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Everything posted by wiccansamurai

  1. I put extra sugar in everything that would taste good sweet. I have to mantain my twenty-four hour sugar high! I also like to mix sprite with lemonade... And, um, not much weirder than that for me ^_^;;
  2. [QUOTE]I say there's always self-inflicted pleasure. [/QUOTE] :eek: Well, anyway, I live in a small town. In a house with nine people. When need away, I go to.... *gasp* a friends house! I think living in a house of a bunch of girls would be cool. You've obviously never had to deal with five brother. :worried: EDIT: You don't have to necassarily like the friend whos house you're going to.
  3. I'm a saxaphone. Our band is pretty good, placed a bit at state. The people in band, though, is what I stay for. Sure there's the bad (like the tromboner who sexually harrassed me on the bus :drunk: ) But there's also half my friends who are in band! They're all so great, and its fun to spend time with them. (Unfortunately, one is moving away this month :bawl:) And, yes, band does get everything. And deserve each bit. Band camp is a pain in the ***. I had to march fourteen hours a day. Oh well, the upperclassmen said we were blessed with rainy weather this year, but I fear for my sunny years to come. Being the over-sensitive freshy, I kinda get special treatment from the drum majors. I'm not one of their groupies, but they still say hi and crap. ^.^;; Its embarrassing, but its just how people feel toward me. I can't play worth crap, though. Oh well, I still love it. ^.^
  4. I've read the first five. It was really good! I'm a little out of the story right now (it was so long ago I read it) but I really liked Kaguya. But the story line is a bit over-used. As long as the manga-kas use it right, I say! My favorite character was the mad prince Seeu. He was really... weird.
  5. I think it is a bit outdated. Now, if you have some feelings for the girls *wink* than all that is sweet. But I would feel weird if a guy was giving me special treatment. It would kind of feel a bit fun too... If the guy had a crush on me, anyway. Otherwise it can be a bit weird. Er, but that's just me. And I'm weird.
  6. You know, I don't really mind not being kissed, its just all my friends are so busy with their boyfriends. T.T Its depressing. They're all standing at eachother's lockers and "WHAM!" they're kissing.... "Um, breezy?" *Pokes back* "Uhhmmm?" *Not listening* "YOU'RE ON MY LOCKER!!!!" lol.
  7. [QUOTE]I also find it interesting that you're sixthcrusifix. You can't deny it either because I know! lol[/QUOTE] I knew they sounded a lot alike! And the fact TheFameof_Dying got pissed when I said anything bad about sixxy... :whoops: [QUOTE]Actually.. Your wrong. That was far from aabb honey, Every 5th line rhyms with the line 6" lines" ahead, as does every sixth line. Which is more like aabbcdaabbcd, Just for your information.[/QUOTE] Any AABB annoys me. It makes it sound static and quite boring. But that's just my opinion. Oh, and it tipped me off that you seemed more and more like sixxy when you called me "honey". Honey! [QUOTE]Look past how it flows, [/QUOTE] What you want to write is called prose, then. [QUOTE]It had no real meaning[/QUOTE] I have this feeling that no one actually knew what that poem was about. :therock:
  8. I really dislike AABB ryhming... That and some of the ryhmes were a bit predictable. I think it was about religon, but it didn't really end, so I'm not sure. This line.... >>>>It's pushing drugies up to saint hood
  9. Well the whole poem is about the girl noticing the differences in the ages of the houses, and then coming to the revelation at the end. [QUOTE]Like many say if you have nothing good to say dont say anything at all.[/QUOTE] Awww, but that completely takes away the point of critique! And such short replies aren't really liked.... Well, anyway, thanks for reading my poem, all. :freak:
  10. I do that all the time. In fact, I can't write a poem with out a sudden burst of creativity. (Unfortunately, creativity's the easy part, after that I have to figure out what to write ^^;;) Drawing's pretty natural to me since last year when I finally discovered I wasn't as bad as I thought.
  11. I can't make myself write because there has to be some kind of emotion there first. I'm picky because I care. ^.^
  12. [QUOTE]Well. It was nice but the rhyming scheme lacked, in that it was neither Reliable nor sparatic. In fact you might call it erratic. Some parts rhyme and others just don't make sense, [/QUOTE] Sparatic? Do you mean sporadic? Sorry, I'm just confused. Anyway, I had a rymhe scheme that was pretty much ABCBDEFE and so on, so it wasn't unreliable at all. What parts don't make sense? No one is being really specific in their critiques. [QUOTE]Also the topic is rather boring, It seems as though the poem is about exactly what it sounds that it is about, I know it's confusing, But I think you should give your poems, as negotiator calls it, Ambiguous meaning. And at the same time, make people think really hard about what it was about while they are reading it, Not after. [/QUOTE] But I like to put the whole thing in the end, its my style with this particular poem. [QUOTE]frankly you are very critical in an unneeded way. [/QUOTE] In the words of someone I deeply respect from another forums "I give no pats!" [QUOTE]My advice is that if you critique someone, What ever you told someone was wrong with his or her poem, Do it. Write your own poem, about the exact same subject, and if you can't do it right yourself, Think about your critique. [/QUOTE] I can't just make myself write. It has to come from somewhere, as I said, I'm a complete romantic. I do think about my critiques, that's why they're helpful. I give no pats on the back. I read through what I read, see what I think is wrong, point it out. That's what people put up their work here for. To hear our opinions. [QUOTE]By the way, I'm trying hard, but I have never been a good speller, So you don't have to comment about it. [/QUOTE] Thats what critiquing is for ^.^ [QUOTE]but you have no right to critique other people?s replies. Especially if they are critiques. [/QUOTE] But part of the charm of this place is its nice posting quality! And I was just surprised he posted about how nice your grammar was in a post like that. Why don't you comment on this there, not here? [QUOTE]Well, I hope I helped, and didn't offend or hurt you.[/QUOTE] I give no pats, so why should you?
