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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. Cosplay is dressing as a character from anime or an RPG for an anime convention (although sometimes it's done for movie premieres or at private parties).
  2. LOL, I want to cosplay sometime (as guess who ~.^) and I think I could do it rather well (maybe enough to even win the prize) but I can't do that. I mean, I don't have the money I'd need (around $100-200 for costume, actually maybe even less since my real hair and weight look similar enough that I wouldn't need wigs or padding) and I also can't let everyone know I'm a fan just yet-which going to a convention in a *strange* costume would do.
  3. I like chocolate, and I love sodas and iced tea lol. LOL, though I've been trying to cut back on it. ~.^
  4. I'd say that you need to politely post that newbies who have not signed up are unwelcome guests and state that until they do sign up and enter legitimately, their characters may not be very safe from the locals. . .~.^ That usually works well. Also, once this announcement has been posted, ask a mod to deal with the newbie posts. Since it's in the rules of the board (IIRC) that people participating in the RPG threads must sign up first, that would be yet another way of dealing with the problem.
  5. LOL! I can't believe this! What're those people thinking? I'm an ice cream moderate: I don't buy from Ben and Jerry's and I don't buy from Star Spangled Crazies. LOL :D
  6. Wear the jacket, LOL. Unless you want everyone to laugh at the newbie. ~.^ I would say that if you're really thinking no one will recognize your character, that you could also make up, say an ID card in Photoshop with the character's stats and some other blather and pin it on the jacket. Other than that, I really can't help you. I really want to watch GW and GW: EW sometime (missed the series when it was on TV >_< GRRRR) but as I haven't yet, I really can't give tips on that.
  7. ::sigh:: you still don't understand, do you? I don't care if you've been through something similar or worse than this, that doesn't make it right. In fact, you should have sympathy for the victims-not contempt. pbfrontman, I would recommend that you visit a psychiatric counselor. The attitude you have toward such brutality (if that really is your attitude and not just something you're spouting on the Internet) is really seriously frightening, and you need help in a bad way.
  8. [quote]I think in this insecure world, people want to hear truth, see good action, and something with morals. I DON'T think many will admit it. If you try to incorporate romance, plz, PLZ start subtly, as it will ease and captivate your audience, probably better than if you start with a raunchy love scene.[/quote] Wiser words have rarely been spoken. While ecchiness and overdone fanservice might draw some people to your anime, most likely they will chase away the kind of fans you really want, and I have to agree that the animes that are most well-written and that will doubtless be considered the "classics" of the genre are the animes that make the viewer think. The outright pr0n stuff might have its day, but I'm betting that 30 years from now, most of it will be forgotten, while there will still be people wanting to watch anime that has good plots, interesting characters, and makes you think.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]Jinzouningen 17 isn't an English word... it means Android 17 in Japanese :) As for me... I can't figure out what inflagrantedelicto means... I think its Latin... n e one care to define this for me? [/B][/QUOTE] [I]in flagrante delicto[/I] means, roughly, "caught red-handed," or "caught with the evidence." I read law books for fun a few years back. O.o
  10. I'm seriously considering writing a fanfic like I mentioned, LOL: only thing is, I know next to nothing about LOTR or Eva so my characterizations of those characters wouldn't be the best (since I'd be working from plot synopses and whatever rather than from actually having watched the anime) LOL. . .or maybe I just need to go somewhere and sleep for a long, long time. :P
  11. That's so strange, the different routes the anime and manga took. I guess it's kind of like American movies based on books, if you've read the book, you think the movie's inaccurate, and if you've seen the movie first, you wonder what's going on with the book, LOL. Or at least that's how my sister is about it. Yeah, that's a good theory Meta: that could explain why the loyalty, and it could be that Knives was simply impervious to Legato's mind control abilities. If so, there would have been no way that Legato could have possibly won a fight against Knives.
  12. I can't believe the posts of some of the people here. This hazing was barbaric cruelty against people who had no idea of what they were going to be facing. To anyone who says acts such as that are acceptable: you need help. You need it badly and immediately.
