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Everything posted by Eclectic
Xaphania felt Damien from a hill not far away where she was napping. Knowing it was someone new and thinking it was a kai, she flew over humming happily to herself. She landed lightly next to him, barely looking. "Hi! My name's Xaphania Kai! Who are you? I don't remember seeing you before." "My name is Damien." She took a closer look at him. "Hmm. You don't look like kai. What are you? And where did you come from? You would happen to have seen Chance, would you?" He looked furious. "Why do you ask so many questions?" "That's just the kind of person I am. You don't have to be rude!" With that, she flew off, looking for Chance. Stopping, she turned around and yelled "Get rid of the spikes! They're not cute!"
Xaphania smiled. "I plan to attack God. He's the reason I've been down here for eons." "But why are you here?" She laughed. "I have a slight problem with authority. I could have been one of the highest ranking angels in His armies, but pride goeth before the fall. I fell in love with...someone. He's of no importance. Now let me introduce you to my partner, Maelstrom, before you say another word." She let out a loud, shrill whistle. In a flurry of black feathers, the large black gryphin land next to her. "Are you going to change your mind? Decide now."
Cecilia looked at all the distruction. "Oh My God! What happened here?" *Prior* Her lacrosse game had been cancelled for some stupid reason. She didn't have far to walk and headed home. A block away, she felt tremors in the ground. She looked up just in time to see the tree she had climbed so often as a child crack. She ran down the street, ducking just in time to aviod the falling tree and ran inside. "This can't be happening!" she muttered. Her frightened puppy met her at the door. "Come on, Maelstrom," she said, picking him up, "we have to get some things." She ran to her room, grabbing the backpack she usually saved for school. Dumping all its contents, she ran quickly around the house, gathering food, clothes, shoes, anything she thought she'd need. Last, she got Maelstrom's carrier, her lacrosse stick, and stick bag. She glanced around, her eyes falling on the huge glass display case in her living room. Her parents loved collecting relics and had just acquired a pair of sais. They were rumored to hold mysterious powers and bring about the end of the world. She had been staring at them almost longingly. Though no one was home, she quietly slid away the glass door and took the sais, along with a mirror she had always thought was cute. There was a loud creak upstairs. The roof was about to cave in. She ran from the house just in time. The collapsing roof revealed the red roadster in the garage. "Score!" She grabbed the spare keys from the hook and got in. Hopefully, her parents wouldn't be too harsh when they realized the car was gone. *Now* She drove into the country, past tiny towns and sometimes a big city. All of them were crumbled, ruined. Her anger rose at the sights of fallen skyscrapers and shattered little houses as lightening crackled in the sky. She slowed down, looking for a place to stay because the lightening storm seemed to be following her. As she calmed down, so did the storm. Pulling over, she took out the sais. As if by instinct, she pointed at the ground and yelled some command. Instantly, a bolt leapt to the ground, leaving a piece of dirty glass in its wake. Fortunately, she thought to bring her cell phone. Quickly, she dialed her best friend. -beep-We're sorry, all lines are currently busy. Please hang up and try again.-beep- She hung up. There was no chance of her getting through. Slightly discouraged, she got back into the car and drove into a tiny hamlet. Even here, everything was ruined, including a large, black stone tower. She got out again. "Excuse me," she said to the first passing resident. "What has happened? Do you know?" The man screamed and ran, as did everyone else she met. Something was very wrong. She drove to the egde of a forest. "Oh no! Even the trees are dying!" Her thoughts strayed back to her own tree, the own she loved so much. She shook her head. It wouldn't help to dwell on the past. She stopped again. The trees were to close together for her to drive, so she left the car, and some non-essential things, behind. She saw someone far ahead of her. "Hey! Hey, you! Wait a minute! You!" The guy turned and she ran to catch up. "Where are you going? And what's with the hood?" OOC: That was pretty good for a first post! And the mirror she took is just a very pretty, very ornate mirror, nothing special. ;) I hope this makes up for my lateness!
One question. Are you still accepting applications for anything? It sounds like this will be quite interesting.
OOC: I must have a knack for being late. Sorry I haven't posted sooner. IC: Xaphania ran to the battle. She arrived just in time to see a boy with metallic wings fly to meet two other angels. He seemed different somehow. Not only was he bio-engineered but he looked so young. She waited below for him. It didn't take long. "So, boy, what's your name?" "Sebastian. Why?" "No reason. There's someone I hold a grudge against and I need capable angels to help me fight against him. Will you help me?" OOC:Wow, that was pretty short. I'll do better next post.
