DarK DeatH
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Everything posted by DarK DeatH
OK, today I was bored and decided to do some progress on the elves pic my friend drew... I just put some effects that are still in testing phase, so yeah, tell me what you think. Obs.: the wuality is bad because I had to put it down a lot to attach it...
Art The King Of Fighters wallpaper, Iori as the main theme
DarK DeatH posted a topic in Creative Works
OK, here ya go, made a wallpaper after a looooong while without making any... Pretty decent for a "return" I believe... Well, anyways, the character is Iori Yagami, from the King Of Fighters, who is the coolest KOF character there is :P The wallpaper itself took something around 30 minutes to be done, BUT, the cutting work for Iori took an hour or so... Yeah, that is why I stopped making wallpapers... lol... Cutting people off takes too much time x_o OK, anyway, here ya go, Iori: -
OK, I just saw this in my ex history teacher's files there on one of the school's computer and I was wondering, "to make this one must be god damn bored" lol But yeah, this is funny... lol [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=405956[/img]
Well, I have a suggestion to that "The Wind Waker" text... Maybe you could stroke it and use a Wind effect on it (you are using photoshop I assume), then change the blending mode to Overlay and play around with the opacity... It would look cool I think... Or maybe not...
::is still staring at the picture:: o.O I'm confused there... OK, anyways, the CGing could be much better I will tell you... Also, what is all that white space doing there? O.o Yeah, the drawing itself is not bad, but I think the CGing with that white space made it odd... Not that the CG itself is bad, bt it is confusing...
One word posts = evil... and spam... So if you want to thank people, do it some other way... K? ^^ *edit* Oh God! I just noticed it is the exact same shape as mine, only with a 180º rotated o.O lol... That is weird... I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I see there was really a "base" there uh? lol
Not that bad for a first, but I have some advices: 1st: To make a background, try to use that tool which you choose a color off the image (which I forgot the name in the English version :P) and use a color that appears in the main image as the background... (green is not the best go for that banner's background) 2nd: Play around with the fonts until you find one that fits the kind of image you want. (the font doesn't fit there) 3rd: Try to remove artifacts and always try to keep good quality images instead of low quality ones. (the image on the right is low quality) 4th: Do not use unnecessary elements that would only distract the attention of who is seeing your graphic. (that black thing in the middle is a good example of it) 5th: Have fun :P
Not bad, but I think you shouldn't use the same pics on the left and right... Other than that, I think it is nice.
Yeah, I personally liked how this one turned out ^^ Since I'm not very used to photo editting, I think I did a good job here.
I see you just cut it from a wallpaper of animewallpapers uh? But yeah, it is very nice... I like how you kinda imitated my sig with the corner-cut borders... lol But yeah, I think the font matched alright and it is all good... There is a good harmony with it ^^
The image has way too much jagged lines, and there is too much dead space there...
O.0 OMG!!!! I have to say that I hate DB, but that Goku there simply ROCKED! Man, that is really awesome õ.Ó And Kaola, try to not double post, it goes against the forums rules ya know and all that crap... But yeah, let's try to follow the rules =)
Use the code tags... put [code] and a closing tag for it in the ending...
Ooooooh... Like a "guestbook"? Yeah, I don't think it would do much good... I know there would be someone who would put up a bad comment to another one... That is something unavoidable... Like syk3 said, it would be too hard to control everything... Specially because it would be inside of the profiles, not directly in the boards...
