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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. My favorite couples are as follows: Canon, in-series: Wolfwood and Milly (Trigun) This is my absolute favorite couple because they are SO made for each other. . . Roger and Dorothy (Big O) Someone else said WHY they were so good for each other, and I totally agree. They're so cute together and just a perfect match. . . I'll share my yaoi and cross-series pairing favorites later. I have to leave now.:)
  2. I've requested this before, but I want to post the request again-and add another request. Now that all 26 episodes of Big O have aired on TV and are on DVD, I think it's time that theotaku.com open its own anime shrine. By that I mean, the same thing we have for, say, Trigun or Eva or Bebop: full episode guide, specific articles on some plot points, a character listing. In the same vein, I believe Ruruoni Kenshin deserves its own theotaku.com anime shrine. :)
  3. Yeah, I like shounen ai more myself. Implied yaoi in a generally shounen ai fic (i.e. in "strange and beautiful" or "Only A Human") I don't normally mind-but I hate hardcore yaoi when it serves no purpose aside from stimulating the readers. That, like other PWP, is just disgusting to me as both a reader and writer of fanfiction. :)
  4. I've seen disgusting yaoi lemons and het lemons. In fact, there are one or two fics that I would tell people never, ever to waste their time with because they are so OOC, PWP, and pointless that they are really a disgrace to fanfiction for their particular series. However, I firmly believe there is no more PWP lemon/hentai in yaoi fics than there is in het fics in general. Hentai/PWP lemon is the fault of bad writers, not inherent in pairings. :)
  5. Actually, if you use it for *that,* you are illustrating the point that some is tasteless and disgusting. However, there are some yaoi fics that are NOT meant for that purpose, and those are normally the better stories found in that: they center on the *characters* and on the *plot,* not on what "pleasure" they can give their readers/writers. I'm sorry to the above poster, but you're really not helping our cause ~.^ Yeew.
  6. In answer to Metatron's question, I would say it is Caine the Longshot (he didn't even *exist* in the manga) and Wolfwood. I think I may be wrong on the latter, but I [i]know[/i] Caine wasn't even in the manga, so there ~.^ . And I absolutely cannot believe that no one knew the answer to my question :) . If I remember correctly, she got mad at him five times in that episode: when he answered the door and ate the box of doughnuts, when he was trying to impress both Marianne and Cliff (but especially Marianne LOL), when he started looking for the prowler and grabbed her thinking she was the prowler, when Milly told her that he was hanging outside Marianne's window, and finally, when the water tanks exploded. :D
  7. I think Alan Gabriel said it. If I'm right. . . How many times did Meryl get angry at Vash in episode two of Trigun, "Truth of Mistake"? Also, what was the reason for each time?
  8. Animom? I've talked to Animom-she's even on my AIM buddy list! Wow. . .I didn't think I'd hear about her here :) So this post isn't deleted as chatty spam, I have other favorite shounen ai pairings, for Trigun that would be Legato/Midvalley. From other series, my favorites are Kenshin/Sano (Ruruoni Kenshin), although I'd like to find an Aoshi/Kenshin fic for one really strange fangirl reason ~.^, Heero/Duo (Gundam Wing) is another favorite, and Gren/Vicious (Cowboy Bebop) is kind of growing on me. As for games, I like Squall/Irvine (FFVIII). I know, total fan creation, but I really find that whimpering Rinoa and that chirpy Selphie so annoying. I also like Zidane/Vivi (FFIX) shounen ai (although not even implied yaoi for this couple), and some other RPG couples. Does anyone know of some good fics with any of these pairings? :)
  9. I think it's getting really pointless too, neither side is going to "win," and this entire debate is rather silly, to think about it. :) By the way, for the fans here, what's your absolute favorite serious shounen ai/yaoi story (i.e. not a parody or humor fic)? Mine are "Only A Human," and "Human Emotions" by Annie-chan, "Slave," by Space-Weazel, "Slav" by Madmax2, "Und von den Frauen, Nichts" by Bennu, and and the aforementioned "strange and beautiful," by Naito Tenshi. There are others, but these are among the best K/L fics on fanfiction.net. . .
  10. Yeah, in that instance, Sere, I'm a fan of shounen-ai because I *detest* PWP in any form, het or same-gender. To me, sexual content with no artistic reason for existence aside from "getting the readers hot" is one of the very few reasons (along with serious Mary Sue/SI characters and illegibility due to massive technical errors) that I will absolutely NOT read a fanfic. I'm fine if the content isn't too graphic, is implied, and/or has a serious reason for being there (i.e. to show an attribute or angle of the character, like in that wonderful Knives/Legato fic called "strange and beautiful" by Naito Tenshi).
  11. Yeah. Aoshi/Kenshin is a better idea than Aoshi/Sojiro. . .or at least it's somewhat intriguing. I wonder if there are any A/K fics out there. Anyway, back on topic, only you can decide whether you should or should not watch/read shounen ai and/or yaoi. It's your decision in the end, and everyone has their own reasons. :)
  12. Like I said, I like some pairings now. My favorites would be Knives/Legato and Legato/Knives, Legato/Midvalley, Heero/Duo, and yes, Kenshin/Sano is growing on me. . . A lot of people have made good posts here. I've seen both sides-and have chosen not to be a partisan on either, because I love a LOT of hetero pairings (MillyxWolfwood :bawl: , VashxMeryl, RogerxDorothy :bawl: :bawl:-if you saw last night's Big O-and KenshinxKaoru are favorites) yet I am also a confirmed shounen ai/yaoi fan now. . . I'm just going to enjoy the best of both worlds. :)
  13. MillieFan


