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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. Japan 86, the name of the Gung Ho Gun is [i]Zazie[/i], not Saucy. Double B, I don't really want to spoil episode 23 for you if you haven't seen it yet, but Wolfwood isn't exactly your average priest ~.^ however in the anime he is definitely NOT gay either. [spoiler] in episode 23 it's HEAVILY implied that he and Milly did a lot more than eat sandwiches ~.^ [/spoiler].
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Styles_E [/i] [B]know whats the REAL downside to anime? i'll yell you! it gets people into hentai. honstely, thats the only real downside. i mean seriously, if you really think about it, hentai is REALLY messed up. no really think about it, its messed up. no, seriously. geez i cant stress it enough, its messed up. ok i guess i keep saying the same thing over and over, which is that hentai is screwed up, so im done [/B][/QUOTE] (rant mode on) I agree with you that hentai is seriously messed up, and I wish that it didn't exist: it's sick, disgusting, an embarrassment to those of us who DON'T watch it, has led to actual crimes against women and children (admittedly by viewers who are mentally messed up, but then again, to actually enjoy hentai you [i]must[/i] be mentally messed up somewhere) and it's something I can say I'm 100% against. However, anime doesn't get you into hentai any more than Hollywood movies make you want live-action porn. Although hentai is available enough online if you want to find it (digression: something I really want to applaud OB and theotaku.com for, at least here the mods and owners here do a very good job of maintaining a site that doesn't contain, promote, or encourage either original or fan hentai) it is YOUR responsibility not to get into hentai. It is your choice whether to buy that DVD, not to click that link, etc. I'm sorry, but I'm just sick of seeing people blaming other things for their perversion and irresponsibility. It's [i]your[/i] fault. Deal with it, if you refuse to deal with it, live with it, but at the least-take responsibility for it! (rant mode off-someone must have stepped on some pudding ~.^)
  3. Considering the content of Blue Gender, I am totally surprised that it is being aired at all. Either the editors are going to be getting enough overtime pay to buy mansions in California here ~.^ (if you've seen our real estate prices, you'll get that joke) or there's going to be an uproar like you wouldn't believe from the family groups and conservatives. I mean, I've even seen people that [i]aren't[/i] that conservative express total shock and disgust at BG. So. . .it could easily be a black eye to us all. . .:blackeye:
  4. As a fanfic writer myself, I've personally underrated a story, albeit by accident (my latest serious story, "Sole Survivor" should be an R rather than the PG-13 it is. Although it definitely isn't lemon, the next chapters I will be uploading are rather gory to say the least, so I'm moving the rating up) Thing is, ratings work only when those using them are responsible to use them properly-and either due to error/honest mistake as in my case or due to deliberate intent, some fics are rated lower than they should be. (and yes, there are some that are rated higher than they should be but those are much fewer and irrelevant to this discussion) As for lemon/lime warnings, those [i]need[/i] to be posted in the summary so the choice whether to open the actual page containing the fic is informed. There are some of us who have shared web histories (i.e. others can see where we have been) or who simply don't [i]want[/i] to have yaoi fics in their web history.
