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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. MillieFan


    I would toss you a MAJOR spoiler about the series becoming more serious though: around the 12th episode, it becomes much more serious, although there are still some moments of incredibly funny humor involving Meryl and Millie, Vash and Wolfwood, and Kuroneko, until the 23rd episode. After [spoiler]Wolfwood dies[/spoiler] in that episode, the series is entirely serious (save for one last bit of Kuroneko humor when he tries to steal some of Vash's doughnuts in one of the last episodes) for the last episodes "Sin," "Live Through," and "Beneath The Dark Blue Sky."
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Bah, I saw this on Fox News. This hazing stuff is the most ridiculous, immature stuff I've seen in a long time. If students just want to act silly for a day, then that's alright by me. But this? It's insane. On the one hand, I feel that the girls who agreed to get involved are either highly ignorant or they have some sort of desire to be hurt. Even though they couldn't predict what would happen, they were certainly willing to go through something like this initially. I would never submit myself to something so degrading - and I don't care whether it's some sort of idiotic high school tradition or not. My dignity is more important than any juvenile tradition. Having said that though, the girls who were submitted to the punishment obviously didn't know that it'd go this far. And the girls who attacked them deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is something that needs to cling to them on their public record forever - assault of fellow students. And I hope that they regret doing this for a very long time to come. In addition, what about those people who were standing around cheering? In my opinion, they are just as guilty as the ones carrying out the act. How can [i]anyone[/i], drunk or not, stand around and watch people be beaten? And then make [i]fun[/i] and light of it? That just totally escapes me. It's cruel and horrible. I know that the school has totally washed its hands of this (it's out of our juristiction, etc etc). But these people need to be suspended - and the ones who carried out the acts need to be expelled. If this had happened with high school students at my old school, you can be sure that the purpetrators would be expelled by now. And rightfully so.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The hazing stuff is sickening, and you're absolutely right. Such people need to not only be expelled, but to be forced to obtain mental health care and to pay restitution. I agree with GoKents that this is assault and battery, but IMHO it's more than that: it's a sign that these people doing the hazing and cheering it on are SERIOUSLY disturbed. These are the future's murderers.
  3. Oh, OK, I'm sorry: usually it's considered impolite to put two such different topics in the same post. :o sorry sorry. . . Anyway, I will do that, sorry that I double post a lot. :blush:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]Hentai (thats what your refering to right? Some people like to argue things like yaoi and whatnot are not hentai because they belive there diffrent in some way, but we won't get into that.) can be very sick. The Quatre and Trowa thing I'm pretty sure is just generated from fan girl's doujinshi. [/B][/QUOTE] IMHO, yaoi/yuri IS hentai. The only main difference is that the pairings are same-gender rather than opposite gender, and even that difference isn't always present: in some henyaori, the characters are depicted as bisexual. You're absolutely right: the QuatreXTrowa thing was from exactly that source. Again, the writers said no such relationship was intended, and if I have to choose who the more reliable source is, I go with the source closest to the original work: the people who wrote it. [off topic] Oh, by the way Imsirion, is your avatar Millie too? It looks a LOT like her.
  5. I personally think Fear Factor, Survivor, and like things may be a reason for the increase in this kind of malicious and indefensible cruelty. Sadly, many of us in American society have grown to see human life as cheap and other people as merely something to be tormented for fun and profit. I personally believe that "reality TV" at least in the American sense is a curious mixture of voyeurism and sadomasochism presented for viewing audiences who are as bloodthirsty as the Colosseum audience in ancient Rome. Will we only stop this madness when someone dies from it or from an event influenced by it like this hazing?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oradriel [/i] [B]I dunno... how exactly do u intend to mix lotr with dbz, eva, and trigun? I'd say thats gonna be too much things crammed into one anime so it prolly would suck =P [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, I have to agree with that! That sounds like the worst mess I've ever heard of! hehehehe. :laugh: Might make a good fanfic though, hehehe: I've got this image of Goku threatening mortal harm on Gandalf, Vash begging them to stop and reconsider, Frodo mistaking the half-finished bag of doughnuts for a collection of really big rings, Piccolo gobbling the rest of the food, Meryl and Millie ordering everyone else out of the location, and Shinji sitting on a nearby hill, moaning about how miserable he is and how he wants them all to just go away so he can be alone. ~.^ Seriously, though, I say balance is good: if you can balance out humor, drama, action, and everything else, you're well on your way. :tasty: Above all else, if you're writing originally, [i]be original.[/i] Don't just rehash something already out there. If you want to just steal ideas from Kenshin, Eva, whatever, and have nothing new or different that sets you apart or makes your work different per se, write a fanfic rather than original work. -^.^-
  7. OK, this is somewhat harder: What was Garnet/Dagger's original name in Madain Sari? And the name of her birth mother from there?
