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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. There are actually some things that can make me smile... One: Jokes... When we all gather around in a circle and everyone's telling jokes and stuff like that... I usually laugh a lot. Two: When someone who I care for smiles at me, I usually smile back ^^ Three: When I know I can be helpful for something I like doing Four: When I see a funny act taking place. There are more, but can't think of them right now.
  2. Taht pattern there looks bad... Put a radial gradient on a layer behimd the pattern and change the pattern's layer blending mode to Overlay maybe... That could help...
  3. I like the left one better, a lot actually, because the right one's design is too "roundy" or something... It actually doesn't match a sword very well... Or some of it... But the left one just kicks
  4. I like that one a lot! I'm only iffy about his right hand... Looks kinda odd...
  5. Hey, thanks to DR's pic posted on the Rock X7 banner thread, I made this wallpaper :D What do ya'll think of this one?
  6. I don't like the white stroke around Aoshi, and also, it seems like you used some other layer effects to it... Just use the pic normally...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris [/i] [B][color=green][size=1]you can't just post a banner whenever you feel like it. you have to start a new thread. it's a aim icon, like he said. it's not bad, but i still like my current one.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ??? You OK Chris? Are you sure you posted this on the right thread? ò.Õ
  8. Wow! I didn't even know Rock X7 was even coming out oO lol Anyways, is the game for PS1 or 2? Oh well, back to topic: The wallpaper is nice, but the background and font I don't like... Just change that bright blue with the spots and the text clashes too much... I think that's it...
  9. I don't dye my hair, but if I would, I'd do it pure black, with silver-ish streaks... And let it grow long... That'd look cool...
  10. I'd leave it to die... I mean, put yourself on his place... If you were to die or to be abandoned by your own mother, which one would you chose? I don't think I would like to be abandoned...
  11. Hahahaha! Kuja's a cool one... If it is the Kuja I'm thinking it is >.> Again I say, don't you need some help to add the scar Sara? ::still holding the knife::
  12. Hahahaha, true, imagine yourself wearing a blue skin-tight with red underwear and a red cape... I'd kill myself... lol
  13. Show the wallpaper here... Let us take a look.
  14. Gambit rulez 'em all! I mean, who else can make any kinda objects blow up by simply touching them? His kinetic powers are the coolest! I like Wolverine a lot also... The weapon X cannot be broken eh? But yeah, chosing one, it would have to be Gambit.
  15. A friend of mine saw it... He said it is just a piece of crap mixed with some ****... So I'm probably not gonna see it... Anyways, I believe there was a thread about Hulk before wasn't there?
  16. Oh God! I think I've seen that before! I've heard it is extremely deadly, and if you don't find a way for healing that, your blood becomes weak and you die after some time.
  17. Here... Tell me what do you think of that one? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=416608[/img]
  18. I like it, but in some part of the animation, the circle just moves off its place... Maybe make it stay on the same place and it will look better.
  19. Auron is coooool... I mean, the real Auron, not the "fake" one... lol He's my favorite FFX character... Wnat a tip for putting the scar on that fake one? ::grabs a knife:: >:)
  20. Hahahaha, now all you need is the scar right?
  21. That's nice, I like it. Can't see anything bad about it.
  22. I told you already, but yeah, the 2nd one is better in my opinion ^^
  23. Another update... Please someone reply this time at least ¬_¬ Now I colored the druid (bottom left guy) and took out the fire on the dragons back... Wasn't looking good in my opinion...
  24. That's really cool dude! Awesomeness! I make some random planets sometimes, but I can't make an Earth really...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989 [/i] [B]...but I wasn't really scared for him. I just knew if he died. I was going to be blamed.. :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] Wow... That's something cold to say... Even though I'm always fighting with my little brother, if something like that happened, I would probably scared for him... Also, another scary moment was when my brother almost drowned, and I was trying to take him back to the shore, but I was inside a carve on the sand, in the water... So I was trying to pull him, but I wasn't affording to get out of the carve, and kept trying, but my feet wouldn't be able to go any further... Then the lifeguard came and got him, and I returned swimming... Everything was OK then.
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