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Everything posted by MillieFan
Eichiro Oda? What are the three things Spike hates that are on the Bebop?
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
MillieFan replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
I don't even like FLCL and I think this is rather intellectually deficient to say the least. Oh, and by the way, FLCL is rated TV-14 here. Or at least five of the episodes were. I think the other was indeed TV-PG. -
Adam = Angel of Red Earth Lilith = Angel of Black Moon Sachiel = Angel of Water Shamshel = Angel of Day Ramiel = Angel of Thunder Gaghiel = Angel of Fish Israfel = Angel of Music Sandalphon = Angel of Birth Matariel = Angel of Rain Sahaqiel = Angel of Sky Ireul = Angel of Fear Leliel = Angel of Night Bardiel = Angel of Hail Zeruel = Angel of Might Arael = Angel of Bird Armisael = Angel of Womb Tabris = Angel of Alternatives/Free Will What is Radical Edward's full and complete name, spelled correctly?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B]Ah geez! I always control c replies, juuuuust in case. Hmmm, Id agree all Trigun characters do seem to represent a different human psyches (not sure if thats the word or not). Legato is the perfect example of the the idea that it is the human condition to suffer, then you die. Its like he wants to miss out the first part and skip right to death. [/B][/QUOTE] So who thinks what characters represent what different "psyches" (I don't think that's the right term either but it's all I can think of at this hour)? I've seen the thread where DeathBug compared them to Biblical stories, but I don't exactly agree with those theories and think there may be more to this idea, that the characters represent different philosophical/psychological abstracts and concepts. LOL, any amateur psychologists here? I'd like to see some well-thought and intelligent posts. . . :bawl:
I don't know, I pass that question to the next person along with this question (LOL, I was going to post it in another anime quiz at another board, but no one's posting there so it would be a double post there) In the fifth episode of Trigun, what, according to Vash's comment to the cafe owner, can be bought for the price of one bullet?
LOL, it was late and I was tired. ^sigh^ Here's my question then (and it should be easy to answer if you've seen the episode of Trigun that's on tonight) What was Wolfwood's ostensible reason for being out in the desert?
The GHG created for the Trigun anime were, IIRC, Caine the Longshot and Chapel the Evergreen. Do I get bonus points for saying that Chapel and Wolfwood were the same character in the manga? ~.~
OK, I have a few. As for an anime site, I've suggested it before, but I seriously think that [B]Big O[/B] should have its own site at theotaku.com. It's an anime that deserves things like a character listing and episode guide, and it would definitely be a visited section. I also agree with the person who suggested a [b]Ruroni Kenshin site[/b]: I'd find it very helpful since all I know about Kenshin is the characters. . .and I think a lot of other people would as well. Coverage of Kenshin and Big O would round out the Anime Shrines section very well. As for the upcoming fanfiction section, I'd like to suggest some things that would be good ideas. (and no, none of these are related to my anti-yaoi activism) First of all, you need to find a ratings system and insist that writers use it. While [i]some[/i] people might self-rate or self-warn, others won't bother to do so unless compelled. The MPAA movie ratings system, the ESRB game ratings system, or the TV ratings system could be used as either the ratings system or starting points, and if people are going to be allowed to post lemons, they should also be mandated to warn for them. Secondly, I request that works already posted on other sites or addenda to said works be allowed to be posted on one's myotaku.com site. For example, I should be allowed to post a story that I already have posted on fanfiction.net to myotaku.com, or at the least post a link to it. If I think of anything else, I will post it. . .
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
MillieFan replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MasakaGirl [/i] [B]Anyone know of any good after series Trigun fanfiction? I need inspiration, or I'd even take some really bad fanfiction. I tried FF.net but I only got two that wanted I read past the first two paragraphs. It's a OOT request I know but I thought I'd ask instead of making a big lonely topic.^_^; [/B][/QUOTE] I know of some GREAT stuff in that category. Seriously. In fact, I've only read the Trigun and Big O sections, so I have the time to see the best from both past and present IMHO written for those animes, and if you want to see my particularly favorite stories by other writers, since it's too laborious to list them all here individually, check out this link. [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=401972&hal=stories#bot[/url] Anyway, I have everything there, aside from lemons/limes which I do not like very well at all. (and if "Trigun Epilogue" is still there, don't bother with it as I've tried to remove it several times. The writer started out good, but then turned the work into both a self-insertion Knives fangirl Mary Sue and a lemon. :sick: ) -
I was talking to a friend online and we came up with the idea for the next chapter together -^.^- so my humor fic is finally updated -^.^- Back on topic, does anyone else have any favorite pairings?
