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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. I'm guessing what I want to say isn't probably going to be welcome here (my reasons why I really disagree with some of that), so I'm waltzing on out of this thread now for the sake of peace. The last thing I want to do is start a real-life argument, and what I have to say would do just that. I'm here to have fun and be friendly: not to argue. -^.^- You all posted some interesting things though, though I may indeed disagree on some points. -^.^-
  2. The manga will be translated in English and released in the US this November. The price for the first volume is $14.99. -^.^- By the way, that is also a really interesting insight, Spin. :) I say what defines "evil" is motive and of course the specific action. Both can make an action evil, although an action can be evil irregardless of motive (i.e. murder is evil despite the motive, the motive may make it somewhat more understandable, nevertheless the action of murder is evil) and a motive can be evil even if it results in a good action (i.e. if you're only being kind to someone in hopes that they will pay you back for your kindness with a physical relationship, then your motive is evil despite your action being good) Sorry if you don't understand. :)
  3. Don't get me started on dubbed songs! >_< There's no better way to wreck the music then to try translating it to English :sigh:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Half_Shaded [/i] [B]After reading the lyrics and thinking about it, I have decided that that is the absolute worst anime song that I have ever heard. 'Do you like toffee and lemonade?' How the heck do you go from eyes to toffee? It makes no sense! I've never actually heard the song, but I'm sure that if I do my ears will bleed and I'll have to lock myself in a darkened room and listen to the ending themes of Trigun, Inu Yasha, and starting theme of Cowboy Bebop to make me feel better. And can someone tell me what a strawberry kiss is? This song makes less sense everytime I read it. Although it did do me in a for a good laugh. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: That song does sound incredibly stupid. I think the Pokemon song is stupid, as is the YuGiOh theme song. . .but that one sounds even worse. Strawberry what? Sounds like the writer overdosed on hentai as well as alcohol and hallucinogens before he "wrote" (using the term loosely) the song.
  5. Those were some really insightful posts! Thanks! -^.^-
  6. Downloading anime is stealing just as much as walking into an anime shop and shoplifting it is or picking someone's pocket for money to buy it is. Anyway, my favorite minor characters would have to be. . .hmm. Is Rem considered a major or minor character in Trigun?
  7. Hey, I have an interesting question for you psychologists and amateur psychologists: what differs Legato's motivations from Wolfwood's? Both have a similar ethic, somewhat similar background (or so it could be assumed), and that's just an interesting question. Both seem to think the end justifies the means, they just work to different ends.
  8. Hey, maybe I had a different edition of FFVII than all of you do, but I distinctly remember the "d" word being prefixed at least 13 times by another word that began with a "g." I really hate *that* particular swearword, so that's what annoyed me the most, as well as the fact that the swearing was often used as "filler." I mean, the scene where Barret went nuts after the destruction of Midgar would have been much more touching and much deeper if they had shown a CG of him silently crying with a background of that haunting music. . .instead, the scene where window after window of curses comes up culminating in two uses of that word I hate just made me lose respect for the writers totally.
  9. LOL :laugh: I really think editing [i]in general[/i] (I am NOT referring to editing for kids since I personally don't agree that kids should be getting into anime as young as some are, they're not ready for it) should be minimal and only to remove things that are necessary for televised broadcasting. I didn't mind, say, the TV edit of Trigun because what was removed [spoiler](about 10-15 uses of a certain profanity from the series total, one close-in camera angle on Vash in episode 18, and one blood pool IIRC) really didn't take away from it THAT much. I mean, the words that [i]were[/i] allowed more than sufficed, I'm not into fanservice and Vash wasn't even my favorite bishounen of Trigun, and it was obvious that the character was dead without the blood pool being shown in that scene.[/spoiler] Now, for example, if they had removed the scene where [spoiler]Legato was shot[/spoiler] or if they had taken Wolfwood out of the story in order to not offend people, I would be really angry because those were things that *can't* be edited in any way while keeping the artistic integrity of the story. One thing I want to say is that if you want to see something totally unedited, buy the DVD. Otherwise, don't complain about edits, especially if something's directed to kids. *MillieFan growls at CN for putting Ruruoni Kenshin on Toonami rather than AS >_<
  10. Thanks, LOL. I didn't add the rest of it because that's just the way I am, but I thought that was so funny. . ."nyao"
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]Here's how I feel on the whole edited/unedited issue: Just because something's uncensored doesn't mean it's good. For example, take Final Fantasy 7. I think that they went a little overboard with the cursing there. I know that they were trying to present a mature world, and that the game was meant for older people, but the way that they were just throwing them out got a little ridiculous. So, I think that editing can be good if it's used responsibly. If they just edit something and water it down, then I can see why people would be upset. But if something is unedited, then I would hope that what they have in there is used to further the story, make it seem more real, etc. and not just there to be in there. By the way, I'm not bashing FF7, because it's probably my favorite Final Fantasy. Wait, why am I talking about a game in an anime thread? Oh well, it furthers the point, I guess. [/B][/QUOTE] Finally! Someone who sees FFVII in the same way I do! I loved the game for many things (good characterization, interesting plot, wonderful artwork, great music), but that language was so frequent and so out of place that it really ruined the game for me.