  5. I will absolutely not read twincest or noncon fics for any reason. Those fics are simply, absolutely [i]sick[/i], and although I've seen a few *interesting justifications* for it in summaries and in author's notes (such as "so they're not human, get over it," for twincest yaoi or "how else do you think a relationship like that could work?" for noncon het or noncon yaoi :sick: ) I don't see how anyone could read that sludge. ^sigh^
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Nobody is taking sides. But I'll lay it on the line for you anyway. There are two issues here. Firstly, you can't claim to represent the creators of these anime series. If someone wants to use those characters in their own fanfics for whatever reason, it's their business. You don't see me running around to each person's fan fic and saying "This isn't appropriate -- look at how you're misjudging the characters from this series!" So, that's the first point; freedom of the artist. I'd also make one other quick point about that. It's not my position to subjectively conclude how each member should deal with certain anime characters. These characters are fictional and fans have the right to create their own fan fiction, regardless of whether or not you find it acceptable. [i]However[/i], OtakuBoards rules apply here. If you post something pornographic or overly violent, there will be consequences. And this sort of thing won't be allowed. The second point is a very simple one. And I've made it quite clearly before. If you do not like yaoi or any other type of fan fiction, you have the right to that opinion. However, I do not think it appropriate for you to spout this view off at every opportunity, for two reasons. Firstly, it's often irrelevant to the thread -- and that is a rule violation. Secondly, people who like that type of fan fiction are going to feel that [i]they[/i] are being offended by [i]you[/i]. Now, I'm pretty impartial here -- I am not a fan of yaoi and I personally don't read about it. However, it's my responsibility to be "above the situation". This means that I need to protect the interests of everyone on the board. If you want to be anti-yaoi, go right ahead. But do so without alienating other members and causing a situation where arguments might start. There is a diplomatic way to go about it, as there is with any subject. Believe me, I [i]am[/i] being fair. Your complaint is completely unwarranted. I'm not going to bend the rules or allow others to feel alienated because of your personal views. That wouldn't be right. I crack down in the same way on people who constantly bash dubbing, for example -- they fail to recognize that, despite their own view (which might very well be reasonable), their constant bashing of "dubbies" is a form of alienation against other members. It fosters a negative atmosphere and I'm not willing to permit it. I hope that I've made my position clear on the issue. It's a position that will not change, and it's a position that will be applied evenly to everyone, regardless of the subject matter. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think I understand more now about the board's policy. Thanks for clearing that up. -^.^-
  7. I have seen several threads where James has stated his views that yaoi is harmless fun. In one such thread, he even made an implied threat that any more anti-yaoi posts would meet with some form of punishment. While I highly respect James's [i]right[/i] to his opinion that yaoi fanfics and fanart are harmless fun made from something in the public domain and that it's "just drawings," I also respectfully disagree with that opinion. You see, I'm a writer who wants to write the characters and plot for a drama/comedy very similar to anime (although not exactly anime since I'm American LOL) as a hobby someday. If I ever made this dream a reality, then someone took the characters I'd worked on for years and made yaoi out of them, it would make me very angry. Yaoi causes harm to authors' reputations and to their work's sales in that if someone sees the yaoi without seeing the original work, they assume the original work [i]is[/i] yaoi no matter how much the authors protest otherwise. But I digress. IMHO, the official policy of OB should not be anti-yaoi. It also should not be pro-yaoi with the admins on the side of yaoi artists. Rather, the admins should stay above this matter, not take sides, and the board should be officially neutral in the discussion of yaoi/shounen-ai. That way, we can all participate here with no fear of retribution for our personal ethical codes. Please do not ban me. I just want the baord to be fair to all who post here.
  8. First of all, I am not blaming anyone who goes to this board for my current situation. Just so you all know -^.^- Anyway, I consider myself a somewhat friendly person, or at least I try to be one. Someone on another board I post on (the Christian Anime Alliance board) asked me for my AIM username, and I did what I do with most people I want to talk to-gave it, asked for his, and put him on my buddy list. So anyway, this person comes online tonight and starts talking as if he has been drinking or something (although I try to assume the best, but this is one of the few explanations I can think of for his actions) and sends me an IM "*hugs.*" I reply with a " :p " (my usual reply) and say that I think he misunderstands. He replies to that with saying that it's not like that, he loves someone else, and he's sorry-but then he posts another IM a few minutes later "I'm here because God loves you" (now how's [i]that[/i] for conceit and utter nerve) and I finally tell him I have to go offline and then come back on a few minutes later with my away message on. Anyway, I am not interested in a relationship, and although I may be innocent, I think I know what's going on here and I want it to end. Yet I don't want to be unfriendly to anyone or hurt anyone's feelings (I SO hate doing that:bawl: , and I have no other way out of this that I can think of.) So if there's any of you here: how do you prevent or deal with unwanted advances and still be a friendly and kind person?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B][size=1]It's wonderful art (kudos to the artist!), but you are a sick, sick person. And that's all I have to say. --Sere P.S. Yes, if you haven't noticed, I am very much an anti-yaoi fangirl. If you don't like that fact, then go shove your head through a wall. I don't care and I'm entitled to my own opinion. So nyah.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] The art is cool technically, what it is about makes me want to vomit. Agreed with Sere Tuscumbia here, you're my new friend. -^.^- HarryxDraco? That's just sick and totally wouldn't work. . . :sick: :drunk: I mean, they are archrivals. Unless it's noncon, which makes it all the more sick. Ugh.:sick: I really wish yaoi fans would stop pairing off anyone they think is "hot" with another guy. Nothing is more closeminded than to insist that any male character that is anything but an ugly ogre is gay. By the way, I'm not expressing any bad feelings for anyone who has these feelings in real life. I am expressing bad feelings toward obsessed yaoi fans who insist on relationships that do not so much as exist. ~Anti-Yaoi Forever!~
  10. I personally think they should. This anime is cool, strange, a mixture of genres, and one of the better animes I've seen so far aside from that miserable opening music (I've seen all but two of the first season so far, missed the first and eighth episodes and I REALLY wish there was an episode guide somewhere, hint, hint) I need to think of something else to say so this post isn't considered spam and locked, but I'm really not intending to spam. I just want to raise the possibility and see how many other people want the site as much as I do. . .