Ummmm, my spoiler says it all in as short of a way as I could (LOL, my post was bordering on the word limit). If you don't mind even more spoilers for episode 23 and beyond, go check out theotaku.com's site. Basically, the dub dropped the reference so if you've never seen the subtitled and never seen the site, then it's quite understandable why you'd miss that. Anyway. . .^sigh^ I'm currently working on a new fanfic. I'll be posting it soon. . .however my big problem is posting fanfics and never finishing them. I've only finished one LOL. I never finished my longest story because I can't find information on the song for the epilogue and couldn't make it work, and I couldn't finish my latest humor story (the one where Wolfwood tries to stop smoking) because I am totally unable to think of what the next chapter should be. . .and it's like I've totally lost my sense of humor again ^sigh^
Note: this is not a *favorites thread* and I have permission from a board mod to post. Secondly, if you're a yaoi fan, please be nice about it. I'm not asking you not to post here, just not to flame or turn this into a yaoi/anti-yaoi debate. . . What non-canon hetero pairings in fanfiction do you like the most, or are there pairings you think you'd like to see? Why would it work, or why wouldn't it work? Have you personally written a non-canon, non-yaoi pairing? As for me, I've personally written (and am continuing to write) a Trigun fanfic with the Legato/Milly pairing. While you either have to go alternate universe or misinterpret episode 24 onward in writing it, the characters do actually match somewhat well with both in character and with one out of character, there is something you can work from as a reason for their relationship, and it's just an interesting pairing. However, I don't think it would work because (possible spoiler for those of you reading my fanfic if I take it this way) [spoiler]she would leave him or reject him totally in disgust, or he would kill even her.[/spoiler] I like and would like to see more of: Cloud/Yuffie (from FFVII): these characters are so much alike, and I think it would work better than Cloud/Tifa or Cloud/Aeris simply because of that. Also, in writing it, there is no need to go out of character with either or to alter the events of the game much. The only thing I don't think would work about this pairing woule be that both characters are such incredibly selfish loners. Speaking of selfish loners, I think Squall/Quistis (FFVIII) is a better pairing than Squall/Rinoa simply because Rinoa was IMHO too whiny and the canon Squall/Rinoa relationship was simply implausible and OOC. I don't know if it's canon or not yet (LOL) but I'm increasingly a fan of Roger/Dorothy (Big O) because these characters just seem to match each other so well, their interaction with each other is good, and it's just interesting and would bring up so many issues. I don't think it would work with anything but the best writers though, and that's why I myself don't touch this one: a relationship between a human character and an android character is just too easy to exploit for the lemon factors or to alternately write as a mere friendship rather than as an angsty forced to be platonic love. As you may know, I am a fan also of the Vash/Rem pairing (Trigun) because I think there is grounds for it in the series, it's not [i]too[/i] squicky so long as you understand that Rem wasn't his mother or any direct relation, and it's just an interesting theory and would actually explain a lot of things in the anime. . .however, it wouldn't work unless you wrote a major alternate universe where [spoiler]she lived and they found each other[/spoiler] or it was set as angst (like this fic posted on fanfiction.net called "Trigun Blossoms" that was really good for that angle-my only complaint was that it was first-person POV rather than the third-person narrative I usually prefer) Lastly, one other non-canon Trigun pairing I like the idea of (although I haven't seen it anywhere) is Vash/Milly. Unlike most non-canon pairings, this one actually would have a reason for existence (i.e. the characters not wanting Milly's child to be without a father since [spoiler] Wolfwood died [/spoiler]), it would be totally in-character, and like few others, no changes to the series itself or alternate universes would need to be made. Also it would be just. . .so. . .kawaii :love: :love2:
All right, I guess I'm the odd person out, but I absolutely hate Blue Gender. IMHO, the character voices are mismatched, the anime relies *too* heavily on shock scenes without any reason for their existence, and it's just not something I like. I actually think that the last episode of Big O was better-at least that had some thought to it, some depth on the character, posed an interesting idea-and managed to do so without (albeit edited) naked women in the ending theme, monsters that looked like hentai, and the main character. . .um, you know.