    OK, here's my little rebuttal for the people who are claiming that Knives survived because there was no "burial scene." Was there a burial scene for [spoiler]Legato[/spoiler]? I rest my case. -^.^-
  14. MillieFan


    Agreed. It sounds like a fanfic or a doujinshi to me as well: which may or may not be officially licensed-but is nevertheless fan work.
  15. MillieFan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jackie [/i] [B]Trigun is the coolest but you no I'm a nut over Vash sigh I wish there was a trigun avatar [/B][/QUOTE] Um, I don't want to play mod but please don't spam. Hmm, as for avatars, I don't have many Vash ones since he's not my favorite character-and none that I do have are better than that one you already have. However, I do have a lot of Wolfwood avatars. Here's one of my favorites if you're interested, right click the attachment and save as. I know of websites that have literally *hundreds* of Trigun avatars (including some really great Vash pics) so e-mail me if you want the addresses (since I don't think the rules allow posting of weblinks). Back on topic, I think it could go either way: Vash could have killed Knives or Knives could have somehow survived. It depends on your interpretation and the only one who knows for sure is Nightow himself LOL
  16. MillieFan


    In reply to Double B Daigo's post: LOL, that is never going to happen. We all wish it would (and an OVA with art similar to Cowboy Bebop's art would totally do this series justice) but according to the rumors, Nightow has had major falling-outs with both his original manga producer and with the anime producers. Courts were involved, IIRC. I think any hope of seeing anything more Trigun-wise other than the manga or fanfictions is nonexistent. Good point Molleta. :)
  17. MillieFan


    Not all of us *think* Knives woke up. I personally believe that there's more than enough evidence that Knives died in that battle.
  18. Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, ZechsxUne, RelenaxHeero, Wufei/Trieze, CatherinexTrowa, and DorothyxDuo. *hopes I'm right, thinks I blew both this and the Trigun manga question* If I'm correct, what was the bounty in episode 9 of Cowboy Bebop, "Jamming With Edward"?
  19. MillieFan


