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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. Har har har! I have a friend who likes to do that also, like, when I make my wierdo backgrounds he starts to stare at them looking for creatures oO ...The strangest thing about it is that he can actually find LOTS of creatures... lol... Anyways, here goes another, that came directly from that one... Just added a few effects.
  2. Here, something I made not long ago... Note: I did NOT use liquify on that one, like many may think. Just a rush job, what do ya all think? Oh, also I will be putting my new small image stuff here, instead of creating one thread for each each time I make one.
  3. OK, here goes my entry... Brief explanation: Why did I chose Iori: He has this mysterious role and stuff like that... Why did I chose that exact picture: It was the only I had with Iori sorta "hiding" his face or anything like that. The background: Supposed to resemble chaos and confusion. The little "light path" he's standing on: The string mind "flows". Iori's blurry reflections: To symbolize my triple personality. Black and white colors: To show lack of "life"... And also to symbolize boredom. The blur: Blurred and unfocused thoughts. That sorta makes it all... Just a brief explanation though... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=410258[/img]
  4. OMG OMG OMG!!! That really is awesome Juna! Oh God I wish I could do some weird drawing like that oO It is really cool, I would give that a 10 if I were a judge... Anyways, how can I make a "comic" using a graphic? Like, I mean, if I want to do something like in the last one I did, I won't be able to, because actually there was no real "character" in that one... So yeah... How?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] [B]Dark Death, I dont mean to be harsh, but your being a big jerk right now. Everyone starts somewhere, wether it's good or bad. And I think for a first banner, this is good. And by what you are saying, you act as if Armadillomon cant improve the banners at all. This area, I say, is about giving people tips on their banners so they can become better at making them. What your doing is insulting someone who just made their first banner and not giving them any tips at all. Every banners has good spots and bad spots in it. Why dont you try to help people instead of insulting them?[/B][/QUOTE] I'm not insuilting him, and I am not saying he cannot improve... Say whatever you will, but I think it could be way better, even for a first attempt... That's what I am saying... I will tell you, my first designing stuff weren't good, but yet, I could do something better... I got comments as harsh as these I am giving, and that helped me to try to make better things... So yeah, I know everyone has to start somewhere, but yeah, if you practice, it will be better, BUT, just practicing the same, without trying to do changes doesn't help. Armadillomon: Don't get what I said as offense, I was just saying that you need practice, and that even for a first time, it could be better. Just practice.
  6. OK, this is one Gundam wallpaper that I made... What do y'all think of it?
  7. Ops... Guess I forgot to put the "2003" on it... Here goes the new one with the 2003: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=409346[/img]
  8. It is bad for a first attempt... I know lots of people whose first attempts were much better than those two... I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I'm only saying what I think is true... My first attempt was also better than that...
  9. Something like this? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=409010[/img]
  10. Yeah, though I don't use it on purpose it comes accidentaly ^^;; Also lots of typos related to how close one key is related to another, like once I typed "kuve" instead of "love" oO
  11. I usually type "kik" and "çpç" instead of lol... Also "knoe" instead of "know" and "althought" instead of "although", and sometimes I end up putting things like "=«?" when I'm gonna put "?" (backspace is near «) and I sometimes use "it0s" instead of "it's" among others...
  12. It is awful... I'm sorry, no offense, but it's not good... First because you can't do something good with paint... So yeah, maybe you should try again with another program... Even Word would work better ¬_¬
  13. Hey all, my new wall... Wow, rhymes... lol Anyways, don't complain about it being too empty, because [b]it is supposed to be like that!!![/b] Get it? Anyways, give me your opinions about it.
  14. Can't there be graphics also? I mean, my scanner is broken, so I can't send something drawn...
  15. OK, thanks everyone. Actually, it's been weird how I've been making lots of wallpapers ya know >.>
  16. I made this wall with Tachibana Ukyo on it, from Samurai Shodown. Yeah, it is supposed to have all that empty space on the left, because I wanted something not busy, and something that would actually fit the purpose of "wallpaper", which is what I actually like to do. Also, the rock where he's sitting, I made it with photoshop :D
  17. It's perfect as is, I don't think it is needed anything else. Three thumbs up for that one.
  18. Hmm... I like, it... Pretty simple and nice. Just maybe put a black border, 1 px border.
  19. o.O Double threads? Oh well, anyways, the banner itself is not bad, but that pink font that says "danielle" could be removed in my opinion
  20. Put her eyes down a bit... OK, a lot actually...
  21. OK, I don't know if it is just me, but what is D-Day? Anyways, I think the blood should actually "enter" the water more. Right now it seems the blood is floating over the water, which looks a bit weird. Other than that, very good.
  22. I'm sorry, but that doesn't look like Inu Yasha... Plus his face is kinda odd, looks like it was flattened...
  23. keyblade: Another newbie that needs some direction... ::ahem:: Posts that generate no discussion at all are not allowed here. Please, if you want to say it is cool or something like that, at least say why you like it and if you think of anything that could make the work better. Thanks for your time. Subversive: I like the banner a lot, BUT, that "SUBVERSIVE" could be outside the capsule in my opinion. Maybe you could use a cool white font with a 1 pixel black stroke there and put it as Overlay blending mode. Other than that, the background looks really neato.
  24. Hehe... lol I like it, it is simple and nice as always. You like to make small banners don't you? :P Keep up the good work, it is very nice ^^
  25. I dislike it... You should make the images blend better or make them more separate... I don't like the way Sesshoumaru seems to just "end" there on the middle pic...
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