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
MillieFan replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
Hey, I write humor sometimes (my humor stories are "Trigun Meets People's Court" and the albeit unfinished "The Great Gunsmoke Smokeout"), and I think I was the same way. If you can write legible humor without a ton of stupid lemony jokes, then I'll throw some good reviews your way -^.^- -
Anime What Animes should get a Anime Moive?
MillieFan replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
I'm for an anime Trigun movie. I think it would be cool, especially if it were either a flashback explaining the backstory on the characters more, or even better if it were set post-series and dealt with the characters' lives after the series (I've seen some somewhat good fanfiction on that, but I still think the series needed a much better official ending or continuation than it had) However, note that I said an [i]anime[/i] movie. A live-action Trigun sounds even worse than the idea of a live-action Eva-like bad cosplay given a 100 million-dollar budget. I don't think they could ever find actors that would look anything like the characters (Maybe they could get someone to look like Legato or Wolfwood-which [spoiler]would probably not even BE there in a post-series setting[/spoiler], but getting an actor that really did justice to, say, Knives or Vash would be impossible.) -
Anime Big O returns on Sunday any thought's?
MillieFan replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
I absolutely loved the first new episode, "Roger the Wanderer." I mean, the theme of the episode, the question in the end as to what of the realities Roger experienced was his real reality. . . I seriously think that if this series can stay at the level of this episode or better, thet Big O will be a classic of anime. I'm not saying it will be the next Cowboy Bebop or Trigun, but in its own genre, it could easily become one of the best. . .-^.^- -
This person using the name of "Wesley Useche" posted on the Christian Anime Alliance board (another board I go to), usually posting irrelevant, inflammatory, or downright enraging comments about everything from anime fanservice to how he hated Catholics. It was revealed in a final communication he sent to the site management before being banned that he was actually a professional troll from a forum testing site testing the site's patience. [url]http://www.christiananime.net/forums/showthread.php?postid=15522&postcount=48[/url] Anyway, this troll also uses the usernames "christianotaku" and "thevidgod" among others, and usually posts in the following style (warning: the following posts are troll posts at the CAA and in violation of the OB and CAA for that matter rules, posted as example only) [url]http://www.christiananime.net/forums/showthread.php?postid=13917&postcount=42[/url] [url]http://www.christiananime.net/forums/showthread.php?postid=14114&postcount=17[/url] Please watch out for this guy and ban him at once if he shows up here at OB. No matter what he poses as, he is a fraud. We gave him several chances over at the CAA, and he abused our goodwill as if it were nothing and caused a lot of trouble. (and yes, I know this is almost a direct copy of the warning I posted to another board. I just wanted to warn you all too.)
[quote]In an interview with the creator of Gundam Wing, when he was asked about Heero and Relena's relationship, he replied that he was not good at that kind of thing [romance] and that they were not supposed to really have a boy-girl relationship. [/quote] Then my question is: if Ikeda was not good at romance, even simple boy-girl romance, then how could he have written in anywhere from 1 to 6 same-sex romances? If someone isn't good at writing romance, odds are they aren't going to be any better writing yaoi romance than straight.
