dead[/B] The ryhming scheme changed near the end, for a reason. There was a difference in situations there. Its hard to explain, really. It was really funny to read this because all my friends know who this was about. He was practically sitting in one of their laps, after all. Any critique? Thanks! EDIT: Well, thinking about it, this is the second draft so it took more than five minutes. [/scatterbrained]
Religion, Ethics, and.... Art?
wiccansamurai replied to Transtic Nerve's topic in General Discussion
Initial reaction: Nice color scheme, but I don't really like religous art. Aftermath: Eh, still don't care. Urine is urine. Its a bit disgusting, nothing I'd want to play around with, but I don't care if someone wants to make artwork from it. And about the wether or not its art, art isn't about beauty. Its about the message from the artist, and what the viewer interprets it as. From this, I guess its supposed to... Well, I'm not sure what it was supposed to convey if he loved his religon, but if not, then I guess you can probably guess what it was supposed to say. :babble: -
This isn't much better, but I guess its a step n the right direction. : / Um, here. A made a few changes, some obvious, some not. [IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/miakasetsuna/toyaban2.jpg[/IMG]
Free webz doesn't do that right. Either upload it or use a different web hosting. I always liked [URL=http://myimages.fourvalve.com]http://myimages.fourvalve.com[/URL]. That's what I use anyway.
Think of the kind af avatar you want. Procede and go to the art request forum. Tell them what you want, and someone there will make it for you. Its not really that diffucult...
The sidebar threw me off for a little while, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I also like the skin idea. Once I get a bit more used to it, I'm sure I'll love it even more. The only thing I can't figure out is this: Are the cookies (is that the right term?) gone? Whenever I leave and comeback, I'm always logged, or if I leave the site alone on my computer for too long. I have to say, this may be just my computer, but I'd like to know wether or not it is. If I missed something about this, sorry. Now to grab a new skin..... :tasty:
Well, here's my latest. A banner and avatar thing. I really like them. [IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/miakasetsuna/toyaava.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/miakasetsuna/toyabanner.jpg[/IMG] This is the first time I've tried cropping, too. Well, anyway, these are both Toya from Ayashi no Ceres. :sleep: I think the avatar is a little grainy, but it was the best picture I could find. Which is no excuse, but.... Do you think I should give a better border to the banner?
I liked Mars a lot. My favorite character would have to be Kira. I don't normally like main characters, but I did really like her. The plot twists were my favorite part of the series. The end scared the hell out of me for a second though. I'll buy te sequel, once it comes out. For sure. :love:
What's your opinion on Valentine's day?
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I never hated Valentine's day. (I'm only saying that because this year I have a boyfriend) Actually, for this year's I'm... grounded. T_T Through Adam's birthday, too. But I'm going to give him a painting I made when he actually comes to school. (He graduated a semester early, but still comes to visit every now and then.) On Valentine's day I'll be playng for the ball for jazz band. Better than sitting at home other wise. I picked a horrible time to get grounded for the first time in all my fifteen years. *sobs* And I'd hate to do something super special for Adam everyday. VD just gives me a chance to give him a special present (the watercolor) that I would never have had the reason to really give to him before. -
I did this during study hall. I was in an extremely good mood. (BTW, I now have a boyfriend ;) ) My favorite part of this picture is the left arm. A little thin, but I had my friend Melissa's arm in mind. You'd think she was anerexic with those thin little arms.... Tell me what you think. ^_^ I know porportions may be a bit off... *sigh* I'm working on that.
Mass. Court Clears Way for Gay Marriages
wiccansamurai replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
I'm happy. Its not their fault, and neither is it a bad thing, that they fall for people of the same sex. Sometimes, the White House only sees you being equal if you conform. Well, that's how it seems. I'm not a very political person. I'm sure some of my friends on some other boards will be happy to hear this. Yay! Are gay/lesbians all that different from us? I don't see where all the controversy is over this. -
[QUOTE]I just got my first job a little over a month ago. I'm working as a Market Research Recruiter. Fancy title, crappy job. I'm basically one of those people who stop you in the mall and ask you to take a survey. In some ways, it's an easy job. No heavy lifting. Not a large amount of skill involved. Only work 6 hours a day. However, that doesn't mean me and my co-workers don't think about quitting everyday. We have to stand up the entire time. We're not allowed to sit down in any of the 1,000 benches in the mall (looking at them only makes standing that much harder). No breaks. We have to stand at least 5 feet away from every store in the mall. We can't buy anything to snack on or drink from the vending machines or food court. We're only allowed to walk around the same little section, which is only 1/4 of the mall. Our quotas are ridiculous and impossible to meet. People reject us all day and even put their hands in our faces. Some people even dodge us by running in another direction. My friends and old classmates suddenly pretend not to know me when I'm at work. People stare at me like I'm crazy. One lady even told me I was scaring away customers. The turnover rate is ridiculous.[/QUOTE] If my mom allowed me more than an hour at the mall, I would do those surveys, just because of what you just said. [QUOTE]The reason is that I grew up in kind of a half rich/poor type of school where there were a lot of kids that bragged about not having to get jobs because mommy and/or daddy gave them a $1000 a month allowence as well as buying them things like Land Rovers and Trail Blazers for their sixteenth birthday.[/QUOTE] That's still mean. I'm that kind of person. My parents wouldn't think of letting me get a job. Of course, I don't really get an allowance either. Lunch money is as good... I do a few babysitting things, if some odd relative needs it. Even then, like everything, I have to share that with my twin.
