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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. And the matching avi. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=449839[/img]
  2. Hahahaha. Dude, the light is behind her, so I darkened her front a little, because the light source is behind. Get it?
  3. Here is one I made today. Sailor Moon S.
  4. First thing: No, I wouldn't use Goten because I HATE Dragon Ball... Second thing: Thanks people. :D
  5. New banner, check it out. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=449793[/img]
  6. Oh well... I will tell you that in my opinion, they suck. Well, you should really try something different, and GET A BLOODY BETTER PROGRAM, PLEASE! ::ahem:: Now don't go all mad at me for posting this, because so far I've heard, there were more than just me thinking that, but they were afraid of saying it here, so I'm the voice... lol Anyways, that was the destructive part, here goes the constructive one: Try not squashing your pictures like you did in most. Get them normal sized and usr just a smaller portion when needed. Also, try getting a better program than Paint. Even GIMP if you can get shall do better (GIMP = Freeware, downloadable without piracy policy and stuff). And try using different style combinations.
  7. OK, before someone comes and tells me that this and the "my oddzyness" thread are like the same, let me clear out something. This thread I'm using for banners and avatars and anything that would make SENSE. The other thread is used for raw Photoshop and plain ABSTRACT stuff. If this made sense to you, you know what it means then... If it didn't, then whatever. Anyways, here's a new banner I made for someone. No, it doesn't have text, and no, I'm not searching for quotes to insert. And yes, it is B&W, and it didn't take more than 5 minutes to make, so yeah, it's not really that wonderful. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=448808[/img]
  8. Yeah, I am quite proud of this one too ^^ I really liked the background as well, and in my opinion, this one was my best so far. Thanks for the comments.
  9. No, it's just supposed to be plain abstractiveness. Without anything to be related too... lol Although, some have found dragons and dinossaurs and spirits there, those weren't supposed to be there, I swear ::sweatdrop::
  10. Now this one I like a lot. It's an oooold one, but I like it a lot.
  11. Oh dude... First thing: Get better wuality images. Second thing: Put a better quote there.
  12. Hey Dr4g0n, come get your banner. Everyone else: Comments and suggestions? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=447381[/img]
  13. Well, I told you I like your stuff already over AIM, so yeah, I'll say again. They're all very good.
  14. Heh, thanks I guess? lol Anyways, here goes another one.
  15. And the weird shizz returns... lol This one I made yesterday.
  16. That looks quite simple... I won't say I love it, because I'd be lying, but it is nice... Get some better colors though...
  17. Oh God! 279 dollars!? I bought a CD with Photoshop 6 and 7 for 10 bucks dude... You can always try and download it with KaZaA, but if you don't have a fast internet connection, it can take a looooot of time -_- I for myself considerate Photoshop MUCH better than Paint Shop Pro... But you are the one to decide that, if you get Photoshop and like it better, or if you're gonna stick with PSP and try to find out what you can do with it...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gamemasterkev00 [/i] [B]Wow, I thought everyone would say it sucked and to keep out of the banner biz. Anyway, I kinda like the geometrical stuff, and I'm probably the only person who is going to use them (unless someone else likes them) so as long as I like em'... I think I'll stick to this kind of stuff, because I can actually do it.I have no idea how some people come up with these great anime banners and stuff. Plus, I'm really only doing it for fun. I'm not sure I could do something with pics. Maybe if I had some better programs. Anyway, here's another one I threw together. I don't like it as much as the first. [/B][/QUOTE] First thing: Just because you show a first piece of art that sucks it doesn't mean you can't be better later... If I were to show you my first wallpaper, dude, you'd say I would never be able to do good with PS... But here I am... Second thing: What program did you use? Third thing: Practice leads to perfection... It's all I have to say if you want to learn a lot and be a good designer... Follow some tutorials for beginners if you want... I can give you some links if you ask me (not here because we can't link to other sites)... Just keep practicing.
  19. My mom in first place. If it wasn't her I wouldn't be alive now... I don't know what'd be of me if I had to separate from her now... My older brother. He can be a pain sometimes, but I respect him, and we do stuff together and all, so it's nice... Even though we're brothers we don't really fight ^^
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stuart [/i] [B]Uhh theres nothing to say about it, Beside that fact that you just made a wacky color circles and used sunburst in the middle. Just keep expermenting with PSP and spend Lots and lots time for best results :) [/B][/QUOTE] ::coughpspsuckscough:: Errr... Anyways, yeah, There isn't much to say about this one here... Except you should remove all those lots of colors and use just one color or maybe just gray...
  21. Thanks. Yeah, whenever I get the hang of it, I'll show ya all some stuff... But for now ^^;; Oh well, this one banner I made for using at another forums... What do you think of it? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=446220[/img]
  22. You still got a long road ahead of you pal... I'll tell you that the Megaman one is the nicest of those... The Luigi one is very crappy...
  23. Look, they are simplistic and small because they were [b]meant to be like that[/b] OK? If I wanted something full of crap and all busy, I'd make that... But I don't need that OK? And here's a new one. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=446047[/img]
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