  12. It looks like both will be on at at least until July, (meaning the current run will complete for both, or at least for Trigun, since they are on an extra day a week now, I'm hoping both run until the end of the series again)
  13. For a game, it's tied between Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Cross, with a HUGE honorable mention to Final Fantasy IX's best songs, "Melodies of Life" and "You're Not Alone." The former is absolutely beautiful with the vocal, and the latter is the best instrumental in a game ever IMHO. For anime, I'd say it's a tie between Trigun and Bebop, although I've only watched the first three episodes of Bebop. I love the ending theme to Trigun (though I can't remember the name) as well as Rem's song (again, name escapes me). "The Real Folk Blues" (Bebop's ending theme) is also rather high on my favorite anime music list. I also like the closing song in Slayers (I think it's titled "Don't you forget")
  14. SORRY! :bawl: 1000,0000,0000, million apologies for that spoiler! I thought everyone else here had watched Cowboy Bebop and I was the only one watching it for the first time! (I saw the final episode spoilers in the episode guide.) :blush: I'm going to edit that post with spoiler text on that so no other newbies to either Trigun or Cowboy Bebop get a spoiler they don't want.
  15. Has anyone here who's watched both series noticed the HUGE similarities between Wolfwood in Trigun and Spike in Cowboy Bebop? Among other similarities I can think of: Spoiler similarities: [spoiler]Both characters have a tragic past. Both die, and they die when confronting their past. Both are somewhat (no, incredibly) flirtatious but in or near the end settle with one female character.[/spoiler] Non-spoiler similarities: Both are dressed very similarly: right down to the same hair color and suit color. Both are like antiheroes so to speak: their philosophy is that the end justifies the means, which brings them into conflict with other characters. Both are really good shots with a weapon, but can fight hand-to-hand on occasion. Both are smokers and have been chided for it a few times in their respective series. (Wolfwood by Milly in episodes 11 IIRC and 23, Spike by Jet in episode 3, maybe more -as far as I've watched lol) Both have a way of getting dragged into major problems despite being apathetic and uncaring. So what do you think? I'm not saying one series's writers intentionally copied the other's character, but that these characters are incredibly similar. . .and that's a really interesting thing about both series. :) -^.^- (I'm sorry if a thread like this has been done before: I don't see one anywhere else close to the front page.) (by the way, the attachment isn't my own work. It's from Bishonen.net's Trigun page, but I thought it was really cute. o.o )
  16. Sorry about playing mod, I was actually trying to keep a real mod from editing his post by telling him of the rule. -^.^- That is an interesting theory. It's too bad Nightow doesn't do some kind of prequel/backstory or something (explaining, for example, Legato's past, the creation of Vash and Knives, and a bunch of other things the anime and from what I hear the manga never really went in-depth on), but I don't think he will and I think backstory will be left to fanfiction writers, who don't seem very interested in covering it either. Blah. :p :smirk: :sleep:
  17. They are showing it on AS. . .and if they drop Trigun in the middle of its second run or they drop Bebop (I'm finally watching it-I'm a latecomer lol) to open a time slot for that. . .that excuse for anime >_< grrrr.
