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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. ...::listening to Master of Puppets album:: Oh, wait... St. Anger? Where the hell are the guitar solos? I don't see any... Damn, what a disapointment... Oh well... Oh, but in general, I will say it's not that bad... But... They could've done waaay better...
  2. O___o Umm... Yeah... lol Anyways, it's odd... But it's OK in my opinion... Although I hate Bush, I think that the banner itself is quite OK...
  3. They are too dark in my opinion... I'll give you a little advice, do not try to find "your own style"... It makes your work too limitated... Just use multiple styles and always do something with whichever. It ehlps a lot to keep a good variated number of "works"...
  4. The full quilt is not showing on your sig... At least not for me.
  5. Take a look... Do you prefer this one or my other Soujirou one? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=411418[/img]
  6. OK, now I understand what you mean... But I don't think it would look any good... It would look like it's sorta "framed"... Anyways, maybe I will try it someday...
  7. OK, thanks everyone for the comments ^^ Juna: What do you mean? I'm sorta confused there... I don't get that border thing you said...
  8. That's reeeeeally cool, but his face looks a bit kiddy... Other than that, it is really awesome.
  9. I just noticed, the ears are a bit big don't you think? lol Anyways, you're doing a good job at coloring. I like that. ::feels disapointed:: awwwww... Damn... Thought you had done that with the mouse... lol... Even though I know it is almost impossible, it still is possible (yeah sure) lol... Anyways, I like it a lot.
  10. OMG! Did you draw that with a mouse? That is really awesome! I can't draw that well on the computer... Two thumbs up :) Can't wait to see the colored one ^^
  11. Ithink there is free will... But there are times that you just lose the "free will", that is when adrenaline takes over your body... It happened to me already... Not good memories I can say... But yeah, like, why am I typing this? Because my thoughts are "popping inside my head" telling me to type? I don't think so... I think thoughts are generated by you, like, let's say you want to drink water... You won't be like "I have to, but I can't", you will probably actually go drink water... It's that simple in my opinion...
  12. It's not much bigger than yours usually are :P I like it, although I think the text is a bit hard to read... But indeed a good one, like always ^^ Keep up the good work.
  13. They are not bad, but they need work. Like, they need more highlighting, since that is what draws the most attention on most anime eyes... Also, make 'em in different styles... Like, right now they look quite the same, only in different sizes and colors.
  14. I like it. Very nice. It all blends well together, but maybe you could add something to the right side... Like, put the same picture and stretch it and make it very transparent? I don't know... Feels like there is something missing on it. But it is very nice.
  15. Here goes one I made today. This one got a bit weird because since I added too much, it became sorta jagged...
  16. Here goes one I made today. Enjoy, and tell me what you think. Also, Masamune Shirow is the name of the artist... He draws lots of anime stuff but actually very few become anime or manga... Just in case some don't know.
  17. I like it a lot. The colors do blend really well together. Even though I'm not a big pink lover, I can say that was the right color for that one banner that. Keep up the good work.
  18. Oh mt God! That must be a giant bug then! lol Anyways, I think it is very interesting, but it doesn't really resemble a bug's point of view in my opinion... And it's sorta weird oO But I like it. I like how you made that grass there. Very nice.
  19. Actually, I like it a lot. The font sorta clashes with the background, but I like it... You know, the font being more jagged and the background more smooth makes it clash, but I believe that the fact that it clashes makes it interesting... At least to me... lol
  20. I think it is very interesting, but like stated, change that one with the Cartoon Network logo there and I think you should blend the pictures a bit more... It would look smoother... And yeah, the font should also be changed.
  21. I like all of them, but like SPX said, On Your Mind and Bustle are my favorites also. That Ever 14 one is sorta odd... I don't know, it doesn't seem so "child" looking... Like, usually child looking stuff are more full of colors instead of black and white... Anyways, very interesting I say.
  22. I love it. You are a really good artist with these drawing stuff eh? But about the CGing... I think you should add a bit of more shadows and light ya know... It adds more to the artwork. Legeto: It is the forum's rules, there is no use in complaining and saying that they should be less strict... Just follow the rules and everything will do right I guess...
  23. I like it, but that TPE is hard to read, and also I think you should try making the pics colors a bit better... Like, try auto-levels...
  24. Nope, just added a few other filters and layers and played around with the blending modes a little. Here goes another one. This is the one that gave birth to the other two... After I did this I saved and kept playing around to get some more nice effects...
  25. Actually, falling asleep was never a problem for me... Actually, waking up was always more of a problem than falling asleep :P Oh well, I can fall asleep anywhere, anywhen, anyhow, and in any conditions... lol... All I need is to close my eyes for some minutes... Poof! Already asleep... lol But how I usually do is just put on some music and just jump on my bed facing down... lol
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