  8. I really don't want to be seen as intolerant or anything, but how would you feel if I started a site depicting the guys from Gravitation going straight? My point is that I personally oppose the GW yaoi sites, especially the ones that are so sick it would be considered utter sickness if it wasn't yaoi and therefore allegedly "tolerant." For example, the yaoi orgy site and the one where one character is raping the other. One more point for you HeeroXDuo fangirls: The series writers have repeatedly stated that no such relationships were originally intended in the series. Enjoy your copyright infringement if you want to, but don't tell me you weren't warned.
  9. As far as I know, "shin" does mean "death" or "to die" in Japanese. "kami" or "gami" means "a god."
  10. Mei wins: It's "You're Not Alone."
  11. It's OK, apology accepted. -^.^-
  12. [quote]My favorite RPGs would be anything Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Legend of Mana/Seiken Densetsu and Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (very kawaii artwork, awww) and my favorite anime would be Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and Trigun. I opened an RPGs and anime club at christianforums.com, I co-moderate the Anime Hangout at a new forum along with a *very* good friend, (my name is Susan at both of those places) and I'm a participant at Anime Angels(where my username is otakulady) and Anime News Network Forums (username Lazy Susan) among others. [/quote] Hehe, Mage, either you or your little brother is a plagarist. -^.^- At least edit names out of your work when you're thieving. LOL. I find it VERY hard to believe we both started the same clubs and have the same usernames, especially since we never met elsewhere IIRC. :D :D ~.^
  13. MillieFan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]The comedic side of Trigun gracefully fits each episode. It is handled intelligently, and manages to flow flawlessly in between the serious scenes. Trigun has a very creative concept, and the direction is quite smart.[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] You said it. Great post. . .now I have to come up with something to add so this isn't dismissed as mere spam. LOL. One comedy thing I love about the series, aside from the character interaction (the perfectly mismatched teams of Vash and Wolfwood and Meryl and Millie), is something a lot of people don't even notice: the Kuroneko appearances. lol, that cat shows up anywhere and everywhere, and it's sooo funny when it fell from the ceiling and landed on Vash. . .or when it sneaked a bite of Millie's pudding. . .or when Wolfwood pulled it from his travel bag while looking for something else. . .or when it annoyed Meryl. . .lol. "nyao. . .nyao"
  14. Can you have a custom user title on this board? I go to other boards where this is enabled, and it looks like some people have custom titles here too. If it is an option, after how many posts can you change your user title or apply for said change? :sleep:
  15. MillieFan


    It definitely is that: I used to post at A4 and everyone would flame me. . .also, almost everyone's signatures there were borderline hentai. Yeeew. This is definitely a [i]much[/i] better board. Oh, by the way, I'm sorry if I was the first to post the spoiler. Next time I'm using spoiler text. I'd like to post something funny I remember, but with what's happening in my real life right now (what with my boyfriend missing and all ;;^.^;; ), that would be really really sick of me to do, to laugh at a time like this.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]I don't know if it matters to me whether a character is good or evil. I'd like to think that the most realistic and likable characters--whether they be in literature or films, should be a shade of gray. I mean, how many of us are strictly one or the other? You see, purely good and evil characters are flat and uninteresting for the most part. The motives behind their actions rarely make any sense. Well-rounded characters are much more interesting because they're easier to relate to. Plus, their personalities have much more room to develop. So, the heck with good and evil. Just give me a character with a well-rounded personality and his or her share of faults. [/B][/QUOTE] Good post, Charles. . .:) I totally agree. Like I said, I find both "pure good" and "pure evil" characters most often boring, because you know what they're going to do almost 100 percent of the time. I mean, it would have made for some interesting plot twists if, say, Sephiroth decided to turn back at the last moment and spare Aeris, or if, earlier on in FFVII, Aeris, say, went totally berserk and destroyed a city. However, you KNEW neither would happen because of the way the characters were set from almost their first appearance.
  17. Definitely mixed. By that I mean a character that is normally mostly good but that struggles with evil or something else within or from the past, or that is mostly bad but struggles with wanting to be good. Some examples of that would be like Cloud in FFVII, Edea and Rinoa in FFVIII, Zidane in FFIX, Vash and Wolfwood in Trigun, and the list could go on for a really long post, but these are the most outstanding examples of the "mixed" character. Usually, IMHO, "all good" characters get rather boring, and so do "all bad" characters, because it's rather predictable what they will do in the story.