  13. Oh, by the way, the lawyer dropped the suit today. It was on the news, I think you can find it easily enough.
  14. I really want someone to come to my spar thread in the battle Arena, but no one's checking it out. Is there any way I can promote this without getting accused of spamming? Would a sig link to my as yet ignored spar be allowed?
  15. I want this thread closed at once. I've PMmed QA and hopefully she will get online soon and lock it: because even I the anti-hentai advocate have stepped over the line into the lemon grove. This place is a powder keg ready to explode if someone else posts and doesn't edit. *MillieFan smacks herself with a large baka-mallet and walks out of the thread
  16. I deeply apologize for the previous contents of this post and for the direction I'm sending this thread in. As an anti-H advocate, I'm supposed to be better than lemon writers, not just like them. Will QA or Shy close this thread? It's served its purpose and is running some serious risk of becoming a hentai/lemon/whatever thread.
  17. [quote]Oh, yeah and Kuroneko-sama in Trigun, makes me laugh EVERY time![/quote] How could I have forgotten Kuroneko-sama? LOL! Ahahahaha, you're so right, even in the most serious episode he's a laugh. What was that quote again that you mentioned elsewhere, went like "I had no idea you were no mere mortal, but a CAT?" nyao. . .nyao. . .nyao. . .
  18. LOL @ Plant_Angel. . .:D No, I don't think Knives is gay. I think he simply has less "humanity," and his interest in Vash is driven by revenge more than by anything else. . . By the way, when will my user title change? After 63 posts, I'm still a newbie, LOL!
  19. Especially since Wolfwood is definitely NOT gay.
  20. Yeah, definitely: the love stories are always usually very weak or stupid. (though I do confess that I liked the Zidane/Dagger one in FFIX for some reason beyond my understanding) Also, yet another problem with incorporating a homosexual "romance" is that it would cause even more problems for some fans. As it is already, RPG fans and otaku in general are considered as somewhat "bad" or "dangerous" people by some more conservative sections of society. Having a game that mentioned homosexuality openly (even more so if it could be seen as "promoting" it) would only make our image 1000 times all the worse to these sections of society, and while some of you may not care about that, I do because the gulf between us and these conservatives is already big enough to drive a tractor-trailer through. . .and adding to it will only increase hatred on both sides.
  21. I think the final episode explained it somewhat more: One of Vash's arms was grafted onto Legato, so that's why he has power over him but not over Knives. Or that theory could be wrong too. LOL! LOL, Plant_Angel, are you reading a fan translation or do you really know Japanese? As far as I know, the manga wasn't officially released in the U.S. so I'm wondering. . .
  22. Oh, how mindlessly stupid. People will sue for anything and everything anymore. Isn't it OBVIOUS that cookies will make you fat if eaten in too large a quantity? I think American society is far too litigious. If you don't believe me, look up "Frivolous Lawsuits" in Google and you'll see exactly what I mean.
  23. I'd say Wolfwood and Millie from Trigun. I mean, that has to be one of the biggest mismatches ever, and most of it's somewhat weakly implied that they even have a relationship of any sort until the 23rd episode, but that's one of my favorite anime couples. Secondly, I would say Haku and Chihiro from Spirited Away: although it's platonic due to the age of the characters and more like "puppy love" than anything else, it's still cool, her devotion for him and all.
  24. [quote]Again, my personal belief is that the act is wrong, but the person is not. I can respect the person, just not that choice of lifestyle. [/quote] I totally feel the same way GinnyLyn! Thanks for your post: you said everything I wanted to and more. While I may not totally be opposed to the idea of a secondary character that is implied to be that way, I am opposed to it as simply an opportunity for yaoi fangirls ::shudders:: to lust. If it could be treated in a respectful, reasonable and serious manner and only one part of the entire character, maybe it would be fine. but if it's as many of the portrayals are, just your token gay guy who's totally defined by that, forget it!
  25. LOL: has anyone ever been more careful in what they do because they didn't want to miss anime? LOL! I did that a few weeks ago actually: I was considering whether to run on a wet sidewalk on a rainy day because I needed to get somewhere fast, and then I thought, of all the silly things, "do I really want to miss a week of my favorite series while I'm in the hospital with a broken leg?" I decided that lateness to my destination was a better prospect. Hehehe. :D
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