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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. And here's a new banner I made today. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=445487[/img]
  2. Get a higher quality pic for the character and just screw that one dude. The quality of it is awful. Other than that, the banner's nice.
  3. Yeah, it is supposed to have some white space, because I don't like my ::cough::[b]wallpapers[/b]::cough:: too full of stuff, because they're actually supposed to be used like that... If that made sense at all.
  4. That tilted Sephiroth looks bad, and about the Naru one, the first one looks good, but the border looks bad, and the second one, the border looks better, but the banner looks worse... That triangle thing with text just didn't look good...
  5. Here is something I made today... The pic itself wasn't wanting to cooperate, so I had to find a way of making it look better... What do you say?
  6. This candle I made with Photoshop only. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=444317[/img]
  7. It would have to be "Velha Infância" by "Tribalistas". I think it's one of the only love songs I actually like... It's a very nice one.
  8. Good for a first try. Font = bad choice... Not that the font itself is bad, but there is an odd stroke on it that gets on my nerves... The faded outline is also not looking good... Just make it solid.
  9. I like 1, 4 and 5. 2 and 3 need more contrast.
  10. I have to agree, the dead guy does get into my nerves as well... But I really like the girl's expression... Her eyes look like... Blank... Really cool.
  11. Black an white? Where? :D Hehe, anyways, here is another one. A Yin-Yang all made with Photoshop. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=442465[/img]
  12. I know it was done with something like that, like those "BMP to HTML" stuff... But I still found it really amazing.
  13. Thanks. Yeah, I myself liked that one ^^ Here is an avatar that .hack//IZUAL asked me to make him. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=441653[/img]
  14. It was supposed to be small, and the font is MS Gothic... It says "kurai shi" which means dark death in japanese. This one banner here I made for Kaola. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=441646[/img]
  15. Hey XB, is it OK to already post our stuff or are we waiting for something yet? [color=teal]*Edited. -Syk3[/color]
  16. Like everyone else, I decided to put my new stuff mostly here... Yah, that's it. To start, a simple banner I made today. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=441624[/img]
  17. [b]Favorite bands:[/b] Metallica Blind Guardian Dir En Grey [b]Favorite songs:[/b] Metallica - Fade To Black Metallica - Ride The Lightning Blind Guardian - Nightfall Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (In The Forest) Dir En Grey - Macabre Dir En Grey - Kasumi
  18. Look at this completely extremely insane thing! Man, someone must have plenty of time in their hands for making something like this oO [url=http://abstract.cs.washington.edu/~renacer/ascii-matrix.html.gz]The Matrix has you![/url]
  19. I like to see what other people see in my stuff... lol All I see are some misty odd stuff, and some people can see waterfalls, faces... lol Well, thanks for the comments anyways.
  20. Oh well, I made this some time ago... Today or yesterday, I don't remember... But here, take a look and tell me about it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=440155[/img]
  21. The font is too damn plain. The images are odd also. Average.
  22. Actresses: Sandra Bulock - She is just really beautiful and she is awesome with acting. Movie: Miss Congeniality Liv Tyler - Really gorgeous and such an awesome actress. Movie: Lord Of The Rings Actors: Tom Hanks - You won't see him doing bad movies... His acting stills are mad. Movie: The Green Mile Sean Connery - He's cool. Movie: The Rock
  23. Oh yeah, and let us not forget about André Oldrich, Blind Guardian's lead guitar player. He's very good too.
  24. You say the US system is lame? So what would you say about here? Shoosh... There just ISN'T any security at all... One goes under arrest and the other day, is released... It's jut really ridiculous. What they should do to that guy? Break both of his legs and arms, then shoot him somewhere not lethal and just throw him inside a cage so that he will rot there... I bet he'd like it very much.
  25. Those are cute Mei. lol Nice work.
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