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Spike Spiegel

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Everything posted by Spike Spiegel

  1. Hey Safer, is your sig trying to tell us that you have a small penis?
  2. Ohhhh yea, I forgot about that one. THEY WINK A LOT!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You forgot to mention new Kenshin!!!!!!!!!!! Yes new kenshin OAV coming out :) WHEE! Perhaps I'll watch Cowboy Bebop one of these days.......... [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]Hah! Oh yea ^_^ The new Kenshin OAV series sounds promising. There's also the Turn A Gundam movie coming out some time.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=courier new]How come there be's no Cowboy Bebop avatars? I have a few...You should use them :o [IMG]http://www.futurecityanime.com/Faye1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.futurecityanime.com/Ed1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.futurecityanime.com/Spike1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.futurecityanime.com/V1.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]oh my god its shinji aaaaahhhhhhh [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]What the gay? It sounds like you're trying to have sex with me. Yes, Piro is a clever one! I wasn't exactly hiding it, though.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=courier new]Here are some news tidbits for fellow anime lovers: [B]N[/B]ew Cowboy Bebop series is in production - tentatively called Bebop Gaiden. It'll be based in the Cowboy Bebop universe, but focus on different characters. Also, the Bebop movie; "Knockin on Heavens Door", will be out in Dec. in Japan. [B]N[/B]ew Trigun series coming out, *if I remember* it's called Trigun : Gunfire or something. Anyways, if you've seen the end of Trigun, you'll be as puzzled as me as to how they're going to continue it, but uh, m'eh. [B]N[/B]ew Fushigi Yugi OAV series I believe is in the works, but it could be a whole new series. Nothing is known about, 'cept it might be called Fushigi Yugi Gaiden [hmm...Bebop Gaiden, Fushigi Yugi Gaiden...] That's all for now.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=courier new]My best piece of advice would be this: use adobe ^o^[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=courier new]Maybe if I get really bored I will. I like making layouts when I'm bored. I just made this: [url]www.futurecityanime.com/newstemplate.html[/url][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=courier new]Yea, there's a virus-type thingee going around on MSN Instant Messanger. If you're talking to a friend, and you get a message like this: Bambino says: hey, want me to send my new pic? Bambino says: i took it yesterday Bambino says: alright, here ya go Bambino would like to send you the file "PIC1324(1)(1).exe" (49 Kb). Transfer time is less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation? Just ignore it; decline it, and tell your friend to uninstall their current MSN, and to download and re-install the newest version. [SIZE=1]Shinji.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. Would that be the new portion of theOtaku that deals with gaming?
  11. [FONT=courier new]Without a doubt, it's art. Some peoples idea of art is homosexual erotica, some peoples idea of art is splashing ketchup on canvas, but whichever way you slice the cake it all comes out the same. If you are mature enough to look past the whole gay-motif, it's a decent photograph, but the blue filter is a tad too common for my tastes. all in all it's a nice piece of art.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=courier new]Seeing each others pictures seems to really interest you folks. Don't you think you should just put all your pics in a single thread instead of like 30 threads? Some people, like me, might be too lazy to do all that clicking :P[/FONT]
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