  11. I'm not a big fan of fanservice, and I think Love Hina (at least in the manga, and probably in the anime) relies [i]much[/i] too heavily on fanservice to carry the story. I mean, it's like the following scene mockery. . . Girl *fanservice* "Hi Keitaro!" Keitaro *ignores* Girl *fanservice* "Don't IGNORE me!" *fanservice* Keitaro "All right. . .will. . .you. . .go. . .out. . .with. . .me?" Girl *fanservice* slaps him *more fanservice follows* So it's not really one of my favorites. . .give me something with a little deeper of a story. -^.^-
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i] [B]-____- Why can't he take gum????That always works. Well it's good.But why couldn't he like take gum,or patchs. [/B][/QUOTE] Because it's crazy, silly anime fanart to accompany an upcoming humor fanfic, LOL :D
  13. Call it an idea born out of not enough sleep, Microsoft PictureIt, and a slightly obsessed anime fangirl thinking of what would happen if Wolfwood attempted to stop smoking. :nervous:laugh with me, OK? :D Don't think it's funny? :smooch: Now do you think it's funny? :sweat:
  14. LOL, I have it because my sister has it and I borrow her PC. If I ever had money, I'd get DSL or cable access.
  15. Oh yeah. I've noticed it. A couple of examples I've seen (I'd post pics if I could because I have pics of all characters I'm mentioning here, but only one attachment is allowed per post) are the similarities between Cloud from FFVII and Vash from Trigun and Aerith/Aeris from FFVII to Milly from Trigun. Seriously, the only differences between Cloud and Vash is that Cloud's face is more rounded and his eyes are deep blue rather than aquamarine. Even the hair's the same shade and style though. . . As for Aerith/Aeris, she is even more similar to Milly in appearance-the only difference is that her hair is braided and her dress (including a quite familiar "duster" style coat) is all shades of pink. And Kuja from FFIX somewhat reminds me of Legato.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xai [/i] [B][b]VashXMeryl[/b] My favorite. :blush: I think they look really cute together...:D The hug scene was just too sweet for words! I like reading fanfics about them. Too bad [SPOILER]Vash isn't human and he'd outlive her...[/SPOILER] [/B][/QUOTE] I think the pairing is good, and hey, I like reading about it too although neither are my favorite characters (at least it's better than pairing him with Wolfwood, Legato, or even worse Knives :sick: Some fanfic authors are just. . .:sick: ) Nevertheless, I don't think it would work. I mean, that's even more of a mismatch than the Faye/Spike pairing because they are such polar opposites. I think the best Trigun pairing (though I've never seen it done anywhere) would be VashxMilly. I mean, it would even have somewhat of a possibility of fitting into a post-series fanfic without having to resurrect characters ( :bawl: my favorite is still WolfwoodxMilly :bawl: ) or make characters totally OOC (like most of the Meryl pairing authors do-I have only seen two fics with that pairing where both are really IC), it could have a good story behind it, and it would be very in character.
  17. I guess you can say I've changed my mind LOL. The posts where I said the idea of Dorothy actually falling in love with Roger would be creepy to say the least. . . I actually now think it would be somewhat of a cool storyline [i]if[/i] it were well-written and [i]if[/i] it were about the psychological/emotional experiences of the characters (two really big ifs LOL). However, if it were written as some kind of totally normal relationship with no issues or nothing beyond the characters' interest in each other, I still think it would wreck the anime.
  18. I have Compuserve and I'm able to enter. So I have no idea what is going on here. ^as confused as her avatar^
  19. I happen to like the ending theme from Big O "And Forever" very much-but that opening theme is musical misery. I mute it LOL.
  20. Whenever he tries to log in, he gets the following message. Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here Yet he is not listed as banned, and as far as I know hasn't [i]done[/i] anything worthy of an IP ban. :bawl: :bawl: Help. . .