The San Diego area and Southern California in general is pretty cool. Sure, there are people who REALLY don't like and many more who don't even understand (LOL, all my anime fan friends are online aside from one, and the club at SDSU is a bunch of hentai freaks, so if I eventually go to SDSU in the next five years-kind of my plan-I'm either forming my own club or remaining totally unaffiliated) Nevertheless, I like it here, and if you could be completely open about your interests without all the trouble that brings, it would be even better. -^.^-
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
MillieFan replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
Over the last few days, there have been more new writers in the Trigun section from what I see: and surprisingly, there are actually some good stories and even some really funny songfics (for those, look up the user "MSkyDragons"-the Meow Mix one is a riot but contains a ton of spoilers so don't read it yet if you're watching the anime on TV for the first time ~.^) There's a new WxV yaoi lemon (GRRRRR) and a few incredibly stupid self-insertion Mary Sues (GRRR again) nevertheless there also seems to be more quality writers coming there again. I wish Babboo (one of my favorite writers) would get her newest chapter of "When It's Over" online. -^.^- -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]I don't see much logic to your arguments here, MillieFan. I mean, I'm a fan of The Simpsons, yet you're probably aware of some of the gross "Simpsons fan comics/images" that they have out there. The question is, does it really matter to me? The answer is simply "no". Why? Because, quite simply, these are [i]works of fan fiction[/i]. They bear absolutely no reflection on the original creator. People who view that stuff know that it's fan fiction. They know, in most cases, that these characters [i]aren't intended[/i] to have certain relationships. But don't you see? That's not the point. [/quote] I agree with you there. However. . . [quote] Few people would say or imply that these relationships exist in the original series. That's totally beside the point. People are merely taking existing characters and using them to construct their own fan stories. It's no different if I take a FFX character and put them in a battle with a FFIX character. You could say "that makes no sense!", but it doesn't [i]need[/i] to make sense. It's my work of fan fiction. I'm not using it to seek money, and I'm not claiming that it's official or anything like that. And my fan work certainly don't change the original work or anything. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Agreed mostly with what you said. However, while most written fanfiction (at least on fanfiction.net) has openly posted disclaimers that it is fan works, not a part of the series, etc. my main problem is not with that. My main beef is with the authors that attempt to twist the original work to back up their claims. There are several sites that argue, for example, that the writers of Gundam Wing intended a relationship between Heero and Duo. As a matter of fact, there was a person posting on this board itself in one of the threads like this (maybe even this one itself) arguing that the writers of Trigun implied the Vash/Wolfwood pairing and that the writers of Ruruoni Kenshin implied the Kenshin/Sanosuke pairing. Also, if a work is clearly labeled and has disclaimers, then it isn't usually even on my radar. However, one of my other main complaints is not so much written fanfiction, but high technical quality fanart. Fanart usually doesn't carry disclaimers (where would you put it after all?), and some of the Kenshin/Sano, Heero/Duo, and Vash/Wolfwood pics out there could easily pass for series screenshots-and do just that. Maybe you haven't had the experience of someone telling you your favorite anime was porno. Maybe you haven't gotten into a discussion of homosexuality when you asked someone about another anime. I hope this never happens to you, but both have to me, because I have a friend who judges anime on the basis of artwork allegedly from it.
Doujinshi is fan art/fanfiction. . .unless it is officially licensed and endorsed, no matter how "close" it is to the original work (and yes, there are some "artists"-for lack of a better word-who can draw the characters almost as well as the original artists or even better). My point is, the GW doujinshi is about as valid an excuse for yaoi as saying "But the guy ahead of me did it" is for running a red light.
What's your opinion on this form of fanfiction? I really think it's sad and a sign that the writer needs some major psychiatric help. I mean, I [i]totally[/i] understand admiring, um, really well-drawn bishounen :love: :drunk: and I'm a fangirl in almost every sense of the word, but these kind of fanfics just make me cringe. The best example of it is one that I found on fanfiction.net while looking for fanfics on one of my favorite characters (and if you want to see it, PM me. I can't find the link right now and I never put it in my favorites, for obvious reasons). It's listed as parody, but I've seen similar fics done in all seriousness and it utterly sickens me. And yes, the attachment is a totally irrelevant picture from the collection on my hard drive. There is no real relevance to the topic at hand. So sue me.
As for Wolfwood, he corresponds to [i]no[/i] denomination or belief within orthodox, Biblical Christianity. There are a few similarities, but in the anime, it's never stated what he is or isn't-he's simply an *undefined* priest that could be argued to be almost [i]anything[/i] under the umbrella of religions and denominations within those religions. IOW he could be intrepreted as almost anything (except maybe a Quaker LOL ~.^) In the manga, it's specific that Wolfwood represents no belief with an actual counterpart: in the manga, he represents a religion in the story centered around the worship of the plants. ^sigh^ Ignorance is not bliss, it is merely ignorance. Sorry if I seem like I'm being mean. -^.^- (BTW Metatron thanks for the clarification on the manga.)
Writing Any GW fanfiction writers in here?
MillieFan replied to sasameyuki's topic in Creative Works
What kind would you happen to be looking for? I haven't watched GW yet (though I plan to later this year when I can afford the DVDs) so I don't write fanfic for it. There are a lot of GW fanfics on websites that I go to, however, most of them are ones I wouldn't recommend reading any more than I would recommend sticking one's fingers in an electrical outlet. And if you're looking for straight or no romance rather than yaoi, I heartily wish you good luck-sadly there is a dearth of straight or no romance at all GW fics compared to the flood of yaoi out there. :sick: ^sigh^