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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. Well... I never had troubles with JPG if using the right quality... And GIF only does good if it doesn't have gradients and stuff like that... Or else it looks really awful.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by juna [/i] [B]"unless they want to keep it at 100x300 becuase of 56k-ers." [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm... I'm a 31k-er and have no problem with 500x100 sigs ¬_¬
  3. Her face doesn't really look DiGi Charat-ish... But the drawing is nice.
  4. the first one: Good. Simple, small and good. the second one: Average. The quality of the pic is low... But the banner is nice. And you're following a pattern here... I think you should make your stuff more varied.
  5. I'm on. 2D graphics I will sign in for... ph34r m3! OK, I think wallpapers/photo editting also are allowed on this category ne? [color=white]Hahahaha! I'm gonna ownz you Sub! Mwahahaha[/color]
  6. That Hiei one isn't the best thing I've ever seen, but it is nice... It has some parts that look weird, like while he's blinking in different colors or when he turns white... But it is nice... The plush one is low quality... And the scanlines don't go well with that banner.
  7. What? Is that a joke? lol If you save it as JPG with a high enough quality it shall be perfect... But GIF? ¬_¬ Oh yeah, I told you about the "hangiyakushiya" already and what you have to fix there... The eye one is OK, but I don't get what you really did much on that... I don't see much of an image editting... The third one is nice, but you could make it smaller, for it has some space in the middle that doesn't really need...
  8. No, it doesn't make sense syk3... lol Escondido? Wow, that means "hidden"... lol... Odd oO
  9. Uhhh... I believe introduction threads aren't allowed here in OB... Tsk tsk... lol... Well, anyways, welcome Seth.
  10. I'm in Porto Alegre. Mwahahaha! ph34r m3! lol, anyways, if I explained where it is, it would make it even more confusing to most of you people there, so I will just say it is a city in Brazil.
  11. Thanks Shippo... But it seems like no one else's giving a **** about it ¬_¬ Thank you everyone for the comments and critics so far.
  12. What the hell! Shoot me again, I ain't dead yet! _ _" 0dd 5t00f i>ud3! r33lly 0dd 5t00f!
  13. That's really really really awesome dude! Now tell me, will I have to kill you and steal your l33t 3D skillz or will you just teach me them? XD Anyways, what program do you use? 3D Studio Max?
  14. Here it is... Coments? Critics? Whatever?
  15. soundwave2x: I myself don't know for sure... I just seem to "hear something that makes me more interested in this than that"... It just depends... I have to agree that they are all great, like, I wouldn't do what they do even if I tried for a bunch of years... I went to Eric Clapton's last tour (which was here in Brazil) and I can tell that he plays really amazingly as well as the other guys... Jimi Hendrix is awesome also, even though I don't know that much about him and never listened to mreally many of his songs and all, but so far I did, I can tell that he really is awesome, but there is something about Steve Vai's guitar playing that just catches me...
  16. That doesn't look hard to make actually... With Photoshop you can make it very quickly indeed... It is cool, yes, it is... But question is, could you be able to make one exactly like that again?
  17. syk said it was OK, but then he changed his mind -_- Then I put a censor tag... Updated version above...
  18. Damn! That's some really kickass abstract 3D dude! 4 thumbs up to you :)
  19. Just like Semj said, it is not just because he can play with his teeth that I will say he's the best... I'd say that Steve Vai is the best in my opinion, for he can play some really awesome stuff... I don't think that just because one revolutioned guitar playing it means they're the best...
  20. OK, I made this one not very long ago, and one thing, I had to make half of that god damned gray wall behind the girl... That took some time... But tell me your opinion people. EDIT: Due to technical problems, I had to put a censor tag on the wall, so yeah...::stares evily at syk::
  21. Oh well, then I guess I'd have to un-make my banner right Chris? :D I do not have a clue about who that girl is either... But yeah... Here goes the matching avi. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=435576[/img]
  22. The drawing itself is very good man. I'd say that I have to agree about the pupils and the fangs though... But that one there looks quite like the manga art. Very good. Pay attention to his left thumb though... It looks odd...
  23. Hey Koala, get your banner. Comments anyone? Who's gonna throw the first rock? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=434688[/img]
  24. even though that's your style, it doesn't look much like Kenshin... Well, you can tell it's him, but it doesn't look really much like him.
  25. You can make it more 2D friendly, yes. Making it more 3D friendly is hella harder though x_o I know lots of people who can make photos look like an anime background picture, so yeah, you can... I can make it look almost 2D friendly, but it always ends up kinda messy _ _"
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