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Everything posted by MillieFan

  1. :bawl: about CN if they remove my favorite anime. . .:flaming: grrr I had to set my VCR tonight for "Between the Wasteland And the Sky" because I didn't want to raise suspicions by giving up my time to use the computer (something I NEVER do LOL, so that would make everyone suspicious of what was so special that I gave up my computer time for it. . .) Yeah, I'm 19, but as I noted in the parent disapproval thread, when you live at home and your parents probably wouldn't understand, you have to really hide well. I know that posts are supposed to have substance and I don't want to get any warnings for not putting something good in here lol, so I wanted to add if anyone had heard that for now, both Trigun and Bebop are on Sunday-Monday nights too now! Woo. . .one more night of anime a week is always :cool: -^.^- Oh, BTW, the new series is called "Kikiaider." I don't know much about it except that it's based on a Japanese live action show much like the Power Rangers or something. *Gag.* Can't they find better anime than that?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kurama_Fan [/i] [B][SIZE=4]NEVER!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] [COLOR=red]I'm sorry about that outburst, but I am the biggest anti-yaoi and hentai person on the planet, at least out of all the people I know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=limegreen]She took my Outlaw Star collection 1 (50 bucks down the drain) and half Outlaw Star collection 3 (20) she also took about 60 $ worth of manga. All of it, of course, I had to pay for myself.[/COLOR] [FONT=century gothic]My room USED to have a lock, and then my mom broke down the door. (wood flew) [/FONT] So now it would be impossible to get a lock. But I have two beds in my room, and I move one f them in front of the door because my mom can't break out of that. But it angers her and screws up the floor. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm anti-hentai and anti-yaoi too! As a matter of fact, I used to have an anti-hentai site (but it's offline until my boyfriend can find a new colocation host for his servers) and I'm currently building an anti-yaoi site. Oh, by the way, yaoi is guy/guy, most times drawn by fans who even pair off *obviously* straight characters. Basically, the only requirement for fanart yaoi seems to be that the guys involved look good individually so, in the minds of yaoi artists, they must look "better" being sexually involved with another good looking guy or with themselves. It's really sickening IMHO. :flaming: :sick:
  3. I find the fan-created relationships between Heero and Duo and between Quatre and Trowa to be incredibly annoying. I mean, even granting that the yaoi fans were *right* (which I am not doing), those matches are some of the most mismatched there are.
  4. hehehe, get a lock, friend. Get a lock. ~.^ Seriously, I really empathize with that. . .I hope they can understand soon, and I hope your mom stops destroying your stuff, unless it's all hentai, in which case I'm cheering her on ~.^
  5. (inspired by the Lover's Lane thread) What are, in your opinion, the worst couples in anime (either original or fan pairings)? I'd say Vash and Meryl from Trigun and Cloud and Tifa from FFVII would be at the top of my list of worst anime couples. I mean, they're both just such mismatches. A runner up would be Zidane and Dagger from FFIX: that relationship was *too* good-and obsessive. So? What anime couples do you think are the worst, the most stupidly mismatched, or just absolutely sickening?
  6. I'm anti-yaoi. Ugh. I just don't see what the attraction is to it. Maybe I'm closeminded or whatever, but I just can't see what fangirls would find attractive about gay guys or making straight guys into gays. As for the LegatoxKnives pairing, that's close to impossible in the context of the anime: the only person (with the exception of the little girl in the episode "Diablo") that Legato was interested in in that way was himself (like notice all the times the times he was kissing/licking his own hand or arm) I'm saying that character is like total narcissist. . .unless that was the arm he had from Vash, which might convey shonen ai indeed (although of a very one-sided variety) Yeah, Wolfwood-Millie is cute. Don't know about Vash and Meryl though. . .to me, sounds like it's worthy of a new thread: "Divorce Court: Anime Couples That Wouldn't Survive." *walks off to start a new thread
  7. Um, if someone does give a detailed account of what happened to Asuka in EoE, I'm clicking on the report link. That shouldn't be posted, under the anti-hentai rules. . .