Hmmm, I have a piece of pencil lead stuck in my chin from when my little brother stabbed me with a #2. I actually threaten people with pencils now.... Those things hurt. I also had a large, blue mole-type thing on my cheek that my dermatologist said had to be removed. It ended up being benign, but I'm glad I got it removed anyway. That scar isn't really visible. I've never broken bones or anything like that, though. I also have a scar on my finger, but that's from playing around with a pocket knife. Such clumsy hands I have!
opinions on recreational drugs
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]So sure the drugs might have physically killed him but it was the thing that drove him to choose that as his escape that killed him because he could have died by anything else he went into. [/QUOTE] Actually, it wasn't him taking the drugs. It was the women and that one guy (Who is, thank goddess, back in jail.) who killed him. Its kinda gruesome and sad and bloody how they killed him.... I understood there are thousands of other ways to get killed, but I've never seen anything good come out of abusing drugs. I'm sure there are some people on drugs able to go about life relativally normal, but most drop out of school, get kicked out, end up hurting everyone around them. -
opinions on recreational drugs
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Oh great, now I am crying. If its not prescribed by a doctor or its not an over the counter drug being used properly, its just dumb. People get hurt. I'm sorry you have no pity for people who expieremented and found themselves too deep to get out. To say it was my uncles fault that he was that way, not my abusive grandparents for practically giving him the crap, thats horrible. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel on it. And Mitch, you know I love you, right? *Pitiful attempt at humor while in a bad mood* EDIT: And I thought we were just talking about recreational drugs, not the stuff doctors give you. -
opinions on recreational drugs
wiccansamurai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I hate drugs. Because of them, I will never see my uncle. Ever. He had a dysfunctional family, and at some point started on drugs. But it wasn't too bad at first. He got married, had two beautiful children. His addiction got worse, and he got divorced because my Aunt Sandra couldn't deal with it. He held a few rocky jobs as a carpenter and other such things, came to Illinois to stay with my family. My mom kicked him out because she didn't want the drugs around her eight children. It was a good decision, one meant to protect us. He stayed with several other relatives, getting kicked out for his bad habits each time. He decided he wanted to quit. Went down to Las Vegas to stay with a friend while he tryed to achieve his goal. One day while out on errands with the friends car, he comes across some ladies having car troubles. Starts to talk. He still wasn't completely off and these two women did what he did. They got talking and became "friends." He finally did get off of drugs. He was off, he really was! Going to go back home to all of us a better man! He had a steady job, a good paycheck. But he was still friends with those two women. They decided they wanted his car (which was actually his friends, and not his to give) and half his pay check. They had done nothing to get these things, but they hassled him for it. Murdered him for. Those women, and their guy friend, got a few years in jail for this. Actually, one of the women didn't even get any time. They had such a small sentence because my uncle was a user himself, therefore, wasn't as important. And he's gone. Drugs are dumb, they ruin lives. They ruin families. I'm fighting back tears right now. -
I got it from my da's side, but he was never good. My aunt, though, is a children's book illustrator. My grandpa on that side drew maps for WWII, and is quite good with art. My grandma does a lot of crafty stuff, as well as my other aunt. Crafty things like sewing, jewelry making, beading, knitting, ect. I'm lucky and can pretty much do it all decent.
I don't like either. My sister has two tattoos and a tongue piercing. She want's to be a teacher, and because of that butterfly on her ankle, she's not allowed to wear sandles. Not too bad, but still. They're just pointless, and do nothing but have other adults give you dirty looks once you get to the real world. My sister mostly got the butterfly and and the tongue piercng to make mom mad. Since the other tattoo is in a place that is ALWAYS covered, she likes that one more. It shows a bit about her originality without screaming "Attention whore."
This is, obviously, the first wallpaper I've made... It's Miho from Megatokyo! :p I just took the picture from the comic and colored and did some background things. :babble: I hopes you like! Tell me if I messed up...
TheEsca, its just guys+physical contact with me= someone gettng slapped. Another ackward incident! That guy in my previous post is going out with my friend Megan. So I was making fun of her, going "You're going out with a perv!" Getting books out of my locker. All she said was "You know, he's standing right behind you." Something funny, but not ackward at all: Because of this guy my brother carries around a practice kendo stick ^_^ In case he gets any more ideas about touching me!