  18. This is getting weirder by the minute. More posts are showing up here, even one looks like I double posted, when I didn't to the best of my memory. Either I have pudding for brains, someone's merging threads/posts, or otakuboards should be renamed "The Twilight Zone."
  19. The GW pairings and the VashXWolfwood Trigun pairing aren't canon as far as I know. I might agree with you to SOME extent: mostly what I'm against is yaoi fanart.
  20. [quote]I think the "twisting the shows to get shounen ai fanfiction" idea really stems from fangirls not wanting any of the female characters getting their favourite guys ^_^;; *hides from the angered fangirls* They'd rather see their favourite guys paired off together than that annoying little "madame" getting "their" bishounen... Heh, that's my view anyway ^_^[/quote] Yeah, that could be it. (/me tells Braidless Baka to duck the volley of tomatoes, stuffed character plushies, paper wads, and whatever else they can find to throw)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spinnelein [/i] [B]As an official Trigun Maxiumum nerd and Legato fan, I would like to give my two cents... My partner in crime and I have staged a massive, ongoing psychological study of Legato Bluesummers (yes, we have NO lives) and have speculated to a point about the origins of his loyalty. It's likely he's had his powers from birth, as I don't see how one could get [B]mental[/B] powers from an[B]arm[/B]. He was probably poor and some kind of street-rat, an orphan perhaps? Such an oddly-colored child was likely to have been thought of as demon spawn and not treated very humanely. On top of that, consider that one of the quickest ways to drive a sane person insane is by exposing them to unceacing chatter - like what an uncontrolled telepath might hear. There was probably very little order or safety in young Legato's life, and it would be a daily struggle just to stay alive, much less to keep from going nuts. Perhaps Knives stepped in at some critical moment, having been attracted by the thoughts of the gifted young human. Knives would have recognized the untapped destructive potential in Legato and would have taken to training him to be another weapon in Knives's arsenal. For the first time in his life, Leagto Bluesummers has a steady supply of food, water, shelter, and someone who has promised to teach him how to modulate his powers. There are also some missing-father issues and resentment of the species that treated him so poorly, maybe? Nightow has said that Legato had a little sister; was she killed? A brainwashed Legato, I think, isn't half as scary as Legato, knowing full well what he's doing and still doing it. He's bound to Knives by his own will and a sense of purpose that he lacked desperately in his formative years. Knives doesn't need to have "brainwashed" him; it would be a redundant effort. Besides, Legato stayed by Knives's side even when the Plant was incapacitated in the July City incident, which would have shaken any mental control Knives was exerting. That Legato did not leave his Master is telling. He is very much a willing slave. That's just my opinion, however. Interpret Trigun as you will, but like Plant_Angel, I have read the manga, and I have way too much fun in psychology class. [/B][/QUOTE] That was. . .a great post. You'll be a wonderful contributor to this forum, although I'd suggest you watch the double posting as the mods don't really like it too well. Edit your first post if you're wanting to add something. :) -^.^- Anyway, welcome and hey, that even got me to drop my old theory.
  22. Well, I'm understanding somewhat more now. I still disagree, but I'm slightly less confused, although I'm still more than a little confused. Ah well. . .can't understand everything I guess.
  23. Look, I don't want this thread to be seen as a slam against anyone or as a debate. Nor do I want it becoming a promotion of yaoi, which I personally am offended by and see as an insult to normal anime fans, writers, real homosexuals, and almost anyone else on the Internet including its own fans. I just have a question that's always sort of bothered me about the yaoi issue: why do straight, allegedly healthy girls even LIKE yaoi/shonen-ai pairings? I mean, I just don't understand it. I can sort of see why fangirls would like, say, male character fanservice or even lemon (although I really don't agree with either) but why would they like making the male characters unable to care about women? I'm sorry, but I'm just totally confused on this. Maybe some of you shonen-ai fans can explain it to me, and although I won't agree with you, I'll be on my way to understanding. :confuse2:
  24. shadowfire, I think they're bumping Trigun, or so I've heard, unless the number of fan complaints they have recieved somehow convinced them to change their minds (which rarely if EVER happens)
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