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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. I'm not really someone who understand a lot about girls, but if you ask me what a girl likes in a man, I would say that it really varies from one to another... There are the materialist ones and the ones that are more interested in love... The materialist ones are always the same... A nice car and money... That's all they want... The other ones are the ones that vaty most... So I can't really explain these ones...
  2. Once when I was playing with my cousing, she sweeped me and I fell. hitting my head on the door, opening a hole on my head... That's one of the moments... I had so many others...
  3. First: If no one replies, you are just out of luck... That happens to me a lot, and I believe it happes to other people as well... Second: The banner is not bad... Not excelent, but not bad also... Average I'd say... It's simplistic-nes is not really well-arranged there... Like, if you want something simple, you have to put it well there so that it doesn't look empty...
  4. Well, actually, it is a banner I made to use at another forum, because the forums' limit size is 200x100 for banners... lol... And it can be a button also... lol. But yeah, it was made with the purpose of being a banner.
  5. Not a big fan... But I listen to it sometimes... Also, the first songs I've heard by them were Chop Suey! and Aerials... Although one of my favorites is Deer Dance. I only have their Toxicity CD. The guitars aren't really something much... Like, they only have some simple guitar parts... I'm more into heavy full of guitar solos band... That is one of the various reasons why I was sooooo disapointed at Metallica's St.Anger album -_-
  6. I don't think love is just a game... Until you find out the true meaning of "love", then maybe for you it is, but love is a flame... A flame that burns... Not just an illusion, but a real flame, that if you get too close to it, it will leave a scar that will never heal inside of you. I don't konw if I really know what "love" itself is, but what I feel towards one person, I believe is real love... Not only to want to go out with someone, it is to really care about that person, and to not care if that person loves you in return or not... But only to feel pleasure for helping that person and to have that person near you. At least that's how I personally feel...
  7. Yes, it is indeed small... But tell me, what do you think of it? Oh yeah, also, I used a different style for this one ::stares at subversive:: :D Here you go... Comments anyone? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=414524[/img]
  8. Hey, not bad for a first time coloring job! I myself know how hard it is to do computer coloring -_- plus it takes a lot of time... Anyways, try making the shading more smooth... Like, not turning to full black, but a darker blue instead, and also, take out that text there and make it small, putting it on the right or left bottom corner of the screen... Right now it is annoying to see that huge copyright text popping up on the image -_-
  9. I just made it out of boredom -_- Anyone who feels like using it, go ahead... lol I use Photoshop for everything I make, so yeah... And also, I will try working on that font if I ever feel like editting that one... lol... I also think the font is not good, but it was just a rush job that just came by out of boredom... Anyways, thanks for the comments everyone.
  10. I think it is a nice one, but you could add more at least to the font... That flat plain font is sorta annoying sometimes... Like, play around with the opacity of it or do some stroking or anything like that that will help making the font not so flat.
  11. ... ... ... ::coughmspaintsuckscough:: Dude, get a better graphics program... You can't actually do something good with MS Paint... It's not that bad for a first attempt and at Paint, but just try to get a better one... I believe you wouldn't be a bad designer for what I see as a Paint work...
  12. Soooo awesomeness that I've got one reply only ¬_¬ Oh well, thank you for your comments though...
  13. That's really awesome! Four thumbs up! ::raises toes:: Yeah, it is rare for me to save something, but I did save this one... Well done! BTW, what is so disgusting about it wc?
  14. I think his body looks odd there... The hands and gun are really cool, but his body looks odd oO Cool besides that.
  15. Hey! What's that ASCII stuff going around there? Hmm... I like the first one better for a desktop, because the second one looks a bit "odd" as a desktop theme... So yeah, I'll keep the first one.
  16. OK, this one is not as good as the other one, but I like the blood I made there ^^ Anyways, tell me what ya all think. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=412097[/img]
  17. More, more... Update number something... lol Damn this quality degradation...
  18. Her body is still... odd? lol Anyways, the hair shading kicks ***, and also, the face shading is good, yet "poor", and I think you should remove that shadow from Tama ^^
  19. I'm always around at the Art & Design stuff there ya know... Why? Becase I'm a graphic designer... Duuuuh... Also because I like to see some people's work and give advices :D I rarely come to the Lounge or the Music forums... Not much of my interests...
  20. It depends... When I'm depressed, usually Metallica's Fade To Black --- [b]Fade To Black:[/b] Life it seems will fade away Drifting further everyday Getting lost within myself Nothing matters no one else I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost this can't be real Can't stand this hell I feel Growing darkness taking dawn I was me but now he's gone No one but me Can save myself but it's too late Now I can think Think why I should even try Yesterday seems As though it never existed Death greets me warm Now I will just say goodbye --- When I feel "guilty", usually Metallica's One is what I'm listening to... --- [b]One:[/b] I can't remember anything Can't tell if this is true or dream Deep down inside I feel to scream This terrible silence stops me Now that the war is through with me I'm waking up I cannot see That there's not much left of me Nothing is real but pain now Hold my breath as I wish for death Oh please God wake me Back in the womb it's much too real In pumps life that I must feel But can't look forward to reveal Look to the time when I'll live Fed through the tube that sticks in me Just like a wartime novelty Tied to machines that make me be Cut this life off from me Hold my breath as I wish for death Oh please God wake me Now the world is gone I'm just one Oh God help me Hold my breath as I wish for death Oh please God help me Darkness Imprisoning me All that I see Absolute horror I cannot live I cannot die Trapped in myself Body my holding cell Landmine Has taken my sight Taken my speech Taken my hearing Taken my arms Taken my legs Taken my soul Left me with life in hell --- Oh well, when I'm more sappy or "lovy", I usually listen to Blind Guardian's The Maiden And the Ministrel Knight, but I don't feel like putting more lyrics... So yeah, that's it...
  21. Here, I just made this... I was bored, then I made it... lol Tell me what do you think about this? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=411669[/img]
  22. I did that, and there it shows, but not on the sig ¬_¬ Anyways, the quilt looks a bit "smashed"... Like, some of the names became hard to see because they were reduced and all...
  23. Oh God! Her body is... odd? Oh well, I like the way you drew her face, but it indeed needs more shading... also the hair is really well-drawn... Sarah is cool ^^ Yet I will say that your Inu Yasha drawing was better than this one...
  24. Damn it... It still shows just a big red X... I tried refreshing, show picture, and everything else... Oh well... Must be me then...
  25. It's not showing... Just a big red X... Maybe try posting it fully here on this thread and use it from here?
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