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Well, my mother doesn't mind. She thinks that they are funny. But my father is another story. Since he is blinded by his own thoughts that he is a superior christian, he refuses to admit that not all animes are occultic, or anything else for that matter. He is just plain conviced that they are all either basically hentai or some extream violent thing like in the raiders of the lost ark when all the nazi's heads melt off. Something like that. [/B][/QUOTE] Awwwwwww, I know kind of how you feel. I've seen what some of our more hyperfundamentalist and definitely misled people have done (especially that hate site Crossroad.to, where I'd bet your dad's getting that information) and I'd like to apologize on behalf of Christians: we're really not all like that. -^.^-
  9. Oh, now EoE [i]would[/i] be the worst non-h/non-yaoi thing to be caught with. :eek:
  10. Mine would probably be rather angry if they knew LOL, and I'm 19 but they don't want to think I've changed any from being 12. As far as I know, they don't know that I'm as much of an otaku as I am, because I've tried to hide it and only reveal little bits of information so I'm not "lying" per se. For example, they know that I own and watched Spirited Away and that I love Hello Kitty items. However, if they saw me watching Trigun, (especially the episode "And Now, Goodbye" with its MAJOR Vash fanservice, although despite that it's one of the best episodes in the series IMHO-they'd only think I was watching it "for the naked guy") I think the roof on our mobilehome would lift 10 feet and perform a full pirouette rotation, then I'd be a: looking for a new place to live or b: constantly being suspected and monitored. Maybe in a few years I can be open about it, LOL: when I'm in another state or something. ~.^
  11. In FFVII, what anime was one of the "collection oddities" in Dio's Gold Saucer room from? [size=1][color=crimson]*laughs* You have to answer a question to ask one. I should just delete it, to save confusion, but I'll leave this up to a reminder, even though so many people here are so ignorant. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]I don't think adults give some children enough credit. The thing about video games (or the vast majority of them at least) is that they don't look anywhere near as realistic as things in real life. The problems comes in games like Hitman 2 when the lines between fantasy and reality start to blur, which hyper-realistic death animations and situations. I'm not saying this applies to everyone, but it could be a contributing factor to violence. But it would only be in those with a certain predisposition to violence. People love a scapegoat. They don't want to think that the parents might be the cause of the problem by maybe not talking to their children at all and then wondering why they go out and gun down a whole classroom. A lot of things are treated unfairly because of the media launching upon it trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Mind you, having said that, I don't like video games that are too violent. I myself wouldn't want to play Hitman 2 because it just seems to realistic for my liking. There has to be an element of fantasy in there for it to stay 'comfortably violent' without being like an interactive Tarantino movie. But that's just me. I'm sure the vast majority of people who play these games have sense enough to know when the boundries of the video game stop. But in psychopaths this isn't so clear. Games don't make them do it, but it might fuel their desire to. And really, you can't say that games don't get you stressed at all. They do me, and I very rarely get angry. Usually when I've been beaten I get fairly ratty for a few minutes afterwards, but it passes after that. In places where the agression is maintained, e.g after playing in an arcade, getting beaten and then being shouted at by a teacher for being late, there may be a heightened possibility of violence happening. As has been said, I think it mostly lies with the parents' responsibility to make sure their child behaves sensibly. They aren't completely safe, computer games, but they are safer than some scaremongers make them out to be. [/B][/QUOTE] I must agree with Solo. I'm personally not into the M rated games because they are all really, really dumb and usually rely on the gore and sex to drive the plot, and I'm old enough to if I wanted to, but I still don't care. It's just not my thing. That said, I think the Washington law is *stupid.* Rather than using the rating as a basis for the law (which I had hoped would be done, and which is the best way to legislate), it uses "any game that depicts a human being harming another human being," without listing the extent of the harm, without detailing whether implied harm is as punishable as depicted harm, without stating the context of the harm, blah blah blah. In other words, the law as such could condemn a scene showing a human character threatening but refusing to injure another human character as easily as it could condemn a gory and senseless killing. It could condemn, say, an implied or mostly implied scene like the destruction of Lindblum in FFIX as easily as it could condemn a first person shooter. It could condemn a scene that's only there to establish a character's past, used to state why the character opposes violence (and therefore having an anti-violence message) as equally as it could be used to condemn GTA or whatnot. I'm saying that they need to specify that it is only M rated games that are banned for anyone under 17 (good law for anywhere), and that they also need to specify that depictions banned under the law must be directly depicted and initiated by the player.
  13. I'm most like the character in my banner and avatar, was before I ever started watching the series, so I'm not just cosplaying and don't know it lol. . . I'm really silly sometimes, even when I attempt to be serious I'm silly. I'm kind of, no, REALLY oblivious, though some people tell me I'm intelligent (huh? what?), I always try to be helpful, and I'm sometimes too naive for my own good. Pass the pudding LOL. (Actually, I prefer ice cream!)
  14. [quote]So basically you're saying that if someone has an opinon other than yours, that you want it deleted?[/quote] No. I'm saying that some posts are pointless and offensive. For example, a post in a thread for fans of a particular anime that said "I don't care about this stupid tripe. My favorite anime is much better than that one! Why don't you all go jump in a lake!" would be justly deleted as spam. As Semjaza said, if you don't care, don't post.
