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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. I was watching "The Crossroads" (not Britney Spears one, but the one with Steve Vai) and wondering, what if there was a guitar duel between all the cool guitarists? Who would probably win? OK, imagine a duel between Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Kirk Hammett and Jimi Hendrix... Who do you think would win and why? I think that Steve Vai would win, because he is not only fast, but he plays so well that you can almost feel the sadness or happiness of a song by just listening to the guitars...
  2. Oh... I didn't see it was you mystikal... lol... Well, maybe that is why it was so impressive... Are you gonna color it or just leave it B&W?
  3. If you put the top and the bottom part further apart, it will look perfect.
  4. I like your art there. Very good indeed. Did you copy it from somewhere or just make it from scratch?
  5. I don't like the clash between real life and 2D characters there, special for that Pikachu there... Either should you make the characters more 3D friendly, or make the background more 2D friendly.
  6. The text sucks in my opinion... The banner itself is OK, but the text just sucks... Try to fix that.
  7. Sephiroth's one is good. The font is hard to read on most of them. Sukima's one has that annoying mirror effect that has to be changed... That's all I guess.
  8. Damn you dude! You just impressed me again! lol, I specially like the transparent effect you used on her skirt. Four thumbs up :D
  9. I like both the avi and the banner. Very nice. Yeah, breaking the images apart can be really fun, if you actually know what you're doing and where you're wanting to get... lol. If you don't, it just messes up.
  10. I like its simplicity, but if you put the guy's face up a bit and try to center more his eyes, and add a black border, it will look better.
  11. That Shippou one looks odd... Like, the color scheme doesn't match there... And those two parts around the transparent area look like glitches... lol, it's odd how I say that quote a lot to my real friends XD That Curious George one is not anything amazing, but it is a good one. Simple, clean and nice.
  12. I don't remember exactly... I know that one winged angel was the name of his theme song, but since I finished the game so long ago I can't even remember anymore XD Back to topic: Now, you can either add more wings or make that one wing look better there to make the drawing look better. I'd suggest adding more wings though.
  13. 1st thing: Age is not the "X" factor... Effort and skills are. 2nd thing: If you want to keep drawing and learn more, maybe you could try some of those internet tutorials on how to draw... They are kinda boring, because of all those ovals stuff and all... But after you get the hang of it, it will be much easier ^^ 3rd thing: Back to the subject, the drawing is not something I would call good... I'm not saying it is bad though, but the proportions are messed up... Work a bit on that and it will be fine.
  14. Sephiroth, the one winged angel is not the one CRAPPY winged angel... Just if you want to use one wing only, fix it at least... It will look much better.
  15. Well... Then he would ask ME to color it, so I will just keep that one on hold for now... Too many stuff already... lol.
  16. I love it man! Like alll of your previous works ::saves:: ::is still wanting to know where all that skill comes from:: XD
  17. Hmm... That's odd... 'cause I don't actually see a wallpaper there... Only a drawing of a rabbit with some green... Leaves? Around... Well, even so, it is nice.
  18. OK, a friend asked me to enter this one as his Gundam. He's a member here, but he didn't post yet, and his user name is "hip".
  19. I didn't mean what program, but what tool... Like, brush? lasso? what do you use? Because it is really neat dude.
  20. It's not really bad... But it is really odd... There is something wrong about it... Like, he has only one wing, and that is odd, and his sword is too damn big. And his face is kinda odd also.
  21. ::a shadow appears outta nowhere:: Hmm... Looks like I've lost the wedding... ::puts on a pointy hat and makes some gestures with his hands::...::some odd stuff appear:: Here... Your marriage gift... A... Ball... Here, take it... lol Anyways, the first banner looks sweet dude, and the second one looks... humm... Well, it's kinda odd and all, but it is original... lol... And VERY unique... lol Well, said what I had to say, I think I'm gonna disappear. ::disappears in the shadows::
  22. That one is almost unidentifiable -_- Sorry, but it just looks odd... Like, something is outta place.
  23. I will tell you... "It's just not right"... Something is odd about it... Well, yellow is a color I wouldn't use with neither Megaman nor Zero... Change that color scheme... And it is too distorted.
  24. That's really awesome dude! What tool do you use for coloring your stuff?
  25. And the avi. Comments any? On yeah, and what blood and what car are you talking about? oO [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=426379[/img]
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