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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]People say there are no stupid questions-- you proved them wrong. Ofcourse someone likes Metallica. My favorites are I Dissappear and Wherever I May Roam, but as most I love almost everything they do. [/B][/QUOTE] ¬_¬ That wasn't really a stupid question... In my school, NO ONE likes Metallica... And among my friends, I'm the only one, so I should better ask if anyone liked... lol Anyways, I've heard that their St. Anger album is gonna be something that sounds like a mix between the "...And Justice For All" and the "Kill 'em All" albums... Can't wait to see what's gonna come out...lol BTW, there is a cool Metallica siteif anyone is interested... Go to [url]www.encycmet.com[/url] and you will know anything you want about them... lol
  2. I agree with what Beelzebub said... Real evil is no good... Like, who likes wars? Or who would like to see someone wanting to kill everyone knowing that that person lives next to them? I don't think I would...
  3. Yeah... like, "To take over the world"... For most evil characters' mission XD Then, "To protect the weak"... For most good characters... for the "pure" ones, there is no variation of that, and no violation of the "rules"... lol
  4. Yeah, I agree with that also, because a just "evil" character, that goes around just destroyin and all for no reason, just for vengeance or something like that, that has no sense... Also, if you have a good character that has no reason to be good, then again it's nonsense... Again, let's pick Kenshin's example... He's "good" because he wants to pay for all the crimes he's done back then when he was Battousai... Now he has his reason for not killing ever again... Now see Anji, the monk... He is evil because when he was a normal good monk, he saw the only people that he could considerate a family, get killed cold-bloodly... Now tell me, seeing your family being murdered for no reason, just because people think that living in a temple is not good, wouldn't make you irate and want to kill people to have your revenge? Well, that's how -I- personally think...
  5. OK, I think that both these guys are awesome actors, but which of them do you think is the coolest? I myself can't decide, since I've seen awesome Jackie Chan movies, and also awesome Jet Li movies... lol... But, anyways, Li makes some more serious movies, while Jackie makes more funny movies, so, yeah, what do yall think?
  6. Well, sometimes you see that to classify some of "evil", it's needed more than just a normal human mind... Go see Shishio's stuff and all the story behind that... You will see that the true "evil" is not only what some people considerate... After I saw the last part of the manga I was like, "Now which one was the evil side?"... I mean, for real... If you see the part where Yumi's talking about her job and all that happened, you would see what I mean... Shishio was evil? Yeah, you can say that, because he was a murderer and all, but he had his reasons... Of course that there are some stupid evil guys, but when you see some as Soujirou and Shishio and characters like that that REALLY have a reason to believe that what they're doing is not evil, then you will see what I mean.
  7. Evil evil evil... Yay... Soujirou is evil, Sephiroth is evil, and they are the COOLEST characters there are!
  8. Nah... The shadows were harder than the sphere itself =D
  9. Hey everyun... Take a look at my lil sphere that I Photoshop made ^^ Tell me what yall think of it ^^
  10. I'm 15, and never kissed... and I agree with what TheDarkOtaku and Mitch said... First, I got my whole life ahead of me, unless something extraordinary happens and I suddenly die. Second, I have more important things to do other than just center my life on girls...
  11. Hmm... Weird? I dunno... Maybe... Some people considerate me evil, some considerate me good... I think that the fact of saying you're "evil" depends of the point-of-view of each one... It's OK that somtimes there is no "other" point-of-view... Oh well, whatever... Anyways, to me evil is cool >=D
  12. I like Joe Madureira... He's not an anime artist, but he makes some of the uncanny x-men drawings... Man he's good...
  13. Hey, [code]|¯| |¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯| |¯| |¯¯¯¯\ |¯| |¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯| |¯| |¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯| |¯| | | | | | |¯| | | |¯| | | |¯| | | | | | | |¯\ \ | | | |¯\ \ ¯| |¯ | | | | | |¯\ \ | |¯| | | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_/ / | | | | / / | | | |_| | | | \ \ | |_| | | |_| | | |¯| | | | | | | | ¯| |¯ | |¯\ \ | | | |/ / | | | |¯| | | | / / | | ¯| |¯ | | | | | |¯| | | |¯¯¯ | |¯¯¯ | | | |_/ / | | | |\ \ | | | | | | | |_/ / | |¯| | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |____/ |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_| |_| |____/ |_| |_| |_|[/code] from the newbie, ME ^^ [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please clean up your post quality in the future by writing more. -Shy[/color][/size][/b]
  14. Hey people, lookie what I've made with Photoshop some time ago... It's just a random background, with no specific theme.
  15. Hmm... Whiskey In The Jar is nice, but it's not theirs you know... It's a cover... And my personal favorite songs would be between Fade To Black, Welcome Home (Sanitarium) and Until It Sleeps I believe
  16. .... That's a bit weird... Why did you use the programs icons instead of a good image there? lol
  17. It's nice in my opinion... A bit blurry I think thuogh...
  18. yeah, the Black Album is cool... I have that one also... I guess the only ones I don't have are the Garage, Inc. and the Master Of Puppets, so I'm downloading the Master Of Puppets right now XD HEh, maybe you're right about the age thing, ya know... I remember when my old brother used to like Metallica around this age also... lol... And his friends did too... XD Now I'm left alone here as a Metallica lover... lol
  19. that's damn solid good there ^^ I will give you a 10/10
  20. K, sorry 'bout the double posting... And the albums are almost non-existing here... You can find only two or three... Which usually are the S&M, the Reloaded, and their newest stuff... But since I have those two already, I'm trying for the older ones...
  21. Hey! It's not bad... Though his face looks a bit odd, his body is well drawn ^^
  22. Blood Stains Always Remain Blood that runs down the grass, cutting winds that through everything pass. Chaothic visions, my role is done, death will rot, even the strongest bone. Fire and hate, the end is near, burning souls, that gods will fear. Visions gone, dust will remain, great drops now, just a ground useless and plain. The world is gone, no more grass, now blood just runs, down the pointy piece of glass. --- Tell me whatchu think of this one, please.
  23. wow! I really liked it ^^ Very truly
  24. Oh yeah, and I forgot to say that the main pic was drawn by a friend of mine and Photoshop-colored by me.
  25. okies, thank you everyun for your opinions... i wasn't really sure about this one...
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