  15. Could you please make it against the rules of the board to post that victims of crimes such as rape, murder, and unwilling hazing "got what they deserved" or "were asking for it?" Such posts serve no purpose except to start flamewars between these coldhearted persons of low intellectual stature and their fellow posters who have a bit more humanity and common sense than they. :angel:
  16. I don't mean you PlantAngel: I meant KiddyPhenil suggesting people shop at "adult stores."
  17. Someone mentioned earlier that a character in FFV was. That got my interest: yesterday, I decided to check it out since I own FFV and played it for a while a few months back (only to find out my characters' levels were too low, grrr) Anyway, the character that *may be* in FFV is called "Faris" and later on in the game, "Salsa." She's Princess Reina's long-lost sister, who when first introduced is a *man* leading a gang of pirates. The reason I say *may be* rather than *is,* is that Faris shows absolutely NO interest in any female character (which she would if she were unambiguously lesbian) and that she could easily be posing as a man only because she wants the respect of her all-male pirate crew. So on that one, I honestly don't know. It's up to you to decide.
  18. I'm totally opposed to suicide. If it is not from serious mental illness, it is a selfish act, as far as I'm concerned. You were given life for a reason, by someone beyond yourself: who are you to say that that reason was no good or that you no longer should live?
  19. Oh, for that pervert: don't cosplay from H. That's even worse than cosplaying a normal anime pervert for legal trouble-especially if you're doing public "reenactments." There's something called "lewd and lascivious conduct," and it's a felony.
  20. LOL, I don't get TechTV either. :P My cable service is annoying. I sure wish they'd trade out that stupid channel known as "TNN/Spike TV" for it: because I'd much prefer seeing Crest of the Stars to hentai, which I heard is going to be broadcast on the "new TNN." I even heard a rumor they were serializing Urutsukodoji. Now that's just SICK ::vomits:: Oh well. I guess I can just block the channel from my selection lol.
  21. Oh, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL again, I'm going to collapse laughing if this keeps up. Halloween and cosplay really don't mix. By the way, it should go without saying to not put realistic looking model weapons in your costume if you're cosplaying characters from Trigun or Cowboy Bebop. While a coat full of model derringers might just make your Meryl costume look even more detailed or a model semiautomatic might make you look more like Spike, it could also get you in some serious trouble with the police in some neighborhoods, LOL. ~.^ If you do choose to add model weapons to a cosplay costume (especially at night or in a bad neighborhood), be sure you have enough money for bail and possibly hospital bills. :P Also, there are many other ways to run into legal trouble when cosplaying. Basically, those would be: Carrying ONLY your character identification (especially in the form of a police badge or something similar: most police would think you were impersonating an officer and not an anime character) and not carrying your real, personal driver's license or identification along with it. Sneaking into a convention without paying hoping that you'll blend in with the other people who paid that look like you. This is really unethical, and a very good way to be at the least thrown out-and at worst arrested. Acting like a "baka" character. If you think harassing women/men or acting that way will help your chances of getting noticed as the best actor in people who chose your costume, it really won't-but it just may get you arrested. :blush: Acting like a drunk. Unless you can prove you haven't really been drinking [i]at all[/i], you could easily get arrested for public drunkenness or drunken driving.:drunk: Driving a car or other vehicle right up to the entrance of where you're going as part of your cosplay. With the security rules most public venues have now, you could be mistaken for someone up to no good. . .so even if your motorcycle looks *exactly* like one from anime or you've styled out your car to look like a spaceship-leave it parked in the designated areas for vehicles. Visiting banks or convenience stores not immediately nearby in costume, especially at odd hours. Keep in mind that the people there may not KNOW there's a cosplay event going on across town, and they may well think you're going to rob the place since robbers have used all kinds of costumes to disguise themselves in past robberies. While I don't want to worry anyone and while I want everyone to have fun, trust me, you'll have much more fun if you don't go to jail or have to deal with the police due to a misunderstanding. -^.^- By the way, are there any anime conventions in San Diego?