What program did you use Sara? I've heard of some programs that do that, but I got one that was so crappy to use that I opted to stay using notepad only :P Here's another one I made at school... If compared to all those others, it is quite sucky, but yeah... lol [code] _______________________________ /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ //\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ // \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ /_| | \____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_\ | | _______ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | |--- ---| |--- ---| | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | | |o | | | | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [/code]
That is Sailor Moon... Pay more attention to it and see it from a farther distance... So you want more? Yeah, I will give you more... [code] .:XHXHXtXkx .x@MRMMMM@RRH!- .:XMMMMMMMMMMMMSM%: : :x:r~"MMR$8MMMM8RMM@M***> '~` .x@MMM8MMR8MRRM@" .:XM8MMTMRM8MR8MRRXHHMH!: . :nHMM":MRMM8RMRMMMMMMMMMMX! -~> :H!*~` .X8MfMBMMMMM@MMMMM*)X" ?!` .dMMRDL*M@M$8MMMM*":X! :HMM8M8!*:"*M@RM#" :4M! .Xf#RMM8MM: . :!`XM :: xX! XWMM8MMMHXMX:>!X~ X~ . ` `M XM~MM.MMRMRP`.~ ~ H~ ( :t*~ '> {M" ' MMMP" : x. '" . ~ " .x: ~ Mf ~:MM" "* ~ f xW$$M M '" {H!x. :S$$$$$& ! ' "X@I$> :@$**#"""- ~~-~""~ :X! df" ``` . . .MRxW@M . {:: `` $B$$B$L ` ~= M$@` 'W$$$$$$$& xXH> X: '$$$bd$$$$$$$$$$$$W$$$? :X #$>-"$$$$$$$$$$R'$$$$$$$M~ Xf "Mm.#$$$$$$$$$Kx$$$$$$$! `" R$$$$$$E?$T)I$$$$X $$$$$$$$R$$$$$$R` "$$$$$$$$$$$$P "$$$$$$$$R" 'h."*$$$$#. '$$$bc(:xXM ...'=+. "**$@MXf~ .xWNB$$$No.-. {*"".(##$$$$b't. \sd$$$Wx'#$$$$.Mr ~Womin! {: $$$$$$$$W:#$$$$'9 X '*$$$NM !X. . $$$$$$$B$N:?$$$k?L4& `{"#7tXMM `\ $$$$$$$$$$X $$$$'E'$>@x `{)HM!!: $$$$$$$$$$R!#$$$ M'$>MRQ: "M*MXX $B$$$RRT9TMX $$$ @'$> iXnx. `XMX!> !k TBM@RMMMM@RN`$$$ RJ$ LMMMMMMMx. `?MMk xn!\ S% $SM88MMMMRMX F"uzx'Fd$'MMMMMMMX!: '?M! .XMM!!! MMM [/code]
I don't see anything special about it... Just three square shaped images there of three guys with scars on their face... Nothing special I would say...
I don't know if any special programs were used or what... But yeah, I've got more of those stuff... I have like, 150 + txt files of ASCII... made by me and by others... Here is one made by someone at the old AnimeGlobe forum... [code] .:... ... .: ..... .. ... .:,,;.: ....... .:::. . . . .. .:.:tDf,,,. ., :; : .. .:..:.: .. ... .. .. .:..,,,.i:;ti.;.:;GGi::. .... : ::.,,,:.... . .. .. ..:; :;:iGi,t;,..:,,t: : :... ..;,:tDL:.: .:: .. .. .. . .:.,;ti,. .:,i,:::. .::,:.. ..... ;,;,.:i:,:.: :. ,..:. . .....::. ,,::. ..:,i; ,,:,:... .:..:. .:...: :,,. :tt::::::. :: ,,,,i::,: .. : : .:.....:.. ..:i:, ;;:;,.,;... :.:: .. .::::. i,.. ,:.,:.. .,,;,:,,; ...: : ..:..::;t;;;i:ij;,:... ::. ., . ...i,,;j,::,.:,..::: ,::::;;,,: .::,:.........:::..,:i;;:.;;;:: .: : : .: .. .:.;;,,ti:;:.if;:,,. :; .iit,;. ..::........ .,::;::i,:.:::,;,:..:::...: ,.. :..;i,;;ij,.:;i:;, ,:,t: ,,:.,;,,,ii: ...:.,i:....:..:...;t;,. . ::;,. ::.,; ,.:i;::,;;.,;t: ; .,.:::tj,::,;,.::;,:::::,;;::... .. .:..:,::,;t,:;::LDD, :;,:;jt;i;,,:: : :tt;: .;.,:.:,:::.::.. . . :,,:. iji, tj,::i, ,.:,ttt: .: .:.:::;::,: ...... . ....:. i:,;ti,::..,,,, ,,,;:. : .,::;:;jf,. .. :,::. ......, :;;jf,,iti,:;, .:: .: :ij;. . . .:. . .. .. .. .,: ,iLt,...:::::::. .:.. ,i,.. . .. .. :::.::..,:.. ... .... . . , :,,i,:,;::,:,:::.. . .;: . .:. : . .:i,,:.,,:.,;,: : ::... .. ,. ,:;,,::,iLi;,. .::. .:.. ....,:.. . .. ::::. . , :: :. :. :: ,::,;.:.;i;,: ::: ..:,,,,. .:,, . :: ,.,: .; ...: :. .. .:, .:.;;:::..... .::. ::t;,:..:,:. . .: ::,;: .:;,,,:.,:. ::: :. ..i : ::,,. ..::. ..:.. ., .:. .. ..::::,;:,,:.. .,iffjtii:.,;,,,.:::..:t :....::..:::,:. .:....:. ...:,,,itjtt;:::. .:ifi,;;fLft:.,,.:,,..,, :. . ..:;:.,; ... .:. .:...::.. ;itffi.:tGi ,;Lj;jitj;..,,:.:.; :. . .. .,;;;: ..., :,. :: ..:,,;t,. :;L,,; ,:L. ;j ,fi:.,..:,, :. ......:;,. ..:, . ....:: .: ..:,. ,iL. t: :iL;.tf ,:..;: :;: ;:,: ... :i...,:::. ::,,...: ......:::.:: ::,. .,;tif: ::.ffj, :,,,:. .;:;;.:,:.,;:.:;i;, ... .:. .:...;i; .:;jt, : .,;i;;. .::,,:,: ,;;,;;:,,::;. it:.:. ..:. .......;:,:::.i: . :: .:;i;, :: .:::i;, ;t,i;:;;;:, ... ...::..:;,.::....; . ,:.:;:. ..:. .. :;i,.;t:;,;,;,. ... ...:. ::: :: :i, .. ......:::;i,..:.. :.:;,;fLitt;i;,.::,. ... ... .::..:,. ..,: ::. . .,:.:::,.,..:: ., ;fff;tfLtf:,, ,: :: .. .::. ..;,.::. :,,:::. .:: :.,: ;::... .: ,. .,;: ,f;,,tt.:,:,,;;:, .. ...:.....,i:.:.:. ....::. :,,: .:::::;,:: .. .. :,. :.:::;i: ;i,::,,;i,::: .: .. ::. :,i;:;;;::. .: ::...,..::,:;:. .,,:.. .. .....;:..:: .fGDGt:::,: ;,:;. .. ....::,;,,:,t;,. .::::,: .,. .,,: :.:.::.......:,.., :,,:ifj: :;.,:.:. . :::.,;,,,ii;, .,,:.:. .. .. .::.:: ...:. :..:.:,;, ,. .. :... .. .. .:;;: .;i;; ....... .. .. :. ....::. ..::.,:::,;,:. ,....;ti:..,:. .. .. .::.,,,,iiii..::::::::::::::::::..:. ... .. ,::i;,:;,.,i. :.:,:. . . .. ..: .:.,ii,. .... . . .. ::.;. ,;::,i ..:ftit;,.. . .:.. :i,:;:.. .:. ,: . .. ,.:;;;,,: ii;;ti;:. .. .. . .::,, :,: .:..... .... ... .,. ;,,:: .:,:ttti::;: . .. .. :,; .:..:,: .....:. .. .... .,, .. .:,:,;;i;,i::i, .. . :,. .... . ... .... ...... :,.... :;;;,;;;;,:..:. .. . ,. ..... . .. . . ,,......::... ...:.;: .:;;., . . ....: .... ... ..:.... :. : ,. ::.:. ......... ............ .,. .: ... ... ... ... . : .,:.....: ::.. t : [/code]
What do you mean? Like, you click the profile link and then there is a "send comment" thing there? I don't really get it...
I like loooots of stuff, but pizza is one of my favorites... I can eat eat and eat it some more, until my stomach is almost blowing up o.O lol Least favorite? Onions... I HATE onions... I almost puke when I get a little "piece" of one in my mouth... I just can't take it... My organism cannot assimilate it o.O
Hah, I saw Kaisuke's Juu editting and got inspired :D lol, so I decided to do my own editting ^^ Yeah, this is the picture of a friend of mine, and I used some sepia colors to it and added some effects... So yeah, what you all think? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=405295[/img]
Yours is very nice Hittokiri... How did you make that beam hitting the planet? That's very cool... Although I think you should make all the links one color only...
You wanna know what REAL ASCII graphics is? OK, I will show you something I saw in the other forums I used to go to... I was like, speechless when I saw this o.O [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=405284[/img]
Very good ya know ^_^ I personally am not a good manipulator of people's pics, so yeah, I give you two thumbs... Now what you will do with them is up to you... lol...^^;;
Well, the quote was actually asked to be that one, or else I wouldn't use it... But yeah... And I lowered the opacity because it would look odd if I kept it to 100%... And I think that dark-ness fits Saitou well... Maybe I'm wrong though...