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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. Another Holy War The holy war begun, blood splattered around, countless dead bodies appearing, countless murders, not making a single sound. Death came after many, some died for no reason, however, the end came sooner, for those involved in treason. Slashes and bullets, were all the same, in this dull battle field, that drove many men insane. Some called that a 'holy war', but holy can't be a war, war brings only pain, its destruction can be seen from the stars. When the war is finally over, and many bodies are scattered around, when there are no winners or losers, someone will finally hear a life sound.
  2. y0 everyun, here is a drawing that my brother drew, and I colored it with Photoshop. Tell me what ya think of it ^^
  3. y0 y0, I like it a lot ^^ Yeah, I'm into that pixel-drawing font thing also XD look at my sig and avvie and you will see what I mean XD Pretty good... The colors did nice and didn't clash with the subject of it.
  4. yeah, I can't wait fot that movie also... Hope it's even better than the first one.
  5. I see... though sometimes it's a bit hard to me to do that, as English is not my main language, so most of the times I use a very basic vocabulary XD But thanks anyways, I will try to remember that next time I make a poem ^^
  6. Shinny shinny shinny... lol... Shinny and nice ^^ Yeah, a black one pixel border would look nice there
  7. OK, sorry about the sig thing... I changed it already... And about the sky being pixelated, it was supposed to be like that... I did a "Cutout" on the background so that it could look more "2D-friendly" for working with a 2D pic...
  8. Heh, this is gonna be the last wallpaper I will be posting in a while, or else people will start to say I'm posting too much walls here =p OK, this one is Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage, and the character is Haito, and notice that I am not posting the wallpapers on same threads because sometimes the comentaries are confusing, so I put them on different threads...
  9. You can try Rurouni Kenshin's Saitou... He's tall and skinny, and all you need is his oficer uniform, and a sword, and a straight short hair... dark blue hair... and his clothes are blue... Or try Sanosuke, from Rurouni Kenshin also... All he wears is his white jacket with the kanji for "Evil" on his back, and bandages on his body and hands and legs... oh, and of course, he's tall, slim and has a spikey dark brown hair
  10. Hah, does anyone here like Metallica? If so, tell me what are your favorite albums and songs... Right now I'm learning to play Jump In The fire on the guitar ^^ And also trying to download the Kill 'em All album, so if anyone knows where i can download some of that album's songs easier, tell me ,please.
  11. Hey, one of my latest wallpapers... It's a diferent style than the last one, for those who don't like simple wallpapers, this is a bit diferent ^^
  12. Hey, this is my latest Cowboy Bebop wallpaper. Take a look and tell me what you think of it.
  13. A Blind Man's Crusade I can see what you see not, shadows, fear and what is not. Burning souls and blades of steel, that you can't mourn if you can't feel. Maybe now it's time to go, to go to a place where nothing you will know. Where it's ashes to ashes and dust to dust, where maybe it's a lightning flash maybe it's a wind gust. Where trust can burn and betrayal can kill, where a cold wind can be hot and your spirit can feel. Like the burning souls, like the blades of steel, that once you fear forever you will feel. ---------------- Hello, I am a newbie, as you could probably have noticed already. How do ya all like my poem? BTW, can someone tell me how do i put an image on my signature? the [img] thing is not working for me =/
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