OOC: Thanks for clearing that up, Geist! IC: Xaphania started to run after him, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw yet another fast car. With a smirk on her face, she quickly picked the locks and started the car. Driving after him, she thought of what she'd do when she finally caught him. While thinking she glanced at her watch and gasped in horror. She had about 15 minutes to get 'home'. She did a U-turn and droveas fast as she could. Arriving just in time, she took a quick shower and slept. She awoke the next night at around nine. Feeling restless again, she went back to the club, hoping Joe would be there. He wasn't. She decided the only other place he might go was back to his house. She drove there, and seeing a light in his window, quietly climbed the tree. He was home again. She jumped through his window, though this time he didn't look nearly as suprised. "You wouldn't happen to be following me, would you?" he asked. "If so, it would happen to have anything with that blonde guy?" "Well," she replied, "Yes, I'm following you because...that doesn't matter. And no, I have absolutely nothing to do with that blond. But I do have a proposition for you. I can make you immortal, stronger, better in every way. What do you say?"
OOC: Okay, now I'm really confused. I'm just gonna go with what you said, Baka. And if you want, you and everyone else can just call me Tigger. IC: "Where did he go now?" Xaphania muttered. The blonde turned out to be in league with the daywalkers. Didn't matter much anyway. Suddenly she heard the roar of an engine. It sounded suspicously like the car she had stolen. She turned just in time to see Joe drive off in her car. "If he puts so much as a scratch in that paint job, I'll kill him, no matter what kind of blood he has!" OOC: This is really short put I have some stuff to do. I'll be back later.
Name: Cecilia Noble Age: 16 Weapon: Lightening Sais Appearance: short spiky red hair, little red lightening bolt shaped tattoos under each eye, average height and build, grey eyes. Usually wears a red shirt, black skirt, black high-heeled boots, and a black duster. Bio: Cecilia had an usually happy and sheltered childhood with a pretty wealthy family. Now, she regrets evry moment she didn't spend with all the other children in the neighborhood. She left home at age 12 to train in the martial arts under a revered master. She has now finished her training, and returned home, where she is a sophomore in high school. She plays lacrosse and field hockey. She also has a puppy named Maelstrom. Her parents collect rare artifacts, like the Lightening Sais.
Name: Xaphania (angel); Sophia Xaphania Greene (human) Type of Angel: Fallen Angel Light or Dark: Neither but leaning towards Dark Weapon: a pair of silver sais and her companion, a gryfin named Maelstrom Age: 16 (human) Sex: Female Appearance (Human): Short red hair usually spiky in some way, caramel skin, gray eyes, average height and build. Usually wears a black duster with a hood, black fading jeans, black high-heeled boots, and a baby blue tee-shirt. Appearance (Angel): Long black hair with many thin streaks of red, large gray wings, everything else the same. Bio: Eons ago, Xaphania was thrown from Heaven for reasons now unknown. She wanders the Earth, causing chaos wherever she goes. There are rumors that she may be in love with Uriel, but she denies such a thing.
Here four more poems of mine. The Key to Life is my most upbeat one yet. I wrote because I was thinking of one of my friends whose friend had committed suicide and wondered what would have happened if someone told him that he shouldn't. There's more to that story, but I'll leave it there. ~~~~~ The Key to Life If Communication is the key to life Then I will never die. If Love is the key to life Then I may never find it. If Friendship is the key to life Then I'm pretty well off. If Happiness is the key to life Then I have my Ups and Downs. If Education is the key to life Then I have a long road ahead. But If I'm the key to life Then maybe it's you instead. ~~~~~ Night's Velvet Maiden Flying Along Spiraling Ever Down When Shall I Ever Again Touch the Ground? Though The Sky Be Beautiful In The Day And At Night With Sun, Moon, Stars Twinkling Bright White Blazes At Flight. For Once I Wish For Soft Ground Under Foot And Blooming Spring Flowers To Grow Where I Once Stood. How Long Shall It Be Ere I Alight Again? Long Will It Be Ere I Alight Again. ~~~~~ A Promise I'll Forever Keep You know that I am sorry For that promise I never kept. That time when you fell And I never looked back. I should have turned around, Should have stayed no matter what, You know I am sory For that promise I never kept. If I find myself Faced with that again, I'll laugh in Danger's face And to you stay ever true. I'll try not to break that promise again, A promise I'll try to keep. If it ever happens That I do stumble and fall, Protect me, Protect me, That promise I swore to keep. I'll never run away When on your deathbed you lay. I'll stay forever true To the oath I made to you. Never shall I stray, This oath I make today, Just for you this is A Promise I'll Forever Keep. ~~~~~ Fallen Angel's Prophecy on Popularity Popularity Ain't it such a fickle thang? One day you can have the entire World in your palm... The next a rumor starts to spread... then another... and another... and another... Until nothing cold ever save your Precious Reputation. You stood on top of your Pedestal Surveying your World Picking and Choosing who would be next. Then you stumbled and fell... and fell... and fell... You've hit the floor. Face it. You belong to Me now. You belong to all the victims of your lies Who've fallen because you were so Selfish. It was always about you. Now... It's My Turn to Choose your Fate...