  21. -^.^- that's good. Thank you very much. -^.^-
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]Hrm. Is anyone here related with Fanfiction.net's sister site, Fictionpress.net? [/B][/QUOTE] Not yet. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] If not, is there a reason for you not posting original works? If so, why do you?[/B][/QUOTE] My reason is that I've been writing more in fanfiction lately, however I do want to write original and have in the past, so more likely than not, my next story that's original will be there. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1] What are your favorite genres of fanfiction writing? [/B][/QUOTE] Drama definitely. Humor/parody if it's done right, sometimes alternate universe if it's done well (i.e. I LOVE Gemini's fic "Deeper than Blood" which is AU and recommend it to all the Trigun fans here as a different way things could have been, but I absolutely despise the "characters in high school" or "in vampire story" fics) I like pretty much any genre though, aside from lemon and straight-out horror. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] And have you ever come across a story that makes you stop, and say "Well...[i]that[/i] was a waste of time,"[/B][/QUOTE] More than I can count. Here are the things that ruin a story for me, in order of most to least severe: Illegibility. If the story is formatted in such a way that it is unreadable and/or has such bad grammar that I feel like I'm correcting the paper of a five-year-old, you can forget about my ever reading your work. I have made grammar and formatting errors on occasion myself, so I'm willing to overlook errors to some extent, but when it's unreadable, I'm not usually going to do the writer's work for him/her. Explicit yaoi/yuri. I find it sick, disgusting, usually an insult to the original work, often out of character, and it's really not my taste. If the rest of the story is good, I may overlook an implication or an aside comment-but when it is explicit yaoi/yuri, I'm not reading the story. Het lemons. See above. There is only one story (at least in the sections I look in at FF.net) of this nature that I have ever found to be well-written and somewhat plausible. It would be wrong of me to recommend it, and it's my one secret vice. The author was Arafel. The thing I REALLY hate is when someone adds stupidly-written, purposeless lemon to a promising story and ruins it by doing so (i.e. a good example of this is the last chapter of "Trigun Epilogue" where the writer was doing fine save some grammar and spelling errors, until that last chapter. The scene with Knives was utterly pointless lemon fanservice, which I don't understand the need for at all. Fanservice is so OOC for that character.) Stupid dialogue. By this I mean, the writer can't write one sentence without a curse, can't keep the characters somewhat in character, and much of the dialogue is "filler." I understand some of all of these things, but if you can't write even one sentence without a profanity, please-I will buy you a thesarus if you promise to make good use of it, and until then, I find something else to read, ne? Unnecessary authors notes in story. Yes, occasionally you have to have an author's note in story. I've done it myself (warning readers that a scene where male characters that hadn't met in a long time hugged each other wasn't to be interpreted as shonen ai) but really, do you have to note "she fell down *anime style*" anytime someone falls? Come on, these are anime characters-how else would they fall? Not defining/spacing "thought speech" or "flashbacks". This is the most minor offense and usually doesn't make a story an avoid for me, but it is annoying. You have italics, bold, parentheses, asterisks, brackets, quotation marks, and a space bar-please make use of one of them. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] or "That was almost better than canon [The actual series/books]"?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes. I've found a few "diamonds in the rough" that are like this. Authors I'd recommend for the Trigun section, where I've looked at the most writing (though I haven't read their "R" works since almost all of those are lemons LOL) would be Astra M, Arafel, Gemini, Clineston Beardesmung for one story not his more perverse ones, (I hope I got that spelling right) Babboo (for "When Its Over-I do wish she would update), Amaya, and a few others I can't think of right now. If anyone ever wants to see my favorite stories list, I will post it. -^.^-
  23. Please don't include a hentai forum and/or a yaoi/yuri forum, and please do not loosen rules on what can and cannot be in signatures. I link to OB on all my websites because you're one of the few anime boards without such forums and with a strong policy against images and posts I and many people I know consider as personally offensive. -^.^- Thank you.
  24. I have a HTML editor in WordPerfect 10 (not the best one, but it ably converts Verdana font, italic, bold, underline, and other simpler commands) with two mouse clicks. I love it. -^.^-
  25. Until these hentai spammers came today :flaming: . Let me just request that the rules against hentai/yaoi/yuri/lemon and inordinately profane language remain in the new rules for the new forums. -^.^-
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