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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. I don't like it, but don't hate it... Ya know, it's in the middle... Fix the grids, because the way they just end there is not good, it looks like it is "bugged"... And the twirl effect there is too high... Make it more watery instead of twirly... If you fix those two things it will look very good...
  2. Very nice... The text where it says alexa is very hard to read... VERY hard to read... lol... But it's a very good banner, has a smooth look and it's sorta soothing to the eye...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]What [b][u]if[/b][/u] both of those never happened? You know as well as I do that neither of us can truly answer those questions[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, and what [b]if[/b] humankind never gets to really fix things out? Neither of us can answer that also...
  4. Time? you want time? I mean, we are in the year 2003 AD and you want some more time? They had already more than all those 2003 years to evolve and not polute but yet they need time? So does that mean that by the year 4000, IF humankind still lives, it will be better? No way... I at least don't believe that... It's all like a cancer... If you don't cut it out at the first possibility, you will never more, and it will kill you...
  5. I believe that the human being COULD learn... I mean, why is it that in Japan you don't see people killing people? And then you come to the Americas in general and you see that The U.S.A. and Brazil are on top if you considerate murders and people dying being shot or even in a robbery.... I think that, IF it was possible to humankind to learn at this moment, they would have learnt already, so it would be better if men were to disappear... [quote][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [b]what's in our interest is also in the planet's interest[/b][/quote] Oh yeah? I don't think so... I mean, the world would be a better place without us, humans, and most people don't think that way... And also, the "planet" is not interested in our factories and all of our polution... Why would it be? If it only makes it worse and worse? Men try to evolve, BUT, they are never able to really do it... I mean, there is evolution, but the problems also do evolve with the solutions... For example, after so many years, now this SARS appears in China... Wow! One more thing to be worried about... Also, what would men do if a meteor was to fall on the Earth? Or if the polution got out of their own control? I mean, they polute, then they would look back and try to clean everything? Oh yeah, that would be the right thing, wouldn't it? After they polute the air and water and earth, they will start doing all that **** about "the world is our home, let's not destroy it"... I mean, for what use is it to know how to reconstruct the world after it is all destroyed already? Shouldn't they think BEFORE destroying it instead of how to reconstruct it?
  6. Hey yo, I was bored and made this simple effect with Photoshop... Yeah, weird-ness... Take a look and give me your coments... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=401627[/img]
  7. I don't like her face and hair the way you drew, and her foot is a bit odd, but the body in general aspects looks fine... I won't vote because there is no rank below the "quite good" that is still "good", alright? So yeah, it's OK to me...
  8. Wow... Humans and volcanos are definetly not even alike... I mean, does a volcano think? No a volcano is a "part of the environment"... Humans destroy knowing that they are destroying, and volcanos and meteors don't "think" that they are destroying at all, do they? And human can live without eating animal meat, AND, do you eat animals hide? I mean, some people wear animal hide because "it's the fashion" right? That's not something I would call survival... What about those who hunt and put the animals' heads on the wall as their "trophies"? Yeah, that for survival also isn't it?
  9. Mankind is ridiculous... I mean, the more we evolve, the more we destroy our own planet... Surviving you say? Do people need to kill and destroy to "survive"? I don't think so... That's what makes mankind so ridiculous... For example, why do animals kill? To eat and survive and protect theirselves... Why do men kill? Just for fun... Wow! What a difference uh? Now before you say that humans do what they do to "survive", take a better look at mankind and think better about it... I agree with the groups thing... BUT, the first group is the dominant one, so there is nothing that can be done at all... Unless you are gonna tell everyone that's in the first group to change sides and go to one of the other groups... Yeah, that would be a lot of work wouldn't it?
  10. What do you mean, "her"? Damn, he's a "he"... lol Oh well, whatever, but yeah, I liked this one better...
  11. Oh well, I have to admit that I'm more open online, I mean, no one here will never ever see me face-to-face, ever... So if what I say is harsh or stupid or whatever, it won't make a difference... But I'm most likely more sarcastic IRL, and more "sleepy-head"... That's what I think...
  12. DarK DeatH

    Bourne Identity

    It was not a bad movie... Although I can't say it was that great, yet it was altight...
  13. OK, I will tell you one thing... This is NEVER EVER becoming the oficial banner here... I will tell you this once again, with paint, you can't do anything as good as what you can do with any other good image editting programs... If you don't have enough money to buy one, try downloading... There is GIMP, which is a good free image editting software, and there is Photoshop which you can download with KaZaA or other kinda programs... I could do something better than that with Photoshop in less than 50 seconds... And after you learn it, you will see how bad this one banner here is... Don't think that just because you are a newbie here it means you can't be good, all you need are the right tools... Sounded harsh? Well, sometimes truth can be harsh itself, but I'm saying this because you are doing the same exact thing you did on the other banner, and I had said something that was like this before, so yeah, just try to listen this time...
  14. I also forgot to say, mercenary... Most time I do stuff for people, but I usually ask something back... Usually money to my school mates, but sometimes can be different things...
  15. Yet another one here =) Oh well, I believe it is the last phase now... lol
  16. yeah, there is a slight border there... red-ish or whatever... just remove that
  17. Damn... I was just reading that and noticed that I fall a bit to EVERY of those categories... Sometimes one, sometimes another... But the silent and emotional and artist and musical ones are the ones that fit more I believe...
  18. The out-border of the guy sucks, and so does the text... Though the rest is not bad...
  19. DarK DeatH


    Oh well, I moved once... When I was 5 years old... Used to live in a small apartment, now in a big house... lol... I don't remember much of the past back then, but so far I remember, it's been better here... Sometimes moving can help you, sometimes it can really ruin your life... It depends on the situation I think...
  20. [strike]Hmm... lemme see... a moment...::thinks::...::thinks::...::thinks::...::brain cooks::... Oh yeah, I remember... I think it was when my brother could make my mom hate me and want to give me to this institution that takes care of unwanted children... Yeah, I cried that day...[/strike] *edit* Oh? But, what you said wasn't really from the boards was it? Oh well, whatever... So I believe "no" is the answer to your question... At least not while I've been here...
  21. DarK DeatH


    Well, since I don't have many friends, there is no problem at all... Don't make a difference to me... BUT, I preffer my good old house more... Already used to it... lol
  22. Wow... That's a... A... Cloud? Yeah, imagination is the key right? =/ It is just a normal picture of a sky with one dark grey cloud in the middle... I don't see much more than that...
  23. Yeah, it's nice, but the grey REALLY doesn't fit there... It becomes sorta boring to the eyes... Maybe red or green?
  24. I like them... Love Hina is so cool ^_^ Yeah, that probably is Keitarou and Naru in the bath... lol... Yeah, two thumbs up for your avies there...
  25. OK, now I made my real avatar... To use here... Take a look. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&attachmentid=8268[/img]
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