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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. Hey §corpio, I finished your banner already... Take a look... All the other people, take a look also, tell me if I did a good job =) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=399019[/img]
  2. Hey everyone... This is an avatar I just made with Soujirou from Rurouni Kenshin on it... Tell me what do ya all think... Give opinions or anything else y' know... Actually, that one is one I made for AIM use... So I might be updating my avi here soon also... lol [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=400955[/img]
  3. Yah, I remember Zoro eating those with dirt XD lol, it is very nice, though the lines are jagged... Now, who wants rice balls with sugar? lol, did you draw it on the computer? Or just colored?
  4. It's good, although I'm not really much of a Linkin Park fan... But the effect you used on the middle of the image is nice. Although, chester's face looks odd there... Don't know why...
  5. I'm sorry, I don't like it... And yeah, it's Battousai, not Battosai... I hate it how people always eat the "u" of most names and words... for example, people say Saito, while it is Saitou, Battosai, while it is Battousai, Keitaro, while it is Keitarou and so on... But yeah, save it as JPEG next time and get a better image editting program... I would personally say Photoshop, because it's my favorite, but if you can learn GIMP, that one is a good one also...
  6. ooooh... All that white with the black text is really nice... ::wry smile:: Now show us some real thing ya know...
  7. It's nice... Although, I don't like the way the blue spot covers his eyes... Should be a bit cleaner on Yugi's face...
  8. I think it is nice as is... Only get rid of that white border, of the characters... They are kinda catchy to the eye right now...
  9. That stupid-ness on the left is what makes the banner not look so good... Take that out and add something to the text (the one that says Love Hina) and it will be all cool
  10. I don't know... I would need someone who knows me well to see if I am the same person online and in real life... I really am not too much of a self-analyst... I mean, I'm not good at analyzing myself ya know...
  11. The drawing is good, but I have to say that it doesn't look like Neo... Though it is not bad...
  12. I don't know... It's not bad, but there is something about it that I'm not really sure... I don't know... Not bad though...
  13. DarK DeatH


    I like the grayscale one, buuut... Is it just me or there is one arm for two hands there? Oh well, other than that it's all good... Also, it didn't seem you really wanted to color the bottom-left one... It's bad colored...
  14. I agree with what Transtic Nerve said... Man, you need to know at least the least of computers... You know your signature? aren't there img tags with something between the tags? That is the URL that your sig is in... You gotta do something like that with the picture you wanna post and just use the same img tags... Is it that hard? I don't think so...
  15. Oh God! I can't see how could they put Tom Cruise as a samurai at all... I hope tat guy doesn't ruin the movie...
  16. I liked that Malik a lot... Keep up the good work
  17. Heh, very pretty... Both drawings ^_^ That coloring is also very good ^_^
  18. Make the tentacles of the middle more opaque... If you do that it will be perfect ^_^
  19. I'm very iffy about that code scrolling down the left hand corner... It's not good, and it doesn't look like the Matrix code or anything similar... Make the font less opaque, and remove the green thick border...
  20. OK, I was thinking, since the last contest was successful, we could be holding contests once or twice a month here... I mean, it would be fun don't you think? Think a bit and tell me what you think of it...
  21. DarK DeatH


    Hmm... Sorry, but all I can say is that the banner is NOT good... I know, I'm very picky, but if you look at this attachment, you will see my first banner... Reasons: 1st: The quality is VERY low... VERY VERY... You can see the artifacts exploding like if you were playing Doom... Yeah... 2nd: The Playstation logo is not right... It's all screwed up... I mean, if you are gonna use it, at least use a right thing... 3rd: There could be much more to it than just simply some clouds with a word-art text and a Playstation logo... I'm not saying all this to put you or your work down, I know I'm very picky and this sounded a bit harsh, but I'm only saying this so that you don't commit the same mistakes next time you make a banner... (see attachment if you want to see my first banner)
  22. OK Kojin, I'll teach you one thing... You don't need to really justify your stuff if people don't like it... You have to only see what's wrong, and improve your work... Never let small coments put you down, and the good coments that come, take them as something special, because if you do, you will know that you are improving when you get more and more compliments... AND ALSO, don't forget, it's not OTHERS who you are trying to please, but yourself... Hope that helped a little... OK, now to the banner, I think it's very good, simple yet somehow psycothic (sp?) if you understand what I mean... lol
  23. Yeah, I had done that border removing before, but I was testing it... Now I believe it's done ^^;; The eyes are from Saitou, from Rurouni Kenshin
  24. It's nice... The background could be better than just some clouds, but it's OK.. Although, I like that green effect there very much... Very nice thingie... Yeah, I know what it is like to have the low thing... I mean, I used to go to a forum of graphics design where everyone had Photoshop 7 or 6, and mine was the only one that was 5... Which has a great difference from the others... And I was always left in the dust, but with practice, I could catch 'em up ~_^ Just practice, and if you master the program you're using, you won't need a better one... I know it because now that I have PS 6, I miss 5... lol... Was faster... OK, enough morale lessons now... lol... I would rate it for a... Hmm... I don't know, numbers are hard sometimes... I would say it is good enough, and weird, which is good... Just try to work on that background a bit and it will be perfect ~_^
  25. Hiya all, I was playing around with Photoshop before formatting my computer and this is what I could do... Yeah, tell me your opinion... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=398460[/img]
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