  22. Rape Is Rape The following information was adapted from a brochure developed by the San Diego County District Attorney's "Rape Is Rape" campaign. For questions about the campaign, you can contact San Diego Deputy District Attorney Lisa Weinreb at (619) 515-8154. Definitions How to reduce your risk of rape and sexual assault What men and women need to know about sexual assault What if you think you have been raped? National Rape Hotline (800) 656-HOPE (4673) Definitions Rape Rape is an act of penile/vaginal penetration committed without the consent of the victim. Penetration, however slight, is an act of rape. Consent Consent means agreeing to an action freely, voluntarily, and with knowledge of the nature of the act. If you are passed out because of alcohol or drug use, you cannot consent. Sexual Assault Sexual assault includes rape, sexual battery, non-consensual sodomy, non-consensual oral copulation, and non-consensual penetration by a foreign object, even a finger. How to reduce your risk of rape and sexual assault Approximately 80% of sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows and trusts. Unlike stranger attacks where the suspect might enter the victim's home through a window or jump out of the bushes in a surprise attack, many sexual assault victims may have made choices that could have reduced their risk of sexual assault if they had been more informed. Here are a few ways to keep you from becoming a victim. With these simple tips, you'll stay in control and reduce your risk of assault. Keep from being drugged Don't leave drinks unattended or drink from a punch bowl. Don't drink anything you didn't open yourself and keep in your possession. A variety of drugs, sometimes referred to as "Date rape drugs", can be put in drinks and cause intense drunkenness and memory loss. They can also physically impair you - you cannot walk, talk, or escape assault. Avoid drinking too much and using drugs Excessive drinking or use of drugs can make you vulnerable and distort your judgment. This can make it harder to stay in control of the situation. There are rapists out there looking to take advantage of people under these influences. Keep friends close Don't go out alone with someone you don't know well. There is strength in numbers; go out with a group instead. Watch out for one another. If a friend looks like she has had too much to drink or is under the influence of drugs, help her and don't leave her with anyone. Stay in control Say what you expect from your date - be up front. Know when you or the person you are with is starting to cross the line and stop it immediately. Trust your instincts. If a situation feels unsafe, you are probably right. Get help or go home as soon as possible. What men and women need to know about sexual assault Be self-aware. Know when you or someone else is starting to cross the line. Even if you have always believed that women sometimes say "no" when they mean "yes", always act as if "no" means "NO". It's NEVER okay to force yourself on someone, even if you think that he or she has been leading you on. Remember that alcohol and/or drugs are involved in the majority of sexual assaults. Support women in being assertive and honest, not passive and coy. What if you think you have been raped? Rape is rape. Rape by someone you know is the same as rape by a stranger. It is just as real, just as dangerous? and just as serious. Remember - rape is never the victim's fault. You have nothing to feel ashamed of or guilty about. Report It Reporting sexual assault is an important part of ending violence against women and ensuring he won't rape again! While it's a personal decision, remember - no one has the right to have sex without the complete consent of the other person. If you do decide to report, do it as soon as possible so evidence of the crime won't be lost, making prosecution more difficult. Get Help If you are raped, go to a safe place immediately and get help. Call the police or go to a hospital. If you think you've been drugged, ask the hospital to take a urine sample so the police can analyze it for any substance used to incapacitate you. Preserve Evidence If possible, do not bathe, douche, urinate or engage in any activity that may contaminate or destroy valuable evidence such as semen, saliva, hairs and blood. This includes eating, chewing gum, smoking, drinking, brushing teeth and gargling. Doing so might destroy evidence. If you have to urinate, collect the urine in a clean jar with a lid and refrigerate the specimen until you can give it to an officer. If the evidence is preserved, it can be used in the prosecution of the rapist. Even if you choose not to have a forensic sexual assault examination, you should see a doctor to be treated for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. The doctor, however, will by law have to report the assault to the police. If the report is delayed, evidence may still be available. Do not wash your clothes, sheets or bedding or dispose of any items associated with the sexual assault. National Rape Hotline (800) 656-HOPE (4673) If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, call the National Rape Hotline. It will connect you automatically to a counselor at your local rape crisis center who can provide options and support. Even if you are unclear about a situation you or a friend have experienced and need advice, you can call. I got this from the website of the San Diego Police Department. If you want a link, I can provide it if you PM me or if I'm given permission to post it here. I deeply apologize if this post breaks a board rule-in the context it is in, I do not believe it to be violative.
  23. I am shocked by some of the things posted here. First of all, rape (including rape involving, um, other acts) is a CRIME against a victim who should not be blamed. If someone is murdered, would you say that the person asked for it? Even if they did ask for it, what happened was still horribly wrong and should be punished or at the least confronted. I would say you need to do the following: 1: Tell the parents of the people involved. It's hard to do, yeah, but it's also what you need to do. The rapist(s) could harm others if this is just hushed up and ignored. 2: Encourage your friends to call your local rape crisis center (that's what it's called here, your local one may go by a slightly different name) and/or the police. 3: Be there for your friends. LISTEN to them, don't judge them, don't condemn them, but listen to them. 4: Don't confront the rapist(s) or their friends yourself! I'm looking for something I can post, since links aren't accepted here it will have to be short enough to fit. I will be back with that in a few minutes. I'm praying for you and for all involved. No one should have to go through such a horrible crime, especially at such a young age. I hope whomever is guilty is punished to the full extent of the law. Edited to add, wow, Metatron, we almost said the same thing.
  24. Ohhhh. . .LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, hehehehehe. . . .someone stop me, I'm laughing so hard that I can't see straight. Word to the wise: Don't cosplay on Halloween unless you like explaining yourself. I dressed as Kaeli from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (don't ask, I liked the game at that time :P ) in like my next to last Halloween (when I was around 10 or 11 years old) and NOBODY but nobody knew what I was or why. I felt so, so silly explaining myself. Oh well. Live and learn. ::sigh::
  25. LOL, now that would be a riot. . .:D Two girls dressed as the male leads. . .:eek: :D
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