Xaphania left the club around 4 in the morning, leaving herself only an hour to get home. Something just didn't feel right. With nothing better to do, she went back to Joe's house. He always made her feel better somehow. When she arrived, she noticed his light was on. 'He can't still be studying, can he?' she muttered to herself. 'It's so late!' There was a tree nearby, the same one she had been standing under earlier. The window was open so she could hear everything. A vampyre hunter was trying to convince him not to join us. What an idiot. She jumped through his window, scaring him a little. "Who are you?" "My name's Xaphania. If you haven't noticed, I'm a vampyre. If you want to leave here, come with me." "You aren't gonna kill me, are you?" "No. And I probably never could." With that, she turned and stood by the open window. "Well, are you coming?" OOC:Well, that was crap.
OOC: Sorry I'm joining so late! My profile is in the Recruitment, so don't worry. IC: Xaphania looked around. It wasn't much, but there was good food. Sometimes it was even cute. Pulling up the hood of her duster and dropping her cigarette, she headed for the club. There was nothing to be gained here. Even so, he looked so cute doing his homework! Maybe he'll even follow me... "Good-bye for now, Joe. Maybe tomorrow night." Seh walked slowly, stopping only to buy more cigarettes. She recieved a curious stare from the store's newest employee but nothing more. The owner knew what she was. She had been going there for months now. No one in Night City bothered her anymore. She continued on her way, past the neon lights. Again she stopped, this time to steal a car. It was almost as if it was calling her name. Any fast car would do that to her. That's why she was a vampyre in the first place. Drifting from thought to thought, she drove, slightly recklessly, towards to club. She parked and walked in. "Hey!" one of the bouncers said gruffly. "Where do you think you're going?" "Maybe you are as stupid as you look! Maybe not..." she said seductively. She lured him into an alley and drained him quickly, dumping the corpse into a dumpster. She walked back into the club with no problems. "So many choices, so little time," she muttered. She fixed her hair, hiding her pointed ears, pulled back her hood, and strode through the club.
Thanks for everything! I'll definitely be taking all of your advice.
Name: Xaphania gender: Female Guardian of Fire Apperance: Elbow length red hair, blue skin, purple looking eyes. usually wears blue jeans, a t-shirt with the japanese symbol genki on it. Oh yeah, she looks like a 16-year-old. bio: Xaphania is rumored to be the daughter of one of the Z warriors, though no two stories agree on who. She is a great fighter and many of her hidden abilities are revealed when she is mad. She is secretly in love with Chance (shush, don't tell anyone) but mostly just floats, around talking to anyone and everyone. She'd do anything to protect her home, family, and friends. personality: a happy, bubbly, usually annoying kind of person. can have a very bad temper. Weapon: a pair of sais
Name: Xaphania Age: 20 Affiliation: Vampire and member or the Feral Beast gang Weapons: a pair of stainless steel sais Description: Black hair half way between her shoulders and elbows usually in a messy bun, gray eyes, average height, always wears black jeans, a black fitted blouse, and a black duster. Bio: Xaphania was only 16 when she died. At night, she sometimes wandered through clubs, hunting for her next meal or companion, without much luck. After wandering for a year, she became a member of the Feral Beast gang, looking for acceptance.
Name: Raven Darkholme X Name: Mystique Mutant Ability: Transforming into anyone or anything (Human or Mutant) Children (if any): Kurt and Rogue(adopted) Good or bad: Bad
Okay, here's my latest poem. And I decided to take out some things in my fanfics. ~~~~~ Nobody's Listening Screaming Shouting Yelling Crying Why won't you listen? Try as I might Loud as I am Nobody Hears Me Famous as I am Infamous as I am Nobody Hears Me Screaming screaming screaming screaming screaming ... LISTEN TO ME! ~~~~~ Not the best, but the one with the most emotion.
I have a few poems and fanfics i'm writing or have written, but i don't know what to do with them. any ideas anyone? PS: I can't get any one to post chapter two of one of my fanfic because of language.