  13. Yeah, but you can see it ^.^ All I was saying that fancy words can't make up if it was a crappy poem. I think this poem was one of sixxy's better ones, all I was saying was I disagree with you about how it could use more "sophisticated" words. Romantic= 2 : having no basis in fact : IMAGINARY 3 : impractical in conception or plan : VISIONARY 4 a : marked by the imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, remote, mysterious, or idealized I knew sixxy a bit too. What I knew, I didn't like all that much.
  14. Wait, sixxy is banned? Umm, I have to do it, I hafta! *Dances with joy, giving up self-restraint* Well, anyway, poetry is not a matter of a big vocabulary. Its a matter of heart, and soul! And I'm a friggin romantic, can't you tell?
  15. It was pretty good, but you have to go back and proof read some of it. It flowed really well, up to this point: [QUOTE]Children cry like little Bats, Thrown into the sun. People die, Like little ants, Molested by a boot Under my skin and in my eyes, Every man's Hated, Till he dies, Dead and cold Till his grave will then unfold If we want to get anywhere..... We must master. The Art of Dying [/QUOTE] I'd fix that. [QUOTE]Shunned by all, Forsaken....[/QUOTE] That also made me lose the sense of flow a bit. [QUOTE]I liked it it has a meaning unlike some stuff i've read by people who were close to depression not that i saying you are but i liked it just watch the spelling and youre good oh and use commas they may not look like much but they go a long way towards giving your poem flow[/QUOTE] I have never written that long of a review, whilst only capitalizing once, and without a single comma or period. O.o
  16. I actually prefer smaller chapters. Allows me to read them quickly. Anyway, i think it was really funny, and am happy you write properly, not like someone in the fifth grade.
  17. [QUOTE]AH! The unedited boxsets!! I wanted to get those but the problem is, I have absolutely no money, though I have heard tons of good things on about these sets of unedited episodes...However, I heard that one of the episodes is missing, but I'm not sure which one? Is the investment still worth it?[/QUOTE] Episode 67, I think, is missing. But with all the episodes that are there, I'm sure there's a very good reason its not there. As for being worth it, IT'S GREAT! I laughed more, cried more, and was practically sitting on the edge of my chair in excitement the whole time! My favorite season will always be the second... Though it'd be much better without Chibi-Usa... Goddes, how happy I am that I got this. Now if you excuse me, episode 62 awaits.
  18. Work on anatomy a bit. The side view in the first frame is off. I'm guessing the thing under his shoe is a cigerette, but that's not really clear. Add more detail, some smoke. Also, in the dining room scene, he may be far away, but that's why manga-kas normally try the pages big then resize them, so there can be more detail. And the can and the hand it is held in on that guy at the table, they're both too small. And traditional manga is all in black and white, but that doesn't really matter. Well, good luck with the manga!
  19. [QUOTE]I wasnt sugguesting to download it off something as Kazaa, Kazaa is bad. I was thinking more like download.com or even right from the companies website. I downloaded my paint program right from the offical paint shop pro website.[/QUOTE] I still think buying it would be better :shifty: Somehow I doubt you could download it for free, when buying it is a few hundred.
  20. That's good for your first banner! I agree about cleaning up the face. I love the color choice. Its hard to read all the color text in the back, but I thnk that may have been on purpose, no?
  21. Oh, Goddess, not Hentai! Oh, bugger. Well, anyway, I agree with everyone's suggesstions but White Mage's. I don't think you should download. Pirating software= baaaaad. That being said, please, please, please use more appropriate pictures! This is the only anime forum I'm free from hentai being in every guy's banner!
  22. Umm, what do you mean the ending has nothing to do with the poem? The ending... is what the whole poem is about.
  23. *Brings dead thread back to life* Well, I was going to do a search on Sailor Moon, to check if I should start a thread on it. Found this, so, here's my question. Any of you got the box sets that just came out yet. I'm watching the second season right now and I can't stop grinning! I especially love the part where the scouts are fighting over who should play Snow White in the play, and Mako says she should because she has the biggest chest. Unedited gold. ^.^
  24. I'm just really happy there are so many nice art schools near-ish. I don't know, I just kind of wish I had a choice to go to college. I would anyway, but being given a choice would be much better. My mom wants us all to go to college... Oh well, maybe I'll be lucky and get a dorm! (Not a chance in Hell. I'm not allowed to move away till I'm twenty. ^^;; My mom is so weird.)
  25. I live in the general area of Chicago, but I live in a corn town. Chicago is a good forty minute + drive away. Do you live in Chicago? I think It'd be cool to live in a big city...
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