[FONT=courier new]Here are some news tidbits for fellow anime lovers:
[B]N[/B]ew Cowboy Bebop series is in production - tentatively called Bebop Gaiden. It'll be based in the Cowboy Bebop universe, but focus on different characters. Also, the Bebop movie; "Knockin on Heavens Door", will be out in Dec. in Japan.
[B]N[/B]ew Trigun series coming out, *if I remember* it's called Trigun : Gunfire or something. Anyways, if you've seen the end of Trigun, you'll be as puzzled as me as to how they're going to continue it, but uh, m'eh.
[B]N[/B]ew Fushigi Yugi OAV series I believe is in the works, but it could be a whole new series. Nothing is known about, 'cept it might be called Fushigi Yugi Gaiden [hmm...Bebop Gaiden, Fushigi Yugi Gaiden...]
That's all for now.[/FONT]