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DarK DeatH

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Everything posted by DarK DeatH

  1. Hey Chris, here is your banner. Everyone else: Comments are appreciated :D [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=426346[/img]
  2. Size doesn't matter here... Nobody's putting their stuff up so that anyone can use as a sig, but this is just to try and show their best works to try and get in the o.a.e.... So yeah, the size won't affect anything here.
  3. [b]Juna:[/b] 1) I really like the freakiness of it. 1o/1o 2) Not more than nice... I think the eyes would need to be farther apart... 8.5/1o 3) I like this one a lot. 9/1o [b]Dark Apocalypse:[/b] 1) I like that one a lot, like I've stated before already. 9.5/1o 2) I dislike the color theme... Doesn't go well with the pics... 7.9/1o
  4. OMG! I'm going slower than a snail on this one here oO Anyways, new update. The Thing is colored now.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SadClown [/i] [B]Btw, I think it's "Christianty" not "Christianism". [/B][/QUOTE] Whatever... That doesn't matter at all... Also, how can you judge what is "righteousness" and what is not? So I believe everyone is up to their own opinion of what is right and what is not... I have nothing against homossexuals, as long as they are not the kind to flirt with you even knowing you don't like it... It can be quite annoying... But I believe that, if man and woman were created, it would be like, not right to put man with man or woman with woman... That's my opinion though...
  6. Hmm... I'm not favorable to it... I mean, according to crhistianism, God made man and woman, and those are supposed to make couples and have children and all... I think that "gay" is like, breaking that thing... I don't know how to explain, but in my opinion, it is not right.
  7. The first one's quality is bitter... Sonic's outlines are jagged... VERY jagged... And also, the image doesn't go well along with the background... The second one got really a good result there ^^ I like it
  8. I like it. Nice chibi drawing ^^ [strike]awesome[/strike] > [i][b]good[/b][/i] > [strike]regular[/strike] > [strike]bad[/strike] > [strike]awful[/strike]
  9. [b]Dan:[/b] 3) Her flying bone is looking odd there... And her facial expression doesn't show much... Like, it seems blank... Nice overall... 8.2/1o [b]Booboo:[/b] 1) I really love how you drew that one... Sometimes if you look carefully, it seems like the whole doll is made of metal... I really like it. 9.8/1o 2) Not something I would say I really like a lot... Maybe that's because I intensely hate DB/Z/GT... Maybe not... Well, since it's well-drawn, I will give you credit for that. 8/1o 3) I like that... I like how you made his expression... Looks really nice ^^ 9.5/1o
  10. Weeeho! [b]Piro:[/b] 1) It really rocks man! I like how that looks like some kind of rock or metal with some heat effect... I really like it. 9.8/1o 2) It's nice, but it has too much contrast on the background, and that blue on the hand just doesn't match... 8.9/1o 3) I think it's nicely done, but the coloring is too... Dirty... It's kind of odd there, but still not bad. 8.2/1o
  11. Yeah, it looks odd an orange gundam oO It's cooler a faint grayish blue with golden details and white on some parts... That'd look neat. :D
  12. [b]Hataki:[/b] 1) I find it quite nice, as the black and white fit greatly that banner. 8/1o 2) I don't like the "operator" on the left and the bottom right green font hurts the eyes. 7.6/1o 3) I don't like the images you chose, because there is not some kind of "harmony" between them. 7/1o [b]Dan:[/b] 1) I like the drawing, but there are some parts that are kinda odd, and I dislike her right hand... Oh yeah, and the fact that "it looks better in person" is no excuse, please... 8.7/1o 2) I have told you what I personally think about this one haven't I? Dude, I really liked it... I don't know why that is, but it just is well-made and it's well-balanced... 9.8/1o [b]Shinobi:[/b] 1) I'm still amazed you could make such a thing with the mouse oO 1o/1o 2) I don't like the contrast of it, and the fact that the swirl lines are too thin... But other than that, I think it's a nice concept. 8.1/1o 3) Its simpleness is quite apealing, but I have to agree that the star bugs me, and so does the glow. 8.7/1o
  13. Well... The most recent thing he sent me is this orc here, but he draws a lot, so if I ask him to send me some of his latest stuff, I can show ya all.
  14. Someone reply next time, so I won't need to double post -_-
  15. DarK DeatH

    my sig

    I believe that's Bahamut, am I wrong? Also, I wasn't trying to put him down... Just telling that what makes it "your" art, is something that you can call your "trademark"...
  16. DarK DeatH

    my sig

    Honestly, I don't like it... It's actually something anyone could do... Just place random screenshots together... To considerate it at least good, it needs one's "special touch"... Like, editting, cutting here and there and voilá! Keep trying though, since it's practice that makes perfect.
  17. Thanks guys. If I feel like, I may do the cutout for that one and make a wall with the full pic.
  18. I like it, although I think that changing the font would look better.
  19. I think it was a very good job. The colors and the subject are good.
  20. That drawing was all made with pencils... It doesn't have an art finalization, so yeah... Also, like I said before, it is really old, and it used to take him not really much time... Here goes another.
  21. No, it's not finished yet... But it's still going... Although it will be on hold for a while when I make this one... I'll keep ya all informed on it, don't worry.
  22. I think that when you say you wouldn't love that person anymore, it's not something I would be 100% sure about... I mean, if you REALLY did love that person, you wouldn't simply lose your love for her/him... Probably no matter what... Breaking up and "not forgiving" don't mean not loving right? Like, you're deeply hurt, but you know that you still wanted to be with that person, even though if you may hate them for what happened...
  23. Don't worry, you're still maybe not insane... That's something normal... Depression, stress, confusion... It makes you 95% human ~_^ I know what you mean with that, even though I've never been through the exact same situation, I had something that looked a bit like that already... It's not a comfortable situation you stay at... Like, whatever you say, one person will be sad or angry or mad at you... It really sucks... Well, all I can say is that I wish you luck.
  24. Here, I found a pic yesterday that I thought was cool, but since I was too pissed off to do the cutout really good, I just made it really simple... What do you tell me about this one? Oh yeah, it's from a comic named Exarch, that is drawn by Joe Madureira...
  25. OK, coloring proccess = started. Take a peek.
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