  18. MillieFan


    Sorry ::bows:: I didn't see that it was illegal to link to websites in my post, and I just wanted to source my information (lol, I want to be a journalist someday, and it's a thing of mine to try to provide sources for info I post) I'm also sorry for the double post: that's how I'm used to posting elsewhere. ::bows::
  19. I think the one at Mysidia. It's been a LONG while since I played (and I played the FFII SNES version last around 4 years ago, couldn't afford Final Fantasy Chronicles >_< I really wanted that one too. . .wahhhh) What is the title of that cool song in FFIX when Zidane runs off by himself in Pandemonium? This is easy. . .
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]This has been bugging me alot lately. I am the "nice guy" and it seems like I've been coming up pretty short. Before I got involved in the long relationship I had, I got way more "attention" than I do now. I think I'm giving off some kind of safe vibe or something. I'm not used to this at all. There is something that girls like about a guy with an edge, and right now mine is dull. Heck, I thought that learning how to please a woman better emotionally would add to my worth. Anyways, I've decided to get everyone else's opinion. Do you believe the nice guys finish last? Why or why not? [/B][/QUOTE] I say no. I happen to really care for nice people (although I'm not looking right now because I've found someone already. . .I hope he's all right ;;^.^;; there was some big storms near where he lives a day and a half ago and I haven't heard from him since ;;^.^;; ) My point before I digressed is that being nice will eventually work much better for you than being mean/promiscous/mental case/fill in the blank. IRL, those kind of people may get feared, they may even be able to buy someone's affection: but they will not be loved because the most important thing for a lasting relationship is for both involved to show respect and kindness to each other. If you don't have either of those qualities, then no relationship will work: if you have one or both, almost anything else about you will be overlooked. Sorry for going on like that and practicing psychology without a license, it's just my opinion. hehe ~.^ Lea and Roxie: I totally agree with you. If there's one thing that absolutely disgusts me ::cringe:: it's people that think they're something because they've "been around." I don't see that as a sign of "hey, he's cool," I see it as a sign of being weak, insecure, or, with some of what can happen to you, incredibly stupid. I mean, I wouldn't go out with someone who played Russian roulette for fun.
  21. I just found the board: I'm here almost every day and it's fast becoming one of my favorite boards. I usually split my time between here and another few boards. Anyway, I'm new here LOL. And I, like a few others, only post when the topic interests me or I have something to say, because unlike other boards, this board prohibits one or few word agreement posts and short comments: normally some of my favorite types of posts LOL.
  22. MillieFan


    Hmmm, though they [i]could[/i] bring Trigun Maximum into an anime if they set it say 20 years later rather than 2 years later (as it's set in the manga) and replace Wolfwood with Wolfwood and Millie's then-adult son/daughter. . .but that would be really improbable. LOL ^sigh^
  23. MillieFan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]I like both side, actually. i think they mixed well. Just they way the creators blended them was perfect. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, one word agreement posts aren't allowed here ^sigh^ If they were, I'd simply say "agreed" and go on since you basically said it all, nevertheless. . . I totally agree. The writers did well in mixing the serious and silly, and it's IMHO one of the better-written anime, especially in the way the character interaction was written (some of the Wolfwood/Vash and Meryl/Millie squabble scenes almost reach what could be considered high comedy, a rarity when, sadly, much anime comedy elsewhere consists of the sudden appearance of an unclothed woman) As for the seriousness, I say that was good too. Although I agree with whomever else posted about Wolfwood: I think killing Wolfwood off was simply dumb. IIRC, Wolfwood didn't die in the manga (from what I've seen at some fan sites) and by killing him off the anime writers basically made it impossible to bring the next manga series, Trigun Maximum, into anime because Wolfwood is one of the main characters in it. How completely brainless.
  24. I did that, now I'm just hoping someone who's good at making that kind of avatar or banner is around here. Really, my current ones are kind of mismatched. LOL
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B] I have to say.....it depends on the person i guess [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I'd say. I'm not looking for anyone here LOL, but it can work out either way. I really loved someone I had met at the Christian board I make many of my posts at, for almost all of last year and until February of this year when we broke up. At first he was a very nice person, very kind, more conservative than I was: but then his personality seemed to do a sharp nosedive the exact opposite way to where it was seriously frightening. He threatened to kill himself if I left him in order to manipulate me, became really judgmental, etc, etc. . .we broke up in February, and I hope he didn't kill himself, but I'll never know.:bawl: Anyway, I learned somewhat of a lesson from that on how people manipulate others, debated it back and forth again with myself whether it would be OK to try it once again. I made my decision. . .and so far it's my second chance at a relationship and really good. I would say that the thing to be most wary of is age and manipulation. If you're under 18 don't even think of beginning a relationship online, because you're bait for pedophiles. Once you're over 18, most of those particular creeps lose interest. Regarding manipulation, if someone starts trying to buy your love with incredibly expensive gifts, shows little respect when it comes to differences between you, or especially makes implied or express threats-leave. Block their address if you must, do whatever you need to do, but leave.
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