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Spike Spiegel

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Everything posted by Spike Spiegel

  1. Every time I see the pic of Ultima, it cracks me up.
  2. Hah...Yea, I'm Shinji incase you weren't aware.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i] [B]Nope.. they are original...sorry to burst the bubble..I don't waste money on Bootleg....If I did I would have everything..if I can't find it my cousin sends em to me from Japan,where he is stationed...Nothing is impossible..you just gotta know a way;) I bring this guy business and he hooks me up...NYC..for ya....lol [/B][/QUOTE] Why get your cousin to send them when you supposedly have stores in Japan? Heh...Some lies are just too much ^_^
  4. Okay, 2 things - Lady, it's impossible to obtain an import DVD for 15 dollars US flat, because...Common sense. Until you scan in your cover and show me, I'll believe it's a bootleg. And I've been to the New York China Town many times, full of piracy. And Nerve, incase you didn't know, China never signed the Berne Convention, so they are exempt from all intellecutal property and copyright laws, therefore bootlegging is legal there, however, selling it to any other country/continent is not...So what they're doing is only half illegal, but still lacks morals/ethics. I'm surprised they havn't been forced to sign the B.C...
  5. Yes Lady, it's called a bootlegged version -_-;;
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B]according to everything that i've heard so far, pretty much all of my friends from this forum are banned... shinji hacked the boards? shinji was like one of my pals... i don't know anymore... these boards have lost their meaning for me now because i have to start all over again and make new friends... this stinks... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey baby :D
  7. lol..aiight this is a weird topic but uh, what drinks go well with celery salt? I know it's made for bloody mary's, but I hate the taste of tomato juice and vodka together...but i love celery salt. I just tried celery salt and coke...it doesn't really work -_-;; Any ideas? :P
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]spikes right i just checked the 8 dvd bundle is out and the escaflowne import is out however the import costs 108.66... I geuss i must have seen the import it was on a hard drive full of dvds [/B][/QUOTE] HOLY CHOW! 108.66 for the Esca. movie?!?! I got mine for like 50 =-O
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]i know that its a series however there was a 80 minute movie released by adv think i may be wrong though [/B][/QUOTE] Pretty much, it's really the Rurouni Kenshin OAV series, that ADV has made into a movie series, so to speak. They really ****ed up on the dubbing ^^" Escaflowne is great, it's a perfect mix of Mecha and fantasy...and Trigun is also amazing. Very much like old-school western movies, but add a bit more sci fi [read: aliens] and lots of comedy, and you got Trigun.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i] [B]First of all you talk to me with respect, and I think I've been in this game far longer than you my friend...I hate talking to children who act like it..I fought bigger and badder than you so don't play yourself or with the others trying to have a decent conversation....later..I have nothing else to say to you and I apologize to decent people on the board whom I have interuppted [/B][/QUOTE] Don't call me a child. Hmm...A person whom you think is younger than you, yet I don't know your age so iunno, knows more about anime then you. No need to get mad about that. I was simply stating the obvious; Escaflowne the Movie is not out in North America yet.
  11. Samurai X, better known as Rurouni Kenshin, doesn't really have any movies tho :I It's a good series...But I havn't seen all 90 whatever episodes, so I can't judge.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i] [B]By the way Escaflowne is available here, I've seen it.. [/B][/QUOTE] No, escaflowne the movie is NOT available here yet....foo'
  13. Muahaha? And that was for...?
  14. Yup...That's a good way to end an argument that you're losing.
  15. Hmm..A couple things I noticed... 1) How does using zeros in my name make me a "CGI script kiddie"? Considering AIM has NOTHING AT ALL do to with CGI, and the only programming languages I touch are HTML, and on occasion active server pages. 2) Why do you assume I didn't pay taxes on the R2 dvds?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]I'm sorry but i am a dying breed of html programmers from the mid 90's that absolutely refuses to use aim.or aol in general and in response to you typing like a script kiddie your cowboy bebop with 2 zeros thing kind of proves what you were yelling about. And as to having the rg1 dvd going through customs rg2 dvds that are in america and have not been released to the u.s. pulic are illegal you may have had it shipped straight from tokyo but unless the taxes on it are paid and the copyright laws have been put on the books which according to my marketing department have not yet it is illegal thanx... Metro... [/B][/QUOTE] You are an ignorant fool. I used zeros for "c0wb0ybebop" because cowboybebop was taken...Show me your 'HTML skills'...I'll match them. Importing is illegal, yes, but I purchased them before the licences were not bought, making it legal.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]and escaflowne has been released to american via the company i shop through and am an affiliate of and yes its on a region 1 dvd [/B][/QUOTE] But it is not out YET.
  18. CGI script kiddie? Do I act like a script kiddie? Do I type like a script kiddie? You're the one who was telling me what I HAVN'T watched...And what the **** does "having the rg1 DVD go through customs first" mean? Talk to me on AIM buddy...c0wb0y bebop, first 2 o's are zeros.
  19. Eh that's a really bad picture of me.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]As to my knowledge and i am an affiliate of a major anime company Blood has not been released yet in america...Just a thought shinji [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new][COLOR=darkred]Please don't test me on anime ;-) It's being released on Aug. 28 by Manga Ent., but I have the R2 DVD...The benifits of speaking a little Japanese. And then there's the whole fansubbing thing. So no it's not out in America, but neither is Spriggan, Jin Roh, or Escaflowne: The Movie. Also, I forgot about Perfect Blue; and Macross Plus! Excuse me, who are you? ;-)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. Let's see... Spriggan, Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, Blood: The Last Vampire, and Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea. I guess if you consider EoE a movie, then that would be my favorite -- but it's not really a movie.
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