    Hey Xai! I can't believe I never knew about that site! Now I have two great screenshot sites, bishounen.net and there. Thanks sooo much. That site is definitely going into my favorites *smiles and hugs Xai* Anyway, thanks again. That site, if I like the rest of it, will be listed in one of my next posts to myotaku. . .by the way, I see you liked the Yoko Kanno site. No problem: I love promoting great sites like that one. -^.^-
  20. MillieFan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JazzLady22 [/i] [B]Hey everyone! Well, I can't pass a Trigun thread without giving my opinion on this great show, so here it is: To date, Trigun is my favorite anime. Except for maybe Meryl, I love all the characters to death. Vash is my favorite; it really touches me how he doesn't want to kill anyone. I've just seen too many animes with heroes that just mindlessly kill their opponents; this was a great change for me. And he was just so sweet, I'm a sucker for sweet guys. His devotion to his morals and the woman who taught them to him was so cute to me. Some people complained that they didn't like it how it went from a comedy to a drama halfway through. It just worked for me, and it went interestingly with the character development. At first you think Vash is this crazy, random guy, but little by little they show his character to you. My fave episodes were: 9-Murder Machine- C'mon, you guys know you love Wolfwood. Just nod your head yes. He and Vash make such a cute pair (friends, I mean. Don't get any ideas, yaoi fangirls :wigout: ) 12-Diablo- I always really liked this one, it really started up the show. Legato is one of the coolest villians ever. 23-Paradise- I hate this episode! Hate it, hate it, hate it, it was so sad! And by hate I mean love. I can't help it, the end was so touching, I cried. And animes don't usually make me cry. 24-Sin- Yet again, so sad, and yet so good. 25-Live Through- This one was all over the place emotion-wise, and I kind of liked that. And even though I hate Meryl, the hug was very cute. I really liked 26, but it isn't my favorite. Mostly because it left me wondering what happened next, then I couldn't sleep, then I was tired during school the next day :sleep: . Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. If you disagree with any of my views, feel free to say so, but go easy on me, I'm new. See you all later! [/B][/QUOTE] I SO agree with this post, and hey, we have the same favorite episodes. How cool is that -^.^- Anyway, I know leaving it at that would be spammy, so I'll say one more thing. Episode 26 was edited for time or for some other nonsensical reason (if anyone knows WHY this IMHO incredibly stupid edit was made, as well as the edit of the opening, send me a message). From what I hear, anyway, in the unedited DVD version, the ending credits of the final episode were accompanied with a final scene showing Vash returning to the town with Knives, and meeting Milly and Meryl at the well. That was totally edited from the CN version:flaming: :mad: and they just used the normal eyecatch with credits.
  21. You're using plural, plus Wolfwood and Milly don't have any relationship in the manga yet (or so I've heard) so I'd say Double Fang. . .although I'm probably wrong. ~.^ If I'm right, what specific characters so far have been revealed to have past memory fragments in the anime Big O? If I'm wrong, please disregard that question. -^.^-
  22. What was implied in episode 23 of Trigun in the subtitles, but not in the dub?
  23. MillieFan


    From what I hear (although I'm NO manga expert, LOL, wait for Metatron and Plant_Angel) it is [i]very[/i] different. The Trigun manga and anime are alternate universes, similar to an anime and a fanfic where a few specifics of the universe and characterization are changed but the plot and general ideas remain the same. The comparison I often use is playing a game of Chrono Trigger using different characters and going for a different ending-the basics are the same, but a LOT of the details and things along the way are different.
  24. MillieFan


    You've confused the anime and the manga. In the anime, Legato isn't crushed (although Knives does drive a spiked rock through his shoulder once). Nevertheless, he's left intact until the end in the anime, [spoiler]where he meets his death by forcing Vash to shoot him in the head[/spoiler] In the manga, [spoiler]Legato is crushed for attempting to kill Vash, or so I've heard. Also in the manga, he is alive to this point of the storyline.[/spoiler] By the way [spoiler] in the manga scan I saw, Knives is totally naked when he does this to Legato. . .which makes me wonder if this is a hint at K/L being canon.[/spoiler]
  25. D_B_D, the Trigun section of fanfiction.net has many stories that are NOT yaoi. As a fan and writer of both hetero and shounen ai/yaoi, I know my way around there. If you want to see a good story that [i]isn't[/i] yaoi or shounen ai, and that leaves it at friendship between Vash and Wolfwood, I highly recommend "Last Chance" by Shandrial. Well-written, and a good story all around. Here's a link to it: [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1456832[/url] If you want to see more VashxMeryl and MillyxWolfwood, check out my Favorite Stories list and Favorite Authors lists. Both have a lot, and I mean a LOT, of such fanfics. [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=401972&hal=stories#bot[/url] and [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=401972&hal=authors#bot[/url] Thing is, I'm a fan of hetero on obviously hetero characters and of shounen ai/yaoi on characters that are undefined or gay. i.e. I cannot stand the Vash/Wolf pairing either (although I love Legato/Knives), just the same way I don't like the hetero pairing of HeeroxRelena ~.^ Some pairings are just not meant to be or just don't appeal to everyone.
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